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Established: 2022-03-07
Chat room: #Stardom_2023

  • Pro wrestling
  • Even match
  • Female / Female
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Stardom is a womens only Japanese pro-wrestling federation.
74 members
14 stories
17 photos
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Stardom World Title Hardcore Match: Lady Darcy (c) vs. Dump Matsumoto





<From> Dump_Matsumoto

いつかそうなったら、レディ・ダーシー、誰がスターダム史上最高の女子レスラーであるかを決定するためのハードコア・マッチで、あなたからスターダム世界王座を取り戻します。- Someday, when it comes to that, Lady Darcy, I will reclaim the Stardom World Championship from you in our Hardcore Match to determine who is the best female wrestler of all-time in Stardom History

私が提案したいのは、私たちが自分の武器に持っているすべてを捧げ、私たちが自分の体に持っているすべてを捧げることです。 勝っても負けても、勝ってタイトルを保持できれば、あなたが StarDom の真のチャンピオンになったことを誇りに思います。 もし私があなたからタイトルを勝ち取ったら、スターダムの女子レスラーとしてだけでなく、史上最高の選手の一人としてあなたを尊敬します。- I suggest giving it all we have got in our arsenal and give it everything we've got in our bodies. Win or lose, if you win and retain the title, I'd be proud of you of becoming a true champion in Stardom. and if I win the title from you, I'd respect you, not only as a female wrestler for Stardom, but as one of the all-time greats.

Reply from: Lady_Darcy

You're too old Dump, you're yesterday's champion, Stardom has a new generation of world champion... me... Lady Darcy... if you dare to challenge me I will tear you to pieces! I will beat you bloody and show that Japanese wrestlers are no longer the no. 1 top bitches in pro-wrestling!

Reply from: Dump_Matsumoto

あなたのその称号に挑戦してほしいと言うなら...私はあなたの挑戦を受け入れます。 しかし...私たちはこれを私のタイプの試合、つまりジャパニーズ・ポレス・ハードコア・マッチでやっています。 カウントアウトなし、失格なし、何でもあり、どこでもカウントされます。 剣道の棒、椅子、ガードレール、チェーン、リングロープの周りのライトチューブ、そして私を決して失敗させなかった私のお気に入り、フォークを使用します。 ダーシー様、私はあなたをとても傷つけてあげるから、あなたはあまりの痛みで叫び、血が流れ、打ちのめされ、打ち身ができることになるだろう。 再びチャンピオンになれるよう、できることは何でもやるよ。 この約束は、私自身とここStarDomの全員に対して守ります - If you are asking me to challenge you for that title of yours...then I accept your challenge. But… we are doing this under my type of match: a Japanese Poresu Hardcore Match. No count outs, No disqualifications, Anything Goes, and Falls Count Anywhere, and using kendo sticks, chairs, guardrails, chains, light tubes around the ring ropes and my personal favorite who never failed me: my fork. I will hurt you so much, Lady Darcy that you would be screaming in so much pain that you would be blooded, battered, and bruised. I will do whatever it takes so I can be Champion again. That my promise I will keep to myself and everyone here in Stardom.

Reply from: Lady_Darcy

You don't scare me Dump Matsumoto... you're big, but you're now old and slow... all those kendo sticks, chairs, chains and yes, even your fork.... I will take them off you and use them on you!... You'll be humiliated, the great Dump Matsumoto... battered, beaten bloody and pinned in her own home country by a... GAIJIN... And then everyone will have to call LADY DARCY the GREATEST PORESU HARDCORE WRESTLER IN JAPAN!




<Dump_Matsumoto> Her entrance music comes on as the crowd are roaring and Dump Matsumoto starts making her way to the ring through the arena, through the guardrails and past the crowd, wearing her signature gear and her makeup with her kendo stick in her right hand and behind her neck, soon as she arrives, she goes up the steps, onto the ring apron and enters the ring through the ropes as she walks over to the opposite ropes, grabbing the mic in her left hand and walks to the middle as she faces the camera and says:

<Dump_Matsumoto> 明日の夜、私はこの業界に戻るだけでなく、金曜日のStarDom Worldでは、リング上、リング下、アリーナのどこでも、あらゆる武器を使ってレディ・ダーシーを血まみれになるまで倒すだけでなく、 私は彼女とのハードコアマッチに勝つだけでなく、新しい StarDom 世界チャンピオンになります!! - Tomorrow night, not only that I'm back in this business, but on Friday at StarDom World, not only I'll beat Lady Darcy to a bloody pulp using any weapon around the ring, under the ring and anywhere in the arena, but not only I'll win this Hardcore Match against her, but I will be the new Stardom World Champion!!

<Dump_Matsumoto> She shouted in Japanese as she throws the mic down onto the canvas and Dump raises her kendo stick in the air with her right as the Japanese crowd are roaring and cheering for her.

<Lady_Darcy> As you look around the arena there is suddenly an enormous cheer from the back as I appear with a microphone, dressed in a skintight black body suit.

<Lady_Darcy> "Whoa... whoa... now you... hold on... Dump Matsumoto... I know you have a BIG reputation... you're a LEGEND of ALL JAPAN WOMEN'S WRESTLING... we can all remember the TERROR... that the ATROCIOUS ALLIANCE... (I point at the screen that shows a 1980's picture of the Atrocious Alliance lead by Dump Matsumoto & Bull Nakano)...

<Lady_Darcy> .. created in Japanese Women's Wrestling... with your kendo stick, chains, scissors, forks... you were bigger, badder, and more brutal than the women in the 1980's could handle... I walk to the ring and climb the steps as I talk... ducking into the ring to face you...

<Lady_Darcy> ... "But Dump Matsumoto... the 1980's was a... LONG.... time ago... when I look at the ATROCIOUS ALLIANCE today... in 2024..."

<Lady_Darcy> "I see... LEGENDS... who have made a... BIG MISTAKE... coming back to the ring in 2024... You're... TOO OLD... TOO FAT... and TOO SLOW... to be competitive in 2024... I am not one of those lightweights you use to throw around the ring back in All Japan Women's Wresting... I am... BIG ENOUGH... FAST ENOUGH... and... TOUGH ENOUGH... to... DESTROY YOU... on Friday"... I smirk at you arrogantly...

<Lady_Darcy> "I... LADY NICOLA DARCY... will become a... LEGEND... on Friday... I will become known as the woman that... BEAT DUMP MATSUMOTO... so badly... so bloody... in a HARDCORE match... that the LEGEND that was DUMP MATSUMOTO... RETIRED... from wrestling..." I look over at you as you brandish your kendo stick at me...

<Lady_Darcy> ... "You... DON'T... SCARE... ME... Dump, I will destroy... you... and... your legend on Friday... and LADY DARCY will still be the STARDOM WORLD CHAMPION..." I drop the microphone and turn away, sliding out of the ring under the bottom rope and then I make my way to the backstage area...




<Dump_Matsumoto> It is show day at Stardom Wrestling here in the famous Japanese Poresu Arena in Tokyo, Japan as Female Japanese Wrestler: Kaoru Matsumoto is already in the female locker room just after she walked in the door, walking her way to the bench with a black gym bag filled with her wrestling gear, makeup, sunglasses and her traditional kendo stick sticking out as the Stardom Cameraman is filming her, soon as she walks to the bench, she puts the bag down and she sits down on the bench as she started to feel nervous about her upcoming Stardom Hardcore World Championship Match to determined to become the best and the greatest Perosu Japanese Hardcore Wrestler of All-Time when she is going up against the reigning Stardom Hardcore World Champion: Lady Darcy tonight, she takes deep breaths, trying to calm herself down as her hands are shaking because of the nerves, then she looks up at the camera with a determined look on her face, soon as she calmed down, she would stand up grab her gym bag and slowly walks to the locker as she keeps looking and then looks away as she would start to slowly get changed into her signature wrestling gear, then shortly after her wrestling gear is on, she gets the makeup from her bag and walks over to the mirror and slowly starts putting her makeup on her face with her right hand and styling her blonde hair with both her hands then soon as she was ready, the Japanese evil heel Hardcore Female Wrestler: Dump Matsumoto was unleashed just as she looked in the mirror, nodding as she closes the makeup case, takes it as she walks back to the locker to put the makeup case back in her black gym bag, grabbing her vintage aviator sunglasses from inside the bag and closing the locker as she walks over back to the bench with the kendo stick still on the bench, sitting back down, looking down and slowly puts the aviator sunglasses on as she looks up slowly in front of the camera and grabbing the kendo stick with my right hand and puts it behind my neck to hold it

<Lady_Darcy> It's fight day and I arrive at the arena in my gym gear, 

ready to change in the locker room. When I walk into the locker room I see that you have already arrived and changed. I look across the locker room at you, that classic, intimidating, look, the black jacket, aviator glasses, makeup, kendo stick and black costume. For a moment I am transfixed by your look and gulp, you're a legend, you're big, tough, brutal, vicious and I am defending my title against you, it's a daunting task. I take a deep breath and drop my gym bag on the bench, I slip off my gym pants and then pull off my top stripping down to my underwear...

I'm a big woman myself, 170lbs, thick, curvy, a light-heavyweight, but when I look over at you, I am the smaller woman in this match, back in the 80's you were billed at 200lbs, you've gained weight, now tipping the scales at 220lbs. I let out a sigh, my normal power moves, slams, suplexes are going to be out, I'd slip a disk if I tried to pick you up, striking and a lot of it are going to be my best moves. And hanging in the match, with your age and weight I don't think you can last half as long as you did in the 1980's... you'll run out of gas and if I can get you down on your back... beached whale... I smile at the thought. Putting on my blue, high waist bikini and white boots, I arrange my hair and compose myself... I look in the mirror...

I am ready, and later, if I return to the locker room on my feet, carrying the title belt... I'll be a LEGEND... the WOMAN WHO BEAT DUMP MATSUMOTO... I know it will be a brutal, bloody, match... but it will be worth it... I take the title belt out of my gym back and hold it up so you can see it... "This is as close as you'll get bitch..." I snarl across the locker room at you...




In the arena the crowd are ready, I can hear the preliminaries starting... ribbons exploding across the ring and then the cheering as Yurai Kozakai walks out to the ring with the microphone...

Yurai Kozakai: "WELCOME TO STARDOM!!..." The crowd cheers. "Tonight, our MAIN EVENT is a match for the STARDOM WORLD TITLE..." The big screen shows the poster for the match...

Yurai Kozakai: "This is a HARDCORE MATCH... NO DISQUALIFICATION... FALLS COUNT ANYWHERE..." The crowd cheers again. "Please welcome first to the ring... THE CHALLENGER... she is the... INFAMOUS... TERROR... of 1980's ALL JAPAN WOMEN'S WRESTLING... the leader of the ATROCIOUS ALLIANCE... standing 1.63m (5'4") and weighing in at 100kg (220lbs)... please welcome... DUMMPPPP.... MATSUMOTOOOOOO!!!..."

<Dump_Matsumoto> Her entrance music: Black Devil comes on as Dump walks out of the red curtain from the left and to the middle, facing the ring with the kendo stick in right hand behind her neck and her signature black wrestling gear on: her black top with her black swimsuit under it, her jacket and her black shiny wrestling boots on as the crowd are cheering and some are booing for her as she starts making her way down to the ring, soon as she arrives, she steps onto the ring apron and slowly enters the ring through the top and middle ropes as she would walk over to one of the corners and waits, looking at the stage and the screen as the music dies down and the crowd are still cheering and booing for Dump

Yurai Kozakai: "And now... please welcome to the ring... your... STARDOM WORLD CHAMPION... she hails from London, England and stands 16.3m (5'4") and weighing in at 77kg (170lbs)... she is... LADYYYYY.... NICOLAAAA... DARCYYYY!!!..."

<Lady_Darcy> I come out from backstage carrying belt title belt over my shoulder, smiling, lapping up the cheers of the crowd... I jog towards the ring, my thick, curvy, body wobbling and shaking as I run past the cheering fans... I jump up onto the ring apron... 

... looking over the ropes at you as you stand waiting in the far corner... "You want this bitch??..." I taunt at you point at the belt... "You want this??..." I look over at you in the far corner as I get into the ring...

You look intimidating in in your black costume with your kendo stick and your sidekick with numb-chucks ready for you.... but it doesn't stop me taunting you...

I coo at you "Well you... AIN'T GONNA GET IT FATTY!!... It won't fit around your waist... IT'S MINE... AND IT'S STAYING MINE!!..." I squeal at you...

<Dump_Matsumoto> As you say and squeal at me, I quickly take the cop hat, glasses and the jacket off as I would come over, grabbing your hair with my left hand and hits your forehead with the kendo stick a few times, making you move back to one of the corners while still holding onto your hair.

<Lady_Darcy> My taunts have clearly got under your skin, and you launch across the ring to attack me... smacking me in the head with the kendo stick... there's uproar and immediately a group of young Japanese women wrestlers slide into the ring to pull you back and away from me... I stumble backwards holding my head...

<Lady_Darcy> Yurai Kozakai: "STOP!!... STOP!!... Wait for the bell... Referee... separate them..." Pointing at the referee...

... "Take the belt!..." The referee takes the belt and shows it to the crowd...

<Lady_Darcy> I stumble back into my corner, clutching my head... shaken by your initial attack... watching the referee as they hand the belt to Yurai who leaves the ring... the referee signals for us to come to the middle of the ring to shake hands... I wonder if I can trust you but come forward to shake...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I listen to the ref as I would come over to the middle of the ring, looking at the title being handed to the referee and to Yurai, meeting face to face with the champion just as you would attempt to shake my hand, seeing if you can trust me, but with an intimidating look to you and looks at the crowd left and right, then with a roar from the crowd, I would accept your handshake as my right hand holds your right hand, shaking it and says: - この瞬間が続くまで楽しんでください、ダーシー (Enjoy this moment while it lasts, Darcy) - I say in Japanese as I would nod, letting go as I would head back into the corner where I was at earlier on

<Lady_Darcy> To my surprise you shake my hand, babbling at me in Japanese... I smile at you and shake your hand.. the referee seems pleased. You turn your back on me and head back towards your corner... I look at the referee, who immediately understands the new expression on my face as I think... "To hell with this... NO DISQUALIFICATION... you hit me before the bell... now it's my turn!!..." I clasp my hands together and raise my arms up in the air, charging forward at you, my thick body shaking as I move... aiming to smash down a... double axe handle... into your back while you are turned away from me... The referee immediately calls for the bell... DING!!... DING!!... DING!!...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I grunt as I felt your double axe handle hit onto my back just as I would walk back to my corner, turning around and I start hammering my right fist onto your forehead a few times to try and move you back into the middle of the ring, soon as you are staggering after a few head shots, I would grab your left wrist with my hands, trying to whip you over to the ropes

<Lady_Darcy> I slam my double axe handle into your back... OMG... it would have sent a normal woman wrestler down to the canvas but it barely moves you... a look of shock is on my face as you turn around, angry, snarling... UFFF... UFFF... UFFF... my head snaps backwards as you slam your fist into my jaw, I stumble back, my arms windmilling at my side, my thick body shaking and wobbling... again you hit me... again I stumble and shake... and again... 220lbs leaning into those blows, I am dizzy and stunned... you grab my wrist and whip me towards the ropes... "Whoa..." I squeal as I run to the ropes, turn through 180 degrees, hitting them with my back, they bow out and fling me back into the ring... running towards you, by big body shaking, my 38DD tits bouncing, I turn my body aiming my left shoulder at... aiming to hit you in your chest with a running shoulder block...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Just as you would turn your body, I move forward a little and swifts to the right, grabbing her around the waist as I would scream out, lifting her off the canvas and over me as I would deliver a German Suplex on the champion, throwing her back first and body onto the canvas after I would let go of her, getting onto my knees and back up onto my feet as I would slip through my black swimsuit with my right hand, grabbing my signature metal fork out and in my hand as I would grab your hair with my left, dragging the champion up on her feet as I would quickly raise the fork up and rams it down onto her forehead on the hairline

<Lady_Darcy> As I charge at you, you dodge to your right, your big body moving surprisingly quickly, catching me around the waist as I pass you, wrapping your arms around my thick belly... "Whoa... no ..." I squeal as you hug my back against your big belly and chest... "No... NO!..." I squeal as you heave me up and over... I'm 170lbs, a thick woman, but you are strong enough to throw me over in a German suplex... URRRGH... I hit the canvas on the back of my head and shoulders... flopping over to the side, dazed... struggling to get my hands down on the canvas to try and push myself up... ARRRGH... I squeal as you grab hold of my long, thick, brunette, hair to pull me up to my feet... as you are pulling me up I make an effort to fight back, slamming my left fist into your big belly, then my right fist... but it doesn't stop you and suddenly there is immense pain as you ram the teeth of your fork into my forehead.. . ARRRRRRGHHH!!!... I scream as the blood starts to flow out...

<Dump_Matsumoto> After I stabbed it once, I see you scream out, getting on one knee and back up as you would stagger to the ropes as I would follow you, slowly grabbing your hair as I would put your head and arms under and over the top rope as I would pull your hair back slowly, putting the teeth of the fork on your forehead on your hairline and stabs it repeatedly a few times and a harder one as I hold it there, watching your blood flow out freely as I would stick my tongue out in front of the camera and looks at it again, stabbing it again a few times more repeatedly and one more hard one for good measure, grunting as I have let go of you.

<Lady_Darcy> Arrrghh!!... I scream as you yank on my hair and stab me in the head again, ... I struggle to try and get free of your grip on my hair, trying to get to the ropes... hoping the referee will force a break... dragging myself across the canvas on my hands and knees until we get to the ropes... you continue to force the fork into my forehead as the referee yells that I have hold of the ropes and to break... you grunt loudly and inflict one last brutal stab with the fork before breaking and leaving me hanging on the ropes, blood flowing down my face... as you back away I grab the top rope and pull myself up to my feet, swaying on my thick legs, gasping and puffing, my big breasts heaving... I try to wipe the blood away from my face with my left hand... then I start to skip sideways along the rope to my right and then start to circle around you at distance... my arms up defensively in case you attack again...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I put the fork back through my black swimsuit top as I would see you huffing and puffing, seeing your blood flowing onto your face, coming over as I would grab your hair with my right hand as I force your head under my thighs with my arms around your waist, lifting you upside down facing forward and spikes your head onto the canvas, landing on my knees after delivering a reverse Tombstone Piledriver on you with your shoulder onto the canvas and your legs over your head

<Lady_Darcy> Although I am trying to get away from you, you come after me, grabbing my hair and pulling my head down, forcing it between your thick thighs and grabbing me around the waist... again flipping my 170lbs of thick body up into the air as though I were a rag doll.... and then dropping down to ram my head into the canvas in a piledriver... URGGGHHH... I grunt out as my head is smashed into the canvas... my legs flopping down limply... urrr... urrr.... I graon as I struggle to roll over and try to get to my feet...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I lightly shove you to the left and off me as I would get myself up, heading to the ropes on the right as I would go through the top and middle ropes, then heads out of the ring onto the mat floor as I would look under the ring apron, slowly dragging a wooden glass coffin box out as I would lift it up with my hands, sliding it into the ring under the bottom rope as I would slide myself back in afterwards, getting back up onto my feet as I would drag the wooden glass coffin box to the middle of the ring

<Lady_Darcy> I am hurt and dazed, struggling to get up onto my wobbly legs... but fortunately for me you think I am maybe in worse shape than I am... you leave me and slide out of the ring as I get up to my knees... you're pull something out from under the ring and stsrt to push it into the ring... I crawl to teh far ropes and use them to start pulling myself up to my feet... it's a wooden glass coffin box... on my feet now, hanging onto the ropes... you slide into the ring and get to your feet by the wooden glass coffin box... I take my chance and charge at you, jumping into the air to deliver a dropkick aimed at your big chest, aiming to knock you backwards onto the coffin box... 170lbs on big thick curvy woman flying through the air in a dropkick...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I grunt as I felt your dropkick hit my breasts on my swimsuit top, staggering back as my feet accidentally trips on the bottom wooden part of the coffin box and I fall back, crashing into the wooden glass coffin as the glass smashes onto my back as I am screaming in immense pain as I feel the little tiny pieces of glass rub onto my back and my swimsuit top, hissing as I would slowly try and move by leaning forward

<Lady_Darcy> Splat!!... my boots smack into your chest... and you stumble backwards, your big body shaking and then... CRASHHHH... you fall onto the coffin... smashing the glass, shards flying, some clearly digging into your back, others flying to the side... I fall down onto the canvas with a thump as my thick body lands... I gasp and puff, but smile as I start to get to my feet... at last I have landed a blow on you and knocked you down... and you're clearly hurt from the cut glass... I look around and grab a shard of glass off the canvas... "Now it's my turn bitch!..." I snarl at you, reaching over and grabbing your blonde hair with my left hand to pull your head up and push the sharp shard of glass into your forehead, just as you had pushed the fork into mine... "You're going down Dump Matsumoto... but I'm gonna make you bleed before I finish you!..." I squeal at you...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I feel your left hand grab my blonde hair, pulling me up so your right hand started to dig the glass shard onto my forehead with your right hand, hissing and screaming out in immense pain, hearing those words as you squeal at me just as my forehead started bleeding down my makeup face free - Sssss..aaaaaaaaaaagh!! Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!!

<Lady_Darcy> As I get the sharp edge of the glass shard onto your forehead you reach up and grab my wrists with your hands... but the glass cuts you and blood starts to flow over your face... but you are a strong woman and you start to force my hands away from your head... "NO!... NO!..." I squeal... now unable to continue cutting your forehead... I lean my body forward, I'm 170lbs and strong myself, but I can't overpower you, you're too strong... I can't hit you with my hands because you have my wrists held... I need to be smart... I need to use my head... literally... I lunge my head forward at your forehead in a vicious HEADBUTT... both of us bleeding from the head, this won't do the cuts any good, but maybe I can daze and stun you with the headbutt...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Just as the glass shard is out my forehead, I hold your wrists with both hands just as you would about to deliver a vicious headbutt on mine, thinking of the same thing as I would deliver a vicious headbutt of my own on you, both hitting at the same time, grunting and groaning as I huff and puff, stunning us both as I would hold you and shoving you out of the wooden glass coffin box and onto the canvas as I would lean up and slowly getting up as my blood started to trickle down my back, getting out of the wooden coffin glass box as I would grab your hair, slowly dragging you up onto your feet as I would hoist you up with my hands on your neck and leg, panting as I would walk over to the ropes and I use my strength to throw you over the top rope and out of the ring as the Japanese girls are in front near the ring apron

<Lady_Darcy> As I lunge forward to headbutt you... you do the same.... CRACKKKKK!!!... our heads collide with a sickening sound, the impact is devastating, I stumble backwards from the impact... my arms flailing at my side, my legs wobbling and shaking, my head lolling from side to side, my eyes glassy, my mouth hanging open... Urrr... urrr.. I moan as I struggle to stay on my feet... the impact really hurt me, leaving me stunned... but your skull is clearly a lot thicker than mine, you clearly are energized by the pain... before I can recover you have hold of me... hoiting me up onto your shoulders... I'm 170lbs but you are so strong you just lift me up into teh air like I was a feather pillow... "NO!... NO!!..." I squeal as you carry me towards the ropes in a show of strength and power... "NO... PLEASE... NO!!!..." as I see what you intend and then.... ARRRGGGHHHH!!... I scream as you throw me over the ropes... 170lbs of tits, belly and ass flying through the air... I see the women wrestlers around the ring... they're trying to back away... but fortunately for me, not quickly enough... UFFFF!!... I land on them and they break my fall, all of us collapsing down onto the floor outside the ring... but despite the fall being broken still the impact hurts... I roll off of the women onto my back on the floor outside the ring... tits and belly up... my arms and legs spreadeagled... I gurgle and groan as my head rolls from side to side...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I would slowly come over to the ropes as I would go through the top and middle ropes as I would stand onto the ring apron, waiting for Darcy to slowly get herself back up onto her feet as I am panting and huffing from the amount of blood I've lost!

<Kacy_Catanzaro> Sitting at the commentary table .."Well.. I think Ms. Matsumoto doesn't need help! She's dishing out a brutal beating to that Lady Darcy... Such a dominant Force of Japanese wrestling this Ms. Matsumoto, she's definitely the upper hand in this match."

<Lady_Darcy> I stare up at the ceiling lights, my vision blurred, gasping for air, my big 38DD chest heaving up and down, my face covered in blood... Urrr... I groan as I start to lift my thick body up, rolling to my side, pushing up with my hands onto my knees and then up onto my feet, swaying from side to side on my thick, chubby, legs... I start to look around... "Where is the bitch?..." I mumble looking at the commentary table... @Kacy_Catanzaro points at the ring apron... I turn around... "Oh shit!!..." I squeal as I see your big frame standing on the ring apron above me...

<Dump_Matsumoto> As you got up slowly back on your feet, you turn to me with a look of shock on your face just as I lean forward a little and I jump forward and onto my right, splashing my body on top of you as my oversized Japanese body hitting on your body, making you fall back onto the mat floor outside of the ring, winding you

<Lady_Darcy> "OH... MY... GOD!!!..." I scream as I see your large 220lbs body, big belly, thick legs leaping off the ring apron towards me... "NOOOO!!..." I scream as I raise my arms in a futile effort to... catch... you!... Instead you huge belly slaps onto my 38DD chest and I start rapidly backpedalling in a hopeless effort to stay on my feet... back I stumble, straight into... the commentary table and the commentator @Kacy_Catanzaro... 170lbs of Lady Darcy and 220lbs of Dump Matsumoto coming down onto the table is way too much... the table collapsing, the commentator being knocked over... down I go onto the floor on my back, with your huge body on top of me and the wreckage of the table around us... my arms and legs spreadeagled... moaning and groaning as I lay underneath you...

<Kacy_Catanzaro> I was sitting there, doing my job for tonight... before suddenly seeing the larger Dump Matsumoto jumping on the Lady Darcy, they are both heavyweight wrestlers, and they fell over the commentators table, taking me down with them, leaving me lying there, dizzy from the hit. It's really messy outside the ring after that reckless move.

<Dump_Matsumoto> Then I would get myself up slowly as I huff and puff, panting from blood loss coming from my bloody forehead as I would grab Darcy's hair getting her up onto her feet as I would head over to the guardrails, leans you back and throws you over the guardrails and into the crowd.

As I would head over to the ring apron on top as I would look under it and finds a long metal chain as I would get it in my left hand as I would come over, going over the guardrails as I would drag you off the crowd and over the guardrails back onto the mat floor on your back as I would get my legs over the guard rail, grabbing your hair once again as I would drag you and leaning your back against the ring apron, wrapping the chain around my right fist and delivers a hard right punch into your midsection.

<Lady_Darcy> I have been taking a severe beating and I am tired, I just lay under you for the moment, gasping and puffing... but you clearly have other plans for me... pulling your huge weight off me, grabbing my hair... pulling me up onto my wobbly legs... "No.. No..." I gasp.. you pull me back towards the ring apron and then grabbing me, fling me towards the guardrails... "Whoaaa..." I squeal as I collide belly first with the guardrail, my upper body flipping over the rail and my ass and legs then flipping up into the air as I topple over the guardrail into the front row crowd... the crowd start to help me, rolling me off them and helping me get to my feet... I move towards the guardrail, stumbling, wobbling, glassy eyed... suddenly you grab my hair again... "No.. No..." I again murmur as you fling me back first against the edge of the ring apron... ARRGH!... I squeal as my back hits the apron... but then.... URRRRRRRGHH!!!... I let out an enormous groan as your fist, wrapped in a metal chain, slams into my fleshy, thick, belly.... I double forward, my arms going down and clasping around my belly... I am desperate, you're totally dismantling me... I have to do something... as you stand in front of me, I release the clasp on my belly and reach up with my hands towards your face and viciously... rake your eyes!...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I scream out as your fingers rake both my eyes as I am blinded for a moment as I drop the chain onto the mat floor near to you.

<Brandiprowstls> “C’mon Darcy! You’re still in this!”

<Lady_Darcy> Yessss!!... I gasp as my eye gouge works and you are blinded for a moment, dropping the chain onto the floor and stumbling away... I am gasping for air, bleeding profusely, in agony from the beating and the last belly punch... but I... am... the champion and I will fight... I reach down and grab the chain, lifting it up with an end in each hand I fling it over your head from behind and wrap it around your throat, pulling hard with both hands, lifting my left knee up into your back... I start to try and strangle you with the chain...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I hold onto the chain with both hands, hissing and moaning, coughing as you are choking me with the metal chain as I am bleeding profusely down my face as it drips from my chin onto my arms just as you would stand up for a moment, coughing out as I hear you go up the ring apron and flings the chain over the top rope, panting, huffing and puffing

<Lady_Darcy> You try to stop me by grabbing the chain with your hands, but I keep pulling and choking you, you're coughing, gasping, the blood now rushing profusely from your head... I pull the two ends of the chain together and start to twist them around each other in an effort to tie them together as a noose around your throat... you're squirming, struggling as I strangle you, but I grab a free end of the chain and throw it up to loop over the top rope and dangle down... as it falls I let go of you and make a grab for the chain... pulling hard on it, getting my thick leg up, my boot on the ring apron as I pull on the chain in an effort to hang you up with the chain like a hangman!...

<Brandiprowstls> “Oh wow!”

<Dump_Matsumoto> I hiss and grunts as I would grab onto the chain with both hands just as you would about to pull me back and finishing me as I would huff and puff, getting a little angry with a little determination on my bloody face as I press my boots firmly onto the mat floor as I would turn around to face you, panting as I would grab onto the chain with my hands and I would then pull you hard as you come flinging towards the ropes and you go over the top, landing back onto your feet and falling onto the floor as I fall onto my knees, coughing as I release the chain from my throat just as the chain falls over from the top rope and onto the mat floor.

<Brandiprowstls> “Uh oh!”

<Lady_Darcy> As I pull on the chain you start to pull back on it... "NOOO!!..." I growl as you get a grip on the chain with both hands and dropping to your knees, lurching me up into the air... and making me release the chain... letting it go... it slides over the top rope and falls down to the floor outside the ring as you quickly untie it from around your throat... As I land back on my feet I stumble for a moment, furious, angry, that you have broken free of my chance to finish you... but still I am going to fight, and fight hard... I rush towards you as you kneel beside the ring apron... bringing my thick, chubby, right thigh flying up in an attempt to ram my right knee into your face...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Just as you would do that, I grab around your waist with my arms as I turn around and delivers a vicious Spinebuster onto the mat padded floor, landing back and spine first onto the mat padded floor with my body on you, panting as my blood is dripping from my head onto your crotch, slowly getting up back onto my feet.

<Lady_Darcy> As I bring my knee up to ram it into your face you dodge your head to the side and my knee misses, but I collide into you and you clench onto me, your arms wrapping around my thick waist and clasping me... "NO!!..." I squeal... but too late, you're getting up, lifting my feet off the floor, twisting around and driving my back down onto the hard floor in a Spinebuster... ARRRGGHH!!... I scream as my back and head smash into the floor with your big, heavy body, falling on me... I lay on my back groaing as you start to slowly get up... Urrr... urr... I moan and roll to my side, my head hanging down on my shoulder... I start to try and push myself up to my feet...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I see you slowly get up onto all fours as I would clasps my hands together, delivering a hard double axe handle onto your back so your down again as I would go to the ring apron, looks under and gets a steel chair out in both my hands as I would look at you, waiting for you to get yourself up to face me

<Lady_Darcy> I slowly struggle up onto my hands and knees, it's been a brutal fight, I'm tired, hurt, bleeding, badly dazed and as I get up onto my hands and knees... URRRGHH... you smash a double axe handle into my back, sending my face, tits and belly down onto the floor again... The impact just increases my state of pain and exhaustion, but again I start to struggle to get up to my feet so I can keep fighting on... as I get half way to my feet I look up and see you have pulled a folded steel chair out from under the ring and you're advancing towards me with the chair raised, ready to smash it down on me... I gasp, "Oh my God... how much more can I take?" I think to myself, then... as I plant my right hand on the floor to try and push up I feel something cold and metallic under my hand, I glance down... the chain!... I have hold of the chain where it fell at the side of the ring... my heart suddenly races, and I grab hold of the chain and as I stand up I throw the chain out towards you like a... whip... hurling the whip end of the metal chain at you as you advance on me with the chair...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I scream out as the chain whips my gut, hissing in immense pain as I drop the chair onto the mat padded floor near the ring apron as I would grab the chain, wrapping it around my right bloody fist as I would grab your brunette hair with both hands, slowly dragging you onto your feet as I would take you to the steel ring post, leaning your back against it and I deliver a hard right uppercut onto your stomach.

<Lady_Darcy> The chain lashes out and hits you hard in the body, you scream and in pain and drop the chair... struggling, tired and exhausted, I get to my feet, still holding one end of the chain... you now bend down and grab the other end of the chain, wrapping it around your fist... I do the same with my end of the chain, wrapping it around my fist... you advance on me, reaching out and grabbing my brunette hair, yanking on it, dragging me to the ring post and throwing my back against the post then... ARRRRRRGHHH!!... I scream in agony as you ram your chain wrapped right fist in an uppercut into my bruised and battered belly... my face is grimaced in pain... but I am still going to fight... I have my right fist with the chain wrapped around it and desperately I hook it up into the left side of your head... "Take that bitch!..." I snarl at you... "How'd you like being hit with an iron fist huh?..." I gasp at you...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I grunt and moan as I felt your right hook hit on the left side of my head with the chain wrapped in your right hand, staggering as I would snarl at you, walking over and delivers a right hand downward chop to your breasts with a huge smack as I would grab your hair again with my left, dragging you to the apron and throws you in the ring under the bottom rope as I would grab another steel chair from under the ring as I slide both steel folding chairs in the ring as I would slide myself in afterwards as I grab a chair and opens it, placing it in the middle and gets the other chair, opening it up as I place it in the middle too facing the other chair as I would sit on one of them as Dump taunts at Darcy

<Lady_Darcy> My chain wrapped fist smacks into the side of your head, and you stumble backwards, wobbling on your legs... but not falling down... I am aghast, my God you're a monster... I couldn't even put you down with a steel fist... while I am in a bad way, bleeding, my legs are barely able to keep me upright as I lean against the ring post... I clasp one arm around my belly that has now taken two brutal steel fist punches... but although I knocked you back you now lunge at me again... ARRRGHHH!!... I squeal as you deliver a brutal knife edge chop across my 38DD tits... they shake and wobble in my bikini top and I wrap my other arm around them, my head now drooping down... Arrgh... you grab my hair, dragging me forward, pushing me up onto the ring apron, shoving me into the ring, rolling me under the bottom rope... I roll into the ring and onto my back, my arms and hands still wrapped around my belly and tits as I lay there moaning and groaning, staring at the ceiling lights... After what seems like a long time but may have only been a few seconds I throw out my left hand to grab the bottom rope and pull on it to roll myself over, grabbing the middle rope with my right hand I start to pull myself up using the ropes... when I finally have struggled to my feet I look over and see you sitting on a chair in the middle of the ring... a vacant chair in front of you... I realize the meaning of the challenge and stumble, stagger over to the vacant chair and flop down to sit in the chair facing you...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Just when you slowly stagger your way up to your feet, you see me sat on one of the vacant steel chairs just as you would sit on the vacant steel chair facing me, I taunt at you as I want you to take the first hit to my bloody forehead first, snarling at her.

<Lady_Darcy> I flop down onto the cheer, bloody and exhausted, I lean back in the chair, my head bending back over my shoulders, my arms down at my side, my big busty 38DD chest heaving up and down, my thick belly puffing in and out, sweat dripping off my body on to the canvas. I can hear you babbling at me in Japanese and I lift my head, sneering at you as I focus on you... "Bitch!..." I mumble at you... then I reach out with my left hand and grab hold of a handful of your blonde hair to hold your head steady before letting out an exhausted grunt... Urrrrrggh... as I send an exhausted right hook at your bloody forehead... my right arm flopping down, and my head drooping in exhaustion, after my fist bounces off your head...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I grunt as I felt your right hook hit my bloody forehead, looking at her as I would grab her hair with my left and hits your bloody forehead in return with my right, seeing how you react from it.

<Lady_Darcy> Your head recoils slightly from my punch and then you look at me with a vicious glare and reach out, grabbing a handful of my long, thick, brunette hair and pull my drooping head up with your left hand, sending a brutal right hook into my bloody forehead... my head recoils violently, blood splattering off my forehead onto the canvas, my arms flailing out and my body shaking as I sit in the chair... for a moment I go limp, clearly I am very badly dazed and stunned, then slowly I pull my head and body up straight and let out another weak grunt... Urrrrgh... as I throw a limp, exhausted, right hook back at your forehead...

<Dump_Matsumoto> Just when you throw a right hook weakly on my bloody forehead, my head recoils violently as my blood splattering off my forehead onto the canvas, huffing and puffing as I am losing a lot of blood, sitting up with a weak grunt and I throw a weak right hook punch again at your bloody forehead, screaming out and panting as I would weakly taunt at her.

<Lady_Darcy> I am tired and weary, but so are you, my right hook may be limp, but your head recoils and the blood is now flowing profusely from the cuts on your forehead... you're gasping heavily for air now... through the mist of my dazed state of consciousness the idea starts to form... "She's running out of gas..." I think ... I look at you for a moment.... "Maybe my original plan that her age and weight mean that she can't last is finally working..." I think... I pause for a moment, gasping for air, I take a deep breath, my 38DD chest puffing up and now put everything I've got into throwing my next right hook at your forehead... YAAARRRGHH!... I scream with more vigour as I hurl the right hook at your forehead with all my remaining energy...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I place my fingers on my right hand on my throat while leant back for now, just when you was about to scream out and about to throw another right hook to my bloody forehead, I lean up and my eyes widen as I spray a Black Mist hard onto Darcy's face and eyes, blinding her as she would scream just as Darcy gets blinded.

<Lady_Darcy> As I throw the right hook at you a Black Mist comes spraying out of your mouth towards my face... ARRRRR!!... I squeal as the mist gets into my eyes... my fist continues in its flight and strikes your head... but my reaction is now to let go of your head and unclench my right fist, my hands and arms coming back and clasping my hands over my eyes... I roll to my left side off of the chair collapsing down onto the canvas on my knees and elbows, my head and upper body down, my fat ass up in the air...

<Dump_Matsumoto> After that forehead shot you give me after I blinded you with the Black Mist, we both fall off the chair at the same time just as the steel chair collapsed down onto the canvas as I would slowly stagger myself back up onto my feet while your down onto the canvas with your elbow and knees on it with your ass up in the air as I would then head to the ropes, going through it as I would jump out of the ring just as I would walk over to the vacant steel chair next to the announce table opposite to the broken one as I would get my signature kendo stick… soon as I got it in my right hand, I look at it and then back at you as I would walk back to the ring by sliding though under the bottom rope back into the ring as I would slowly get myself back onto my feet, huffing and puffing from the amount of blood I've lost as my right hand twirling the kendo stick forward like a sword as I hold it in my hand ready, waiting for Darcy to get herself slowly back up while she's still blinded.

<Lady_Darcy> ARRRRGH.... ARRRGH... I squeal and squeal as I clasp my hands over my stinging eyes, tears of pain flowing and perhaps helping a little, washing the mist out of my eyes... I am oblivious to what is happening around me, unable to see, a terrible stinging in my eyes and a body that is in agony from this brutal match... as I my vision begins to clear a little, now just blurry, I plant my right hand down on the canvas and start to slowly push myself up to my feet, it's a painful struggle to get up but finally I am up on my wobbling, shaking, legs... my thick body swaying, my head lolling gently from side to side... I look around and... "OH MY GOD!!!..." I see you with your kendo stick raised, ready to strike me with it...

<Dump_Matsumoto> I laugh at Darcy as I would raise the kendo stick in the air, screaming and whacks it good and hard onto her bloody forehead stained in my earlier Black Mist, watching her fall back onto the canvas, laid out with her arms back over her head as I would chuck the kendo stick aside as I would grab her head with both hands, slowly lifting her up by her dead weight as I would place her head under my legs with my arms around her, then hoists her upside down and delivers a reverse Tombstone Piledriver, spiking her head hard onto the canvas just as I land on my knees with your shoulders down and her legs over her head as Dump starts to pin her in that position.

<Lady_Darcy> The strike with the kendo stick is devastating, cracking viciously into my already bloody head, I hang for a moment in the air and then just fall backwards... clearly out cold as I fall... my thick, curvy body landing on the canvas with a SPLAT... my arms and legs splaying outwards... tits and belly up... unconscious on the canvas... moments later I start to come around, realizing that my body has being dragged off the canvas, my head is being forced between your thick, sweaty, thighs... Urrr... Urrr... I moan, unable to resist in any way, barely understanding what is happening... your arms wrap around my thick belly, and you hoist me up in the air... again I can only moan... Urrr... Urrr... as you crash my head down into the canvas with a piledriver...

<Lady_Darcy> My body flops over like a limp ragdoll to the side, my eyes are closed, arms and legs flopped out, tits and belly up... completely unconscious... Your big body presses down on top of me, squashing my thick, curvy, body, pressing it against the canvas... I don't move or resist, my head rolled to one side, unmoving as the referee drops down to the canvas... slapping their hand down... ONE!!!... no movement from me.... TWO!!... no movement from me...

<Dump_Matsumoto> THREE!! THAT'S IT! RING THE BELL! 🔔 Ding, Ding, Ding 🔔 The bell has rung as Dump lightly throws her aside onto the canvas and she is on her knees, screaming loud with such pride as she finally defeated Darcy and she slams her right fist down into the canvas a few times as she would stand up and walking around the ring as she would close her eyes and screams out, started to cry just as Dump goes on her knees, filled with emotion as the Japanese crowd are cheering and roaring for her as the confetti from each corner started coming out in the air towards the ring

Yurai Kozakai: I slide into the ring with the title belt, handing it to Dump Matsumoto and then raising the microphone...

Yurai Kozakai: "THE WINNER... and the... NEW... STARDOM... WORLD... CHAMPION.... DUMPPPP.... MATSUMOTOOOOO!!!!!..."

<Dump_Matsumoto> I see the Stardom Ring Announcer slide into the ring under the bottom rope as she comes in with the Stardom World Championship belt in her left hand, waiting to hear the announcement, soon as the announcement was made the referee raises my arm.

Crying in such pride as Yurai passes the title over to me, I look at the crowd as I would raise the Stardom World Championship in my right hand up in the air, screaming out, leaning my head back and sprays the Red Mist up in the air and heads over to the Stardom Cameraman as I bring the title close to my face and sticks my red tongue out, laughing evilly as I would stand back to the middle and celebrates with the crowd cheering, sobbing with emotion.

<Lady_Darcy> The medical team slides in under the bottom rope to care for me, crowding around my limp and broken body, bringing me around, helping me up, and carrying me out of the ring.

<Dump_Matsumoto> After I celebrated, I also leave the ring through the ropes from the top and middle onto the ring apron as I start walking on the ramp and turning to the crowd to give them one last blow of a kiss to the crowd, cheering for me as I started to head through the red curtain and back into the production area.

<Published> 2024-02-19, viewed 54 times.



Oh Elle No

2024-02-20 12:47

Great match, you two! And congratulations Dump.

But, I think we need a champion that people can look up to. Someone that's still in her prime rather than waaaay past it. Someone who is equal parts talented, hot, and vicious.

I will become the STARDOM champ, Dump. So enjoy that title while you can.

(In reply to this)

Everyone here in STARDOM deserves to be Champion at some point, Elle. You'll have your opportunity when the time comes. So don't worry 🙂💪❤️

Dump Matsumoto

2024-02-20 16:08

(In reply to this)

Kaoru: うん。 彼女が言ったように、ここスターダムの誰もが、いつかはチャンピオンになる資格があります。 だから、その時が来たらチャンスが来るでしょう。 だから心配しないでください - (Yeah. Like she said: everyone here in STARDOM deserves to be Champion at some point. So you'll have your opportunity when the time comes. So don't worry 🙂💪)

Dump Matsumoto

2024-02-19 18:40

Lady Darcy, I love it. I really love it. Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. You put so much detail into it when you edited it with some current and new images and you did it the best ever. I'm so proud of you 🙂👍💪❤️ Great job