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OcW : hardcore title fight kelly and Nathan


OCW:-  Hardcore title match

(Apologies for the formatting but this has been pasted together from text files and chat so it was a bit disorganised)

Kelly Awesome

Nathan Gingerbread

 : I go to my corner, and take off my jacket.. I see all the weapons scattered around the ring.. and I make a mental note of where they are, and how I 'm gonna use them...

 : I follow you into the ring, sliding under the ropes and going to my corner... Last time we fought, I got a victory by the narrowest of margins, and I was sore for a week... I'm thinking this time will be no different... I look around at the various weapons and instruments and shake my head... making a note to get to them first, before they're used against me...

 : Make up on and boots and gloves - all dolled up with a party to go to i wanted somthing a little diffrent than my normal music ...but the sound guy let me down ... Watching kelly enter i take off my jacket and stand bare chested my leather pants shiny . I nod and wait while the ref announces soon making himself scarce. I lost to kelly last time and it has not sat well with me.. but as always i learn and improve .

 : I try not to stare, but you seem more rough and anxious to fight me again... "I better be careful... or else.." As I look around at the items around the ring...picking out the ones I'm going for first... suddenly the bell sounds.. DING ! ! And I slowly come out of my corner.. circling around the ropes.. watching you.. hands out in front

 : I am keen to get under way i confess i made some mistakes last time i dont intend to repeat them ..kelly doesnt dive for anything Straight away but i do making my way in the same direction as her circling to a length of chain a meter long and solid looking it seems ideal as i stoop never taking my eyes from her and snatch up one end .

 :   > Damn ! ! He already has a weapon.. I stop in my tracks, not wanting to get too close, as I retreat into a far corner, watching you, looking for something to use to defend myself

 : It seems kelly is either indecisive or up to no good ...and i advance trying to cut off her access to things by whipping the chain menacingly at my side .. as i advance i grow more cautious reaching to my back pocket and pulling out .....a hat $7.98 well spent i think pulling it down onto my head and smiling at kelly from under the brim

 : I jerk.. as I hear the chain hitting the mat close to me... I glare at you.. and now reach for a garbage can lid to protect myself... as you put on your hat, I charge at you now.. leading with the steel lid.. aiming it at your front

 : And here she comes snatching up the lid and charging but i dont try and meet force with force instead i grab at the lid as i throw myself back bringing up my feet and trying to execute a monkey flip as you charge in

 : Whoooaaa... My eyes open wide, as I go flying over you.. my plan backfiring as you grab the lid... I do a somersault in the air.. The ring shakes, as I come down on my back... still holding the lid in front of me... but groaning from being slammed down

 :   I roll over and spring to my feet keen to capitalise on this but the lid covers a big chunk of your body ... So i grab the other end of the chain in my other hand as i raise my foot and try to stomp on the lid and in turn you.

 : Uggggh ! ! The lid slams into my front.. digging into my chest.. as my body spasms.. my legs flailing up and out... as I hold onto the lid, gulping in needed air.. I see you standing over me, and I now try to use the edge of the lid as a weapon.. and Slam it into your shins... hoping to get some space from you to catch my breath

 : KLANG .. ohh muther .. that hurts and i stagger back hobbling a bit as i try and get control of the pain .. stepping out of range and wrapping one loop of the chain around my fist as i think what a good idea shin guards would have been

 : I take a deep breath, and slowly getting up on one knee.. glaring at you, but knowing that chain could really hurt ... I dive to another corner, and drop the lid.. and now pick up a bag of thumbtacks.. and scatter them in front of me... "Come and get MEEEEEE" I yell... hoping that you try to cross the tacks

 : I smile and think back to how i foolishly came bare footed last time .. and point at my boots before moving forward kicking a few up at kelly as i come i need to make the chain count and make like i am swinging it at your head but at the last moment drop my arm and swing it low across my body at thigh height .

 :   > My eyes open wide, as you're able to cross the tacks... I curse at myself, thinking that was a dumb idea... but suddenly i'm being peppered with tacks from your kick.. I sit up in the corner, and try to protect my face and chest from the points...but I don't react quickly enough as your chain comes at me.. I duck, but you counter, and now the steel wraps around my thigh... grabbing it... digging in.. as I try to yank my foot back

 : It becomes a bit of a tug of war with Kelly trying to pull her leg back , at first I try and pull her to me but then quickly changed direction letting her pull me toward her as I try to use this momentum to bring my chain wrapped fist up into her belly

 : I hold onto the ropes.. trying to get my leg out of that damn chain... but suddenly it becomes loose, and now you and our steel covered fist comes ring into my front... My body jerks, as your fist digs in... my abs are rock hard, but no match for steel, as I sink in deeper into the corner.. gasping for air, and trying to reach for your arm

 : Kelly is under pressure as my heavy punch connects . Now loose between us the chained hangs down i want to lift my arm and start to wrap the chain around Kelly's head . But she makes a grab for my arm preventing me ... So I grabbed the other end of the chain with my other hand looking to do the same thing again from the other side. Knowing Kelly is at her most dangerous when cornered I tried to turn my hips side on

 :   > Fuuuuuck ! ! I gotta get out of this corner... But you keep attacking, and now your chained fist strikes my again.. my body jerks, as I'm not sure how much more of this I can take... as I now try to use my feet, and lash out.. trying to kick you in your front, and push you backwards... before I get to exhausted

 : I had hoped to use the chain to ensnare Kelly but will settle for for some good old fashioned stomach punching until she brings up her feet! And thrusts me backward i have a sudden panic as i remember the tacks on. The floor and give ground rather than risk falling backward .. getting my feet under me i hold the chain at both ends across my body plotting my next move

 : I'm free.. for the moment.. I sigh and take a deep breath.. my belly is red and bruised from the chain, but I can take that.. I now use the ropes to pull me up in the corner... watching you, chest heaving as I'm breathing hard... trying not to show any pain

 :  > I dont want to rush in but i dont want to let kelly rest either as my eyes flick across the floor to see what is within her reach . No, if she wont come out i must come in but try to be smart about it keeping the chain in my hands as i step in and try to deliver a side kick to that red belly with my now tack encrusted boot

 : My eyes open wide, as your boot with the tacks slams into me.. normally I could take that, but the tacks dig into my skin, and I shriek from the pain.. I quickly try to push you away, and, pushing off from the turnbuckle, I roll and get away,... using the time to catch my breath, and see if any thumbtacks are still sticking into me

 : Well that obviously struck home and you bolt away lucky to avoid any tacks as you roll and pop up checking your belly . I have to keep after you and with a short step i am back in range lashing out with the chain very low trying to either wrap up your ankle or simple clatter it with the chain .

 : Damn that CHAIN ! ! " I groan, as it again slams into my leg... and my foot is pulled out from under me.. I lose my balance and fall down, with one leg spread out... now desperate, I reach for the chain, and try to yank it from your hands, before you can do any more damage

 : I have a good grip but now kelly has the other end ... But i dont want to struggle over it too much as i gring my gloved hand to my mouth and bite the end of the fingers pulling my hand free ...even from the floor you can see there is somthing brown and green smeared over it shiny and wet looking.. pulling back on the chain and trying to keep you engaged

 : ... I'm still holding onto the rope, as you take your glove off... but you're much stronger, and more stamina at the moment, so I let go of the chain, and rolll away to another area... looking for another weapon to counter your attacking me

 : Smart... suddenly letting go catches me by surprise and i stager back a step in frustration i lash out with the chain but you roll away as the chain clatters into the canvas ... Holding the chain at my side twitching it , i side step and try to keep you near the ropes noting all this action has kicked almost all the tacks out of the way .

 : I finally grab a kendo stick.. which I think will work against that dreaded chain... I push up in the corner.. brandishing my new weapon above my head... "Come here.. I DARE YOU ! ! " I hiss, swinging my stick

 : Careful now. Obviously it has the range but i dont feel intimidated rather as you swing the stick i swing the chain trying to wrap around it even if i have to take a shot it will be worth it ducking and swinging my chain across the path as the stick smacks down clipping my cheek and hitting my collar bone ...as i cry out in pain

  : DAMNIT!! I mutter.. as again I have to duck that dreaded chain again .. but I now stick out the end of my kendo stick.. trying to Ram it into your front..

 : With the chain wrapped around it you find swinging the stick too hard but manage to ram the end into my chest as i stagger back wincing and put my hand on my chest leaving a green slime hand print on my chest over the red welting circle already forming ... Pulling on the chain i try and yank the stick to the side hoping to give myself a clear run at closing the distance if it works i will i hope punish that belly some more with a straight kick and get up close and personal .

  : My eyes open wide, as it appears my stick has done little damage.. my body is jerked forward.. and I almost lose my kendo rod, as I have to dig in my feet to keep from crashing into you.. and instead drop down on my butt.. in front of you..

 : I didnt expect you to fall but i am happy you did my kick going short as you fall back on your butt . But i got close and thats what matters as i try and crowd you pushing my hand forward trying to get it in your face  the strong chilly paste you can smell now a hot sauce favorite mixed with some wasabi. I pull on the chain again trying to free it but seems stuck around the stick

  : “What the ..” I bellow.. as I see you with some kind of sauce.. not sure what you have planned or what kinda of damage it will do to my skin.. 

  Damn.. your gooey paste is just too much.. as I slap your hand away..

 : Ahh frustrating but thats ok i have the advantage still and turn my attention to that damn kendo stick still hooked up with my chain as i pull on the chain trying to get enough length to push it and  my hand holding it past your head and then i want to loop it around your neck . I try and keep your free hand busy as i threaten with my hot sauce hand

  : Damn, you’re much stronger and I’ve already taken a lot of punishment.. I grapple with my sticky trying not to lose it.. but suddenly your chain is around my neck… my eyes open wide, as I begin to feel my air cut off.. I now drop my stick, and use both hands to try to keep the chain from choking me.

 : Ohhh now i got you .. as the stick hits the floor your in trouble i grab the other side of the chain with my slimy hand and suddenly realise what i must do in true hard core fashion throwing my leg through the ropes as i try and step outside the ring pulling on the chain as i do .

  : NOOOOOOOO!!!!! As the chain digs I. Around my neck.. my fingers try to loosen the hold.. but I’m not dragged onto the ropes.. and bent over the top.. my face turning bright red as I can’t breeeeeeeathe..

 : Ohhh now i can finish this i think ...its physics as i cross my hands and rotate my body twisting the chain over and over making it tighter and tighter ...

  : My eyes open wider.. as I can’t get any air.. the chain digs into my skin.. as my face turns bright red.. and I can’t get free!!

 : On the apron straining my arms to pull i can see the panic and normally i would seek a submission but not this time not after i lost last time no ..as i bring my foot up trying to plant it in her back and make sure of a win by total knock out .

  : I’m now bent back over the top rope.. on my tippy toes… my arm action becomes even more more frantic.. as the evil chain digs in deeper into my skin.. breaking the skin.. as I try to stay conscious..

 : Very little chain is left after i twisted it as we stand either side of the ropes. I can see her hands scrabbling at the chain and she shows how tough she is still hanging onto consciousness but i need to be ruthless now and finish this my shoulder hurts and i feel tired but i dont give up my position its time to just grit my teeth and lock on as i strangle kelly .

  : The ring starts to grow dark.. as my legs buckle.. and I’m only held up now by the brutal chain around my neck.. my arm movements become less and less.. as I’m not sure I can hold on much longer..

 : God damn i begin to doubt myself wondering if i need to do more but some wise council from elle pops into my head never give up a good hold unless you have to .. pressing my booted heel into her back i take a deep breath and brace hauling back till my arms shake

  : I feel your heel on my back.. the thumbtacks on your boot adding more torture to my back.. my eyes close even more.. as my arms now hang down limply on my side.. and my body fades from lack of air.. but I refuse to give..

 : Finally she slumps limp i take my foot away and slack the chain i am careful though in case she is not totally out .. i need not have worried as soon as i do she slides to the floor .. breathing a huge sigh a untangle the chain and step back through the ropes .. ahh but were not done .. not yet and reach for the handcuffs in the back of my waist band and fold them over the top rope pushing kellys wrists into them .. wakey wakey my dear ...

  : “Huh?? Whaaaaaatt ??” I groan… as I begin to wake up.. my eyes barely open, I realize I’m not free.. as my hands are stretched up.. and I realize they’re not free.. my eyes now open wider, as I realize you’re not down with me.. and I’m at your mercy..

 : I look at the deep gouges on your neck as i get on one knee by your side letting my hand; slide down your belly as i toy with the waist band of your bottoms . " Now you can have a nice time or not thats up to you as you realise your not sure which hand has the hot sauce on it .. you can see i am excited.

  : My eyes open wider.. as I cringe when you fingers run down my sweaty front.. I’m not sure how to respond.. but I feel defeated now that I lost my Championship.. so I now bow down my head in defeat.

 : To the victor the spoils as i wipe whats left of the sauce on the back of my pants and grab your hair lifting your head up and suprise you with a deep and passionate kiss as my clean hand pushes inside your bottoms and i trace a finger over your lips .

  : My body is totally spent.. but you continue to abuse me.. I totally enjoy your passionate kiss.. but it’s short lived.. as I now feel your fingers on my pussy.. and my body reacts to your fingers.. as I squirm and wiggle, trying not to give in

 : I can feel you wanting to resist but its a weak effort i could smash her still but i dont think i need too pulling away my pants and making it very clear whats going to happen .. just as a reminder my fingers close on your nipple not squeezing nor twisting but we both know i could and will . It takes me a few moments to adjust as you squirm but soon enough two fingers press between your wet lips and find a home pressing in and hooking upward as my thumb circles the soft skin of your hood .

  : My body spasms upwards, as I feel your fingers inside of me.. pain.. and pleasure.. as my body quivers from you entering me… I finally realize where I am, so I try to wank on my arms to get free, the roles are strong.. and it’s useless ..

 : I carry on i can see on your face you realise and struggle but your going nowhere as i staddle you working to free those big breasts from your top and squeeze them together pressing my cock between them .. "tell you what kelly give me a nice kiss and i will stop "

  : “OK.. OK… I.. I… Will…” I mutter.. as I close my eyes.. and pucker up

 :  i eye you for a moment with a bit of suspicion but your true to your word and i touch your cheek as i kiss you letting it last .. there now i did promise i would stop ... And with that i get up and watch your face as i pull up my pants and step through the ropes .... Oh you will need these i say holding up the hand cuff keys ... And promptly popping them in my pocket leaving you there exactly as promised almost naked and handcuffed to the rope ...

  : “Noooooo… NOOOOOOOOO!!!” I cry.. my body shaking.. thoroughly beaten… and abused.. and still trapped for the night. “I.. will.. get……. Even”

 : Night kelly i say as i switch the lights off and back out of the fire exit waving .


Published: 2024-02-17, viewed 76 times.



Handsome Brick Bardo

2024-03-09 19:28

Is that any way to treat such a pretty girl? LOL......good job Nathan!


2024-02-18 05:33

So this is what Nathan have been doing avoiding fighting me. Kicking asses of soft vulnerable girls.

Nathan gingerbread

2024-02-18 11:26

(In reply to this)

Avoiding you?
We keep diffrent hours but as soon as i catch up with you ... We shall see if you feel like that 😘