OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Clara & Kelsey: The Final Show Down


I stertch a bit in the spare room, as I try to get the nerves out of my system by shaking my limbs. Last time was certainly not my best showing at all, having been some months since then, we opted to have our tiebreaker match. This time 100k, bragging rights, and slavery down on the line as I take a harsh sip of my coffee as I take deep breathes, tryiung to ease my nerves. I enter the bathroom as I wash my face and shake my head looking at my self in the mirror, my hair up in a tight ponytail as I stand in my rather revealing and lacey red and black lingerere. I crack my neck as I try to psyche myself up, imaginaing all the ways I can beat you as I get out of the batrhoom and go to the mats, stretching as I wait for you.

Coming off my clear and decisive victory over you, Making sure that i kicked your sorry ass in a humiliating fashion that i know is probably still giving you nightmares. I quickly get changed in the adjacent bedroom alot is on the line her tonight 100K and the coveted apartment house championship belt '' and a little extra added bonus that we both agreed upon winner gets to put the looser into slavery for an undisclosed amout of time.....im wearing for this fight a bright yellow lace bra matching garter and thong and a pair of ultra sheer yellow tinted nylons with the line down the back knowing that this out fit will surely get all these horney buisnessmen in attendence fired up. I quickly take a sip of water then a deep breasth and then head out to the spacious living room where the mats have been laid out and as soon as i make my way over to my side .....and begin to stretch thats when all the cat calls and whistling Mtc

and some sparce applause from the men in attendance....i slowly get down on my knees trying to give them a little bit of a show and stretch out at the same time as i wait for you to show up

I make my way to the room as I hear the cheers and claps of applause as I wear my red lacey bra, my garter a stark black as my thong turns to a deep bred matching my bra, as I wear a light black tintned nylons. I enter the living room confident as I see you putting on a show for the men in attendace. I glare at you as the humiliation of the last match rushes to my mind and I feel a huge wave of anger towards you. I stand oppossite you as the men cheer for us both as I start stretching before I try to one up you and do the splits while I stretch, twerking my cheeks as their cat calls and whistle vibrate thorught teh room as I crack my neck my glaring at you intently, barring my teeth.

I see the room full of men now turn their attention to you as you enter the room catcalling and whistling at you it seems the room is split half cheering for you and half for me....i quickly stand and tie my long brunette hair into a tight ponytail my body already covered in a light sheen of persperation ,,, i now turn my full attention towards you looking you up and down as i now bounce up and down on my toes very eager to get this started and prove once again that i am the better fighter.....


The room is split between us as the men cheer for me while the other boys cheer for you. I see your body covered in some light sweat as y ou pull your hair in a ponytail. I get up, matching you as my attention is turned towards you as bare my teeth towards you. I crack my neck while you bounce up and down on your toes, not wanting to waist any time I reach forward, lunging as my hands try to go for your hair only to pull back last second as I try to ram my knee into your naval.


with my eyes glued onto you not trusting you as far as i can throw you, haveing been on the recieving end of alot of your dirty tactics ive learned quicte a bit and take nothing for granted. Suddenly and out of no where you chare in right at me i go to block your hands from grabbing ahold of my hair but at the last second you go in a bit lower and send a hard knee right into my belly that sends me reeling backwards towards the wall....and all of a sudden the crowd erupts in cheers and some jeers as their looks to be some side betting going on as well


I sneer at you while I lunge forward, you raise your guard attempting to block my arms only for me to pull back and ram my knee into your belly. You reel back towards the wall as the crowd cheers and jeere make my eyes light up as I smirk at you, seeing you go towards the wall I try to keep up the pressure, knowing you have decent stamina as I try to work you down. I lung forward and I try to bring my hands up to your hair, trying to dig my claws into it, yanking roughly on your scalp as I try to ram the back of your head into the wall.

as you once again lunge at me, i know i have to stop you dead in your tracks right away as i now send a hard right hand then a hard left handed smack towards your face , but you are quick and manage to get both of your fuckin hands in my hair and begin slamming the back of my head against the wall....the crowd of men go silent as the sound of you slamming my head against the wall echoes the entire room as well as my smacks to your face , i think they are beginning to realise just how brutal this is going to get

I lung forward at you, pure hatred in my eyes as you try to stop me in my tracks with your right and left smacks that sting my face. I growl when I grab your hair and slam you roughly against the wall as the room goes silent, the loud thud vibrating throought the room as I growl at you. I snarl at you as I keep my claws digging harshly into your hair and try slamming your head on the wall again as I harshly lift my knee up between your legs as the men in the room all have their eyes wide.

as you hands reach up and grab my hair and you start violently banging and smashing the back of my head into the wall i reach up and quickly grab both of your wrists digging my long nails deep into your flesh to try and slow your momentum down somewhat ....just as i bring my right knee up to see if i can catch you in your belly you beat me to the punch,,,or daare i say knee and viviously clam it up and inbetween my long legs catching me right in my crotch...the men in attendance all gasp and look away as they see me slump foward and my legs go rubbery as i do all i can just to stay upright only thing holding me up is the wall

I groan as I have my hands wrapped around your hair, your nails digging into my wrist as I slam your head against the wall before I wince from your nails, letting go before I let my knee slam right up to your crotch. I hear the echoes of gasp as everyone turns away but I pay no attention to them as I focus all my attention on you as you slump forward, your legs shaking from my assualt. I lick my lips before I dig both my hands onto your breasts, thinking of what youdid to me last time, as I dig my nails harshly in them and send another knee up to your crotch, keeping it there as I grind against it.

As you bring your knee up and grind my woman hood ,My crotch is literally on fire, flashes of light buzzing through my head it feel like there has been some sort of disconnect from my brain leading into my body as i feel like im about to throw up...i can hear some of the men in the crowd 'scr5eaming cmon Kelsey dont let her do that to you. get her''.....i just bite down on my lower lip desperatly trying to fight through the pain knowing i have to do something and fast i let go of your wrist with my right hand and bring it back and send a hard fore arm smash right across your chest as i try to break away from your grasp

I have you in my grasp as my knee grinds into your womanhood, feeling it get warmer as I can see your face contort around in pain as I take the advantage here for the time being. I hear the men cheer you on and it just fuels my anger even more as I drop my knee trying it lift it up but I'm interrupted when your forearm smashes into my chest making me wheeze as I stumble backwards, rubbing my chest in pain as the crowds cheers erupt a bit shaking the room as they start calling on more bets. I snarl at you as I try not to let you have any respite as I move forward and try slapping your face.

still stunned and really not yet up to full capasity i take a few deep breaths as i try to move away from the wall i quickly bring my hands up as you charge in at me again fireing out a hard slap that i am partially able to deflect but the tops of your fingers still catch my forehead snapping my head back a little....i grit my teeth and send out a hard kick with my right leg to the outside of your thigh

I growl and charge seeing you still stunned as I fire a slap aimed at your face. I thought you'd be weak enough to take it but you muster up some strength as your hands block it, my fingers catching your forehead as your head snaps to the side. I let out a grunt as it hits but misses the mark before your kick hits the outside of my thigh with a loud thud as it forces my left leg to wobble a bit as I fall onto one knee. I groan out as I massage my legs before I try to send an uppercut fist between your legs from below.

The men start cheering as they sense that i may be getting back into this fight after seeing you fall to one knee ,,,,seeing that you may be hurt and not wanting to blow a golden oppurtunity i quickly move in as i go for your hair just as i reach in im met with a hard uppercut that makes its way right between my open thighs and once again finds its way right into my exposed crotch dropping me right down to my knees right in front of you as i grab my woman hood now with both hands caughing , wheezing and gagging my face now a mask of pain as tears roll down my cheeks from the intence pain

I grunt as your kick catches me, the outside of my leg stinging in pain as you grab my hair and come walking in closer to me before my uppercut smashes right into your exposed crotch making you drop down onto your knees in front of me. The men in the crowd go silent as the other half cheer on and whistle as I regain some control. I smirk and look at you as you wheeze and gag, as I see the tears going down your cheeks from the pain. I smirk at you and try to reach up to grab your breasts again, squeezing them and diggin my nails into them as I push you against the wall. Wanting to put on a good show I lean in an lick your cheek to taste your salty tears before I steal a kiss from your lips.

the men go berserk with catcalls and whistles as they see you try and humilaite me by licking my face and stealing a long kiss from my lips as i quiver in pain trapped up against the wall , they also watch on intently as you now grab ahold of both of my breasts squeezing , pinching and digging your well manicured nails deeply into my soft flesh.....my hands once again go for your wrists wanting desperatly to get you fuckin hands off my tender breasts before you leave any perminate scaring....in a desperate move and still trapped along side the wall i move twist and turn my body untill im able to get the soles of my nyloned covered feet up against the wall and quickly shove my self off basically launching my body into yours as i hope to take you down to your back

I perk up and laugh out loud as the mean are loving the show I'm putting on as I humiliate you by licking your face and stealing a kiss. Your nails once again dig into my wrists as I bite down on ur lip and fight through the pain, wanting to keep my claws on your tits for as long as possible, marking you like you did to me as I knead my nails deeper into you. I'm soo focused on that that I don't realize your body twist with purpose, thinking your writhing around in pain before you launch off the wall. I land on the ground with a thud as the men erupt in cheers seeing the match continue. I groan and let go of your breats only to try and wrap my legs around your waist from down below to keep the pressure up on you.

just as im able to get myself off that damn wall and knock you down onto your back i try to quickly scramble up your body hoping i can get to a stable position over you....you have other ideas and quickly wrap your powerful legs around my waist stopping me dead in my tracks as i try to wiggle and squirm seeing i can somehow shimmy my way free of your grasp

I smirk as I know you must be frustrated with my constant attacks, keeping you on the backfoot with every step forward youtake. My legs clamp on your waist as you wiggle and squirm making me laugh as you try to shimmy, my black nylons just pressing harder into your waist as I reach up and grab your throat with one hand, the other grabbing and kneading your breasts as I dig my nails into both of them.

my face winces in pain as you once again latch onto my breast with your sharp nails.....i feel my self being forced down to my knees as my ass is being pulled down on top of the heels of my nyloned feet ,,,,The men in attendance are all now on their feet screaming CMON KELSEY YOU CAN GET OUT OF THIS COMON YOU GOT THIS!!!! Summoning all my streanth i reach back with my hands and try to see if i can pry your legs open just enough so i can breathe and then i lean foward and quickly rock back as i try to get my right foot under me as i struggle and strain with all i have to try and stand up hoping that i can some how loosen this leg scissor

I laugh as your face winces in pain, my nails latching onto your breas once again as you start slumping downwards. I hear the men cheer you on and it only makes me add more pressure to your breast and waist as your hands come and try to pry my legs open. You manage to pry a little bit before you start breathing and you manage to get your leg back and start standing up. I let out a growl as you get up, as I release my scissors. I try to bend my legs back, lifting my knees to my chest as I try to ram them up between your legs into your already beaten crotch.

i manage to pry your legs just loose enough for me to wiggle my way free of your grasp and get to my feet , but you send a little parting gift my way sending both of your feet up and into my crotch knocking me backwards my long legs stumbling, tripping and slipping over my nyloned covered feet untill once again im up against the far wall breathing heavy with my chest heaving up and down and both of my battered breasts dangling out of my bra much to the amusement and pleasure of all the horney men whom are now gathered in a semi circle watching on intently


I grunt sa you pry my legs open only to wiggle free but I instantly retort with my feet ramming into your crotch as you heave and stumble back onto the wall. I smirk as I stay on my bum and walk towards you, your bresats dangling out of your crotch as I put on more of a show for the horny men. I lift my nylon clad foot to your crotch caressing it with the soles of my feet before I put both feet on your crotch. I try to scootsh forward so my butt is against the wall before I bend my knees trying to legpress you against the wall by your aching crotch as the crowd watches on.


breathing very heavy now and my body aching, throbbing crotch literally on fire from the vicious total one sided beating you have administered to it in this fight with my head slumped downward you manage top scoot right up to me and at first you take you nylon covered foot and place it right up and against my crotch that is on fire at this point rubbing it up and down my womanhood , playing up to all the horney men who are obviously enjoying this site then you come up right under me placeing both of your feet under my crotch and then leg press me with ease as my round firm ass drags helplessly up the wall forceing me to scream out in pain


I smirk as I see you breathe heavily, your whole body aching from my beating of your now weakened womanhood. The mean whistle and cheer as they see me rub up and down your womanhood before I place both feet and lift you up with my feet as you scream out in pain. I can't help but giggle at you and your reacting as I shift the weights in my feet to add more pressure, gaspedalling your crotch. I shake my breasts and push them together acting up for all the men around "She's helpless boys who wants to cop a feel of hers?" I say giggling at as I laugh at your screaming face.

my crotch is on fire as you now begin to gas pedal it pumping on my woman hood forceing me to cry out in agony as i helplessly dangle over you //hearing your taunts now as one of the men reach out and slaps my ass really hard ''thinking to myself omg that is going to leave a mark and then another may takes the liberty of grabbing and fondling my now dangling breast ...with my ass and back of my long legs trapped against the wall and the heels of your feet digging into my exposed womanhood my only hope is that your legs tire as i try franticly to wiggle myself off of your feet

I laugh as I gaspedal your crotch, the men now coming over in their droves as some spank your ass, and other fondle your breast. I wait a bit holding you with my strong legs as I let them all take their turn with you, holding you up there for some time before I bend my knee back and roll away, letting your aching womanhood rest for a bit as Iget back up to my feet and grab you by the hair as I lick your cheek and giggle.

with my aching crotch beaten almost to a pulp,,,,,your hold me up long enough to let almost every man cop a feel and grope me in any fashion they see fit ...finally you let me down for what seemed like an eternity getting my feet back down to the mats never felt so damn good but it is short lived as you now grab me by my hair and begin to like my cheeks.....Mad and pissed at the way you held me up for all those men to grope and grab me.....as you have me by the hair i reach back as your licking me and ball up my fist and punch your right in your crotch with my right hand!!! DONT YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDNT PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD?

I'm reveling in humiliating you in front of everyone as you get back on the mats as I grab your hair. I continue to lick your cheek, purring at you as I wink out to all the boys as they cheer me on as I giggle at you. I go back to licking but its interrupted as my mouth forms and O as a gasp leaves my lips feeling your fist punch my crotch unsuspectingly as I let go of your hair and stumble back, my legs crossing as I hold my crotch and wince.

Everyone in attendance is stunned and in a state of shock at what they just witnessed out of me as you are now stunned with your legs crossed and in obvious pain i just follow you until i come with in distance and send out a hard side kick that is aimed directly for your exposed belly ...how does that feel you fuckin whore i scream!!!! and with that i give all the men who decided to feel me up the evil staredown that puts them right back in their chairs


I can almost hear the stunned and shocked reactions from all the men around us as I look at you, groaning in pain as I thought I had you down for hte count. In my state of shock you manage to give me a hard kick aimed at my stomach making me spit out and cough as my shoulder and sides hit the wall as, your screaming making me whince as I try to gather myself and get back into the fight.

i give chase as you hit the wall making a loud thumping sound....with your legs parted slightly i bring my right foot up heel first and slam it right up into your pubic bone/ crotch area much to the gasps of the men...i then take a few steps back and then charge at you full speed as i stop just short of you lifting my right knee and thigh and look to ram it right up into your exposed belly if i can

I hit the wall with a loud thump as it shake the entire room up. I groan as I try to move, moving one leg forward as it parts making way for your heel to slam right into my pubic bone and crotch as I let out a whimper, the pain numbing my senses a bit as I see lights and hunch over as I stumble forwards, letting out gasps and wheezes of pain before your right knee and thigh hit my belly as I move hunched over. The thump lifts me of the ground slightly as I spit out and wheeze, falling onto my hands and feet on the ground as I cough feeling nauseous from your sudden attacks.


as you now fall over onto your hands from the sheer impact of my blow i move over to you grabbing two hand fulls of your hair pulling upward and try catching your head between my long lean legs as i now cross my feet by my ankles and then i just lean my body over your back and useing my bodyweight i try to force you down to the mats

I grunt feeling nauseous from your sudden attacks, as I spit out and cough falling onto my hands and knees. I let out a yelp as you grab my hair, my scalp burning as you hoist me up by it and trapping me between your long, nylon clad legs as I feel your feet and ankles cross. I let out a whimper as I croack out as you lean forward and force me down on the mats, my hands clawing at your thighs trying to get out.

As you fall face and breasts first down to the mats i land down on top of you my face faceing your ass your head still trapped in between my calfs , i just lift my legs a litte and that forced your head up right allowing you to see all the men who were once cheering you on. I quickly take my right hand and pull up hard on your thong and then begin slappong your nice round ass cheeks......

I groan and whimper as my hands continue prying at your calfs, trying to free my face as I cough and groan letting out a whimper as you lift my head up, my neck arching backwards painfully as I watch all the men that cheered me on now be on your side. I let out a gasp as you tank my thong up hard, making my legs shake as you start slapping my ass, giving me a reminder of your last assault on it as I let out a whimpered moan as my feet kick out at the mats.

smiling as i continue to rein hard a vicious slaps to your un protected ass slapping each cheek with precise precision, turning your once milky white ass cheeks nasty shades on bright angry red. I now turn my attack as i now release your head from my legs and sit up trying to trap your head under my ass cheeks i then reach down and grab the waistband of your thong and pull up as hard as i can giveing all the men a great view of your black and blue ass yt

I yelp and squirm at each slap as I feel my ass stinging, knowing its turning a violent shade of red from your onslaught on it. I groan and struggle against your calfs, whimpering a bit as the men cheer you on while I watch before you let my head go. I groan and gasp, sighing in relief but it doesn't last long before your ass traps my head down violently, as I let out a scream and squirm when you pull up my thong, making my legs shake. All the man cheer and whistle as they get a great view of my ass, I an hear them through all the muffle on my ears as I whimper.

i continue with the humiliation after i hoist your fat ass up so all the men can have a better view of it, One of the men screams out THAT HE WOULD RATHER HAVE A BETTER VIEW OF YOUR SWEET LITTLE HONEY HOLE!!! So with you still faceing nose down and the back of your head still trapped under my nice round ass cheeks i hoist your fat ass up in closer to me by your thong and i take my right hand and reach behind you and part you lipps for him holding them wife open ....He then takes out his cell phone and begins taking some pics and then a short video.....

I whimper out as you hoist my ass up, my hips move upwards as I'm trapped face down ass up, I whimper into the mat as I hear the men scream out before your hands pulls me further up, your other hand going to my exposed womanhood as you hold my lips wide open making some tears fall down my cheek as I hear the sounds of cameras clicking away. I squirm and kick my legs out at the humiliation as I try to close my legs.

Holding you there as more and more of the men begin to take out their cell phones and click away and take videos of me holding your lipps wide open giveing them all one hell of a view. You suddenly begin to kick buck and squirm with your feet and legs causing me to almost loose my position on you so i then take my free hand and begin to rein a few more hard swats to each ass cheek ''settle down Bitch im not through humiliating you yet!!;;

I groan and whimper as I hear the men take pictures of me, the clicks making me tear up a little more as I begin to kick and squirm around. You hold my lips wide open as they get to see it all as I feel like I might get you off me before you you start slapping down on my already tenderized ass cheeks sting even more as I whimper out in pain, letting out a little choked sob as I hear you yell at me.

with my round firm ass pressed tightly against the back of your head i now bring my sweaty nyloned covered feet under your face your lips and mouth rest firmly against my soles as i continue to torture your fat young ass reining smacks down to each cheek again and again.....giggling as i hear you whimper louder and louder...your mine Bitch!!!!

Your ass keeps my face down on the mout before your sweaty yellow feet cover my under face, your soles resting on my lips and mouth as I murmur and whimper into them, your continued torturing of my ass making my whole body jolt, legs squirming as I let out a sob into your feet, my tears runnning down my face as I hear you claim i'm yours as I shudder from the humiliation.

i stop slapping your ass for a sec only long enough to slightly lift my ass from off the back of your head ..''TELL ME YOU GIVE AND THAT YOU ARE A WORTHLESS SLUT AND I WILL THINK ABOUT LETTING YOU UP!!!.....the entire room of about 25 rich buisnessmen go quiet and you can hear a pin drop as they all await your answer


I shudder as you keep slapping my ass, even the breeze in the room makes it sting as you lift your ass from the back of my head. I let out a whimper as I hear your demand, the room entire silent as only the echoes of my whimpering comes out as you intimidate me and try to make me submit to you. I shake my head weakly as I try to weakly slame it into your ass as I whimper, my whole body shaking as I whimper out a NO.


you kick back with your head hitting me right in my ass causing me to lurch forward slightly, Fine have it your way i say in a disgusted catty tone i just drop my ass back down onto the back of your head that pushes your face back down onto my sweaty nylon covered soles....The men in turn errupt in cheers saying way ta go Clara dont give up!!!! i just turn and shoot them evil looks telling them to STFU !!!!


I grunt as I hit your right ass and feel you lurch forward slightly. I let out a sigh of relief befoer I hear your tone and before I can react your round and firm sweaty ass drops down hard on my head, forcing your soles onto my mout has I scream and whimper into them, their scent overwhelming me as the men cheer before going silent as I squirm around and shake beneath you whimpering into your soles.


as i have you helplesly under me i quickly turn positions on you , swileling my body on you as i now sit on your lower back just above your ass as i now look to grab both of your arms and see if i can somehow pull them up and behind your back.....The men now cheering for you to get back into this fight

I lay whimpering under you as you turn positions on top of my and sit on my lower back. I let out a groan from the pressure as you try to hook my arms back. You manage to pull my left arm as the cheers of the men ignite me a bit as I arch my back and try reaching my right arm back to grab a fistful of your hair as I try to hoist you off of me with all the strenght I have.

with a good grip on your left arm i begin to slowly and methodicly twist it and bring it towards your back until you reach in behind you and grab a hunk on my long hair that has long since come undone of the ponytail and begin to violently jerk and snap my head sideways untill you now have me half hanging onto you and half hanging off of you struggling to try and get my footing back

I grunt as you have a good grip on my left arm as you twist it making me yelp out, my right arm reaching back and grabbing your ratty and undone hair as I jerk you to the side, pulling my left arm with you as you half hang on and off of me. We struggle like that for a second as the men whistle and cheer as I let out a whimper and bite down on my lip before I try to push my waist and hipbone into your thigh to push you off me.

my face grimacing as i give it all i have to get back on top of you and regain control we stay frozen in that position for what seems like an eternity but in reality closer to 30 seconds finally you make a grunting sound fueled by the men getting back into this and perhaps cheering loudly for you, you buck and twist and push your waist simutaniously knocking me off of you and now down to my side as i pound the mat and am like ''YOU GOTTA BE FUCKIN KIDDING ME????

I grunt and grimace, bitting my lips to hold back my whimpers as I get enegrized and my twisting of my hips, bucking them as hard as I can, forces you off me as you fall onto your side and pound the mat in anger. I let out a sigh of relief as I try to roll away from you and towards the wall, I start using the wall as I way to get up as my legs shake and wobble, every movement making my ass burn in pain as I whimper slowly getting to my feet.

As the men now chant and cheer your name i slowly get to my feet my body a bruised sore sweaty matted mess my breasts still dangling out of my torn bra . my chest heaving up and down as i suck air shaking my head so sure i had you and knowing that i truely did blow a golden oppurtunity to end it i quickly tuck my girls back inside my yellow bra best i can as i watch you intently as i make my way towards you looking you up and down saying to you in a catty tome how's your fat ass bitch????


I grunt as I slowly get up on the wall, my ass stinging and burning from all the abuse with ever step I take before I rest on the wall on my side. I see you get back up to your feet and put your breasts back into your yellow bra as I massage my stinging ass. I snarl at you as you look me up and down while your tone questions how my ass is doing. I grit my teeth "Better than your tits bitch" I snarl out as I try to lung forward off the wall and grab and calw at you now tucked in breasts.


showing that you still have that speed you lunge right in after me as our bodies collide together i slip and slide a little in my nylons as you now reach in grabbing my sore battered breasts and once again digging your nails in deep,,,,Not to be outdone i reach in and quickly grab two hand fulls of your soft ample orbs and begin digging my long nails in deep


I grunt as my I lunge my weakened body forward, still having some of my speed as our boddies slide against each other, I growl at you as I grab two handfuls of your breasts before you return the favour making me squeal out as I arch my back. The men all cheering as our match continues on. I bite down on my lips as I try to prevent myself from whimpering before I try to lift my knee up, my ass stinging and pulsating as I do so, and try to hit my knee between your legs as we're both tangled in a tug of war with our breasts.

i grit my teeth my face grimacing from sheer exertion and extreme pain as you maul my breasts i let out a soft squeal and tears come from my eyes knowing full well i can hang in there much longer as you pulverise my now tender red and scratched up breasts then out of nowhere you bring your knee up and catch my exposed woman hood causing me to scream out at the tops of my lungs in pain and agony

I grimace as we keep mauling at each others breasts as a few whimpers escape my lips, my body in extreme pain from your mauling before my knee rams right back up into your woman hood. I laugh as you scream at the top of your lungs, the men all joining in as I try to keep hold of your breasts and push your back against the wall behind you as I keep kneading at your tenderized breasts.

my legs like jello and my crotch on fire i feel as if im going to throw up as you once again catch me with that knee of yours with no poer whats so ever in my legs you manage to shove me back into the wall by my breasts as i do all i can to try and hold onto your for dear life

I feel your legs wobble as the power escapes them while I slam you into the wall, my hands still on your breasts as I stare at you with pure hatred. "You're fucking done foreee bitchhhh" I snarl at you as I heave, my ass still burning as I ram another knee up into your womanhood, keeping it there as I grind it while I lean in to lick your cheeks with my tongue.


we are now breast to breast belly to belly with you having me pinned tightly up against the wall , i hear you begin to taunt me telling me that i done for still pissed and full of anger after hearing that i begin to struggle franticly against you trying my damndist to see if i can fight myself off the wall until you send another sharp knee up and right into my crotch again as soon as it lands i begin to feel light headed as my whole body collapses down on your knee causing me to slump forward into you as you keep grinding away at my battered beaten crotch


I grunt and growl as we struggle, breast to breast and belly to belly sa you fight against me in the wall. As you increase your efforts, I see the anger in your eye turn into pain as I ram my knee into y our battered crotch and grind on it. You slump onto me as I keep grinding "Oh you like this huh" I say into your ear as I bite your earlob gently before I lick your cheek and start biting on your neck. Enjoying having you in this dominant hold agaist the wall as I lick your cheek again in front of all the men.


as the men continue to chant and cheer wildly for you ,,,My body feels like its seized up from those violent knee strikes it like i can feel you biting my earlobes and licking my face chomping down on my neck but i just can react fast enough to stop you at this point as i desperatly try to get my wits back about me and clear my head and get back into this y7t


I smirk as the men cheer wildly for me as I dominate your whole body, my violent knee rattling you as I bite your earlobe, licking yoru cheek and chomping on your neck as I try to overwhelm you. I pull my head back and laugh at you as I steal a kiss from your lips making all the men whistle for me as I pull back "Who owns you now bitch" I say in your face as I laugh and giggle.


you slam my head back against the wall and lean in a steal a short but sensual kiss feeling your tounge inside my mouth for the first time then you pull back from me and i drop down to my knees right in front of you my legs to weak to support my bodyweight as i now find myself looking right up at you shaking my head still trying to clear the cobwebs


I moan in to your mouth as I push my tongue in before pulling back, giving you a short sweet sensual kiss as you drop to your knees in front of me as you look up at me and shake your head. I can't help but giggle as I look down at you before I try to put my thighs on either of your shoulders, practically riding your thighs as I grab your hair in my hands and try to push your face into my thong as all the men chear on.

with myu head still in somewhat of a fog and my body beaten and sore, all my energy for the moment drained from my aching body and still up against the wall you grab me by my hair and rest your thighs against my shoulders forceing your damp and now totally drenched crotch right into my face as all the men clammer around us with their cell phones out recording this

I smirk down look at your aching body, as I lift up my thighs and drap them over your shoulder, my crotch smothering your face as I buck my hips abit, smearing my drenched crotch over your mouth and nose. All the men clammer around, enjoying the show I'm puttin on for them as I caress your hair, moving it out of yoru face "Whose bitch are you now huh" I say harshly into your face as I yank your hair a bit laughing at you.

you now move in while im still out of it and down on my knees in front of you and begin to drape your strong legs over my shoulders first the right leg then the left as i weakly try and push you off of me and in a low tone and a slightly muffled voice try and voice my protest i feel your long fingers run through my damp sweat soaked hair removing the hair from my face as you ask me now in a sharp demanding tone who's bitch am i!??? As im now foced to hold your weight and your your crotch pressed right against my lips all i can do is weakly shake my head

I let out a laugh as I drape my nylon clad legs over yoru shoulder as you weakly try to push them off as you let out muffled protets against me. MY fingers are though your hair as I ask you and you shake your head making me laugh. I yank your hair harshly, pushing your mouth further into my crotch as I start to cross my ankles together, clamping my thighs down onto your neck as I keep you kneeling on your knees. "Your choice hun, time to go night night" I say purring at you as I start adding in pressure on your neck as I smother your mouth with my crotch.

My 34 yo beaten battered body totally spent at this point my arms feel like heavy lead pipes , my crotch and breasts on fire from your vicious beating that you administered to them , with your finger still caressing my long brunette hair i can see in your eyes your demeanor change when i refuse to tell you that im your bitch and then i feel you cross your ankles behind me and begin to crush my neck forceing me to gasp for air your bodyweight forceing me to drop down causing my ass to come to a rest on the backs of my heels....with tears welling up in my eyes i say pppppllleease pllleeease ok ok i give i give you win!!!!!!

Published: 2023-05-18, viewed 157 times.



Krissyrulz (deleted member)

2023-08-01 19:58

reading this i was stunned at how you were able to come back, then turn the tables on Kelsey and totally humiliate her. AMAZING JOB!


2023-07-01 19:10

lovely and brutal ending but my love Clara was so dominate and sexy as always

Pdirk (deleted member)

2023-05-21 21:34

Great match! Loved it


2023-05-20 16:49

Fabulous match. So sexy


2023-05-20 00:25

WOW!! What a match ladies! Bravo!