OutDoor Championship Wrestling

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-01-25

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Back and forth
  • Outdoors match
A Company built outside, from the "ground" up!
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Country Girl Anna vs Perfect Princess Elle in Backyard, hardcore, falls count anywhere match


Country_Girl_Anna: Hello Elle

Oh_Elle_No: Steps in and looks you up and down with a confident smirk ...."Anna"....

Country_Girl_Anna: Guess it was inevitable that our paths cross eventually

Oh_Elle_No: I'm definitely not sad about it
Oh_Elle_No: I know I've said some nice things about you in your previous matches, but I'm done being nice now

Country_Girl_Anna: Oh, Elle I've never actually liked you. Today you're gonna FEEL that

Oh_Elle_No: The ring is set up in a backyard, and this match is an anything goes pro match, falls count anywhere, and is for the #1 Contender's spot for QueenLola's Intercontinental Championship. mtc
Oh_Elle_No: I enter first, stepping out into the hot sun as I exit the house and strut across the back yard with an arrogant smirk on my pretty face, my hot young body tanned and toned to perfection, clad in my black string bikini for this match, my blonde hair tied back into a ponytail "INTRODUCING FIRST, STANDING 5'6" TALL AND WEIGHING 118 PERFECT POUNDS, SHE IS THE PICTURE PERFECT PRINCESS HERSELF, PRIIIINCEEESS EELLLEE!" I make my way across the hard ground and climb into the ring, showing off my amazing body for all who are here to see me beat Anna down and become the number 1 contender. I back into my corner and wait anxiously in my corner with a confident smile on my face..

Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: nice tits

Country_Girl_Anna: I enter next, stepping into the back yard seeing my bitch opponent already out in the ring. I'm wearing my hot pink bikini and barefoot, my blonde hair loose and swaying against my back as I walk toward the ring, my superior tits dancing in my bikini top as I grin smugly approaching the ring "AND HER OPPONENT...STANDING 5'5" AND WEIGHING 128 POUNDS..THE IS THE COUNTRY QUEEN...AAAANNNAAA!" I reach the steps and climb onto the apron and step through the ropes and walk to the middle of the ring, glaring at you as I despise you and your princess act. I flip you off "you're going down princess!" I shout then spin and walk to my own corner to await the bell, my heart racing with anticipation of becoming the number 1 contender already...

QueenLola: I look at both competitors to confirm they are ready to go as I wear my full black bikini and motion for the bell to be rung then stand in the corner.

Oh_Elle_No: I stare back into your eyes with an intense dislike, then glare out of the corner of my eyes and see the ref wearing the same bikini as me as if she's trying to show me up "ugh..bitch" I mumble under my breath as I then watch my opponent flip me off and strut away. I'm not one to take an insult lightly so as soon as you turn to walk away, I charge you, rushing across the ring before the bell rings and coming up behind you, trying to slam my fists into your upper back with an axe handle smash from behind..

Country_Girl_Anna: As I walk toward my corner I hear footsteps behind me but before I can spin around "AUUUGHHH!!" I am hammered hard in the upper back, sending me stumbling forward all the way to the corner where I slam into the buckles, my hands grabbing hold of the top ropes as I groan in pain and the delayed bell rings out DING DING DING "uuughh..dirty cheating bitch!" I snarl as I groan and try to catch my breath..

Oh_Elle_No: My fists hammer into your back and send you staggering forward into the corner. I come up behind you and grab for your loose hair, gripping it tight I jerk your head back and say in your ear "I'm gonna fuck your country ass up Anna" then try to slam your head forward face first into the top turnbuckle...

Country_Girl_Anna: As I grip the top rope and groan out, catching my breath you reach up and grab my hair and start to pull it back, but as you talk trash in my ear, I try to hammer my right elbow back hard into your stomach, then again, then a third time if I can..
Oh_Elle_No: Gripping your hair tight, I'm just about to smash your face into the top buckle pad when you slam your elbow back into my sexy belly three times in a row, each time with a SMACK sound making me gasp out as my hands eventually fall from your hair to hold my abs, wincing as I take a step or two back...

Kim_Jung: *Sits down to watch*
MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *slips in to watch also*

Country_Girl_Anna: I feel you release my hair and you back away from me, and as you to I reach forward for that turnbuckle pad you were planning to smash my face into, and I quickly untie it and pull it free from where the steep cables meet the ring post, and with an evil grin I turn back to you, grab you by the hair now and try to jerk you forward and ram your face hard into the steel cables, screaming out "biiittcch!" as I do..

Oh_Elle_No: You grab my pretty blonde ponytail and jerk me by it toward the corner, making me wince out as my scalp burns but as I come toward the corner, I swing my right leg up and plant my foot on the bottom rope, bracing my leg, stopping my forward momentum, then try to hammer my left fist hard and deep into your belly..

Country_Girl_Anna: I go to slam you into the now exposed steel cables, but you manage to get your foot up and I can't move you any farther before "OOUUFFFFF!" I grunt out as you slam your fist straight into my sexy belly now, making me release your hair with both hands as it holds my stomach and my right tries to hammer a fist into your jaw...

Kim_Jung: Not sure who to cheer for
MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *cheers for violence*

Oh_Elle_No: My fist connects with your stomach, making you release my hair, then you try to swing your fist toward my head and I quickly raise my left arm up to block your punch with my forearm, then...taking my right hand I grab the back of your head by the hair, remove my foot from the bottom rope, and with a primal scream try to slam your head forward and smash your face hard into the exposed steel where the buckle pad used to be!

Country_Girl_Anna: "AAEEOOWWW!" I yelp out as somehow it ends up being my face that is driven into the steel cables in the corner. I shriek out and slump down to my knees in the corner with my hands holding my face, leaning against the ropes as my face burns and I reel a warm spot on my forehead where I'm bleeding a little bit already..

Oh_Elle_No: I smash your face into the steel cables that were meant for me and a cocky smirk creeps across my pretty face as I hear you howl out in pain and sink to your knees in the corner. I step squarely behind you, bending over and wrapping my arms around your body "on your feet bitch!" I shout as I try to pull my hands up into your stomach to lift you onto your feet in front of me, trying to keep my arms wrapped around you as I do, my tits against your back as I haul you up and bend my knees setting you up..

Country_Girl_Anna: I grunt out as you pull up into my belly to drag me onto my feet in front of you, but as you do, I try to thrust my hips back and slam my ass into your waist, making you bend forward over my body and as you do, I reach up and try to grab your head with both hands, pulling it over my right shoulder then try to drop down onto my ass, pulling you down with me and cracking your jaw against my shoulder with a stunner!


Oh_Elle_No: I drag you onto your feet and keep my arms around you setting you up for a German suplex, but before I can go into the motion "unngghfff" I grunt out as you slam your ass into my stomach, then grab my head and before I know it I'm being pulled down and "AAAUUUGGHHHH!!" I scream out as you crack my jaw against your shoulder, snapping my pretty blonde head back as my body jolts backwards and lands on my back on the canvas with a THUD as you nail me with a stunner out of nowhere...

MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *cheers for violence!*
Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: Anna a tough cookie

Country_Girl_Anna: I hear you yelp in pain then crash onto the canvas behind me as I land on y ass, my legs out in front of me, and sit there a moment wiping the blood from my forehead before rolling over and pushing to my feet, stepping toward you as you lay on your back holding your head, I drop down and try to drive my right elbow deep into your stomach with an elbow drop..
Rachel_Simms: Ooooohhh, there you go Anna..

Oh_Elle_No: Laying on my back with my jaw aching and my head ringing, suddenly "OOOOOUUFFFFFFF!" I gasp out as I feel a sharp pain in my belly now as you drive your elbow deep into my gut, smashing through my abs to make my body fold up on the canvas then flop back down, my knees kick on the canvas as I moan out now, gasping for air and moaning, my hands shifting to hold my burning abs now..

Zack_Davis: Sneaks into the front ... "Country kicks ass?"

Country_Girl_Anna: I get back to my feet as quick as I can after driving my elbow into your guts, because as expected, you move your hands away from your head to hold your stomach now and as soon as you do, I drop straight down again but this time I lead with my knee and look to drop my right knee violently hard straight down on your face! ..

Oh_Elle_No: "AAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!" I yelp out as this time as I tend to my aching stomach you focus on my head and drive your knee down straight into my gorgeous face, you jealous bitch, crushing no nose under your knee as blood squirts onto my face, my body jerking as I reach up and cover my face with my hands now, then look at my fingers seeing blood on them I moan out desperately try to roll to the ropes now, trying to put some distance between us and roll out of the ring...

Country_Girl_Anna: I watch with pleasure as I smash your face up and blood appears before you are able to cover up, and you start to roll away as I push back to my feet. I let you do most of the work rolling toward the ropes then charge after you, dropping down as I get close to you, extending my legs, and looking to slam my bare feet into your bikini clad body and send you rolling out of the ring involuntarily and crashing onto the hard ground outside the ring...

Rachel_Simms: Ooooooo!!

Oh_Elle_No: I just about make it to the ropes where I intend to drop out of the ring slowly on my own but instead "UUANNGHFH!" I yelp out as I take a blow to my side, sending me rolling over fast and hard and falling out of the ring crashing onto the hard, dirty ground outside with a THUD "uuhhnngggggg" I groan out as I land on my side and flop over onto my stomach, a small cloud of dust rising around me as the area immediately surrounding the ring is more dirt than grass. I groan as I lay face down trying to collect my thoughts and catch my breath...

Zack_Davis: *jumps back out of the way ... Whew! Almost spilled my beer*

Country_Girl_Anna: The crowd parts as I send you crashing to the ground outside the ring. I follow, climbing through the ropes onto the apron and opting not to go high risk just yet, I hop off the and make my way toward where you lay. I look down at you with a confident grin and then look over you, snatching the beer from @Zack_Davis's hand, I take a swig and hand it back to him as I then plant my right boot on the back of your pretty blonde head and start to apply weight to it, grinding my foot back and forth and trying to grind your face into the dirt at the same time "what was all that talk Elle about beating me?! huh bitch?! What?! Sorry bitch I can't really hear ya stop talking with your mouth full of dirt!" I mock you as I stand over you hands on my hips grinding my foot down..

Zack_Davis: *gives Anna a wink as she takes a swig of my beer* ... "Country girls kick ass"

Oh_Elle_No: I am laying face down in the dirt and I try to get my hands under me and start to push my head and chest off the ground when "Unnghhf" I grunt out feeling your bare foot stomp on the back of my head, smashing my bleeding face back down into the dirt and then "uuunnnngghhh...uuaaaaggghhh...aauuuuggghhhhhh!!" I let out a series of long moans as you start to grind your foot down hard into the back of my head, smashing my face harder and harder into the dirt outside the ring, crushing my nose and lips into the ground as blood and saliva mix with the dirt to make a nasty bloody mud under my face, my hands claw and paw at the ground clenching the dirt tight as my legs kick on the ground behind me..

Country_Girl_Anna: After grinding your face into the ground for a solid minute I finally relent, pulling my bare foot off the back of your head then reaching down to grab your long blonde ponytail "come on Elle on your feet if you still can" I say as I drag you up like a doll I'm playing with, trying to move my hand from your hair to your wrist as I get you to rise..

Oh_Elle_No: Finally after what seems like forever you pull your foot from my head and I lift it up just a bit and spit a mouthful of blood and dirt out of my mouth, then I wince as I feel you pull on my hair trying to drag me to my feet, and as you pull me up, I make sure to dig my fingers into the dirt and grip a fistful of the earth before you pull me off of it, onto my knees then on up to my feet, but as you start to pull me from my knees to my feet, I try to draw back and swing my right hand forward and throw a whole fistful of dirt I just scraped off the ground straight into your face!

Country_Girl_Anna: I am in the process of getting you on your feet, thinking about how I'm going to punish you next when "AAAAGGGHH!!" I shriek out as you blast my face with dirt, blinding me as my eyes sting immediately blinded, releasing your hair I stagger back rubbing my watering eyes as I desperately try to focus my sight through the dirt and the pain.

Oh_Elle_No: The fistful of dirt I throw into your face does it's job as you immediately release my hair and stagger backwards, seemingly blinded as I wipe some of the blood and mud from my face seeing you reeling, I let out a loud aggressive scream of my own now, charging toward you as you back up, grabbing your head with both hands as I slam my body into yours and start driving you back faster and harder now, aiming to slam you back first into the ring post and hammer the back of your head violently into it as I do..

Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: fight fair Anna
Lady_Darcy: Do whatever you have to Anna!
Rachel_Simms: Agreed!! Cheat!!
Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: quiet tubby

Country_Girl_Anna: I can't see a thing, as hard as I try I'm unable to see you coming up in front of me and "uungnhhff" I grunt out as you slam your body against mine and start to drive me back, feeling your hands come up into my hair and grab my head before I can try to blindly feel my way around to try to find your face "AAAAAAAAAUUUGGGGGHHH!!" I yelp out in pain as you drive me hard into the steel post, not only crushing my spine into it but also smashing the back of my head hard against the steep post, instantly stunning me as I groan in pain and my arms drop to my sides, the back of my head feeling warm as I've been busted open too now..

Kim_Jung: *watches closely with a smile*
Nathan_gingerbread: Hmmm like Suki and her brass knuckles 🤔

Oh_Elle_No: I smash your body hard into the post and drive the back of your skull into the steel as well, busting you open. I don't let up, keeping my sexy body pressed against yours to keep you upright against the post, I wrap my arms around your body and clam my hands against the small of your back, our tits mashing together as I bend my knees and let out a groan as I try to lift you up, turn my body, carrying you with me and dive down, trying to drive you hard down into the hard ground with a big belly to belly suplex...

Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: wait whut how did you find out ...
Kim_Jung: *waves to the big @Lady_Darcy *
Lady_Darcy: Gives @Kim_Jung the middle finger... " Come on Anna, honey, get up!"
Nathan_gingerbread: 😁
Kim_Jung: Watches the middle finger….Wow..such high class…and supposedly a lady..imagine that

Country_Girl_Anna: As I stand pinned against the ring post, dazed and bleeding from the back of the head, I grunt when I feel my body pulled tight against yours, then my feet come off the ground and "Uuuuaaannnnngghhhfffff!" I moan out loud and loud as you slam me down hard flat on my back under you with a bell to belly suplex right on the hard ground outside the ring, driving the air out of my lungs as my tits are crushed under yours as you land on me. My body flops on the ground under you as I wheeze and moan in pain and lack of air in my lungs..

Lady_Darcy: Sneers at @Kim_Jung and @Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung... you are both asking for a bruising... Looks over at Anna, down and in a bad way... "Come on sweetie... hang in there!"

Oh_Elle_No: I hear @Lady_Darcy cheering for Anna to hang in there as I peel myself off of her body after driving her down hard into the ground under me "She's not getting up now Darcy!" I shout as I get on top of her, sitting my ass on your belly and pinning your arms under my knees at your sides as I straddle you. I reach forward and grab your loose hair, lifting your head up, I try to drive my right fist straight down into your face, aiming my knuckles for your mouth now "biiiittttcchh!" I shout out as I swing..

Lady_Darcy: Grimaces as @Oh_Elle_No gets mounted on @Country_Girl_Anna... NOOOO!!!...
Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: How sweet it is
Kara_Anne: GET HER ELLE!
Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: good girl Kara

Country_Girl_Anna: I can't think straight from the lack of air in my lungs and the pain in my head after having it driving into the steel post and my body driven into the ground under you. Then I feel your ass on my stomach as I take your weight and I wince as my head gets lifted up before CRAAAAAACK "AAAAUUUGGHHH!!" I shriek out as you plow your fist straight into my face, busting my lips open as blood splatters from my mouth, my head rocking back as you release my hair and it drops to the dirt with a THUD.

QueenLola: I slide out under the bottom rope and get down onto my knees looking at Elle if to confirm a pin attempt.
Lady_Darcy: Yells at @Oh_Elle_No.. "She's had enough... it's over!"

Oh_Elle_No: I watch out of the corner of my eye as the ref finally makes her way out of the ring and I glare at her "Oh I'm not pinning her yet!" I shout as I scoot myself forward on your body now so I'm sitting on your big tits now, and I lean forward on you, feeling far superior to you now in this position I lean my face toward yours and whisper to you "you're nothing Anna...just a dirty...CUNTry...skank" I say wanting to cut you emotionally as well..

Country_Girl_Anna: I moan softly now as you sit on me, straddling me, my arms pinned under your legs as you start out sitting on my stomach. Then....I feel you scoot forward, your weight now moving from my abs to my tits, and as you scoot, you shifting weight allows me wiggle my arms out from under your knees now, freeing them as you settle in on me again, this time making me wince as you flatten my tits under your ass, then like the total bitch you are, you lean down and start to taunt me, telling me how dirty and worthless I am. I hear @Lady_Darcy's voice screaming at my opponent, and her voice stirs me a little as you put your face right against mine to taunt me, and then...my arms free finally, I try to quickly bring them up and grab the back of your head, forcing your face in closer to mine as I open my mouth and bite down as hard as I can into your bottom lip!

Lady_Darcy: YESSSSS!!!!

Kim_Jung: “Come on Elle..keep at it…don’t listen to that skut @Lady_Darcy…be careful”

MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *munches popcorn, happily enjoying the violence*

Oh_Elle_No: I am content that I have you beat now, your face bloody, as is the back of your head as I have the air driven out of you, and surely the fight along with it. So as I sit on you, taunting you, the last thing I expect is for you to come back to life. But I was wrong, and out of nowhere I feel my head suddenly forced down from behind and "AAAAAAEEEEOOOOWWW!!" I scream out in a loud, shrill scream as I feel you bite into my bottom lip, sinking your teeth in deep as blood immediately gushes from it and my body trembles trying instinctively to rise up but with your teeth in my lip I can't and I yelp as it makes it hurt more! My hands try to hammer into the sides of your head now desperately trying to get you to release my lip...

Country_Girl_Anna: I feel your blood coming from your lip as I keep my teeth sunk into it, making you howl in pain as you start punching at the side of my head, but with my face against yours you can't get very good angles and your fists make me grunt out when they land but far from making me release your lip. Instead I move my hands from the back of your head and around onto your face and finally I release your lip from between my teeth and scream out "you blinded me bitch now it's your turn!" as I try to thrust both my thumbs in deep to your eyes, game of thrones style trying to fucking hurt you for good!

Oh_Elle_No: Already screaming in pain as you tear my bottom lip apart with your teeth, "AAAAAGGGHHEEEE AAEEEOOOW GGAWWWDD!" I scream in absolute agony as I feel your thumbs push in deep and violently into my squishy eye sockets. I have no choice but to jerk my head back away from you, totally blinded as I roll off of you onto my back on the ground now wondering if I'm actually blind now my hands rubbing my eyes as I roll back and forth on the ground, my face smeared with blood now..

Suki_the_Jap_Girl_owned_by_KimJung: that got nasty reeal quick

Lady_Darcy: Sits bolt upright in my seat... "Whoa Anna!!... Come on honey!... Whatever it takes!... Whatever it takes!"

Country_Girl_Anna: You roll off of me and I roll over on top of you now, not wanting to give you a moment to breath as it's me straddling you now, sitting on your belly and pinning your arms under my knees at your sides "tides have turned now bitch!" I shout out as I try to drive a hard right hook straight into the left side of your face. Then if I connect with that, I continue "you city sluts are no match for us country girls!" I shout as I try to strike you back from the other way now, swinging a left hook for the right side of your face...

Lady_Darcy: Stands up and claps... "ANNA!!... ANNA!!... ANNA!!..."

Oh_Elle_No: My face smeared with blood already from you busting my nose with your knee earlier, and now my lip ripped open by your teeth blood starts to fill my mouth when you mount me now, reversing positions from how we were just a few short moments before. Then......CRAAAAAACACCCCCKKK "AAAAAAAGGGGGHHFFFF!" you punch me in the side of the face, snapping my head to the side, blood spraying from my mouth as my head snaps sharply to my right. THen CRAAAAAAAAACK "AAAAUUUUGGGHHHFFF!!" you do the exact same in the opposite way now, snapping my head back to the left as blood sprays from my mouth. My face engulfed in pain, smeared with blood, pinned under you unable to even comprehend my current situation..

Nathan_gingerbread: Nods in approval
Jazmin: best Elle has ever looked tbh
MeganTheWrestlingGirl: Anna is a jobber :)
Lady_Darcy: Sneers at @MeganTheWrestlingGirl... "COME ON ANNA!!..."

Country_Girl_Anna: After rocking your blonde head back and forth with my fists, bloodying you up good, I grab the sides of your head with both hands before turning your head to face me, and looking into your glassy eyes I say "That belt is gonna be mine Elle..mine!" then try to swing my head forward and smash it brutally into your face with a headbutt before slapping my hands down on your tits and pushing down on them to help push myself up off of you to my feet now..

MeganTheWrestlingGirl: *waves you off sticking my tongue out at you*

Oh_Elle_No: Already struggling to maintain consciousness when you plow your head into my pretty face with a loud SMACK sound, rocking my head back and making it thump against the ground, nearly out now as I let out a little groan when you push on my tits and chest to stand up over me. I try to roll my head to one side and spit some blood from my mouth to keep from choking..

Zack_Davis: *cracks open my 7th beer* ... "HELL YEAH!!!"
Michelle_Pantero: *tilts my bourbon glass at @Zack_Davis*

Country_Girl_Anna: I get to my feet over you now as you lay nearly out at my feet as I stand over you, I bend down and grab two fistfuls of your wet, blood stained hair and start to drag you to your feet, getting you up in front of me on unsteady legs, I hear @Zack_Davis crack open another bottle, and I snatch this one from his hands and look at Elle and with a wicked grin I say "us country girls love to drink Elle...here...have a drink!" as I then smash the bottle straight over your forehead!

Zack_Davis: " hope ya like Miller High Life " I say with a shrug, digging another out of my cooler and cracking it open ... *Tipping it at @Michelle_Pantero before offering @Country_Girl_Anna a chug*

Oh_Elle_No: I am barely able to support my own weight as you drag me to my legs, and I sway and wobble a bit before a loud shattering sound echoes out over the back yard as my forehead is busted open as you smash a beer bottle over it, and I scream out as blood seeps immediately from the cut in the top of my forehead, streaming down my face tipping backwards in a slow motion fall...

Jazmin: yessssss

Lady_Darcy: Come on Anna.... FINISH HER!!

Country_Girl_Anna: I love the sound of the glass bottle smashing into you head, and you start to fall backwards like a cartoon when I drop the bottle and reach out quickly, trying to grab you before you can fall, gripping you by the hair I try to jerk you back toward me and shove your head down between my strong thighs, closing them both tightly around the sides of your head I lean grab your bikini bottoms and jerk them up inside your ass now, giving you a nice wedgie before wrapping my arms around your body, my tits mashing against your back as I do, and clamping my hands against your stomach "Come on baby....time to finish you!" I say as I wink at @Lady_Darcy and with a grunt I pull my hands up into your belly, lifting you up and holding you upright against my body. Then, balancing you there, I try to walk several feet away toward the brick paver sidewalk...then with a loud scream I shout "You're FINISHED Elle!" as I try to drop down and drive the top of your head violently into the bricks with a piledriver, cracking the bricks...

Yanny: Nice! KO her!

Jazmin: that bitch is done

Zack_Davis: *goes to get the hose to spray down the sidewalk*

Oh_Elle_No: Before I can fall over, you snatch me up and shove my head between your legs. I grunt out as I feel your arms pull up deep into my stomach, my long sexy legs come up and pretty bare feet point at the sky as my long blonde hair now matted with blood dangles down toward the ground. Blood dripping from my head and face as you walk me across the lawn to the sidewalk then I let out a long scream that turns into a deep moan then pure silence as you drop down and piledrive the top of my pretty blonde head violently into the brick walkway "AAAAAAAAUUUNNGGHHHHHHhhhhh........." cracking the bricks with my skull as my sexy body stiffens for a moment in your grasp then goes completely limp as I collapse onto my stomach with a heavy THUD face down, KOd, not moving other than a random involuntary twitch of a leg or arm..

Rachel_Simms: Nice!!
Jazmin: 😋
Lady_Darcy: WOO HOO!!... WAY TO GO ANNA!!

QueenLola: Seeing her knocked out I ring the bell to call the match and look at Anna as she has clearly won this fight. I smirk and wait for Anna to turn back towards this way off her win.

Yanny: Thank god she's out

Country_Girl_Anna: I let your KO'd body flop like a ragdoll onto the ground after spiking your head into the sidewalk. I kneel above your head now and turn my head to see @QueenLola calling for the bell and it rings DING DING DING but I shout out "No! Fuck that! I told this bitch I was gonna pin her ass!" as I grab Elle's shoulders and roll her lifeless body over onto her back. I crawl across her and lay my sexy belly across hers, arching my back and really pressing my abs down into her stomach as I glare at Lola "Now do your job and count the bitch!"

Jazmin: could count to a million

Zack_Davis: *pauses spraying the blood off the sidewalk*

QueenLola: I look at Zack and then at Anna as my eyes squint only Zack and a few others know what that means as I make my way over to Anna and Elle. Instead of starting a pin I grab that bitch Anna by her and try to drive her face into my knee.
Zack_Davis: *puts down the hose, grabs a beer* ... Queen of Mean making a statement

Country_Girl_Anna: Laying across Elle pinning her to make it official the ref makes her way over to us and gets into position to make the pin when suddenly she stops and "Aaghh! what the....AAUUUUGGGHHH!!!" the ref drives her knee into my face, stunning me now as she crushes my nose splattering my own blood across my face now..

Oh_Elle_No: Still laying knocked out cold with Anna's pinning me flat, totally unaware it's even happening.

Lady_Darcy: @QueenLola "HEY THAT AIN'T FAIR!!" ... I rush forward raising my arms up in a double axe handle aimed for the back for Queen Lola's head...

Zack_Davis: *tackles Darcy* .. "mind your business"

QueenLola: With Anna dazed I turn her over so her back is only on Elle and grin placing my knee across her chest as I look down at her. “You won the match via knockout bitch! You earned your shot at my title but you want a pin okay.” I try to slap her face once twice and three times as her pin.

Country_Girl_Anna: Your knee stuns me and sends me into dreamland again before dragging my body across Elle's, laying me back first across her belly as "Uuummfff" you then press your knee down into my chest and slap my face, one...two..three times, counting a pin of your own on me, setting up our title match with me as the number one contender, ow in serious need of retribution.
QueenLola: I walk off the only one able to walk off as I smirk “Good luck claiming my title bitch!”

Zack_Davis: Joins Lola strolling away ... "Gotta be honest, kind of saw that coming" ... *Winks*
Oh_Elle_No: END?
QueenLola: End
Country_Girl_Anna: Well, definately for you Elle
Zack_Davis: 🤣
Oh_Elle_No: OMG STFU
Jazmin: ya, she kinda does look like roadkill
Country_Girl_Anna: Zack I think Elle owes you $ to fix the sidewalk, am I right?
Michelle_Pantero: Lmfao
Zack_Davis: Yeah, at least 3 cracked pavers
Oh_Elle_No: You all are haters
Zack_Davis: 3 others blood stained
Zack_Davis: I don't hate anything 😊
Nathan_gingerbread: 🤷

Published: 2024-02-07, viewed 83 times.




2024-06-04 19:12

This was so good I enjoyed and love every minute of this match

Sally Fay (deleted member)

2024-02-08 09:25

Well well a falling out between the blonde 👱‍♀️ bimbos and two KO's for the price of one. Well done gals.

Anastasia the brawler

2024-02-08 05:03

Nice match !

Zack Davis

2024-02-08 01:08

That. Was. Awesome!