OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
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  • Outdoors match
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OCW - May Flowers: Kiara Vs Bob

Fitbob1 (deleted member)


17:11 Fitbob1: It’s a nice bright Saturday early morning and as usual I m on a long jog into the woods that’s located south of my farm wher I live.. wearing a T shirt, shorts and Shoes, I am off for my long 10 mile jog into the woods.. the weather is awesome, and it’s feeling great for a jog.. listening my favorite Classic Rock bands thru my EarPods, I am getting into the rhythm and going deep into the woods..
17:11 Fitbob1: Yt
17:21 Kiara_Wrestler: it's an amazing spring day, sunny and hot, I woke up early so I moved out to jog into the wood, usually nobody is there so early so I wear a light green top and panties of same color, I don't shame to show off my 5'9" 165 lbs body, I am running but as I turn on a footpath I see someone else is here, I don't care at beginning but as you are closer my face turn anrgy, I can't believe you are here, that silly boy who harassed my friends at gym, I promised to them I've cared to give you a lesson, looks like you didn't see me and you move deep into the wood, I stop my running, I wait some time to calm down my breatghing than I follow you throught the flora, caring to move silently like an huntress yt
17:21 Kiara_Wrestler:
17:27 Fitbob1: I continue my run into the deeper woods.. the weather is awesome for the run and enjoying my music, I don’t notice you and continue my run.. my 165 cm 65 kgs body slowly staring to sweat and my breathing getting heavier as the terrain starting to raise upwards towards the Hill..
17:27 Fitbob1: Yt
17:30 Kiara_Wrestler: I see your shape ahead, not very far but neither so close, I move diagonally, increasing the speed trying to surpass you as I am ahead I move toward your direction to block you way "well well well look who ise here?" I say with an evil smile on my face, arm crossed under my breasts, my quads bulging yt
17:35 Fitbob1: Suddenly from nowhere you come in front of me and I stop.. wonder who you are, I have never met you before, but you are looking Hot and your big hard muscles are ripping all over and your quads are bulged out huge as you block my way.. I come to a halt feeling irritated.. heyyy what’s this? Why are you blocking me ? Uhhhh ? I side step quickly and continue my run faster towards the hill.. the up hill terrain is making the run tougher as I start to breath heavily as I try to run faster avoiding you and leaving you behind..
17:35 Fitbob1: Yt
17:39 Kiara_Wrestler: I shake my head as you step off to run away I extend my leg trying ot catch your foot to make you stumble over..."who am I dumb?" I ask...my voice is not friendly "did you remember that guys and gals you harassed at gym last day? well they are my best friends, maybe they are not big and strong like me..but you made a big mistake argue with them" my voice lower, turning into a whisper "I promised them I would have kicked your butt"...yt
17:44 Fitbob1: I stumble but don’t fall.. heyy what are you talking about ? I did not harass anybody.. you are mistaken.. and staring at your tall muscular body wondering what you are doing in these woods.. normally no one comes here except a very few who live around here.. trying to raise my chest and stand tall in front of you as I face you.. my arms crossed across my chest..
17:44 Fitbob1: Yt
14:40 Kiara_Wrestler: I disappointed you don't admit you harassed my friends, my eyes narrow "you did!" I say with a voice like I was spitting poison on your face, you look kinda bully with arms crossed under your chest but I know how to tame people like you...I step in, moving my shoulder like to deliver a punch but I put my hands on your chest and try to shove you back yt
16:40 Fitbob1: As you put your hands on my chest I quickly bring my hands inside yours and push your hands outwards and quickly place my hands on your shoulders and try to push you back..Heyy who the hell are you to ask me ? If your friends have problems with me, ask them to come to me.. you get lost from here, before you get hurt..
16:40 Fitbob1: Yt
09:26 Kiara_Wrestler: mphh you are quick as I move my hands on your chest you pyr my arms and push me on shoulders, but I am don't mean to let you take advantage "I am enough to teach you manners boy" I reply as you push me I do one step back grabbing your wrists I use your pushing strenght to yank you toward me, raising my right leg I try to ram my knee on your gut "let see who is gonna get hurt" yt
13:40 Fitbob1: My arms grabbed and my gut is unprotected and as you yank me in I get pulled and then your knee raising up and hitting my gut hard.. ahhhhh .. I bend forward gasping for breath and try to yank and pull my hands out of your grip to free myself first , to launch my attack on you ..
13:41 Fitbob1: Yt
15:28 Kiara_Wrestler: SBAMMMM my knee lands on your gut like I hoped, you double over I let go your wrists, you attacke me but I don't mean keep to look at you as move in (I guess) I step aside and turn around you, trying to move behind you, slamming my breasts on your back I try to hug your waist yt
18:09 Fitbob1: I free my hands and move forward, but you quickly move around me and before I could turn I feel your pecs hitting against my back and I am pushed forward.. I see your arms coming around my waist.. damn this girl is quick.. I try to push your arms away and move away from you to regain myself to face you again..
18:09 Fitbob1: Yt
14:17 Kiara_Wrestler: "ohh boy where do ya think to go?" I hiss, as I feel my arms around your waist I grab my wrists, flexing my muscles to hold you thigthly both to counter your attempt to get free and to squeeze your body against my strong body, I take a deep blow and try to lift you up to make you feel how much strong I am yt
17:49 Fitbob1: I try to push your hands but your hands overcome my push ending up wrapping around my waist.. I feel trapped and my back pressed hard against your body.. then I feel my legs leaving the floor and get lifted off.. heyyy wtf heyyyy.. trying hard to regain my footing on the ground but I m lifted up high.. kicking my legs in air in desperation.. your arms starting to squeeze around my and I start to loose air.. gasping out hard as you squeeze.. trying to pull your hands off .. aggghhhaaaaaaaa
17:50 Fitbob1: Yt
11:30 Kiara_Wrestler: mphh as your feet leave the floor I turn my body side to side while I squeeze your body to weaken you, my muscles flexed "so boy, do you know I could break you in half just if I increased my hug on your weak body?" I say then I fall forward trying to slam you down and land on your back....yt
11:41 Fitbob1: You are shaking me side to side like a pendulum..Heyyy stop that.. nooooo.. grunting loud and struggling to break your hold.. but then you fall and I go down on my chest.. I place my hands on the floor to break the fall and reduce the impact on my chest.. and at the same time try to turn hard to break your hold around my waist..
11:41 Fitbob1: Yt
11:49 Kiara_Wrestler: I land over you but you don't slam hard on ground like I hoped since you use your hands on ground...I let go your waist during the falling but I try to wrap one arm around your neck, grabbing my own wrist attemtping to set a guilottine, my bicep flexes around your throath yt
11:54 Fitbob1: As you grab around my neck in a guilottine choke.. my neck is bent ackwardly.. bitch let me gooooo.. I send punches into your sides with my fist in desperation to hurt you and make you loosen your hold so that I can pull my head out and get free from you..
11:54 Fitbob1: Yt
11:58 Kiara_Wrestler: mphh I increase my grip "you are gonna spit blood slut boy" I hiss as I continue to apply my hold with no pity but you deliver some punches backm I try to move my body to avoid but one fist hit my tit OUCHHh I scream and I am forced to let you go, I step back holding my breasts "how did you dare?" I ask with face red for anger yt
12:03 Fitbob1: I pull my head out of your hold and hurriedly move back.. damn it hurts.. massaging back of my neck as it feels sore and I m kinda dazed by the brutality of the choke.. lil more time, I might have been knocked out .. the idea of getting ko by a younger girl is not acceptable.. standing on my feet , I look at you in anger and lil fear as you have really dominated me pretty easily so far..
12:03 Fitbob1: Yt
12:09 Kiara_Wrestler: I massage my sored tit, it hurts but I can bear, I take a fight stance, arms up, hands closed to fists near my face...my left foot forward "that was just a taste of my strenght" I say to make you nervous, flexing my massive quads to let you know with who you are treathin, I move slowly toward you like an huntress looking to her prey, starting to circle you and looking to your reactions yt
12:13 Fitbob1: I watch you as you circle like a tigress on her hunt.. I slowly keep backing off from you.. arms in guard.. watching carefully and also keeping a distance to enable me to react if you were to charge at me suddenly.. your height and your muscles are intimidating.. trying to keep my chest up and arms flexed yo show off my upper body flex..
12:13 Fitbob1: Yt
12:16 Kiara_Wrestler: a teasing smile curls on my face "are you shy to attack a woman?" I ask provocatory, breathing to make my round breast swollen, I suddely move my right shoulder faking a jab but I step in throwing my back let trying a front kick to you belly yt
12:20 Fitbob1: Losing concentration as I see your boobs expand wide.. and then I hurriedly try to defend your fake jab with both my arms up leaving my abs open for attack, and then comes your kick.. ahhhhhhhhh being thrown back hard by the kick as I land hard on my butt and back yards away .. ahh ahhhh gasping for breath and trying to raise up slowly.. ahhh ahhh…
12:20 Fitbob1: Yt
12:24 Kiara_Wrestler: SBAMMM my sole lands on your abs and you fly back, I don't mean give your time to recover as well as I don't want let you breath neither, I move back my kicking foot on groud forward to leap over to move closer...pivoting on my standing leg I show you my side shooting up my other leg to deliver an hard sidekick on your chest to send you again as you are standing up yt
12:26 Fitbob1: I cross my arms against my chest and take the kick on my arms.. but the force off the kick again sends me flying back and I land on my back.. squirming and rolling on the floor and my body aching all over.. but I gather my strength and try to get up again..
12:26 Fitbob1: Yt
12:30 Kiara_Wrestler: Ohh I growl as you manage to block my kick, but not bad you fall on your back again "ohh boy do you have some balance issues? you can't stand on yur feet?" I tease you as I move as fast as I can forward, I leap again but this time I jump up extending my leg trying to land with the back of my thigh across your body with a leg drop hoping to be fast enough to catch you as you are on ground yt
12:32 Fitbob1: I am trying to raise up and you jump and try a leg drop.. I try desperately to roll out fast trying to avoid your thigh landing on my chest.. noooooooooo.. I roll fast..
12:32 Fitbob1: Yt
12:36 Kiara_Wrestler: as I flying toward you I see you roll out from my path.."OHH SHITT" I can't stop my drop so I land on my fit butt on the ground, the leaves covering the forest ease a little the fall, but I am disappointed I couldn't it you...I growl and with a jump I stand up quickly, massaging my butt..."you can't runaway forever" yt
12:38 Fitbob1: I barely manage to escape that crazy move by you and you land on the floor and I expect you to get hurt a bit from that hard fall.. I move away on my fours and try to get on my feet and run away from you.. I am a fast runner.. I should out run you.. but my body aching I don’t know how far I can go..
12:38 Fitbob1: Yt
12:43 Kiara_Wrestler: lol..I lift tons of weights when I squat at gym, not easy to hurt my ass...I regroup my stance, I see you stand on all fours but you do a movement like the start of a runner.."where do you think to gO?" I scream as I chase you, I run fast too my quads shake each time my feet touch the ground, you don't run fast since your body is aching, so I reach you as we are close to the footpath, I bend my knees then I dive forward trying to hug your waist to take you down yt
12:47 Fitbob1: I try hard to run.. but I hear your footsteps coming closer and closer. I am trying hard but then I I feel your arms around my waist.. I scream out Noooooo and before I can do anything I am being lifted and taken hard along the ground and I fall on the sandy floor.. ahhhh ahhhhhhh scream loud in pain and shaking my head as I am totally dazed by that fall .. trying to figure out what just happened and where am I ..
12:47 Fitbob1: Yt
12:49 Kiara_Wrestler: I manage to take you down, your body under mine as I land on your back...I straddle over you back, I guess you can't react fast since you look dazed so I grab your hair yanking to lift your head as I wrap my other arm around your neck to choke you again but this time I close my knees on your sides preparing the next move yt
12:53 Fitbob1: Kicking my legs and shaking my body desperately trying to dislodge you.. get offf me bitch.. you can’t do this to me.. you don’t know who I am.. you will regret hitting me.. I will make you and your friends suffer for this.. Grrrrrrr
12:53 Fitbob1: Yt
12:56 Kiara_Wrestler: "Ohh really? my legs are shaking for fear" I reply as I flex my strong bicep on your throath, still holding your hair I turn on my shoulder trying to make you roll on side, extending one leg under your body, the other one over to place your sides between my massive thighs, preparing a scissor yt
13:00 Fitbob1: I panic.. heyyy don’t you hear me ? Stop now.. ahhhhhhhhhh.. trying to hit your side ribs with my elbow.. leave me now.. don’t do that.. I start to shake and twist not letting you scissor me while I continue to hit you with my elbow..
13:00 Fitbob1: Yt
13:02 Kiara_Wrestler: as I roll on my side I try to keep my body glued on your back to hold you thighlty and to dont' let you hit me in good way with your elbows shoot, I grunt bearing your shoot as I cross my feet to have a good lock..yt
13:04 Fitbob1: I scream “Get offf bitch” but you continue to have me in your hold and I try hard not to leg you scissor me.. my elbow hitting you but you don’t seem to be affected by that.. hey hey get offf.. I panic and scream..
13:05 Fitbob1: Yt
17:16 Fitbob1:I scream “Get offf bitch” but you continue to have me in your hold and I try hard not to let you scissor me.. my elbow hitting you but you don’t seem to be affected by that.. hey hey get offf.. I panic and scream..)
17:21 Kiara_Wrestler: I got you, I don't mean to let you go, I increase the pressure of my thighs around your body as I also tighten my hold around your neck to squeeze the soul off you, I feel your elbows strike hit my body but you don't have a good position to hit me hard.."you are fucked boy" I hiss...yt
17:21 Kiara_Wrestler:
17:26 Fitbob1: Ahhhhhhh bucking up and slamming my waist down again and again to cause strain in your thighs as they hit the ground u der my body weight.. my arms grabbing your forearm and try to pry them out.. panting for breath..
17:28 Fitbob1: Just then couple of your college girl friends are hiking by.. they scream.. heyyyy that’s Kiara.. heyyyy Kiara, are you ok ? What’s happening ?
17:28 Fitbob1: Yt
17:30 Kiara_Wrestler: I turn my hips to keep you down on ground..my quads flexed at max power as my arms are chocking your neck, my body is a bulging mass of muscles with one goal only break you into half...."so will you hassle my friends again slut boy?" I ask as I eeven increase my strenght...I suddenly hear the voice of my friends.."galsss come here, I have a surprise for you" yt
17:32 Fitbob1: Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh crying out in pain as your quads squeeze me more and more.. ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Noooooooo…can’t move at all and in your total control..
17:32 Fitbob1: Yt
17:33 Fitbob1: I see the girls come towards us quickly…
17:33 Fitbob1: Yt
17:36 Kiara_Wrestler: I focus now to squeeze your neck with all strength I have to make you passout as my friends are very close I can even hear their steps on muddy sand..."are you ready to sleep?" I ask as I start to sing a Lullaby into your ear yt
17:38 Fitbob1: Let me goooooo.. I try to shake and move, but I can’t.. let me gooooooooo… ahhhhhhhhhh.. please.. I hear your friends standing close and laughing.. Hey Kiara.. you got him for good.. he ain’t going nowhere.. haha..
17:39 Fitbob1: Gasping and panting and trying hard to breath in..
17:39 Fitbob1: Yt
17:41 Kiara_Wrestler: I smile and nod to my friends, my face is red for the strain I am having to hold you but I feel you are weakening...I say grinding to my friends "this is my gift for you gals" I then scream using all strenght i have squeeze you as hard as I can yt
17:42 Fitbob1: I scream to Mercy Mercy ahhh please Help Help Help anybody here ? Help meeeeeee ahhhhhhhhhhhh…
17:44 Fitbob1: Your friends now sitting near us .. mmmm Kiara, his screams are like music to our ears.. they start to take video of me crying and struggling..
17:44 Fitbob1: Yt
17:47 Kiara_Wrestler: as I hold you thightly one girl take a video the other deliver a kick on your ribs..."ohh this slut boy is crying? shoul we call his mommy?" she asks teasing "so I hope to don't see you at gym anymore or Kiara will be even more bad next time, so you understand?" she push her shoes on your face to let you know she is not laying..yt
17:49 Fitbob1: Get offf Bitch .. ahhhhhhhhh .. you girls will pay for this 😡😡😡.. breathe deep to stay on.. and scream HELPPPPPPPPP..
17:49 Fitbob1: Yt
17:51 Kiara_Wrestler: "Okay that's all we have to do more" I am holding your head into a sleeper hold "you don't have learnt the lesson yet" I flex muscles of my arms to send you in dreamland, pulling your head up to stretch also your neck yt
17:52 Fitbob1: Ahh ahhh my body trembling and shivering.. ahhhhhh ahhhhh ahhhh ahhh ahh ah a ……………
17:53 Fitbob1: Is he gone ? Your friends ask..
17:54 Kiara_Wrestler: "not yet" I reply grinding my teeth as I keep my hold, my arms are burning for strain but I guess you'll pass out very soon yt
17:56 Fitbob1: My body is jerking slowly.. my eyes are staring into nowhere.. I can’t hear anything..
17:57 Fitbob1: Your friends “ hey Kiara can we take his clothes as a trophy”
17:57 Fitbob1: Yt
18:02 Kiara_Wrestler: finally I feel your body wimp, I let you go and roll on ground, laying on my back..panting as I recover for the long strain, my muscles burn "ohh sure leave all clothes from him I have something in mind" as I am recovering my friends remove all clothes by you, as you are naked I lift you on my shoulder and carry you toward a tree, my friends tie your arms and your legs to the trunk, ona take a lipstick from her bag and write on your chest and belly "don't threaten us again!" they take some shoots and publish it into all social networks (END)

Published: 2023-05-14, viewed 58 times.




2023-05-14 16:53

Not very poor thing ...