OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
173 members
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OCW Bluegrass Bragging Rights!





23:04 Zack_Davis:
23:04 Zack_Davis: I kinda like this one?

23:04 Kelly-Awesome: Sure... Bring it on, big boy ! ! 💪

23:05 Zack_Davis: 😈

23:13 Zack_Davis: So earlier today I was having a beer at the open air beach bar when you sat down next to me. Being as observant as I am, I couldn't help but notice you are freaking GORGEOUS! I stuttered a little, twisted my tongue all up as I offered to buy your a drink. After the initial shock wore off, turns out you're not only hot, you're a pretty fun person. Somehow the conversation got on the topic of mixed wrestling, turns out we're both big into it. I mentioned I have a practice ring set up in my basement, and it was game on! We agreed to meet at my place later that afternoon and get a match in. I ran home and got washed up... gotta smell nice while I'm tossing this hottie around I figure 😈. I slip into my speedo and head downstairs to await your arrival. I gave you directions and said come around back to the basement door, just let yourself in. I do some light stretching, my heart racing as I await your arrival. Yt

23:13 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.

23:14 Zack_Davis:
23:14 Zack_Davis: Yt

23:16 Kelly-Awesome: I'm not sure what I'm getting myself in to.. But I have this fantasy about wrestling a hot guy in the ring... So I got a little buzzed at the bar, and now here I am.. not sure what to expect... I've got my bikini on under my top.. "How hard could this be..." I mutter. And then I knock on the door.. "Hello?" yt

23:16 Kelly-Awesome: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.

23:25 Zack_Davis: "Heyy!! You made it, come on in!" ... I'm still a little buzzed from the bar, but geez, ya look great. "There's a spare room to change in if you need it".
23:25 Zack_Davis: Yt

23:25 Kelly-Awesome: "No need to... I'll just remove my coverup.. Where are we heading?" i smile... yt

23:30 Zack_Davis: "Ohh, right down here" .. leading you down to the basement..." I have a pretty nice set-up if I do say so myself, I hope you like it"... I allow you to go down the steps first, mainly so I can check out that gorgeous figure ... Waiting for that coverup to come off ... Heart pounding. Yt

23:33 Kelly-Awesome: I take off my cover-up.. revealing my new pink suit... "I hope you like it ! Cause it's gonna be on your face real soon..." I smirk yt

23:33 Kelly-Awesome: You are not logged in.

23:38 Zack_Davis: Somehow, that doesn't seem all that unpleasant ... Wowza!!! " Very nice! It'll make a great trophy!", Snugging up my red speedo before sitting on the middle rope to allow you too enter the ring. Catching a pretty good eye full of your quite ample cleavage ... You are not logged in.
23:38 Zack_Davis: Yt

23:40 Kelly-Awesome: I slide between the ropes.. glancing at my opponent... thinking that it may be the alcohol talking.. but this should be pretty fun.. and hot.. I go to my corner.. and begin stretching... "Any rules for this fight, big guy?" yt
23:49 Zack_Davis: "I'm good with whatever you're good with, cutie. Pin to win? Erotic pro-style, well wing it with the rules?" Yt

23:50 Kelly-Awesome: "Let's just wing it..." I smile again.. wanting to get physical after all those drinks... yt

00:08 Zack_Davis: We smirk at each other as we approach the center of the ring, absent is the typical dancing around, circling... The smirk we exchanged was unspoken communication... Let's get hands on each other! I walk right up to you, maybe foolishly, and try to slip in a collar and elbow tie up! Yt

00:10 Kelly-Awesome: I move in to match your collar and elbow, but I quickly push your hand up, and go behind you... grabbing your other arm and forcing it up your back.. in a hammerlock "See... I'm more than a pretty face..." yt

00:15 Zack_Davis: "You wouldn't be taking advantage of me cause I'm tipsy, would you?" Dancing up on my toes to try to relieve some of the strain on my shoulder ... "Not bad, but you're gonna need more than that", ... Strapping back as I duck under your arm, eventually coming up behind you in a reversal of the hammerlock. A swat of your butt with my free hand yields surprisingly little jiggle .... Tight body! Yt

00:16 Kelly-Awesome: "What.. you bastard ! ! " i now realise that this is a real fight.. and I'm gonna have to get tough.. or get beaten... my body jerks as you spank me... Damn ! ! But I now bring up my leg.. and try to kick you in your shin... hard yt

00:22 Zack_Davis: "Yeooowwwee!!! Hey, that was rude!!!" Hopping on one leg back away from your, geeeezzzz, how come shins are so sensitive?!? Not one to pass up on a good dig, though, I chuckle dispite getting the worse of that exchange ... "Nice butt, by the way" ... Not really a dig I suppose if it's true. Yt

00:26 Kelly-Awesome: I'm free. and I quickly move out of the way.. turning back at you, glaring..." this is your idea of fun? " I yell.. And rush at you.. aiming my shoulder at your midsection yt

00:33 Zack_Davis: "Well, yeahhhOOOFFFFFFFFF!!!" ... Bouncing on one foot as our little chat took place, I can't dodge out of your way in time to avoid that nasty shoulder. My body folds over your shoulder, your momentum driving us backwards... I suddenly am not so worried about my shin! Grrrr!!! Yt

00:36 Kelly-Awesome: I keep pushing you forward.. into the ropes... I grab onto the ropes for additional leverage.. as I keep pounding my shoulder into your stomach yt

12:23 Zack_Davis: Our momentum drives us back into the ropes, your spear caught me off guard and decide the wind from me ... Hoping to bounce back off the ropes into some kind of counter, you instead grasp the middle ropes to keep me set up for more shoulders to my gut. The spear sucked, but these additional shoulders have a cumulative effect, each hurts worse than the one before. My ass is diving further and further between the middle and top rope as I fold over you, a grunt and a groan with every impact...I slap my open hand on your back, for the moment forced to endure your punishment. Yt

16:15 Kelly-Awesome: I grunt and give you one last push into the ropes.. and suddenly, we both fall through the ropes.. and topple down all the way to the dirty floor.. with me on top.. yt

17:08 Zack_Davis: You keep driving your shoulder into my gut, again and again, each time driving me further through the ropes ... Each time I mistakenly think would be the last! You give a good, firm pull on the ropes at which ends up being your final shoulder thrust, as we both topple out of the ring onto the ground! I end up landing flat on my back, while you end up basically spearing me into the ground on top of me ... "Unngghhhhhh!", I groan from the double jeopardy of hitting the ground and absorbing the impact of your body simultaneously... Fukkkkkk! I think to myself, I gotta do something! My body isn't really paying much attention to what my mind is telling it at the moment, however ... Stunned and anguished I struggle to raise my arms to your face. Yt

01:18 Kelly-Awesome: Uggggh ! ! ! I groan as I also fall through the ropes.. but my impact is lessened because I land on top of you... i quickly sit up on your chest, and now extend my legs around your head.. I grab your hair and pull your face in close to my crotch.. and begin to squeeeeeeeze as thighs as hard as I can around your head yt

01:35 Zack_Davis: Your hands go to my hair, pulling my face into your crotch as you wrap those shapely legs around my head. My powers of recuperation are good, but not good enough to bounce back from the abuse you've delivered to my body just yet. You've left my hands free as you hold my head by my hair, I can manage to take advantage of that particular blessing, continuing to reach up to your face until I can manage an attempt at a face rake across your eyes. Yt

01:51 Kelly-Awesome: "What the.... DAMN ! ! " I moan, as I'm temporarily blinded.. and my legs loosen up, as I let go of your head and try to rub my eyes... yt

02:03 Zack_Davis: I feel your sexy thighs loosen around my head, my face still near your crotch. Your hands reach for your eyes, leaving your body exposed and vulnerable. Not yet able to function much more than the use my hands, I now reach up and attempt to grab and squeeze your breasts, one in each hand. Trying to buy some time to recover some more ... Yt

02:09 Kelly-Awesome: "HEY.... STOP THAT ! ! " I scream.. but your fingers dig in deep.. and I groan from the fire in my soft flesh... It's still blurry, but I now try to grab your hands, and pull them away.. before you do any more damage to my chest... yt

02:17 Zack_Davis: I grimace as I squeeze hard! I've got a good grip, but you've got good leverage. I manage to do some harm before my hands are pulled free of your chest. Beginning to feel a little bit functional, I pull both hands to my left as you hold them, attempting to roll in that direction to break free of your mount. Yt

02:19 Kelly-Awesome: Damn, I lose my perch on top of you.. and slide off to your left... you still have my hands.. and I try to yank them away... extending one of my legs closest to you and trying to ram it into your side yt

02:24 Zack_Davis: Smart move on your part, continuing to chop away at my midsection that you've done a number on so far ... "FUKKK" I groan, letting go of one of your hands to hold my arm tight to my side ...realizing one of your hands is now free, but at the moment, not really caring...yt

02:28 Kelly-Awesome: I send in another hard kick.. hoping to get totally free of you.. as I kick, I yank out my trapped arm... If I can get free, I will roll over, and hope to return to the ring quickly yt

02:42 Zack_Davis: A second well placed hard kick makes me question what the heck I'm trying to do, as well as let out an involuntary, sharp "Unghhh!!!" My guts are on fire as you yank your arm free, I don't really resist, it's wayyyy past due to bail out of this exchange! You roll one way, scurrying into the ring as I roll the opposite direction, glaring up at you as I get to my knees, still holding my midsection. Yt

22:31 Kelly-Awesome: I make it back into the ring, rubbing my sore chest... trying not to show any pain, but they hurt back... I glare at you outside the ring... "Hey ! ! Get back in HEEEERE ! ! " i scream.. as I pace back and forth in front of you.... seeing if you will dare to get back in the ring yt

01:40 Zack_Davis: I get to my feet, approaching the apron by the corner post ... I start to get up onto the apron, watching to see if you try any funny business... "Ohh, I'm getting back in there, count on it!" I growl ... Swiping at you from over the top rope, not really expecting to snag you, but hey, a handful of hair is a handful of hair ... yt

01:41 Kelly-Awesome: I easily step back.. avoiding your extended hand.. but I go down on one knee.. and now lunge forward through the ropes.. aiming my shoulder at your midsection... "Bye, Again ! ! " i sneer yt

01:48 Zack_Davis: I pivot on my right foot, holding the top rope with my right elbow hooked over it... Leaving my right foot on the apron, my left foot hangs off the apron ... "Ole'!!! I bellow ... I knew you couldn't resist a cheap shot" ... Avoiding your shoulder spear through the ropes, but waiting with that free left foot for a barefooted slap kick at your chest..." yt

01:51 Kelly-Awesome: Fuuuuuuck ! ! ! your foot connects as I'm half way through the ropes... and I collapse on the middle rope... half in and half out... reaching for my sore boobs... now breathing hard as I try to catch my breath.. yt

02:05 Zack_Davis: I hop down off of the apron, hooking my hands around the back off your neck, pulling you down with me as far as the middle rope will stretch, before suddenly releasing your neck, allowing the ropes to slingshot into you back upwards! Yt

02:10 Kelly-Awesome: "Whaaaaaatt. Nooooooo ! ! ! I'm yanked forward, my blonde hair now covering my face.. and then suddenly my head snaps back up... I come up and off the mat.. now falling back into the ring.... on my back.. staring blindly up into the lights... shaking my head back and forth as I try to clear it yt

02:15 Zack_Davis: Now somewhat assured of safe passage, I roll back into the ring under the bottom rope. I quickly get to my feet, however, I can see that Kentucky belt on display and I want it! With a running start, I rush across the ring, hopping over your body to slingshot off the far ropes, zeroing in on you with a Guillitine leg drop across your neck, circa Hulk Hogan! Yt

02:16 Zack_Davis: You are not logged in.
02:17 Zack_Davis: Yt

02:18 Kelly-Awesome: I look up, but it's too late.. I try to move, but your leg comes crashing down across my throat.. my body jerks up from the impact.. and I start gagging and coughing.. as you remain on top of me.. and I settle back down on the mat.... I try to reach for one of your legs, hoping to pull it away.. knowing that I can't stay under you yt

02:24 Zack_Davis: I roll off of you as you reach for my leg, not sure if I had enough leverage from a sitting position to try for a pin. Rolling onto all fours just above your head, however, I try to sit you up into a rear naked choke while I have some momentum! Yt

02:27 Kelly-Awesome: My eyes open wide, as you hands grab mine and wrap up my head... I quickly reach back, and try to poke you in your eyes before you can tighten the hold yt

02:38 Zack_Davis: "GAWDDDDDD DAMNNNN!!!" I bellow, grasping at my eyes as I roll away behind you, temporarily blinded! 😳 ... Yt

02:40 Kelly-Awesome: I roll over on my side... free, but exhausted.. my chest heaves as I try to suck in air.. I know I gotta start moving, but I wince from all the pain.. I look up to see you down.. so I struggle to crawl over to you.. and when I get within range, I send a hard double ax handle blow into your chest WHAM ! ! yt

02:42 Zack_Davis: I don't see you coming! I know you probably are, but my eyes are watering and squeezed tightly shut ... "File down your damn nails!" I howl in what I think is your general direction ... Then WHAMMM! Your double axe handle I'm quite certain causes my heart to skip a beat, as I let out a cry of anguish!!! Yt

02:49 Kelly-Awesome: I sit back on my knees... breathing hard... I now I hurt you, and I want to keep up the attack... I now grab your arm closest to me, and Yank it towards me.. and SLAM my feet into your side... trying for an arm bar yt

02:55 Zack_Davis: "Ahhhhhhh FUKKKK!!!" I scream out, part pain and part frustration at you seizing my momentum back! I slam my open free palm on the mat before reaching across my body, grasping at your foot lowest on my body in an attempt at dislodging it yt

02:58 Kelly-Awesome: Damn ! ! My foot is pulled off, and I lose my leverage on my arm bar... I yank my foot, trying to get it free... while rolling over, and now sitting on your arm.. I start twisting it.. hoping to cause more damage... yt

03:05 Zack_Davis: Your cute butt isn't quite as cute when it's sitting on my arm, while you twist with bad intentions! I ball up my fist and fire a thudding punch right between your shoulder blades ... if it lands successfully and I can get away with it, I'll send a second one right after it! (assuming your back is to me? If not, I'm punching at whatever body part is facing me ;-) yt

14:15 Kelly-Awesome: ARRRRRGH!! I groan, as your fist stiles my back.. and I arch backwards.. throwing back my head and wincing.. I have to let go of your arm, as I roll off of you, and try to reach for my back.. hoping to relieve the pain. Yt

14:29 Zack_Davis: Shaking my arm as I sit up and roll to my hands and knees ... You lay before me, your back arched, reaching at your back! I stand, still shaking the sting out of my arm, approaching you as wounded, dangerous prey. Lifting your ankles, I try to get you into position to settle into a Boston Crab, hoping to further exploit the fresh harm to your back. yt

14:32 Kelly-Awesome: My eyes open wide, as I feel you grabbing my legs.. I immediately jerk out my legs, trying to keep them free from you.. but the motion causes more pain in my back, and I scream out in pain.. and try to roll further away.. yt

14:38 Zack_Davis: You jerk your legs, one ankle comes free as you attempt to roll clear of your troubles. I use the ankle I still hold in an attempt to keep you secured, raising your leg high with both hands to drive your knee back down into the mat. yt

14:42 Kelly-Awesome: Oh, crap !! I didn’t quite make it away.. but my eyes open wide, when you lift my leg up high.. I shake my head in fear, as my knee is slammed down.. and my whole body spasms.. I shriek in pain, as fire shoots up my leg… and try to reach for my hurt leg.. “Nooo!! NOOOOO!!” I cry.. “Pleeeeeease.. Let it go…” yt

14:52 Zack_Davis: "Noooo, this is just getting good, sweet Kelly!" ... I use the one ankle I still control to step around , hooking your ankle under my arm before attempting to sit back with it. Opting to go right for the single leg Boston Crab rather than waste time trying to get that second leg back ..

14:52 Zack_Davis:
14:52 Zack_Davis: Yt

14:56 Kelly-Awesome: Fuuuuuuck!! I scream, as your hold adding more pressure.. and pain .. on my hurt back.. I shake my head, trying to deal with the pain.. desperate, I see the ropes, and get up on my elbows, which hurts even more.. and start crawling forward.. little by little.. trying not to pass out.. yt

15:04 Zack_Davis: I feel you moving slowly in my grasp ... I look over my shoulder to see your intentions ... Damn! You're close! I lean back farther as I sit on your shoulder blades, trying to keep you from gaining that precious short distance ... Yet I still feel you moving! I scream over my shoulder at you "JUST SAY IT KELLY! JUST SUBMIT AND THE HURT STOPS!" yt

15:11 Kelly-Awesome: I hear your yelling.. and I hesitate, but I know you like to humiliate your victims after you win.. and I’m not ready for that.. so again I try to crawl forward, but slowly I’m fading.. and my progress is way too slow.. yt

15:20 Zack_Davis: I'm not sure if you're going to reach the ropes or not! You're close but I can feel your struggles lessening! I slip off of your back to your side, pressing my thigh against your butt as I pull on that leg, hitting the tension from a different, hopefully excruciating angle!

15:20 Zack_Davis:
15:20 Zack_Davis: Yt

15:27 Kelly-Awesome: My leg is on fire !! As I scream from the pain.. it’ll probably be useless for the rest of the match.. but my back is somewhat free.. I grab my head with my hands, trying to deal with this new pain.. finally reaching up to try grab your hair.. or anything I can reach… yt

15:45 Zack_Davis: I admire your heart and determination, but it's your body that I have a hold on. You manage to get your fingers clenched into the back of my surfers hair, pulling my head back! I definitely sense the time has come to abandon this hold. I shift my position to straddle your ass, my head arched back in your grip. Again lifting your leg to try to drive it back down into the mat. Back, knee ... Whatever body part I can isolate is fine... Yt

19:50 Kelly-Awesome: DAMN ! ! I groan, as you pull your head back.. and my hands let go of your hair.. But when I again try to grab something, you again slam my hurt knee down on the mat, and I squeal in pain... both hands grabbing my damaged knee... and shaking my head in pain.. as I try to push back from you to try to get some space to recover yt

20:51 Zack_Davis: Feeling as though I have something to work with in your injured back and knee, I allow you to push yourself back away from me. It allows me room to stand and stalk you now. You're almost on the ropes, probably at them by now, you were so close to reaching them. I bend down to your injured leg, hopefully pulling you to the center of the ring, before attempting to roll you onto your back. Yt

01:20 Kelly-Awesome: "NOOOOOOOOO ! ! ! NOT THAT LEG ! ! " I bellow, but somehow you get ahold of my hurt foot... and yank it .. and me.. towards the middle of the ring.. I wiggle and shake, trying to get free. but I'm in too much pain from your hold... But as you start to roll me over... I grit my teeth, and lash out with my good leg, and try to ram my foot into your face YT

02:25 Zack_Davis: I grin sadistically as you wiggle and shake, my work on that leg obviously paying off! Ohh, I'm not done with it yet ... I drag you to the center of the ring by it, then yank it over the top of your other leg, the torsion twisting you to you back. An evil idea crosses my mind. I reach down to grasp your other ankle so I can spread your legs, but as I do, you drive that free foot right into my face! "FUKKKKKKKK!!!" I scream as my head snaps back, then forward again ... My hands go to my face while my balance becomes unsteady .. I stumble back a couple of steps, catch myself momentarily, before sagging to my knees! Yt

02:32 Kelly-Awesome: I'm finally free, but with only one good leg.. I pull myself away from you while I can, and try to get up, using only my one good leg.. I limp around you while your on your knees.. and now try to lunge on top of you, with my one good knee yt

02:40 Zack_Davis: I take my hands away from my face to look at them ... Thankfully no blood! My cheek is numb though, a sure tell sign that it's already beginning to swell up... Gonna have a black eye soon. I look up from my hands just as you lunge on top of me! I wrap my arms around your waist as your momentum drives me to my back with you on top of me! Yt

02:42 Kelly-Awesome: Uh oh... Damn ! ! I moan, as you grab me.. I'm on top, but you have me close to you... i begin to struggle and wiggle, trying to get free.. knowing that you could do real damage while you have me yt

02:53 Zack_Davis: We land on my back with an "OOOFFFFF!!!" , My body cushioning your fall ... thinking I might be in trouble with you on top of me, defensively, I hold on for dear life, an impromptu belly to belly bearhug from a prone position ... Yt

02:58 Kelly-Awesome: I'm on top, facing you.. my chest being squashed against you... I reach for your neck, and try to sink in my fingers.. hoping to cause some damage before you can get free yt

03:04 Zack_Davis: Arhhghhhh! You dig your nails into my neck ... "Geez, lady!" I protest, squeezing your waist tight ... rolling one way then back hard the other way ... Trying to roll us together onto your back ... yt

03:08 Kelly-Awesome: Noooooo ! !! You're still strong, and finally we roll over.. Now I'm under you, and my eyes open wide as I look up at you... "Damn.." I mutter, knowing that I'm in trouble, and I try to push you away yt

03:22 Zack_Davis: Able to reverse our positions, I draw my knees up to straddle your legs before letting go of my hold around your waist ... the opportunity to present some harm is available, and as I free my hands from behind your back, I quickly thrust a fist downward into your exposed belly, just above the waistband of your sexy pink bikini bottoms. Yt

03:29 Kelly-Awesome: OOOOOOOFF ! ! I groan, as my body jerks when your fist sinks in deep... I'm exhausted.. sore.. and your punch does real damage in my lower stomach... and I cough and gag .. trying not to get sick yt

03:38 Zack_Davis: I pat your aching belly lightly as you react to my punch, deliberately taking my time, a sadistic smile again crosses my lips. Brushing your arms aside, I'm now able to drive home what hopefully is a devastating follow up blow to the same tenderized part of your belly! Yt

03:40 Kelly-Awesome: My eyes are glazed over.. this has been a brutal contest.. and my chest is heaving as each breath hurts... I'm unable to defend myself anymore.. and your next punch sinks in even deeper.. as I groan and fall forward... trying not to get sick.. as all my insides feel like they've been squashed yt

03:51 Zack_Davis: My second fist to your belly encounters delightfully little resistance, and the effects are plain to see in your reactions! It has been a hell of a fight, at this point I'm not sure which part of my body hurts worse ... I do know my eye is swollen shut and shoulder now makes a popping sound when I move it! Feeling the timing is right, I simply fall forward over top of you from my straddle position, pressing my forearms against your upper chest to pin you flat, hoping the ref is in position to count! ... I hear his hand slap the mat ..."ONE!" ... then again ... "TWO!" ... my heart skips a beat! yt

15:03 Kelly-Awesome: I hear the count, and I grit my teeth and try to wiggle and buck... But it's no use... You're too strong and my shoulders stay pinned on the mat.... "THREE" and my body goes limp under you... So pissed that I'm unable to continue, but it was a brutal fight... YT

15:12 Zack_Davis: I push myself back up to straddle your body, feeling grateful to have been able to steal a win against such a challenging opponent! I raise my fist in victory, but I look down at your face, twisted in anguish yet somehow still maintaining your natural good looks... "You're pretty tough, lady!". yt

15:13 Kelly-Awesome: (Well, I gave it my best, but you're too much, Zack... Congrats ! ! 🤗)

15:17 Zack_Davis: I help you to your feet, putting your arm around my shoulder to help you out of the ring. "Let's go back to the beach bar, I'll buy"

15:17 Kelly-Awesome: "Sounds good to me... I never refuse a drink.... 🍷🍷"

15:19 Zack_Davis: 🔥 ... "You drive ... My eye is swollen shut! Do I look tougher?"

15:21 Kelly-Awesome: "Yea.... you look TOTALLY Tough ! ! " And I give your eye a kiss

15:25 Zack_Davis: Somehow it suddenly feels much better ;-)


Outdoor Championship Wrestling!



Published: 2023-06-17, viewed 100 times.




2023-06-17 18:16

Great match as always a lil NHB but fun as always

Zack Davis

2023-06-17 19:02

(In reply to this)

Kelly is truly Awesome! Thanks for reading Riti!