OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Natalia & Kelsey in a submission match!

Natalia Red (deleted member)

21:50 Natalia_Red: After a streak in the ring, I had spoken to a local girl named Kelsey and we agreed on a match. I was branching out from my brutish comfort zone tonight as we settled on some submission wrestling on the mats. The venue was an after hours gym, a 10'x10' mat laid out on the floor with some folding chairs for people to watch if they wished. I was in the lockers getting ready, having just finished a light workout to get my heart rate elevated and lungs open, warmed up for the fight. I came out first in my signature bikini, flaunting my impressive stature and curves to the girls in the audience. Spying Sassy I gave her a wink and got onto the mats, flexing my biceps for the small crowd as I awaited my new frenemy!
21:50 Natalia_Red: You are not logged in. You are not logged in. yt
21:52 Natalia_Red: I have invited @Cassandra_the_Crusher to join #Mismatched_Submission.
21:52 SassyMind: *nods and winks with a devilish grin back at Red*
21:53 Cassandra_the_Crusher: Sits down on a chair next to the mat
21:55 kelseyfights123: as i get changed into my sheer black two piece thong bikini i quickly tie my long brunette hair back in a tight ponytail then i stand in front of the full leanth mirror in the womens locker room thinking to myself....''i have wrestled / fought larger women then myself in the past but Natalia is by the far the largest woman i have agreed to go up against giving up nearly 100lbs to her so i know i will need to reley on my speed and wrestling skills if i plan to win this match. I now make my way down to where the mats are and kick off my flip flops and move over to my side looking Natalia up and down sizeing her up as i now begin to stretch my 33 yo tanned and well toned body yt
21:56 kelseyfights123: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
21:58 Natalia_Red: There was quite the contrast between us, but I knew you were still dangerous. I was used to being able to use everything to my advantage, but here I needed to be restrained and rely more on technical skill. Technical skill I didn't quite have nailed down. "Start on our knees?" I suggest, unsure myself as I take a few steps forward and kneel down in the middle of the mats. I get my arms up and spread my legs, giving myself a firm base to work from as I wait for you to join me. "Come at me when you're ready... let's do it, Kelsey." yt
22:02 kelseyfights123: as i look into your eyes not even taking the time to blink i take a deep breath as i try to calm my nerves telling myself i got this!....i make my way to the center of the mats where you are already down on your knees i slowly get down on my knees and adjust my bikini top as my round firm ass cheeks rest on the heels of my feet then i get my arms up and then a bit forward spreading my knees apart for better ballance im ready when you are i say !!!!! yt
22:03 Natalia_Red: You get down in front of me, but don't make a move. I didn't really want to start but here I am, not having many other options. I try to use my strength and size, shifting toward you and sliding on my knees. I reach out with my left hand, trying to wrap my palm around the back of your head and attempting to pull you in and down, trying to push your head towards the mat as my right hand goes to your shoulder to pull as well, wanting to fold you over. "Come here!" yt
22:08 kelseyfights123: just as you reach out with your left hand i duck in low trying to use my speed and agility and doing my best to squirm my head under your grasp and move out twards the side of you reaching in as i try to grab ahold of your left arm struggling as i pull yank and tug it doing my best to try to pull it away from your body and try to outstretch it yt
22:10 Natalia_Red: "Gyaahh..." I whine out in frustration and discomfort as you slip to the side of me and grab my arm, pulling it hard. My right arm comes down to support me as I am tugged onto my hands and knees, in a less than endearing position with my left arm outstretched. I try to pivot to face you, attempting to just crawl on all three limbs into you and try to bulldoze through you, hoping to get on top and throw my body at you like a wrecking ball! yt
22:15 kelseyfights123: struggling and straining with everything i have just to keep you off balance i try to move with you and not against you , not really wanting to get bulldozed and flattened buy your weight advantage ....keeping your arm outstretched to your side i quickly fall on my back and wrap my long well toned legs around the upper part of your arm and lock my ankles together as i squeeze and pulsate my legs around your arm trying to take you down to your belly yt
22:18 Natalia_Red: This isn't my best performance. You keep moving around with me as I try to get onto you, until you finally pull my arm hard and go down to your back. I get shunted forward roughly, mashing my tits into the mat and laying on my belly as you wrap your legs around my arm and lock your ankles over my shoulder, starting to squeeze and bend my arm incorrectly. I grind my teeth and wheeze. I just want to punch you, but I can't. I reach across with my right hand, hooking under my chin and trying to grab your toes as I attempt to bend them backwards. "Let me go you little bitch!" yt
22:24 kelseyfights123: as i now lock my ankles together and really begin to amp up the pressure bending your arm almost to the breaking point as i feel you reach across with your free hand grabbing at my toes trying to bend them, i just press my leg down on top of your arm forcing your face to slam down onto the mats .....''AAAwwww what the matter is this little bitch getting the best of you ????b yt
22:26 Cassandra_the_Crusher: Go Natalia! Crush her!
22:27 Natalia_Red: You press down on me, forcing my face to smash down into the mat and leaving me a little bewildered. "Buuh...." I take a second to recover, feeling you pry my arm up as my joints pop and crackle in ways they really ought not to. Desperate to try and get out of this, I attempt a feat of strength. I bring my hips up and get my knees under me as best as I can, trying to pull on you while you're glued to my side and attempting to drag you in underneath me. It's a brutal move, with high risk of you just snapping my arm like a twig if you're cruel enough, but hopefully lifting my hips and trying to get up to my knees robs some of your leverage. yt
22:33 SassyMind: *watches through my fingers, loving the intense action*
22:35 kelseyfights123: struggling and straining as i feel you begin to use your strength to try and get up to your knees,knowing that you are feeling desperate as you look to power your way outta this as i can feel my grip on your arm begin to waver a bit and knowing that i have to do something before your break out of this hold , so when you do get to your knees i begin to twist your arm forward by your wrist and i look to see if i can spin my body over your arm and see if i can somehow flip you over and onto your back yt
22:37 Natalia_Red: I get to my knees and start to drag you in, but you demonstrate your skill and experience as you twist my arm forward. I immediately scream in pain, forced to go with the motion as I lean forward and bring my head back down towards the canvas. You spin over it and work with my momentum, flipping me and slamming me down on my back with my arm still outstretched, over extended, and suffering. I gasp hard, panting on my back as I try to use the tussle to yank my arm free, trying to roll to my side away from you and get out of this torturous submission. yt
22:44 kelseyfights123: i manage to take you over and slam you down to your back with a loud THUMP that echoes the entire room but your are determined to get your arm free and finally manage to pull it from my grasp, but as soon as you try to roll away from me and get to your side im all over you , using my speed and agility i manage to get on top of you before you make it to your knees i drop my self down onto your back and quickly wrap my long legs around your waist as i try to sneak my arms under your armpits and place the palms of my hands against your neck if i can yt
22:47 Natalia_Red: I grunt as you sit down on my back, pushing me into the floor while you slip into yet another submission hold. Your legs join around my waist, squeezing my soft belly. I bring my arms down but they're suddenly yanked up as you wrap around my back and hook your arms under my pits, pressing your hands into the back of my head in a full nelson bodyscissor combo! I gasp, face down on the mat with you on top of me, my forehead mashed down and my arms overhead and exposing my sweaty, hairy arm pits. I kick my feet, trying to roll onto my side as you constrict my belly and take my arms out of the fight. "Wh-what the fuck!?" yt
22:51 kelseyfights123: i manage to quickly lock in the full nelson intertwining my long fingers behind your neck and at the same time wrap my long well toned legs around your belly/waist as i now go for a two pronged attack to squeeze the air from you below as i control your head and neck from above .......yt
22:52 Cassandra_the_Crusher: Come on Natalia! Use your strength, power out of that!
22:55 Natalia_Red: I wheeze with each pulse around my waist, quickly losing steam. I've yet to do anything meaningful thus far, but hearing Cassandra egg me on inspires me to push through it. I try to get my knees under me again, flexing my abs and feeling the burn in my stomach as I try to get up to my knees and then just flop backwards onto my back, hoping to crush you underneath me! yt
23:00 kelseyfights123: you show amazing strength as you manage to get your knees under you somehow , but i fight hard to keep the holds i have on you as i still control your head with the nelson i manage to just twist your neck and cause you to call down onto your side where i really amp up the pressure with my leg scissor struggling as my whole body shakes from exertions as i try to squeeze the very life outta you and make you submit to me ......yt
23:03 Natalia_Red: I fail to fall back onto you, as once I get up you twist me and bring us down onto our sides. Your body scissor does a number on me, making my belly stick way out as you crush into my sides and wreck havoc on my digestive system. With my arms restrained I slide my feet around the mat, unable to get any purchase from this position and finally trying to tap out, slapping my foot to the mat. "I submit, I submit!" yt
23:05 kelseyfights123: music to my ears as i quickly release my grip i have on you and shove you away from me with my feet i quickly get to my feet and raise my arms in victory relishing in my hard fought victory

End! Thanks for reading!

Published: 2023-06-23, viewed 112 times.




2024-05-02 03:04

I enjoyed and love this story


2023-06-23 21:03

Wow Kelsey woman handled the big girl with ease