Rumble Roses Reloaded

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Established: 2023-02-01
Chat room: #RumbleRoses

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  • Pro wrestling
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  • Female / Female
The rebirth of the classic Rumble Roses federation!
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Dixie Clemets versus Han Juri - Underground Cage Fight!


19:25 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I stood in the back of a crowd, surrounding a cage, as I watched my target from afar. My blue eyes sparkled as I watched her in motion, demolishing another woman within the confines of the cage, barely breaking a sweat as she beat and battered her poor victim from one side of the cage to the other. The fight was incredibly one-sided, the other woman getting in no offense at all as the dominant fighter, one Juri Han, left her a broken and beaten mess. Juri had developed quite a reputation, and both as a fighter and for more illicit, illegal acts, and I had been called in to help with the special operation to bring her in. My mission was simple: goad her into a fight, beat her down, and drag her ass downtown. It was a simple plan. Dangerous, but simple.
19:27 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> As Juri began to prepare to finish the helpless woman in the cage off, I began to slide around the back of the crowd, making my way toward the promoter for the night's series of fights. I knew that after taking on an easy appetizer like this woman, Juri would be fiending for another fight, and I was going to make sure I was ready when that challenge was issued. I crept around toward the promoter, and when I finally made my way to her, I stepped in close, a smirk on my lips as I leaned in toward her.
19:27 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> "Ah got the next fight, sugah..."
19:30 <Han_Juri> *i look at my downed opponent, touching her body as she is completely unconscious as i smirk down at her, ready to have. Even more fun with her * eheheh.. now..
19:30 <Han_Juri>
19:33 <Han_Juri> *but suddenly another woman enter inside the ring… a beautiful blond girl enter inside the ring, as it looks like she wants to challenge me* oh my… im really lucky today… *i say as i kick the downed opponent and throwh out it off the cage* and who are you sweetie..? *i say while wearing my body suit* You are not logged in.
19:35 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I stepped into the cage, hearing the door slam shut behind me as the other girl was tossed out, hearing the click of the lock as they trapped the two of us inside. I tilted my head to one side, then the other, cracking my neck as I stepped forward to meet you. My eyes met yours, as I began to stare intensely, furiously into your own eyes, my voice speaking up as I answered you.
19:35 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> "The name's Dixie Clemets...and ah'm the woman who's about to bring yer ass down..."
19:36 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> My lips twisted into a slight smirk as I moved toward the center of the cage, never once breaking my gaze from yours. I was taller than you, and heavier, but I had seen you fight, and I knew that my size advantage wasn't going to be as much of a factor as it might have been against another woman. I went quiet for a moment, staring silently toward you before finally raising my arms up in front of myself, giving you a single slow nod.
19:36 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> "Come on, girl. Ain't no point in talkin'. Let's do this..."
19:37 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You are not logged in.
19:38 <Han_Juri> Mhhh i like you already as i raise my leg and get into a fighting stance, i look at your body as i imagine the best part where to eat you as the bell ring*
19:41 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> As soon as the bell rang, I lunged toward you, fire in my eyes as I closed the gap between us. While I was primarily trained as a wrestler, I knew here in the cage things were different, more brutal, more violent, and to bring you down I was going to use that to my full advantage. As I approached you I drew an arm back, and as soon as I was close enough I began swinging, throwing my fist toward your face, sending a stiff series of punches your way in hopes of hitting you hard and fast and catching you off of your guard.
19:43 <Han_Juri> *with such a direct series off attacks i start intercepting your punches with my hands one after another, as you ar e focused on my hands i try to hit your stomach with my raised foot*
19:45 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I'm focused on nailing you with my fists, growling in annoyance as your hands come up, swatting my blows away with ease. I click my tongue in frustration, trying to keep up my attack, but then your leg comes up and you nail me right in my bare belly with your kick. Your foot slams into my rock-solid abs, hitting me with enough force to stop me in my tracks. I immediately let out a loud 'OOF!' noise, grabbing my tummy with one hand as I begin to double over towards you.
19:46 <Han_Juri> *ah grin appear on my face as your reaction to the blow is splendid… i make a fist with my hand and send it right towards your face*
19:47 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your fist slams into the side of my face, and my head snaps to the side. I stagger away from you, another loud grunt passing my lips as your fist connects. It's not long though before I twist my head back toward you, and with an angry growl I throw myself in your direction again. My arm comes up, as I swing it toward your chest, trying to strike you with a great big clothesline.
19:50 <Han_Juri> *with great flexibility i lower myself and make your arm pass over my face as i then attempt to hit your side with an elbow as you pass by*
19:51 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> My eyes go wide as you duck under my clothesline, and as I stagger past you, your elbow drives into the side of my body. Another cry passes my lips as I stumble forward, eventually hitting the wall of the cage, turning to face you with my back up against it, clutching my aching side with one hand.
19:53 <Han_Juri> *you can see me walking towards you as im basically on front of you *come on.. is that all..!? *i say as i raise my leg and try to go with a direct side kick towards your cheek*
19:56 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I rest there against the cage wall, panting slightly as you begin to approach me. There are already a few beads of sweat rolling down my body, and the look of my face tells you that this fight isn't going the way I had expected it to. I bide my time though, waiting for you to approach, and as you suddenly throw that kick towards me, my arms come up in front of me. I quickly try to grab your leg, trying to give it a sharp twist to the side to send you down to the cage floor.
19:57 <Han_Juri> Mhhhh..?! *you managed to grab my leg and twist as i groan in pain* ahhh you…!! *you manage to make me lose my balance as i fall down over the mat*
19:59 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You hit the cage floor and I know I have an opportunity to try and turn this around. "Come on! Get the hell back up!" I scream, circling around in front of you, gesturing for you to get back up on your feet. "Ah ain't waitin' all day for ya!" I watch carefully, waiting for you to try and rise back to your feet, and when you do I rush in again, trying to drive my knee toward your face as you lift it up off of the mat.
20:01 <Han_Juri> * i start to stand up as I see your knee coming for my face i bring both my arms up for the defense of my face* nnghhh..!!
20:04 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> My knee slams into your arms, my attack blocked, but as you cry out I try to stay on the offensive.I reach down, grabbing each of your hair horns in one of my hands, and I start to pull you back up to a standing position, so that I can whip you around and slam your body up against the nearby cage wall.
20:06 <Han_Juri> Ahhh..!! How dare you..?! You..!! *i groan as you grab me by my hairs as you throw me towards the cage, as I lay against it* nnnnghhh..! Ahh.. yt
20:10 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your body slams into the cage and a grim grin passes my lips. As you lean against it, I step forward, pressing my bigger, thicker body against yours, pinning you against the wall of the cage. "One chance, girl. Ya got one chance to give up and surrender before ah break ya. Gonna be a good girl and do the right thang...?"
20:13 <Han_Juri> *i lock eyes with you as my expression in pain move to a grin as i rub my leg against your * or..? What are you gonna do…?
20:15 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> A light blush crosses my cheeks, as I feel your leg rubbing against mine. A shiver races down my spine at the sensation, but I shake my head, not giving you an answer with words. I take a quick step back, but only to give me room to move back in toward you, my knee coming up again to try and drive into your midsection as you lean against the cage.
20:17 <Han_Juri> *your distraction was enough for a distraction as i move to side and doge your knee, before you can retreat i try to instantly hit your chin with the sole of my foot with a powerful kick *
20:19 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You dodge to the side, and my knee slams hard into the cage behind you. I let out a shout and bounce backward, starting to reach down to grab my knee, and when I do your leg flies up again. Your foot slams straight into my jaw, and my head snaps backwards, leaving me wide open and completely defenseless for the moment as I stagger a few steps away from you.
20:22 <Han_Juri> *i snap towards you* Mhh hard time focusing uhh..? I sad out lowd as i go to hit with a left and hook and right hook aimed at your face*
20:24 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your fists slam against my face, knocking my head back and forth. First with the left, and then with the right, flecks of sweat flying from my skin as my head jerks around. I try to bring my arms up in front of myself to defense against your punches, but it's obvious that after that kick I'm in a complete daze, unable to mount a proper guard as you fists sneak by and hammer me.
20:28 <Han_Juri> *i laught at your pathetic attempt on defense as I completely ignore your defense as i grab you by the clothes and force you towards me as i send my knee deep inside your stomach*
20:29 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You knee drives deep into my stomach, the brick wall of my abs collapsing under your brutal strike. My eyes grow wider and wider, the air forced from my lungs as I double over, leaning forward against you.
20:31 <Han_Juri> *as you fall over my i grab you by the hairs, looking at your face in pain* what’s the matter uh..?!! Weren’t you saying that you were gonna break me..? Uhhh?!! * i say as i rougly hold you by the hairs*
20:33 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You grab a handful of my thick blonde hair, jerking my head back to force me to look up at you. My breath is hard, my chest heaving as you taunt me, my face scrunched up in pain from the sensation of you pulling on my hair. "Nn...fight ain't over yet..." I pant, taking a moment to try and catch my breath as you hold me in place. "Ah'm jes' gettin' started with ya, girl..."
20:36 <Han_Juri> *i smirk watching you this rebellious* mhhh you are not boring at least… most of my opponents would already say “please stop..” mhhh… this makes me wanna break you more.. *i say as i move my on your top, groping one of your breast* it’s exciting…
20:39 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your hand slips forward, past my fuzzy cow-print vest, groping at one of my large, heavy breasts. The feeling forces a surprised gasp from my lips, my cheeks burning red at the feeling. Quickly I raise my arms, my hands thrusting toward you, trying to shove you away from me. "H-hey! Back off!" I shout, quite obviously taken aback by your action.
20:52 <Han_Juri> Tsk… in one of the best parts,*! i say as you push me back, but your caught off guard expression is definitely a great sight* Mhh preety soft i can say… * i say exactly to make you annoyed *
21:26 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You back off, and it’s obvious you’re getting under my skin. As you back away though I straighten up, and let out an annoyed growl. I take a moment to try and catch my breath, before throwing myself back in your direction, trying to slam my bigger body into yours and bring you back down again with a big tackle!
21:48 <Han_Juri> *i rush towards you but then rushing to your side at the last moment and doging your big body, as i pass by i smirk and go with a quick clap on your ass cheeks*
21:49 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I go stumbling past you as you dodge away, only to jerk up in surprise as your hand strikes my thick, plump ass. The crowd around the cage is roaring now, cheering and catcalling at the sight, and naturally when I turn toward you again there's a deeper blush on my face. "Nn! S-stop that shit!"
21:51 <Han_Juri> *as you are completely distracted by the crowd i rush towards you and go with an uppercut right under your chin*
21:55 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your fist strikes me right on the chin. My head violently snaps backwards, and I take one step back, and then another, before dropping down to the floor of the cage, ending up sitting on my fat ass right in front of you, my head rolling around for a few seconds before coming to a rest, hanging downward.
21:56 <Han_Juri> *i walk towards you as i move my feet under your chin slowly pushing force you too look at me* you look cute in this state.. *i say as i leak my lips with strange intentions *
21:58 <Han_Juri> You are not logged in.
22:00 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> A shudder races through my body as you extend your foot, forcing my head up to look at you. My eyes are half-closed, a groggy state on my face, your uppercut clearly having left me in a daze that I'm still trying to shake off. "Uuuggh..."
22:01 <Han_Juri> *i push your face away making you lay sprawled out in front of me as i lower myself and go to caress your inner thigh and then press my hand hard against your crotch*
22:04 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You shove me back, my body hitting the floor, and as you lower yourself down the crowd's roars intensify, urging you on. When I feel your fingertips dancing across my firm, exposed thigh, I groan out, and then when your hand pushes against my crotch I practically shriek. My body snaps up into a sitting position, and I try to slide back from you, my massive chest heaving as my breath grows quicker, my cheeks blood red now from the treatment you're showing me. "N-nn! The hell is wrong with ya?!"
22:06 <Han_Juri> *a grin appear on my lips as i make a fist and with a crazy look i attempt to punch your crotch*
22:09 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> As you grin at me I try to scramble to my feet, but as I do so, your fist slams right into my barely-covered crotch. My mouth widens into a silent scream, and I drop to the floor of the cage, curling up and grabbing at my pussy with both hands, my body shuddering in pain at your feet.
22:11 <Han_Juri> *as you squirm over the mat i slowly crawl on top of your body like a dominant predator as i press both hands over your chests as you can’t fight back*
22:17 <Han_Juri> Ohhh yes… *i say with a sadistic grin.. *
22:18 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You slide onto my body, your hands pushing down against my chest, pinning me to the floor of the cage. Between the uppercut to the chin and the low blow to my crotch, I'm still out of it, my head covered in a fog that I'm struggling to see through. I let out a noise as you push down against me, a mix between a moan and a defiant cry, my body wiggling beneath yours as you grin down at me. "Nn..g-get...get offa me..."
22:21 <Han_Juri> *my finger caress your cleavage as i slowly move my face down to met yours* admit it.. you like deep down.. *i say as i suddenly press against your lips, forcing you into a kiss* mhhh.. Mhh
22:23 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your fingers dancing along my sensitive, generously sized bust causes me to gasp out again, my body jerking up beneath yours. Your words cut through me, but before I can answer, you suddenly lean down, forcing your lips against my own. I squeal into the kiss, trying to pull away, but you've got me pinned down, forcing me into the cruel embrace, my eyes watering as I stare up at you in a mix of shock and disbelief at what's happening.
22:25 <Han_Juri> *my tongue rub against yours as i force you to make out with me as my hands squeeze your chest*
22:29 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> My breath grows quicker and quicker, my body squirming and wiggling against yours as I moan into the kiss. Part of me is loving the attention you're giving my chest, but the rest of me is incensed, hating the position I'm in, hating the way the crowd is whooping and catcalling at us, screaming for more and more. As our tongues rub and grind together, dancing against each other, I soon realize that I can't just lay here and let you have your way with me. In an act of desperation, my hands come up, grabbing at your shoulders, trying to buck my body up and roll us over, attempting to reverse our positions to put myself atop of you now!
22:30 <Han_Juri> Mmmfhhh.. ahh..?!! *i break the kiss as I’m caught off guard by sudden flip as you managed to get on top* nngh no…!
22:32 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I roll us over, and now with my hands still on your shoulders, pushing you down against the floor, I have you pinned. I look down at you, gasping for breath, sweat dripping from my body down onto yours as I stare into your eyes. "Nn...nasty bitch...y...ah ought to destroy ya fer tryin' that shit with me..." My fingertips dig into your shoulders, holding on tight as I go silent for a moment, trying to catch my breath. "...hell. Maybe ah'll have to give ya a taste of yer own medicine..."
22:36 <Han_Juri> *i smile at you as you try to act intimidating even if you can barely breath* eheheh… you destroying me…? Oh yes.. punish this bad girl come on.. *i say as i blow you a kiss*
22:44 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I snarl down at you, staring at you for a moment before reaching out, grabbing the shoulder portions of your bodysuit. I quickly pull toward the outsides, trying to pull your outfit open wider, trying to full expose your chest and your upper body. "Nn...y-you asked for this!" I shout, raising a hand high before bring it straight down, trying to deliver a stiff, stinging slap directly into one of your huge, soft tits.
23:01 <Han_Juri> Ahhh…?!! *I see you slowly undressing me wich surprise me as you can see my tits slowly popping out, as then your slap makes groan out lowd* ahhhhh..! You are not logged in.
23:07 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> "Fuckin' bitch..." I snarl watching your body tremble in response to my slap. "Now let's see how ya like having the tables turned on ya..." I reach down with both hands now, and suddenly grab both of your tits. Just like you did, I start to squeeze them in my palms, rubbing and massaging them, letting my fingertips dig deep into your flesh as I grab them tight with my strong hands. "Tch...squeal fer me, girl. Squeal like the lil' bitch ya are!"
23:14 <Han_Juri> Ahhh.., mhhh… nghhh *you can see me moan and moan looking helpless at first but a little smirk appear on my lips * mhhh yeah… mhhhh.. *i say as i lick my lips, moaning in pleasure as you grope me, enjoying this*
23:21 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> My hands clench your breasts tight, but when you smirk up at me, licking your lips, I scowl in return, shaking my head at you. "Little freak!" I yell, gripping them tighter, trying to go past the point of pleasure to the point of pain. "Ya ain't supposed to be likin' this!"
23:22 <Han_Juri> Mhhhh… mhhh…. * you can see me biting my lower lip and as i keep looking at you* ohhh.. so rough baby.. ahhh… *i say as i try to hide some of the pain*
23:25 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> "Freak!" I shout again, letting go of your tits, lifting a hand to deliver a stiff slap right across your face. As I do so, I realize what I'm doing, realizing that I've lost track of what I was here to do, and shaking my head I push up off of you, backing off and motioning with both hands for you to get back up. "Nn. On yer feet! Come on! Ah came here to fight, so let's fight! Let's finish this, bitch!"
23:31 <Han_Juri> *i you slap as it makes my head snap to the side* mmmfhh… *as you get up I look at you with bloodlust in my eyes, slowly getting up and fixing my clothes* mhhhh you were having a lot of fun mmmh..? You are not logged in.
23:33 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I twist my head to the side, looking away from you for a moment, not believing that I had let myself get caught up in things like that. "Tch. Shut up..." I mutter. I take another moment to calm myself, then twist my head back toward you. I raise my arms up in front of myself and with a tired sigh, I grunt toward you. "Come on. Let's do this..."
23:35 <Han_Juri> *i grin again as i go with my fighting stance again, but this time i attack first going with a side kick towards your face*
23:37 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I'm tired, and worn down, and most importantly, you've gotten under my skin and in my head. At this point, I know even a single solid attack might put me down long enough for you to finish me. I look toward you, trying to gauge what kind of state you're in, wondering how much more I have to do to you to end this and come out and top...and then that kick comes up toward my face. My instincts kick in and I quickly try to dodge away, ducking down under your leg before popping back up and swinging another stiff clothesline right toward the center of your chest.
23:41 <Han_Juri> *you can see my eyes get wide as i move both arms to protect my chest sending me back and making me groan, but i still smile at you to make you mad*
23:42 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You manage to block my clothesline, but the power behind the attack is enough to still send you stumbling backward. I spot that smile, that nasty, cruel smile, and I let out a frustrated groan. Once again I step in quick toward you, reaching out with both arms, intent on grabbing you by the arm in an attempt to twist you around and send you flying back toward the wall of the cage.
23:45 <Han_Juri> Mhhh.. nnnghh…!! *i got caught off guard as you manage to grab me and throw me towards the cage as I fall down on my knees against it * aghhh nnnghh… *it looks like you are in charge of the fight*
23:47 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> As you fall to your knees, I step after you, intent on trying to bring this to an ending. I move in quick and reach for the dual horns that were your hair, grabbing them with each hand. I pull your head towards me, and then try to slam it toward the cage, trying to beat your head back against it in hopes of rattling and dazing you.
23:49 <Han_Juri> *i bring my arms behind my back to protect it from the slams as i press my foot against your chest and pushing you away* grahhh..!
23:53 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your foot hits my chest and pushes against me, and I go stumbling back. It takes me a moment to catch my balance again, but when I do, I come charging back in. Recklessly, and desperate, I throw myself back in your direction, and just like I had tried to do earlier, my knee comes up, aiming straight for your face as I approach.
23:55 <Han_Juri> *i bring my arms up as i the i take the blow over my face with my arms which are now hurting but my belly is now exposed as it look exposed *
23:56 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Again you block my blow, but your stomach is now beautifully exposed and open to me. With a wild grin, I lift up one of my tree trunk legs, and drive my boot straight toward your stomach, trying to drive a stiff stomp straight into your tummy, as hard as I can with as much strength as I can.
00:01 <Han_Juri> Mfhhhh… *your kick lands on my stomach perfectly as you can see my face and shocked eyes… but you didn’t know that i flexed my abs enough to take the hit and that i used as i bait so that you won’t attack my face, as my arms where at their limits, the expression of pain turns into a grin as i send a clean kick towards your face*
00:01 <Han_Juri>
00:03 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> As my stomp hits your stomach, your leg flies up, and not for the first time your foot strikes my face. Yet again, my head snaps backwards, my eyes looking up towards the ceiling as I stumble back from your, that vicious, murky fog covering my thoughts against as I stand rattled from the kick, trying to find my footing again.
00:07 <Han_Juri> *the abuse doesn’t stop as i keep hitting you with a deadly series of kicks, first the. Arm, later the stomach and the chin right after, this is turning into a beat down, as juri laughs*
00:09 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I had fallen into your trap, and now I was an open target as your leg lashed out, again and again, striking and slamming into me, all over my body. I shouted as you struck my arm, then coughed up air as your foot drove into my stomach, and when you struck my chin again, my body twisted around, and I went stumbling to the side, eventually collapsing toward the wall of the cage, leaning against it, weakly grabbing it with both hands to keep myself standing.
00:13 <Han_Juri> *i walk towards you, looking like a monster that is gonna end you any time soon with one of my eyes making a purple light* You are not logged in.
00:16 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I shudder as you approach me, turning my body to face you as you stride toward me. With weak and wobbly legs, I push off the cage, shakily raising my arms up in front of me. "Come on...c...come one!" I shout, trying to stay defiant until the end. "Ah ain't scared of ya!" And as if to try to back up my words, I throw myself toward you, stumbling in your direction, pulling back my arm and throwing a wild haymaker toward your chin.
00:19 <Han_Juri> *i easily move to your side, ignoring your attack and passing past you and send an hard kick on your back, as i raise your limp body with my foot dangling limp as i moan saidistically*
00:19 <Han_Juri> You are not logged in.
00:20 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> You grab me as I stumble past, hefting my bigger and heavier body into the air above you. Your kick slams into my spine, and I let out a scream, going limp in your hands as you hold me aloft.
00:24 <Han_Juri> * i caress your face in pain as I say* such a lovable face…*as i then bring your body down with my foot over the mat*
00:24 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> I shudder again at your words, and then you bring me down. My body hits the ground with a loud thud, and I roll over and onto my side, my eyes closed, pained lil' gasps and groans pushing past my lips as I lay there before you.
00:30 <Han_Juri> *i look down at you as press my foot on your face, looking at my beautiful prey as giggle* mhhhh that was a fun fight…
00:30 <Han_Juri>
00:31 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your foot presses against my face, forcing another groan from my lips. I try to roll over, trying to push my body up, weakly answering you. "A...ain't done yet...ah ain't...ah ain't done yet..."
00:35 <Han_Juri> *before you can even look intimidating i stomp your face with my foot, and then again… and again.. an again… and again.. until i lose the count, as i just look down at you with a dark smile as i keep stomping until you barely react*
00:35 <Han_Juri>
00:36 <Han_Juri> *the match was already over…*
00:42 <Dixie_Clemets_-_The_Three_Count_Cowgirl> Your foot slams into my face and I go back down to the ground. Then another stomp, and another. The crowd is going nuts now, screaming for blood and cheering you on, while I just lay there, my body jerking around with every stomp to the skull you deliver. Soon enough, I'm out, knocked completely unconscious by your actions, and left a still and unmoving mess against the ground, a thin line of drool dripping from the edge of my mouth as I lay there before you.
00:45 <Han_Juri> *your beaten face is spectacle as the bell rings for knock out* ohhh looks like i won without noticing.. *i say as i place my foot over your chest ignoring the crowd and just looking at you the whole time…. *

<Published> 2023-03-13, viewed 116 times.



Chrissie The Drainer (deleted member)

2023-03-27 08:34

This was such a lovely fight to read!


2023-03-15 13:19

We both know that you have not even pushed your Feng Shui Engine close to its real Potential * yawns *

Han Juri

2023-03-16 16:37

(In reply to this)

Mhhh didn’t wanna break her too soon… it’s just a boring withou some struggle… ;)


2023-03-14 18:51

*giggles* that took longer than expected...

Han Juri

2023-03-14 22:28

(In reply to this)

Hey ayane… enjoyed the show..?