OutDoor Championship Wrestling

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Established: 2023-01-25

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Wren vs. Carmen for OCW belt

Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I have created the private room #Wren_vs_Carmen.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I have invited @Wren_Peterson to join #Wren_vs_Carmen.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I have invited @Wren_Peterson to join #Wren_vs_Carmen.
Wren_Peterson: *my music starts playing as I walk to the ring. This is my biggest shot and I'm not going to blow it, I can't, I won't. I sit in the corner and wait for the soon to be former champ, after I destroy her I'll be the queen of OCW (that's including Lola)
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: My music plays as I come down to the ring wearing my black and red Goat head logo top and matching thong bottoms, fishnets and black boots with red goat head logos on them. I pose to the crowd as I leap up onto the ring showing off my 5'4" 125 lb body, my long black hair worn straight with dark eyeliner and lipstick.
Wren_Peterson: *I get up and stand over you at 5'11 and 178lbs* "you will never see that title again. this is your end bitch" *my medium length green hair blowing with the aircon breeze as I stare into your soul. my black croptop, green leggings and trainers making up my usual ring gear*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am giving up a lot of size to Wren, but I am not intimidated. Once the bell rings, I look like I am going for a lock up but as I go for the lock up, I fake and then try to drive my boot into her abs.
Wren_Peterson: *I fall for the lock up and feel the kick, holding my abs and dropping to one knee, coughing loudly* "fuuuuck"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I tap at my knee seeing that this started out good for me. I run to the ropes and bounce off of them as I try to nail Wren with a shining wizard knee strike aimed at the side of her head.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: https://giphy.com/gifs/CIvVUtSBkpkFPVdoqt
Wren_Peterson: *I fall on my side and roll to my back, holding my head. Groaning in agony from your knees to my face*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: With Wren on her back, I take off running to the ropes now firmly in control. I bounce off of the ropes and come back at her and leap into the air as I go for a somersault leg drop as I attempt to drop my right leg to her neck, left leg to her forehead so my crotch is resting right over her nose and mouth.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Wren_Peterson: *I lie there, coughing as you sit on me* "you're not letting up are you?" *turning my head away from you and coughing*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I grind my crotch on Wren's face as I smile. I take both of her legs and hook them back as I yell for the ref to come over and start counting ONE...
Wren_Peterson: *I kick out immediately, sliding under the bottom rope and desperately wiping my face off, spluttering and gagging*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Wren kicks out of my pinfall then rolls under the bottom rope. She wipes her face off as I reach back in to grab her as I attempt to sit her up against the ropes so that her head rests against the middle rope.
Wren_Peterson: *I sit against the ropes, panting as I fix my hair* "oh... god... you're good"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: With Wren seated against the ropes. I start to lift my right leg over her left shoulder. I then take my left leg to lift it over her right shoulder as I try to give her "The Devil's Taste" which is a crotch grind in the ropes.
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Animated GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
Wren_Peterson: *as you grind I grab your legs and use my strength to lift you up and powerbomb you* "fuck off Carmen" *I kick you in the hips hard*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Wren stands up with me on her shoulders. I am up high, my pussy still in her face when she slams me down hard with a powerbomb that flips me onto my chest. I lay motionless on my stomach, thong clad ass up in the air before she kicks me hard in my hips.
Wren_Peterson: "there, learn your lesson yet?" *I lift you and put your head between my legs and attempt a small package piledriver*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get scooped up with my head between Wren's legs, but as I get lifted, I tighten my thighs around her head as I attempt to reverse the piledriver into a hurricanrana.
Wren_Peterson: *I fly into the corner and sith in it with my head on the second rope as I pant in fear and anger* dammit
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get to my feet a little dizzy still from the powerbomb. However, I see Wren against the second rope and I run at her. I turn my body trying to slam my ass against her face as she is against the corner.
Wren_Peterson: *your ass collides with my face as I start twitching, this is efinitely the hardest match I've had in OCW*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I pull Wren up by her green hair, and her arm as I try to lean her against the turnbuckle. I go for a chop to her chest before I attempt to whip her across the ring to the other corner.
Wren_Peterson: *I wince and try hold my chest before the whip attempt as I reverse and follow up fast attempting a running knee to Carmen's face as she hits the corner*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get reversed and end up in the corner. My arms over the top ropes as Wren runs up and hits me with a knee to my face nearly sending me over the ropes outside of the ring.
Wren_Peterson: "not so fast Latina bitch" *as you nearly go over I grab your hips and attempt a german suplex over my head to try keep the momentum I have*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Wren pulls me back and grabs me around the waist and hits me with a huge German suplex. I hit the mat, flip onto my stomach with my ass pointed up as that takes a lot out of me.
Wren_Peterson: *I run and bounce off the ropes attempting to dropkick you right in the ass and deal some humiliation damage*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Wren comes over and dropkicks me in the ass. This sends me rolling hard out of the ring onto the floor among the fans as I moan holding my back and ass on the outside floor.
Wren_Peterson: "what wrong? did I hit a bum note?" *I smirk laughing at you before running at the ropes attempting a suicide dive*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I roll from my stomach onto my back and look up at the fans. I suddenly see Wren diving through the ropes going for a suicide dive on me. I quickly roll out of the way hoping that she completely misses me and crashes on the floor.
Wren_Peterson: *I grab a small amount of your hair as I crash on the barely soft floor and hopefully drag you down with me, just so I can deal a bit more damage to you*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am still on the outside mat when Wren grabs me by the hair and pulls me with her when she crashes. My hair gets yanked when she falls to the floor. I try to crawl to my feet.
Wren_Peterson: *I roll onto my back and attempt to kick the champ in the face, still trying to deal as much damage as I can*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: i get kicked in the face as I start to get to my feet. I go crashing into the side of the ring apron. I hold my face before I drop to my knees near the edge of the ring.
Wren_Peterson: *I get up and attempt a shining wizard like you did to me earlier*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I take a shining wizard as my eyes cross as I wobble on my knees. I finally fall to my side on the outside mats.
Wren_Peterson: *I grab you by your hair and lift you attempting a snap ddt to send your head into the floor*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: As Wren goes to lift me by my hair while I am on my knees, I take my right forearm and try to bring it up between her legs for what is known as the "Venezuelan Submarine" low blow.
Wren_Peterson: *my eyes widen as I groan in agony at your low blow* "fuuuuuuck" *I drop to my knees with my eyes wide open*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I get back to my feet now with Wren in front of me. I look around at the mixed reaction from the crowd before I smile starting to crank my knee back. I then go to drive my knee forward trying to slam my fishnet clad knee into Wren's nose.
Wren_Peterson: *I fall on my back, holding my nose like I've been shot* "OH MY GOD MY NOSE!!"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: With Wren down on her back, I stalk over to her as I start to lift my boot. I try to drive my boot down all over Wren's body trying to stomp various body parts on her to further weaken her.
Wren_Peterson: *I groan holding my gut and other parts, trying to trutle up from the kicks and stomps*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: With Wren folding up and trying to cover herself, I grab her by the back of her hair and back of her bottoms as I start to pull her back up. I then try to send her back into the ring under the bottom rope.
Wren_Peterson: *I roll into the ring and cough, rolling to the other side of the squared circle, it's not looking good for me so far*
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I crawl back into the ring and then get to my feet and see Wren on the other side of the ring where she had rolled. TRYING TO ESCAPE ME??? I walk over to her and try to roll her onto her side as I try to set her up for the Pain and Pleasure. I start to slide my left leg under her right ear, getting my pussy up near her face.
Wren_Peterson: "uuuurgh" *I choke and gag before I muster my strength and lift you up and run you into the corner for a turnbuckle powerbomb* "BEGONE THOT!!"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I lock on the pain and pleasure as I get ready to try to smother Wren for a finish. I feel that I am going to keep my belt as I prepare to put her away. However, she manages to get to her feet and lift me into her shoulders as I look on in shock at the crazy amount of strength she has. She runs me into the turnbuckle for a corner powerbomb as I crash against it. My arms hook over the top rope as I dangle in the corner in pain.
Wren_Peterson: *I turn and run into the other corner attempting to run and slam my body into yours, moving like a freight train with adrenaline* "CHOO CHOO CARMEN!"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: Wren slams into me, crushing my body in the corner. I slump down to my knees before falling on my chest. I hold my sore tits after getting slammed into and crushed against the corner.
Wren_Peterson: *I drag you by your gear to the middle of the ring and attempts a riptide to try and finish you* "RIPTIDE!"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am pulled up by my outfit and then put in the pumphandle position, lifted up and slammed to the mat with a Riptide type move. https://tenor.com/view/rhea-ripley-riptide-wrestling-wrestle-rhea-gif-25214154
Wren_Peterson: *I sit on yours face and hooks both your legs for the pin as the ref counts* "1...2..."
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I am pinned tightly as the ref counts and hits THREE. The ref signals for the bell calling out that Wren won this and the belt.
Wren_Peterson: *I lie on my stomach, nearly passed out as the adrenaline rush ends. the ref holding me up and giving me the belt as I'm on my knees bawling in tears* "this isn't happening is it?" *I hear my name as I'm announced the winner and I put my head to Carmen's* "I'm sorry love"
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: I lie on my back KO'd from the move. I sustained a possible injury after landing the wrong way. I lose the belt as I lie outcold on the mat.
Wren_Peterson: *the medics push me back after I accidentaly dropped you a bit higher on the shoulders than I meant to as I look worried* "fuck I didn't hurt her did I?" *hugging the title whilst sitting in the corner*'
Sinful_Senorita_Carmen: The medics check on me and help me from the ring. My neck is possibly injured as I am forced to give up my title and possibly my OCW career as this might mean an early retirement for me from the OCW. yt or end
Wren_Peterson: end

Published: 2024-07-10, viewed 110 times.




2024-07-10 13:57

OMG! What a shocking ending as the belt changes hands in dramatic fashion! Great job, ladies!