OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
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  • Outdoors match
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Beth vs Rylee OCW championship

Rylee rocket (deleted member)
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00:48 Beth_Rassle: I come down into the ring......i wearing the belt over my shoulder.......proud to be having it......This is my first title defence with it......I know i am up against a strong opponent.........stretching in my corner ....at 5 ft 2...140 ish ....in my back short s and matching top......with red boot........ I wait for my opponent to arive....yt
00:51 Beth_Rassle: You are not logged in.
00:51 Beth_Rassle: MY OUTFIT
00:53 Rylee_rocket: Well I walk out luckily it’s a sunny day outside. But that heat is intense as I feel the dry grass beneath my feet heading to the ring. I get up the stairs it’s a match I was thinking will be hard. Beth is always challenging women to face. I go over the ropes in a blue two piece ring set. With black adidas shows. I am excited and nervous for this fight. I get to my corner to stretch out standing 5’6 157 lbs.You are not logged in.
00:53 Rylee_rocket: Yt
00:55 Beth_Rassle: Looking over at you......... I not wrestled you in a long time.........I think i can beat you........... This is going to be a good fun match i hope.........stepping out off my corner......waiting for you to do the same thigng....yt
00:59 Rylee_rocket: I am wrapping up stretching. Rolling my shoulders and grabbing the top top to pull on it. I already feel sweat from the heat forming in my hair. As I move out the corner towards the center of the ring. Looking to begin to circle with my guard up with my hands in front of me. Watching you for your first move.
00:59 Rylee_rocket: Yt
01:02 Beth_Rassle: coming up to you..........i begin to circle you.....watching you close......slapping at your hands ....then backing up.......then leap forward like i going to lock up with you.......asi place my one hand on your left bicep.......i try to swing my left knee upward into your gut hard......yt
02:19 Rylee_rocket: I am circling you. I see you lunge and slap my hands downward. Then jumping back. Seems you want to use speed off the start. I go to move my hands up again as you lunge at me. Out left hand on my left bicep as I try to aim a punch. A knee from you hits my stomach. This makes me hunch over a bit as I gasp out some air.
02:19 Rylee_rocket: Yt
02:23 Beth_Rassle: as you lunge forward...my knee makes it mark in your stomach........yOU HUNCH FORWARD GASPING FOR AIR SOME.........I STEP IN AND WRAP MY ARM AROUND YOUR NECK......mY RIGHT ONE.......I know your strong so i lock it on tight and try to yank up on your head........ I am facing you.....yt
02:28 Beth_Rassle: frontal headlock
02:28 Rylee_rocket: I feel your right arm wrap your right arm around my neck tight. I grown “ugghhh” as I move my head around. Trying to pull back my left fist and blindly swing it for your belly. Trying to get a way to break the headlock.
02:28 Rylee_rocket: Yt
02:30 Beth_Rassle: I feel you slam your fist into my belly hard.......My mouth opens up.......... I try to keep my hold on..........falling backwards to my back...........I try to slam your head in a ddt to the mat if i can........same time i open mmy legs up and try to scissors you......
02:30 Beth_Rassle: yt
02:42 Rylee_rocket: I feel my fist land into your belly. Your mouth opens and I feel the headlock loosen a bit. As I try to break free. You fall forward ddting me in the mat. I lay the dazed you open your legs giving me a bodyscissor to my body.
02:42 Rylee_rocket: Yt
02:57 Beth_Rassle: falling back giving you an ddt............ My legs wrapped around you...........I now try to lock my ankles tight together.........gasping from your punch to my belly..;;;;;trying to squezze you hard with my legs.....yt
03:01 Rylee_rocket: I try to stop you from further damage progress as I try to shack off the daze more. Just putting out my arms to try and push against your legs to keep them from possible locking.
03:01 Rylee_rocket: Yt
03:04 Beth_Rassle: You use your arms to push on my legs........I am struggling to lock them around you........trying to use one off my hands to grab at one off your arm.......to pull your handaway from my leg,,,,,yt
03:11 Rylee_rocket: I was trying to by time and it seems I am able to enough to get the daze gone. I feel you fighting and straining. Feeling your right hand try to grab my left hand and moving it away. I try to take this chance to shift my right hand from stopping your other leg. Knowing you will try and probably squeeze fast. I try to fire a fast right fist to your head.
03:11 Rylee_rocket: Yt
03:15 Beth_Rassle: I am trying to get my grip with my ankles good on you........My one handf grabbing at yours....trying to pull it away.........You fire a quick right fist to my head.........., My head snaps back........dazzled a little from the hard blow........ I trying to keep my legs together around you.......but i feel my ankles open up........My headlock opens up on you....yt
03:17 Rylee_rocket: Feeling the opening happen I go to squirm free and try to reset myself if I escape. Looking to roll away and out the ring into the dry grass. Sweat has gathered on my body from the sun through out the match.
03:17 Rylee_rocket: Yt
03:20 Beth_Rassle: letting you roll away and i go the other way.....getting up on my feet.......... and turn looking at you...........taunt you a little now......come on rylee........lets don;t waste time here......only going to get hotter outside here......... My hand feeling where you punched me swelling....yt
03:24 Rylee_rocket: I stay outside the ring as I get to my feet ignoring you as I gather myself. I take my time out there as I rub my neck. Happy my hips are okey. But I look at you as I roll into the ring finally and get to my feet getting ready for an attack from you.
03:24 Rylee_rocket: Yt
03:27 Beth_Rassle: I am watching you because you are skillfull............as your rolling into the ring.......... and you get up on your feet........ i goin a stance and start to circle you........watching you close..........waitng for you to move this time....yt
03:29 Rylee_rocket: This time I come at you for the strike seeing you circle. I take a couple big steps as I got to plant my left leg. Raising my right leg up as I sim to try and land a big boot to your face. Hoping to splash it in well in you.
03:30 Rylee_rocket: Yt
03:33 Beth_Rassle: seeing you coming ast me...........i circle away then back towards you metting a big boot to my face....bammmmmmm....my body goes backwards .. Trying to shake off your boot backing up into the ropes........then leap back at you off them,,,,,,,trying to slam my forearm into your chest.........yt
03:39 Rylee_rocket: My boot lands but you’re able to stay on your feet moving back towards the ropes. As you come back after hitting them. I duck low under your forearm at my chest. I make sure to turn around. To keep an eye as you go by. I move towards the direction you went by me looking to close the distance to try and get a close on you.
03:39 Rylee_rocket: Yt
03:51 Beth_Rassle: miss you with my forearm and go stumbling into the ropes as i come off them you are there and hit me with a big closeline........ my feet go outward....... my body slam hard into the mat on my back......moan.......I try to roll out off the ring......before you can grab my feet....yt
03:57 Rylee_rocket: You roll out the ring before I could grab your feet but I don’t waste time moving after you. As I follow you going over the second rope. Standing on the apron as I go to try and jump off and lend a fly axe kick on what over body part if I can.
03:57 Rylee_rocket: Yt
04:01 Beth_Rassle: rolling out off the ring and onto the grass.......i turn to see where you are at and feel your foot slamming hard into my chest........... go backwards hard......landing on my ass then back on the ground...........gasping for breath.......try to get back on my feet before your on me....yt
02:15 Rylee_rocket: I was happy to have landed the move. starting to get some motivation going after a rough start. The axe kick gets you to the ground but it appears you still have a lot of fight. as I see you moving up to get up. I move towards you I try to grab your hair to get you to a sitting position. So I can aim and try to drive a big right-hand slap to your chest
02:15 Rylee_rocket: yt
02:17 Beth_Rassle: I feel you grabbing myhair.....You start to pull me up.......i try to hit you with my forearm with a weak blow to your gut........Still trying top get my strength back....yt
02:23 Rylee_rocket: I grab your hair getting you to the sitting position I wanted. But I feel your weak forearm blow hit my gut and in shock I grunted out. But this just mad me mad with my right hand raised up i go to bring it down on you. As i try to land that big hard slap acroos your chest.
02:23 Rylee_rocket: yt
02:25 Beth_Rassle: Your hand slams across my chest...uummpphhhhhhhhh,,,,gasping from the blow...........My hands come up and grab your forearm.......hand you have in my hair trying to ease the pain or pull it free....yt
02:30 Rylee_rocket: You grab my forearm with both your hands on your hair I got an okay grip. Not the best grip so you are able to pry my hand free. But I do my best to resist the movement so I can try and drive a right forearm into your head.
02:31 Rylee_rocket: yt
02:33 Beth_Rassle: grabbing at your forearm......... You are strong and it makes it hard to pry it free feweling my hands pulling it aay after a struggle........but your right forearm slams into my head.......my head jolts back........moan.........try yo push you awaynow since my head is free.......dazzled a little....yt
02:37 Rylee_rocket: I smile after my forearm lands and your hands let my left forearm go but you try to push my back. it works a little as i take a step back. I know the longer this goes the better chance you have to win. I go to reach down for your right and left leg hopping to grab them both so i can try to set up my next move.
02:37 Rylee_rocket: yt
02:46 Beth_Rassle: feeling you reaching grabbing both off my legs........I place my hands out wide and now yank back on both off my legs trying to kick one or both off them free from your grip/////yt
02:50 Rylee_rocket: You come to your senses faster than i thought you would. As you move both your legs and push kick me with them making me stumble back and my back lands up against the ring apron. "ughhh" I say out of irritation and a bit of pain. Shaking my head to get to my senses as I look down at you plotting my best next move. I am drenched in sweat due to the heat.
02:50 Rylee_rocket: yt
02:52 Beth_Rassle: rolling over and trying to get back up onmy feet........trying to watch you......my mpoove worked got you away from me........but now i have to get back in the ring...........so i look at youand move quick asi can......grabbing the middle rope....and try to lunge myself into the ring fast......and try to watch you same time......sweat rolling down me....yt
02:55 Rylee_rocket: you go lunging for the middle rope to go nack in the ring quick. As i see you watching me I go for it anyway. trying to grab and snag your left leg with a good grip to try and tank you off the middle rope and keep you outside the ring.wanting to get you back to the ground from the pulling if it works.
02:55 Rylee_rocket: yt
03:16 Beth_Rassle: running trying to get in the ring grabbing the middle ropes trying to climb in .........you grab my leg....... Yopu pull me back hard.......i fall to my chest on ring apron........My hands still on the ropes trying to pull myself into the ring as you puull on my leg hard.....
03:23 Rylee_rocket: you fall to the apron and hold on to the middle rope. I choose to take your exposed body to my advantage. trying to drive my right knee to your stomach as i hold on to your leg
03:25 Beth_Rassle: your knee slams into my stomach...uuuuugghhhhhhhh mouth opens up air leaves my lungs from your blow.....my hands fall away and i go crashing to the grass outside the ring now on my chest....yt
03:33 Rylee_rocket: i keep hold of your legs as I go to turn around. I got to take advantage and fast so i try to do it. I try to sit down on your back and pull back on both legs in a boston crab. wanting to hear the screams from you.
03:33 Rylee_rocket: yt
03:36 Beth_Rassle: feeling you grabbing my legs......... you spin around and start toput me in a boston crab......flexing my lkegs muscles,,,,,,,trying to power out...........feeling you pulling back on my legs hard.....yt
03:41 Rylee_rocket: i feel you try to resist the two-leg Boston crab so I go to make a possible audible. i choose to drop the right leg and pulling back with my left hand on your lefat as it resists. i reach for that blonde hair. trying to snag it anf pull your head back by it so your head moves towards your foot trying to make your body into an O
03:44 Beth_Rassle: feeling you pulling onb my leg more after you let go off my other one...My hands goes up as you grab at my hair......... my head goes upward yelping in pain.....Rylee......... hands trying to yank from my hair......feeling my body arched upward........moaning......yt
03:51 Rylee_rocket: i do my best to keep the hold longer. As i try to shack your head to show i got control of it. hopping that my grip is firm enough to achieve this. as i scream " give up!!!!!!!!!"
03:51 Rylee_rocket: yt
03:52 Beth_Rassle: feeling you yanking on my hair hard......my backin pain.......can;t take it anymore......... my hands come from your forearm........slapping the grass .....I submit......i SUBMIT.....RYLEEEEEEEEE yt
03:58 Rylee_rocket: "Yessssssss" I groan out of tiredness. I drop the hold as i fall down to my side on the grass. drenched in sweat from the heat and ready to take a shower. I slowly get to my feet as i go to collect the belt. So I can go to take a shower and sleep since I am exahusted and in pain.
03:58 Rylee_rocket: yt
03:59 Beth_Rassle: You roll off me after letting me go...........You get up and go grab the belt..........i stilllay there on my chest body still in pain........I lose it on my first title defence to a better stronger wrestler....... look on as you leave.....yt
04:02 Rylee_rocket: end

Published: 2023-06-13, viewed 0 times.

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