Superhero Proving Grounds
Established: 2022-07-29
Chat room: #HeroesVillains
- Fantasy
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- Superhero
- Supervillain
World for heroes and villain to meet, do missions and battle and train.
02:30 Nick_CKO: This job has been a real pain in the ass, I thought it'd be some easy snatch and grab but what the hell, I've had to disable powered trip wires, knock a few people out, and I'm still fiddling with the lock of this damn safe, normally I'd be in and out quickly but right now? It's not having ANY of my shit, getting too frustrated I almost lose a bit of control, but calming myself down and getting my head back on straight, I glare at the lock and start to go back to work, waiting, using my finger with a charged almost lock pick on it, trying to short circuit the main lock and get myself in "Alright, that works, now what about here..." My other hand moving to the side and letting a little lightning surge into the box..SNAP eyes go wide and I grin "That's it!" I almost yell too loud but open the safe and breath out slowly, what I see inside is the power source I'm supposed to steal, looking around to make sure there's nothing else to trip , my hands reach in picking it up and putting
02:32 Nick_CKO: it in my bag before zipping it closed smiling "Too easy.." I breath out pushing up and putting my bag on that almost is meshed right up against my skin, starting to make my escape looking around, the guards not awake yet, so getting out is easy, my legs glow slightly from the bracers formed around them, picking up my speed when I get out "Now, back to Prysm to get my reward" grinning wide and turning left out of the supposedly secured area when I'm supposed to go right, not even thinking or caring about anything besides my payday! "Money money here I come" pushing off my foot and taking off quickly!
02:32 Nick_CKO: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
02:43 Agents_of_Murmur: I sit perched upon the rooftop, watching the entrance to the building the power source was housed. My master knows, of course, about the side deal you've made, but even his information has limits. We do not know who your new buyer is, for instance. However, I am giving you one last chance. If you turn to the agreed upon drop off, you will be none the wiser. If you do not you will suffer my...displeasure. I have a little trap set up for you, should you choose poorly. A net, set to go off at a moment of my choosing that will trap you in a cramped and confined alley in order to negate some of your considerable speed advantages over me, and funnel you into my arsenal of toys and gadgets. I've dealt with your kind before, of course, but not you specifically. I'm looking forward to the challenge, should it come.
02:43 Agents_of_Murmur: I wear an orange-red jump suit, complete with a belt that houses a number of gadgets specially designed to counter someone like you, a pair of boots and gloves to compliment them, and carry a sanjiban - a three-sectioned staff held together by a chain that's modified to be attached together into a solid bo staff. This one is further modified, made of a special experimental material that funnels electricity into the ends, where it can then be discharged back into an assailant, such as yourself. I smile to myself, thinking how much fun it would be to humiliate you, and almost hoping you're as big of a fool as I think you are. My long blonde hair blows in the night wind. Finally I see you emerge. Now we will see. Do you turn to your right, towards the agreed drop-off location? Or do you turn left into my trap?
02:43 Agents_of_Murmur: You are not logged in.
02:48 Nick_CKO: I'm not even considering the fact that anyone knows about my side deal, my red eyes gaze to the right and I even take one step that way before a smug smile rolls across my lips, my red eyes gleam under the moonlight, "Sorry, but I go where the money is, and well, it's not that way" Raising up my right hand and even flipping off the way towards the original drop off, before twisting, leaning down and taking almost a runners stance, my firm legs flexing stretching hte material of my tight black pants, my upper body clad in a red rashguard with a black design over it, some black gloves over my hands, crouching low pushing my right foot bad "See ya!" before taking that first step and ripping down the left side! I'm fast, but still getting used to my speed I'm not fast enough so someone can't see me, just would be impressed by my speed. Taking the first turn down an alleyway with my short dark hair waving around in the night air, even closing my eyes taking a whif of that fantastic night
02:49 Nick_CKO: time sort of scent not noticing any sort of danger or anything engulfed in my own world "I don't know why this costs so much, but I'll be able to do a lot with this pay out!" leaping over a garbage can, the look of my yellow lightning streaks through the air, a few sparks shooting out on either side of my body before landing on my left foot and taking a hard stride forward again!
02:58 Agents_of_Murmur: You take one step towards the drop-off, before turning around. I grin in satisfaction. It looks like I'm going to test myself after all. You say, out loud, that it's all about money and then you even give a gesture in that direction. Idiot. I watch you take a stance, curious at how fast you will be as I begin readying the button on my trap. You take off with impressive speed, turning down the alley. I lazily press the button, activating the net which jumps up, cutting off your escape route, and then turns midair and goes high over you straight out, creating an almost cage-like structure, leaving only the entrance to the alley as an escape path. I repel down the side of the building I was on, landing lightly on my feet and go to the entrance.
02:59 Agents_of_Murmur: I reach into my belt and pull out a pair of concussion charges. Small, but more than enough to force you back. I toss them a little ways into the alley where they will go off if you get too close. If you're slower than I think heading for the exit, then they will wait. You have to go this way eventually. Then I pull out my staff and dislodge it, preferring to start with the three-sectioned sanjiban. Then, stepping into the alley, I confront you. "That," I say, my face steady and unchanging, "was a mistake."
03:05 Nick_CKO: There's almost noting that can get in my way and make me feel bad tonight, I'm getting PAIIDDD and I don't care what happenes, right after I land from over top of the garbage can my eyes widen hearing something in front of me, my red gaze catches the sight of the net before I try to screech to a halt turning my body sideways sliding on my left foot towards the front the smell of burnt rubber from my shoes skidding across the groung, looking up when I get close to the net and even pushing on it a bit. "Hmmm, now what's this..." Curiously I start to look up towards the top thinking maybe I'll leap up or climb, but I notice the net covering the entier alleyway, raising a brow and thinking for a minute I form some lightning on my right fist in the form of a glove but before I can even throw the punch there's a voice behind me, twisting around and glaring towards you. "A mistake? Who might you be?" taking a look over your crimson outfit letting my eyes trail over you a bit, then back up
03:07 Nick_CKO: to meet that cold gaze of yours, breathing out keeping calm, I don't notice the charges you set for me and start to move forward towards you "I don't like being trapped, so who the hell are you?" Grinding my teeth together narrowing my eyes "I don't really think you're in any--GAHHH!" the first charge goes off and my body rips backwards, hitting the net at the end of the alleyway dropping forward onto my chest with my hands breaking my fall a bit "what ....the fuck.." wincing pushing my head up glaring at you "what the hell was that.." my ears ringing and feeling like my head is being hit over and over again.
03:14 Agents_of_Murmur: I watch, seemingly without a care in the world, as you advance on me. Sure enough the moment you step in their range one of the concussion charges goes off, blasting you backwards into the net. As you fumble in the net I quietly set up a tripwire just before you would get to the next concussion charge. It's merely there to trip you, should you get any ideas. "That was a concussion charge," I say matter-of-factly. "There is another one here so I'd advise you not to do anything stupid. Though, given what I've seen of you so far, that might pose a challenge for you." I grin as though savoring the insult. "As for me, I'm someone here to make sure that power source in your bag finds it's way to the right people, no matter how much someone else may offer you for it. So, I will give you one chance. Give me the power source, and we can pretend this never happened. Or don't, and face the consequences of crossing our employer.
03:21 Nick_CKO: My ears are ringing and my body stinging from the landing, my knees definitely scraped a bit from the fall, looking up into your eyes narrowing mine "Oh really, one chance huh? How about.." I sneer getting back up towards my feet breathing out slowly rubbing off my chest and legs with a growl getting the dirt off myself but smiling back up at you "I give you the same answer as I did before..." raising my right hand towards you letting my middle finger slowly towards you "How's that for an answer?" I sneer and form my braces again around my legs, this time with gloves over my fists, I've been practicing lately and have a bit more power than I used to so I can control two different variations, but I take off! Catching a glimpse of the trip wire I smile and leap up to the left turning my body a bit and pushing off the wall taking a couple steps to avoid it, but I have no clue where that second charge is, my right foot slams into the ground before "I'm just going to--GUHNNN!" the next
03:22 Nick_CKO: charge goes off and my body shoots back to the left! My back slamming into the wall arching itself with my eyes going wide spitting out a bit groaning, dropping to my knees leaning against the wall glaring over at you grinding my teeth together "That all you can do!" I sneer "Use bull shit against me!" leaning forward with a bit of a cough.
03:35 Agents_of_Murmur: You again make a crude gesture, this time directed at me. My facial expression doesn't change at all as you flick me off, nor do they change when you power up, using your charge to make lightning gloves appear over your hands. You manage to avoid the tripwire as you leap over it - that actually does surprise me. Perhaps your spatial awareness is slightly better than your report indicates. However the concussion charge is still there and that is unavoidable. It goes off, and you fly off to the side into the wall. Another predictable insult from you, which I answer. "My bullshit seems to be working,, Powerbomb." Then I throw down two pellets, one towards the back of the alley and the other near the front. They erupt instantaneously, filling the alleyway with a thick cloud of smoke that seems to linger, forming a cloud that it extremely difficult to see through...without the right equipment.
03:36 Agents_of_Murmur: I pull out a pair of glasses, putting them on. With a flick of a switch I see heat, allowing me to pinpoint your exact position. I stalk towards you, my sanjiban in hand, and swing it towards your chin confident I'll catch you with it.
03:42 Nick_CKO: Groaning a bit near the wall my eyes glare into yours, your expression pisses me off, not only that, your entire demeanor just really annoys me! Who does this chic think she is!?!? What the hell is going on... sighing to myself having unanswered questions really does bother me, I'm always so careful whjen I do a job, so noone follows me, nobody gets near what I'm doing, or whatever it is I'm trying to take, Was I really that careless this time? Pushing towards one foot your retort really gets to me "Yeah anyone can sneak up on someone..fucker.." I sneer snapping my head to look when you throw something watching it fly past my eyes and smoke appears "shit..." I'm already basically glow in the dark when I'm powered up but this is bad, I can't see anything now getting back to both feet taking two steps back but right when I'm about to form something CLANG! My head gets rocked to the side from the end of your staff, spit spraying out of my lips with my body twisting a full 180.
03:45 Nick_CKO: stumbling back towards the end of the alleyway again, my hands sparking a bit feeling myself getting fired up "Alright not bad...but since you have to hide..." I growl twisting around quickly a mark already on my chin rubbing it. "Maybe it's time, I show off something!" The gaze in my eyes starts to brighten up , not able to see or sense you as a red longer type of robe starts to form over my arms and shoulders, draping down behind me almost to the back of my knees, this'll take a bit more time so I have to be careful but maybe the amount of power will keep you at bay for now...a few small red crackles around me and the start of a thicker rapier forming in my right hand, not completely yet though while I try to get my offense ready!
03:52 Agents_of_Murmur: "And some people allow themselves to be snuck up on," I retort as you spin around. Through my glasses I can see something - spittle or blood, most probably - fly from your mouth. I grin, advancing towards you once more when you tell me you have something else to show me. Then you start to brighten up, so much so that I'm forced to take my glasses off. With how much you're glowing I don't need them to mark your position. From the glows I can see through the smoke you seem to have some sort of...cape, or perhaps a robe forming. Well, this is a surprise. I feel confident I can beat you no matter what new tricks you show - at your core, you're still an electro-powered person, and I know how to deal with those. There's something else, too. A bright light forming off of your right hand. A...sword, of some kind? It's difficult to discern through the smoke.
03:52 Agents_of_Murmur: I decide to see what you have up your sleeve, but as a precaution I let out my drone. It should be hidden for now through the smoke, though my cover is beginning to dissipate.
03:58 Nick_CKO: I'm trying to concentrate on forming the rapier in my hand, unfortuntately I'm not good enough with my control just yet for something fully like this, breathing out slowly while the blade forms , my lips curl out wide, it seems like you aren't coming at me right away, which is good because well, I know almost NOTHING about this power I'm about to use, I've only partially used it in some training stuff , otherwise? It's completely new to me, "Yeah, like I'd just let someone sneak up on me" My eyes close for a minute feeling the surge of power in my right hand, the rapier finally formed, it's a bit thicker than I want, and it's defintely dense, controlled, condensed lightning and it's almost right where I want it, a few crackling noises as the air around me fills a bit with some red sparks, my eyes flash open looking out into the smoke, I can see your form a bit from the moonlight since the smoke is starting to disappear. "Here I come..whoever the hell you are..fair warning I.." Before
3:59 Nick_CKO: I finish my sentence, my legs crouch a bit and tense up, then with a burst of speed quicker than earlier I dash at you! taking a swing with my newly formed blad towards you swiping expertly from the right in towards you, my precision is good, but the complete control isn't fully there yet, and when I swing I see your staff almost in the way, curious of the power behind my blade though I don't stop my swing, the red robe trailing off of my body releasing a few more sparks into the air from my speed!
04:00 Nick_CKO: You are not logged in.
04:24 Agents_of_Murmur: "You did let someone sneak up on you," I correct, though for the first time I seem a little wary. What you're showing is new. It's an unexpected complication, and I don't like those at all. I will have to have a little chat with the one who puts together the dossiers when I get back with the power source. I notice you seeming to have trouble forming the sword portion, though your cape flows impressively. I let the drone move behind you but hold it in wait. I truly am curious. The smoke dissipates nearly completely, and now I get a good look at you. Red robe, sword made of red lightning, glowing red eyes. "Fascinating," I say, before you come in. Your movements are significantly faster than before, and though I've trained to deal with speed, this is a different level. I bring my staff up to block, holding two ends and letting the middle serve as the block point, but I'm not fast enough.
04:24 Agents_of_Murmur: The sword slices past my defenses and catches me in the shoulder with a good, hard jolt. My cry of pain rends the night air as I'm forced back several steps. The next slice I get lucky with, barely catching the swing with my block. My sanjiban absorbs some of the energy, storing it, though I'm in no position to use that yet. The third slips by me again, hitting against my leg and again getting a cry from me as I back up another few steps towards the entrance of the alley.
04:33 Nick_CKO: I'm still getting used to this but the speed seems to take you completely off guard at least for now, that first strike, I feel the blade slice through the air and even my oen eyes have trouble keeping up with how I move at least, pure instinct driving me at this point, but it seems to do the trick! The quick twist of my wrist and shoulder slicing just past your staff makes contact with your shoulder, the cry of agony is sweet making my back shudder a bit with excitement, that felt great, holy crap, I never thought I'd have THIS much speed, now it's exciting thoughts race a bit, a wide playful smile over my lips , my body crouched down low keeping my center of balance and whith a quick twist spinning around fast while I"m still in close, my right arm covering my face besides my eyes, the robe around me a blur through the night , only showing off red sparks left in its wake "Ughnn!" I grunt hitting your staff on this next delivery when I make my full circle slash,
04:36 Nick_CKO: I can feel that staff take the hit really well, and my sword even quakes a bit in wake, but I can't think about that now, using my right foot I twist down a bit lower and twisting my wrist to yank my blade back and snap down in a quick hard motion slashing at your leg roughly, this isn't made for cutting, but more, dulling the areas it hits! Feeling the crash into your leg and shoving you back towards the entry way, finishing the spin on my right foot keeping it out wide with my left hand on the ground, sword pointed out to the side grinning at you with my red eyes glaring up at you "That all you've got? Seems like all you can do is barely dodge or take my hits!" I smile not noticing your drone at all when I start to push up pointing my rapier at you "Let me out, or I won't play nice.." I growl
04:51 Agents_of_Murmur: I limp backwards to the entrance, some of the feeling going out of my shoulder and leg where the electro-sword hit me. My leg nearly buckles as the numbness starts to set in. Growling in frustration and, though I'm loathe to admit it, a little desperation, I tap a button slyly sown into my gloves summoning the drone. Let's see how well you handle a little distraction. The drone moves into position behind you, and with another press of my glove a loud, glaring sound starts to play. Hopefully it distracts you enough for the next part of my plan to work. I reach into my belt and pull out a shackle, tossing it on the ground by your leg. It's attracted to electricity in the air, and will clamp onto the closes thing it can find - hopefully your ankle. If it works, it will magnetize around your leg and keep you trapped in place while the underside digs into the ground and attaches there, keeping you locked in place.
04:58 Nick_CKO: Too caught up in the moment, just enjoying how you hobble backwards, my body jolts a bit from the speed I'm using wincing slightly but I won't let it stop me, I'm savoring that look over your face and really enjoying how you look "Well well, your composure can be broken huh? that smug look over your face finally got removed..." holding my sword out pointed towards you I'm just about to dive in towards you when a loud SCREECHING sound echoes from behind me making me cover up my ears "GAHHH! THE HELL!" I look up and turn towards the drone, my red robe almost glitching out a bit, my defenses in this form seem to be weakened, I'll have to remember that, but just when I'm about to take a step towards the drone I feel something smack onto my leg looking down and blinking , "Dammit..." Is all I mutter bfore I try to smack down at the device with my sword, feeling it sort of ring off the device, whoever you are you've obviously studied what I can do, there's no escaping this thing
04:59 Nick_CKO: right now and the sound from this drone is agonizing, making me moan out "Ngnnn...turn...that thing off!" Swiping up with my blade towards it, but falling short, my eyes fixated away from you for now
05:07 Agents_of_Murmur: "Since you asked so nicely..." I say, cutting the noise of the drone off and sending it up into the corner. I don't think I'll need it again, though you never know. Perhaps if you pull out another new trick I'll bring it out again. I swing my sanjiban, letting one of the chained sections slam into your chin again. Then I pull on the chains and bring it together, forming a more traditional bo staff. I still have to keep my distance from you, I think, and this will allow me to do that. "I'm curious. You can dish out the lightning, but can you take it?" I ask you, full well knowing the answer already. With a quick push of a button the end of my staff charges with stored electricity from the hit I managed to block, and I jab the charged end at your shoulder, hoping to give you a taste of your own medicine. Then I push the bo against your rapier, intending to give it some more stored energy if I can. "How is my composure now?" I ask, feeling a little uncharacteristically angry.
05:13 Nick_CKO: Your words ring out over the drone but my ears are still shot for the moment, being a bit more hypersensitive right now from concentrating so hard on my blade, my teeth grind together "Hngn...fuck..that was a mean trick.." I sneer, I'm just about to try and twist back to face you but as soon as I do my head is cracked across again! "HMPHHH!" the echoing hit makes my head snap to the side spitting out a bit of blood this time, the extra damage I take certainly somethig I can't let people take advantage of feeling the bruise form instantly as well, dropping to a knee spitting on the concrete seeing the bright red drops blinking "Fuck..that one hurt..." but I don't have any time to waste, before i even make a move my body JOLTS back! the end of the staff sending a current through my body "NNHHNNNGHNNNN" twitching a bit my shoulder shaking, my arm vibrating as my eyes close and teeth clench. After the staff moves off of my shoulder my body slumps a bit forward "Ughnn..." drooling
05:15 Nick_CKO: just slightly with a mix of some blood leaking onto the ground, diverting my gaze to the side watching the energy from my blade start to fade while you absorb it, that can't be good, what's she going to do with that!?!? red cloak starting to fade out while you take in the lightning and the rapier gets more and more dull before it's almost disappeard, a bit helpless on my knee.
05:22 Agents_of_Murmur: Your reactions from my hits are curious. Most curious. There's blood from the first hit, which is to be expected, but you seem to feel it much more than my first strike when the smoke was around you. The jolt makes you vibrate and slump. I tilt my head to the side like a puppy sensing something interesting he's not quite sure about. "I'm sure it hurt, but I don't think it would have hurt that badly," I say, advancing on you dangerously. "I it possible you feel more pain in this...mode, or whatever it is you call it?" I hold the staff out, freshly charged with your own electricity, and watch as the rapier's brightness dulls and nearly extinguishes. I snap the staff up so it hits you in the chin, then pull it back and activate the stunner in it, jamming the end into your chest to give you another jolt of your own juice.
05:29 Nick_CKO: I'm wounded, and I can't understand why I'm so wounded honestly those hits weren't that bad, so what happened? Why am I feeling like I got hit by a truck just now, groaning some more feeling my sword almost gone, my eyes widen clenching my fist but it's just dissipated red lightning when I do, my robe gone hearing your words "! Why would that even make sense!" Snapping my head up glaring at you before CRUNCH "MMPHHH!" my head shoots back spraying some saliva up with a moan, my arms rock forward and then back, my knuckles slightly scrape the ground seeing that jolt on the end of your staff before it shoots into my chest "NNGHHAAAA!!!" I scream out, still weakened from using that rapier the first time, being pleased with the results but now my body starts to jolt and convulse dripping a bit of drool down my chin my body leans forard against your staff groaning, feeling like I'm being fried!
05:36 Agents_of_Murmur: I hold the staff on your chest until the charge is expended, your body convulsing and drooling under the constant barrage. I walk around you, now daring to get close enough for you to touch me, but I don't believe that will be a problem. I have other tricks ready, just in case. You seem far more injured than I think you should be. "They're your powers, you tell me," I say as I inspect you, "...if you can". The magnet is holding, doing it's job well. You have not been able to break through it. Aside from the one little trick the dossier on you has proven quite accurate. I didn't even need half of the things in my arsenal to take you down. Smiling, I make my way to the front of you once more and lift your chin up with the end of my bo. I look you in your red eyes, wanting you to see the cold disappointment in my own. "You have crossed the wrong people," I say, and break the bo back into the sanjiban, swinging one end around and then bringing it down on your skull.
05:43 Nick_CKO: My body shakes, shudders, a few sparks around my eyes groaning while my body tries to fend off, but the jolt is just too much after all the damage I've already taken, my eyes start to roll up a bit even before the lightning running through me is done. My hands come up and even grip your staff for a moment but then drop to the concrete with a low groan, my head lifted up looking into your eyes the red gaze more dull now as well, like I'm just looking far off into the distance, my body shakes one more time dripping a pinkish hue down the side of my cheek. That last comment makes me think maybe I did what the hell did I get myself into, I'm dismantled from just a few moves, I shouldn't be destroyed this thoughts wander a bit and then? the loud smack echoing out in the allyway, my head snapping forward putting a nasty arch in my neck, with my spine bending dropping straight down to the concrete with my forehead instantly put out...laying face down with my right leg
05:44 Nick_CKO: straight out and my arms laying palms up on the ground drooling from the last brutal hit on the top of my head.
05:51 Agents_of_Murmur: Powerful people always believe they're so invincible, when really all it takes is a little knowledge to take them down. I was ready. I'd say overprepared, but I don't believe that's possible. As you lay unconscious on the ground I pull out another pair of magnetic clamps, this time shaped like handcuffs, and clamp them around your wrists, cuffing your hands behind your back. Then I do the same for your legs, moving the one already in place and clamping it to both. Then it's a simple matter of calling my vehicle over and loading you into it before taking you to a safehouse where we can get to know each other a little better. If there's one thing I hate it's a gap in knowledge, and you're the one who can fill it in for me. When we get there I sit you in a chair, using the magnetic clamps already around you to clamp your arms and legs to the corresponding places on the chair. Then I splash water on you to see if you'll wake up.
05:20 Nick_CKO: I defintely wasn't ready for someone so strategic to be coming after me, a lot of my power comes from my bursts of speed, the power I can emit around myself and you were just ready for me, ready to take me down and obviously have your info straight! My rapier took you off guard a bit but that didn't matter, now I'm laid out, unconcious in front of you, even drooling on the concrete. My arms and legs secured by the magnetic cuffs, not going ANYWHERE unless you want me too, my body thrown into your transportation with ease, not making a sound and locked down in the chair..this is where I start to groan even before the water "Ughnn.what.." Splashed suddenly rolling my head around a few times while my eyes open blurry , a splitting headache ringing through my ears before I notice who's in front of me, narrowing my eyes, trying to tug on my writs and feet, but notincing just how secure I am. My lips curl and pearly white teeth shine grinding together
05:21 Nick_CKO: staring into your eyes with disdain.."You think you're going to get away with this?" Leaning foward just a bit being stopped by the restraints wincing just a bit, even spitting on the ground near your feet looking back up a bit of lightning rolling across my eyes from the hatred flowing through me right now
05:29 Agents_of_Murmur: When I splash water on you you start to stir. Oh good, you're not dead. Even I can't extract information from a dead man. Lucky for you, my boss wants you alive too. Hopefully to make an example of make you suffer, so others know what happens when you cross us. My expressionless face regards you as your head rolls and your eyes flick open. It takes you a short time to figure out your predicament. Your eyes narrow at me, and you tug on your restraints. You're going nowhere though. Not even your cute little powers can get you out of those. You lean forward, asking your insolent question, spitting on the ground in front of me. Such useless acts of defiance. I have all the power, you have none. I lean forward and hover my face just in front of yours, meeting your eyes. I see a flash of lightning in your eyes but it doesn't scare me in the least.
05:29 Agents_of_Murmur: "And what is it you think I'm getting away with? You signed a contract to acquire a particular item for my organization. You decided the pay was better elsewhere, and I'm here to remind you that reneging on a deal with us is not a wise course of action. You had a buyer lined up, and you're going to tell me who it is." I lay out an array of lethal-looking instruments in front of you. "One way...or another. I will find out who it is. You would be wise to simply tell me now. You can save yourself a great deal of pain and...heartache."
05:36 Nick_CKO: That lack of any emotion over your features makes me even angrier, knowing I'm not getting into your head, or getting any info out of you right now, but even I have my ways to get into someone elses head, when you lean in to look into my eyes almost like a rabid animal a primal growl escaping my lips throwing my head forward stopping just barely short of slamming into yours which pisses me off even more! The sparks in my eyes flow a bit more, the seething emotion evident over my face, it seems like I was found out but you don't know who my buyer is which gives me plenty of information, you know what I was stealing obviously, you know it was for you, but the lack of info on my other buyer sends a smile over my lips tilting my head to the side "So you're smart enough to know I had another buyer, but not smart enough to know who it was...typical blonde..I bet your boss is just as misinformed as you are." Smugly smiling looking at all of the tools you have but I've been through pain
05:37 Nick_CKO: most of my life, pain isn't new to me, leaning back in the chair, listening to the rest of your taunts, but when you say heartache I sort of wonder what you mean, there's nobody in my life for heartache to matter anyway..."You've got nothing, I won't tell you SHIT , do what you lips are sealed" the red in my eyes brightening a bit enjoying that feel of possible control.
05:45 Agents_of_Murmur: I can tell by the look in your eye you're thinking through things. You give an almost imperceptible look of satisfaction when I mention I don't know who the buyer is. You're interrogating me as much as I'm interrogating you, but the difference is I've told you nothing I care about you hearing. "Your lips are sealed...while they're still attached to your face," I say with an almost bored sounding voice. It's an idle threat - not because I can't or won't do it, but because I know I won't have to. Pain is an effective motivator for some, but others can withstand such tactics, and the information they give is often unreliable. Still, he prudent agent covers all her bases. When I question someone, I tell them truthfully what's going to happen. In an odd way it builds up trust between myself and the subject. This session will be no different.
05:45 Agents_of_Murmur: "I have many ways to extract information, from the crude, to the cruel, to more refined forms of getting answers. I am going to start with the crude. Pain. It will take the form of physical pain - body strikes, attacking pressure points, torture, and the like. Perhaps you can withstand it, perhaps not. If you can, and you do not tell me what I wish to know, we will move on to other forms." My tone is matter-of-fact, as though I were discussing plans to go shopping."
05:51 Nick_CKO: My curiosity is getting the beter of me right now, hearing your list of what you can do to me, what you WILL do to me if I don't give you what you want, but I'm actually not worried, physical pain? Beatings? Pressure points? Sounds like kids play, I'm actually intrigued at what you might be able to do, my tongue slides over my lips in a sadistic way, narrowing my eyes while watching you mull over what to use 'first' it seems like, but you're cool, calm and calculating with your words, my right foot starts to tap on the floor, the anticipation rising but the tension following suit while I stare daggers into your back. Huffing as my breath picks up just a bit more in excitement more than worry I smile "Oh really? You want information? Well, I'm not here to help you, I'm here for myself, you got lucky that's all, your boss? Dead once I get out of here, you? Defintiely dead..." If I could shoot lightning from my eyes into your back I would, but unfortunately I can't and it just ends up
05:53 Nick_CKO: being a dance of sparks over my eyes instead, the crackling getting a bit louder as the small bolts rock back and forth, closing my eyes to calm my nerves a bit while smiling wide "Well, you can start anytime, do whatever you want, you won't get anything from me and you know it already I bet" Growling under my breath the anticipation is definitely more killer than knowing, looking over the tools on the table my fingers and writsts fidgeting trying to get any space I can to move but to no avail..
06:01 Agents_of_Murmur: I so like it when they're defiant. It doesn't matter to the results of course - I'll get them either way - but it's so much more fun for me to watch their resistance fade and break. "That you're out for yourself is obvious. I would have thought, being as self-obsessed as you are, that you'd at least look into who you're making deals with and what happens when you cross them. Another thing that is obvious - or, at least, it is to most people - is that I was prepared, not lucky." I pull out a small, thin stick, look at it, and then set it down. No, not that. Not yet, at least. "I'm going to start by striking your brachial plexus. It's just by your armpit, and when I do you will feel intense pain and your hand will feel numb." I walk over to you and give you a good, sharp jab with a knife-hand thrust to just the area I told you I would hit. Should I accidentally strike it too hard I could break your collar bone, but lucky for you I know exactly how much force to apply.
21:22 Nick_CKO: I'm pissed, annoyed and more just , wondering how the hell you have so much info on me, you saw a new skill I've been working on and really been trying to perfect but I'm not even close to good enough with it yet, but you adapted on the fly and captured me! Now I'm just in this to see what you're trying to get, trying to do, and more of what you want, you mentioned wanting my other buyer but I'm not even close to in the mood to give you shit! "Hmmm, interesting that you tell me what you're going to do, how do you know it's going to do anything if I'm expecting it? Don't you think the element of..." But you don't even wait for me to finish talking, I can see that calm collected look on your face and my feet try to kick a bit, almost a bit of panic over my face for the first time this entire encounter, my arms flexing, pulling aginst these magnetic cuffs, a few yellow sparks shooting from my hands but nothing threatening before i feel the HARD thrusting strike. My eyes shoot open
21:24 Nick_CKO: wide instantly my body jerking to the side you hit and you're not wrong, that sharp intense pain makes my teeth grind together and some salive spit through them! "NNGHHHH!! GAHHHH Fuckk!" I yell out, my medium length hair swaying as my red eyes dart up looking right into yours while my hand defintiely going numb "Mmmmphh...that..wasn't anything, that's what you're going to do? you won't get anything from me" Curling my lips into a sadistic grin as some lightning sparks across my eyes, I'm feeling tension, and like I'm trapped but at the same time? I can take pain.
21:34 Agents_of_Murmur: You put on a bravado, full of foolish defiance and false promises. Your scream of pain hits my ears, and I admit it is a beautiful sound. But pain is not my goal today. No, I'm after information. Information you have, and will soon give me. But that does not mean I can't enjoy myself until you do. I'd rather not play my trump card - something I know will make you give up the information - I'd rather save it for another time if I need it. took my first shot annoyingly well. I may need to do that, in the end.
21:34 Agents_of_Murmur: "Why would I need the element of surprise? That's for the unprepared. I know how to make you hurt, and I know when to ramp up the pain, and when to stop. You think you are the first person who has refused to tell me what I wish to know?" Your lips curl into a grin, and I see a flash of lighting arc across your eyes. But I'm confident you're not going anywhere. The traps were, after all, designed specifically for someone like you. "You will tell me, eventually. That I promise you. Until that time, we continue. The parotid lymph node. It rests just behind your ear, where the jaw and neck meet. I'm going to press my finger directly into that. At the same time I will yank your earlobe hard. It will cause...intense pain." For the second time, I do exactly as I say. My strange, corrosive trust building with you as I give no lies or half-truths. What I say, I will do. There are no idle threats.
21:43 Nick_CKO: My cheeks puffing and relaxing from my breathing right now, never breaking my gaze from yours while I flash you that defiant, almost cocky grin, even after that scream of pain and shaking my head out it still feeling numb, I may have to remember that strike for myself sometime, I bet with a hand full of lightning that could really just disable an arm for a bit! Right now though, I can't think about that, listening to you tell me me that I'll be giving you exactly what you want, shaking my head a bit , anything you do can't compare to what I've already been through, so fuck you, fuck your boss I'm not saying SHIT" The red in my eyes glows a bit more , more like when I used my red rapier, the lightning flash around them a bit deeper, but even that isn't working right now, I can't form lightning at my hands, and I can't protect my body from you reaching in. Though at this point? I just want to show you where I stand right now, leaning my head forward when you reach in,
21:46 Nick_CKO: even turning my head a bit to give you better access to where you want "Bring it, lets see what you're all about blondie" Smirking but right when I feel you grip and push my eyes wince shut, my teeth grinding together again, my body shuddering just slightly, trying to hold out, snapping my eyes open growling "That all? I thought you were tougher than that..." But I can't keep up the bravado too long this time "HNNNGNGGGG..." I let out a loud groan of pain, it's sharp, but also deep and I can feel it down my neck and the side of my jaw, running down towards my shoulder almost like a jolt being sent across my body shaking my head trying to keep the pain in check "GUHHHH...GAHHH..." Another two loud groans leave my mouth, my feet kicking forward tugging at the shackles, there's no way I can break them but this one, is a lot rougher than that strike, the shooting pain intense...
21:50 Agents_of_Murmur: The corners of my lips curl up slightly. In spite of my less than stellar first impressions of you, I must admit - though not to you, of course - that your ability to withstand pain is impressive. Many have broken on such techniques, though I can see you will not. It's time to go a little harder. "Oh you will tell me everything. The only question is how much you will endure until you do." I turn my back to you, looking at the instruments, gadgets, and contraptions on the table. There are many to choose from, but I go with a rather special one of my own design. I turn around, holding a glove with wires and metallic tips on it, and a few pieces of fabric reminiscent of elbow or knee pads, with more of the same. "Do you know the most sensitive part of the body? The parts with the most nerve endings and pain receptors?"
21:59 Agents_of_Murmur: I fit the gloves over your hand, giving you a small hint, and then begin to put the pads around your arms, right by the elbows, and your legs, right by the knees. Finally, I fit one last one over your head, much like a headband. "The fingertips. But also the forehead, the elbows, and the knees. In addition," I say, pulling out a pair of socks, "is the arch of your foot. You'll have noticed, by now, that all of those places are now covered. When I press this button," I hold up a small remote that is remotely connected to all of the devices attached to you, "every nerve ending in those places will be stimulated in just the right way to give you an excruciating amount of pain. Unless, of course, you have something you'd like to tell me first?" If you do not give me the answer I seek right away, my finger will push that button, activating your pain receptors.
22:19 Nick_CKO: I'm taking your punishment well, but like I've said, enduring pain has essentially been my LIFE and this is no different, I can see you looking me over, trying to gague me, taking every reaction I have into that calculating head of yours, flashing you a more defiant look when the pull on my ear and push into that painful spot, one more wince of my eyes closing and teeth grinding together you let go, hearing you say that I'll tell you everything, but I'm not buying it, if these are your normal or best techniques? I'm in no actual danger and I know it, soon you will too. "Oh really? you keep saying I'll tell you everything, tell you everything, tell you everything." Rolling my eyes at you "Do whatever you want, my lips are sealed from now on..." closing my mouth slowly curling my lips into an evil grin not saying anything else right now. It seems to fall on deaf ears though you start to explain some intricate torture technique which sounds like it'll be pretty extreme.
22:22 Nick_CKO: Feeling you strap me in and get me all set up, then you talk about the nerve endings and I can't help but smile while my head is covered, my red eyes glow under the hood, I know what this feels like, and it also gives me some information you may not have intended to, that you don't know how my powers came about or what happened after I got them. Now I have some firepower of my own, but you ask me about telling you something first, and I don't say a fucking word. My mouth stays closed and I just slowly shake my head left then right settling back into the middle almost like I'm almost taunting youi to push it, and I decide to say it "Then push the fucking button, bitch" the smug tone evident.
22:29 Agents_of_Murmur: While others may find your attitude and defiance annoying or infuriating, I look at it as more of an experiment. Push the right buttons in the right order or at the right time and you will have your results. Gauging reactions, both in terms of what you say (or, crucially, don't say), and how your body reacts tells me quite a lot about you. For example, though I've already used a pair of painful techniques, they were concentrated on specific areas, and were brief. You can most certainly withstand more pain than many, but now it's time to see how you handle pain throughout your body. If that fails, I will move onto another technique to show how you handle constant pain. Your mouth closes and you grin at me, though before long it seems you can't help yourself, and you use another insult. I push the button and watch with an expression of polite interest.
22:36 Nick_CKO: I barely finish my words and I can feel the air in the room change a bit, your control and how you don't show off any emotion is evident, but I can feel your curiosity from here, and there it is, you press your buttons and I start to feel what is about to happen, it's almost ominous, I'm not sure what you're even going to do until I feel it! My body twitches and I start to feel those nerves stinging, but it's almost a familiar feel, the grin on my lips does leave and my shoulders twitch left, then to the right "Hnngnnnn! Gnnnn!!!" grunts leaving my mouth through my clenched teeth, a bit of a spray of saliva shoots out as well, my feet pulling up and toes spreading in my sneakers but after a few seconds I start to calm down a bit, my lips forming back into that more devilish grin, my eyes glowing under the hood, a bright red taking your punishment again, but this is definitely the most intense so far "This is....Ughnnn...nothing...You're weak!" I yell out arching my head back
22:37 Nick_CKO: shoving my upper body out a bit using the back of the chair to cause some almost satisfying pain in my back for me to focus on instead of my nerve endings being worked. Shakes and shudders being seen over my legs and arms, a few sparks flying off my body as I get almost a bit more excited , in some weird sadistic way...shaking my head out before finally relaxing back forward looking towards you again more expressionless this time while I try to withstand what's happening, the intermitent shudders still being seen.
22:45 Agents_of_Murmur: As I push the button and see the beginnings of your reaction, my head tilts slightly to the side, almost like a curious cat regarding a mouse. You definitely feel the pain. Your reactions tell me as much. But you're once again able to withstand it. I must admit to being impressed by your fortitude. Few can withstand such intense pain. Though the pain is obviously not 'nothing', you are able to resist. I begin to wonder if your powers have anything to do with your stamina, and make note to include it in your file as a possibility. I will admit to a small disappointment as well. I was hoping for better results from these devices the first time out. Perhaps some adjustments will be necessary.
22:51 Agents_of_Murmur: Deciding to remove the euqipment, I move back to the table, this time pulling out several long, thin sticks of bamboo. "There is nothing new about this method. In fact, it's quite old. To have survived as long as it has is a testament to it's effectiveness. There is no technology involved of course. Perhaps you know what I'm about to do?" I move forward, taking your right index finger and holding it steady with one hand, and holding a shoot of bamboo with the other. "This will go under the fingernail. It is constant, and torturous. At any point if you wish the pain to stop, simply answer my single question. Who were you selling to?" I insert the first shoot, and then move on to the next finger, followed by the next, and so on. I insert each slowly, watching your reactions carefully.
23:04 Nick_CKO: I'm still feeling my nerve endings being stimulated in painful ways, but right now honestly? It's almost soothing, keeping me focused on something instead of worrying about telling you anything, grinding my teeth just a bit more growling about to speak but I feel the sensations stop and my body slumps just a bit in the chair, my stamina starting to be tested a bit here, I can take punishment and I can last awhile, but the constatnt twitching, churning and movement is almost more painful than the stimulation itself, a charlie horse (cramp) happening in both of my calfs, my arms fully flexed stretching out my outfit just a bit, showing off the tone and body I work hard on, but I start to finally relax, breathing out heavily and closing my eyes, the red glow showing through my eyelids, but there's a little bit of a blue spark that shows as well, feeling something start to stir in my body, and in my mind but I'm not quite sure what it is honestly, and it's gone as quickly as it showed up.
23:08 Nick_CKO: Next thing I know I feel everything taken off and you behind me, my index finger gripped while you hold it out steadily and hearing your words about the older torture method really wondering what might happen here...then I get a STERN reminder of who I'm dealing with! "GAHHHHH!!" This one elicits a loud scream from my body, arching my body back feeling the bamboo pushed under my finger nails, my eyes shoot open wide and my legs snap forward making a clanging sound on the chains connected to these magnetic restraints "HUHGNNNNN Fuckkk!" Shaking my head as each one digs in, my hand twitching in your grasp, curling my other hand into a fits no doubt the whites of my knuckles showing, the grinding of my teeth is probably audible for you as well, my red eyes staring up at the ceiling yellow sparks rolling over them constantly "I'll!!!" the next scream loud but less than the first couple...the pain is immense this time but I'm still holding out, hearing
23:09 Nick_CKO: small drips behind me , a bit of blood starting to puddle on the ground under my hand from that ancient torture technique that oddly is the most painful out of anything you've tried so far.
23:27 Agents_of_Murmur: This is clearly the most visceral reaction yet. You give the verbal cues you have been giving - screaming, swearing, et cetera, but your bodily reactions are much more pronounced. This is, after all, quite an effective technique. Your back arches, your hands clench, your feet kick, your eyes are obviously pained. And yet still you do not relent. It's obvious, however, that you won't give in to physical pain. You have withstood the best I have to offer in that regard. There is a reason, of course, why I simply don't start here. Torture is an ineffective interrogation technique if you have nowhere to go. If you start at the worst, you have nothing to threaten with. Therefore, I build up to this. However, you have resisted everything so far. No matter, I have one card to play that I believe will be most effective. "I wonder," I say as I pull the chutes out of your fingers, "how you have become so adept at resisting pain. Your past, of course, has not been easy."
23:31 Agents_of_Murmur: I regard you for a moment before continuing. "Yet very few don't give in to that. Impressive, really. It seems pain is not an effective enough motivator for you. But I would be a poor interrogator if I relied solely on that. I'm curious to know your thoughts on if I were to go to...Virginia?" I'm referring to Virginia as a 'who', but I leave it open ended enough that it's not immediately clear how big of a threat I just made. Mostly because I'm curious to see how you react.
23:46 Nick_CKO: I'm in a lot of pain, but I'm also taking it well and you notice that, something tells me that you're keeping calm only for show, I don't know what else you could possibly have on me, there's no way that something else could be more painful, but I hear your words, wincing while those bamboo shoots slide out of my fingers, the nails bent up a bit from you leaving them in and my body twitching some, I can hear almost a sickening sound when they slide out but it's a relief everytime they do, keeping my eyes closed as the sensation leaves my fingers feeling like there's a lot of pressure release, biting my lower lip huffing as my body leans forward. "Fuck you..." right when I hear you say that you wonder..I'm about to say something to your question about pain, saying something about my past, but I stare up at you and just smile, not giving you anymore information, or ammo against me, just shrugging my shoulders. What happens next though, I couldn't help it, the next part of your "taunt"
23:49 Nick_CKO: is almost world shattering, my eyes go wide and my mouth hangs open, but there's a few things that could mean so I quickly compose myself, but for the first time a bit of sweat drips down from my forehead onto the ground, my fingers still dripping behind me and my breathing increasing "Virginia? You mean the place? I mean, you going there has no bearing on me at all, so I'm still not giving you anything" Trying to keep my composure as best as I can , but my eyes dart around just a bit before looking back at you, my red gaze turning slightly more purple from a blueish tint behind them, feeling that same thing stirring from earlier as my emotions start to run wild, tugging on my restraints and panicking more than I should show.
23:56 Agents_of_Murmur: Well. THAT certainly got a reaction. You could not look more stunned if I hit you, sitting there with your eyes wide and your mouth halfway to the floor. You try to cover it up quickly by playing cool, but it's much too late. I have everything I need to know. Even after the initial shock wears off and you sputter your lies, your eyes still dart around as though looking for an escape. I even see what looks like a change in the color of your eyes. Perhaps it's the way the light hits them, but they seem less red, more purple now. I give a small chuckle. "Oh I think we both know I'm not referring to a where, but rather a who." My cold eyes regard you with no compassion behind them, but even I am not completely unsympathetic. If you're reasonable, no harm need come to her. If you are not, however...well, I have a job to do. THIS is the reason I told you exactly what I was going to do, and exactly what you were going to feel.
23:57 Agents_of_Murmur: Because I needed you to understand that when I say something...when I make a threat...I am not being boastful. Everything I say is the pure, unfiltered truth. If I threaten someone, you can be certain I will follow through.
00:07 Nick_CKO: My body language and my emotions running wild make me look like an animal that finally realizes he's trapped, darting my eyes around a bit more, my hands slamming against my restraints and causing the chains to rattle again, my legs doing the same, the shudder running down my spine is visable at your teeth flash with a growl escaping through them, as soon as you say it's a 'who' I know you already know what you need to at this point, but I don't necessarily believe you either, you've not given me any reason to NOT trust anything you say, but I can't help it, my mind is racing "Bullshit, you may know a name, but it doesn't mean you know anything else, I don't know how you got that name but I promise, if you don't remove her from your vocabulary, you'll end up back at your employer in a fucking box..." without even thinking the words fly from my lips, an idle threat at the moment but my demeanor completely changes it's more rage induces, more serious, and my eyes changing
00:09 Nick_CKO: a bit again, from that purple to more of the blue side for now, nothing else really happening my arms flexing, forgetting about the pain in my fingers , trying to pull on the restraints in a slow controlled manner, they don't go anywhere, but the storm brewing inside me is a mix of hatred, anger and complete disdain for you and anyone you're associated with.."I swear , if you aren't bluffing, and anything does happen, you won't make it to your next destination..." waiting to see if you're bluffing or not.
00:20 Agents_of_Murmur: This, clearly, unhinges you. Intel was spot on with this. She's not family...not by blood, anyway, but family isn't restricted to blood. Sometimes family is who you choose it to be. Despite my calm, almost uncaring demeanor I'm not completely heartless. The physical pain I enjoy to an extent. Those wounds heal, after all. The emotional pain I'm about to bring...that's a much less obvious and much longer lasting wound. That's the kind that changes people, sometimes forever. I despise causing these kinds of wounds, but often they are necessary to get what I need, and nothing matters more than that. I look into your eyes, and there's no doubt this time they've changed color. This is no trick of the light. I walk to the table, pretending to think about what I'm going to say but in reality I grab a weapon - a thick piece of rope with a large, thick not tied in the end. I had intended to use it for inflicting pain, but now want to use it as protection.
00:24 Agents_of_Murmur: The changing eyes are an unknown, and if there's one thing I can't stand it's that. Nevertheless, I press forward. "I know a good deal more than you think, and I promise you I am not bluffing. Everything I have told you from the beginning has been the truth. This is no different. It's a shame about the car accident. She has the best care in that hospital in Drekling City. They've kept her alive where few others could."
00:39 Nick_CKO: I'm trying to keep myself composed but this fire building in me, my body reacting, and really having a hard time keeping any emotions I have in check, I'm still frantically trying to figure a way out, my brain starting to race, so many thoughts running through it...Do they really know? How the fuck can they!?!??! I've been so damn careful, I've not used my own name, I've NEVER gone there not even once, I have people that report ba---fuck..that has to be it..Aaron..they must have gotten to him...the thoughts bouncing around and jumbling together, the blue intensisifes over my eyes a bit more, my teeth grinding together so hard they almost make a nail on chalkboard esque sound from how clenched my jaw is. I decide to give up some information of my own, I'm not stupid and I wonder what you'll tell me.."I would ask how you know, but I think I have an idea...does the name Aaron mean anything to you?" Narrowing my gaze, I haven't heard from him in a few days, which is unlike him so
00:41 Nick_CKO: I can only assume you've gotten to him, it was his turn to report and there's been radio silence...I have to calm down, calm down, CALM DOWN , don't let her get into your head, you have to keep yourself in check! Don't care about Virginia, she's dead already anyway this is more important! Trying to convince myself that I need to let her go anyway, but my heart feels like it's being tugged hard when I think about doing that, closing my eyes tightly and one single tear runs down the left side of my face before opening back up, the blueish hue in my eyes glistening from a bit of wetness building up from the emotional pain..."You don't want to keep pushing me..." is the last thing I say waiting for your answer about Aaron.
00:52 Agents_of_Murmur: You figure out how we got the information quickly. I watch your eyes carefully as they get bluer and dart around side to side as you work things out in your head. I can practically hear the gears whirring at rapid speed. You even play it well, giving up a little but not the whole thing, and confirming to me that you've worked things out. But there's more you're holding back. There's always more. "It means a lot, as I'm sure you know. Yes, Aaron is our source. He's late to check in, is he not? He said you'd figure it out. It appears he was right." My, this has triggered you. Nothing I did had even close to as visceral of a reaction. I even feel a little bad as a tear trickles down your cheek. I take a deep breath, and though I talk in the same cool manner as you've surely become accustomed to, my words have a hint of warmth behind them.
00:58 Agents_of_Murmur: "I know this is difficult, and I know what she means to you. That's why I'm going to be as straight with you as I can possibly be." I grip the rope tight. The blue is unnerving me a little, and this will be a threat you will not take lightly. "Obviously we know who she is, and where she is. We already have someone there. They could kill her with a single word from me." I open up a laptop and swivel it around so you can see the screen. On it is an old woman in a hospital you'll surely recognize. "In case you have any lingering doubts about what I'm saying. If you give me the information I need, I will signal the agent to stand down, and she will never be threatened again. If you don't...she dies. So, Powerbomb, what will it be? A name, or a life?"
01:25 Nick_CKO: The even just 'semi' bit of compassion you show, is noted in my head, I hate how my mind works sometimes, I'm being emotionally driven into chaos but I still calculate every motion, every feeling, I'm analyzing you as much as you are me, but right now I'm screaming at mind is going a thousand miles a minute, I can't focus on my own analysis of the situation my now bright blue eyes dart left ...I could go that way, no fuck I can't get out that way..darting to the right ...get out that way! Yes that---Dammit that's no good either...not even thinking about being in the cuffs still and how I'm strapped down, grindnig my teeth one more time listening along to what you have to say about Aaron, I fucking knew it! That damn snake..I'll ki--no no, don't go there right now, he probably didn't have a choice, he's just an unknown unpowered civilian, and it' smy fault he's caught up now...looking deep into your eyes this time, a few sparks of blue
01:34 Nick_CKO: rolling off my shoulders, almost causing a sort of covering over my right side, I'm not even really noticing what's happening, my focus is on what you're doing, as soon as you open the laptop my heart drops, I know what's going to be on the other end and I don't want to see it, I can't, I think about closing my eyes but the curiosity and greed within me keeps me from closing soon as I see the person in the room my eyes widen, I was told about this 'new doctor' from Aaron knowing that has to be him, he even looks up at the camera, he's not as composed as you are, it almost seems like he's enjoying what's happening right now, that drives me a bit over the edge, I doubt that there's a two way sound set but I can't help it..she wasn't lying, Virginia..fuck..what do I do, there's no way I'd get there in time, there's no way I can help her..calm down..calm down..CALM DOWN!...taking in a deep breath and closing my eyes, the shade of blue deepening getting almost darker
01:38 Nick_CKO: as it happens, my body slightly shudders, I can feel power surging through me but I keep myself as composed as I can, tears starting to well up in my eyes, shaking my head the thought of her dying is crushing me already and I can't help it...the blue lightning on my right side starting to engulf my right arm, down towards my fist, a few larger bolts flying off my shoulder smacking the ceiling above and the wall behind us, I can't throw lightning normally but this emotional tugging is killing me, I'm trying to stop it but it's overwhelming me, FUCK IT! They want to fuck with me? I'll fuck back! ..the sadness turning to anger, fuelling me more it seems, and my eyes SNAP open! The red look gone, it's all blue now sparks zapping on the sides, "IF YOU TOUCH HER I SWEAR! I will take ALL of you down! None of you fucks will be safe!" My right arm snapping forward and breaking the magentic shackle, the power a shock to me as well but I don't let it stop me "CAN YOU HEAR ME!"
01:40 Nick_CKO: looking at the screen as my lightning intensifies, not even focusing on you anymore, focused on that doctor "Get the HELL away from her!" I can see a shocked look on his face, I don't think he heard me, but he might be able to see me and what's happening, the lightning on my right fist taking a slight form almost like a wolfs head but it's slight..not having any idea what's going on right now but I don't care! "You're all going to pay, threatening someone in my life, that's precious to me I"LL KILL YOU!" Trying to lunge forward but the other shackles still keeping me still "LET ME GO!" Not even thinking right now just fuelled by emotion and overwhelming power...
03:50 Agents_of_Murmur: Your mind is working overdrive. Your expressions are changing, you're looking around as though searching for an escape, you're clearly angry...remorseful...possibly panicked. The fool of an agent at the hospital lets himself be seen. The idiot sits there looking delighted with himself. I shake my head, though I'm doubtful you see it because of the state you're in. There is only one right choice here...make it. Please, make it. Your eyes close, and your body shakes with what I imagine is rage...or grief. I see tears in your eyes, and I actually start to feel bad for you. I didn't want to go this route, but you're so fucking stubborn. I can't help but take a step back as I watch bolts of lightning arc around the room! Shit, this isn't in the dossier, what is he doing? Suddenly your eyes snap open, and they're a pure blue, along with your lightning.
03:51 Agents_of_Murmur: I have no idea what's doing it - maybe rage, maybe something else, but your arm actually fucking breaks the magnetic lock, which should be impossible! I look at the screen, and the agent looks shocked. God damn it, I have to radio him to make sure he doesn't kill her and fuck everything up. Putting my hand to my ear, I yell "Charlie, alpha, zulu! Repeat, charlie alpha zulu!" I give him a code to stand by. He can see everything that goes on in the interrogation, though not hear it. He had better listen or I'll kill him myself. I have a bigger problem though, and that's that this powered guy is much closer than I'd care to admit to escaping an inescapable situation. I take the hard knotted rope, spin it to get some momentum, and then put everything I have behind it straight to your temple. Hopefully that knocks you out. If it doesn't, I'll have to go again, risking your death, but I have no other choice!
04:03 Nick_CKO: I'm going out of control, I don't even know what's happening to me right now, I feel, I feel..I don't even know what! My emotions are spiraling out of control, the anger, sadness and pure rage lighting the spark being the catalyst for this new change in my powers, I've known there's been more ways to use the lightning and harness it, but I have no idea how or why it's happening right now, my focus is on that ASHOLE in the room with Virginia "I SAID!" My body JERKING forward but this time the restraints hold since the lightning is over my right arm, a few more bolts flying off from the loss of control, I can hear your voice but my eyes are so focused on that agent in the room with Virginia, I can't even focus on you or where you are. His face brings me a bit of joy, pushing my right arm forward the wolf head forming more over my fist, getting a little bit bigger, and when my hand opens the mouth on the wolf does as well, saliva dripping down my lips over my chin, the amount of rage
04:06 Nick_CKO: over my features is more than I've ever shown before, and just when I open my mouth again "Get away FRO---UGHNNN!" the fact that I'm not focusing on you is a huge mistake, I have no idea you're about to hit me and where, right when I almost feel that wolf head fly off my fist, you SLAM something into my temple! My eyes waver and my head snaps to the side groaning almost at a sickening angle, the blue lightning calms down as my eyes roll up instantly knocked out from the blow, the level of emotion pushed me over an edge and that hit stopped my rampage, my head lulls forward leaning down drool dripping in a stream to the floor, my right arm drops and swings back and forth and my body goes completely limp...the lightning all but dissipated now and I'm not showing any signs right now of it coming back or movement..
04:14 Agents_of_Murmur: The thick rope with the large, hard knot at the end does the trick the first time, thankfully. You should be out cold. I'm not taking any chances though. I go to my belt and pull out one of the toys I brought with me that I didn't end up having to use earlier - a deployable turret. Though it only has a few rounds, they'll be enough to put you down. I approach you cautiously. You certainly seem unconscious, and since I'm able to re-engage the magnetic locks on all four of your limbs without you so much as stirring, I'm guessing I was right. The code I gave the agent at the hospital was one for him to stand by. If he doesn't hear from me in 3 minutes, he's to carry out orders as though I'm dead. I can't have that happening, and I grab the laptop and breathe a sigh of relief as I see Virginia is still alive. I put my finger to my ear once more.
04:14 Agents_of_Murmur: "He's unconscious. I'll warn you when he stirs. At that point resume SOP." Then I take position across the room from you, making sure there's plenty of distance between us. When you wake up I don't want any more surprises. I leave the turret in place, feeling I can't be too cautious.
04:21 Nick_CKO: I'm just a limp mess after that knot slams into my head, I was so close to getting free but my lights go OUT , my body slumped, not moving besides a few twitches, my eyes dripping some tears , drool stopping but still being a thin string reaching down to the floor, I don't know what you're doing at all I can't feel anything right now, my body and mind are out cold, any pain I'd been feeling is just null and void for now. What stirs me awake is my right finger, I feel the stinging of the nail still being raised up from the bamboo chute from before. "Ughn...guhh...what .." looking around as red eyes are back, looking around in confusion, my head POUNDING "Fuck..what happened..where..?" Like I don't remember where I was or what I was doing at all, but when I start to refocus, I see you in front of me and panic a bit tugging on my arms "Nnghhhhh.." remembering now, seeing the laptop my eyes go wide darting back up at you "Please..don't...she's not part of this...You can't..."
04:23 Nick_CKO: My tone is almost defeated, after that knockout blow the strain on my emotions and body is massive from that surge of power I had no idea what it eyes well up again hanging my head a bit in defeat, a few tears adding to the puddle of saliva on the floor "I know why you're doing this, I know what you want...I can't deny that what I did was greedy..." Admitting that I'm smart enough to realize what situation I'm in now, finally giving you probably something you want to hear.."I don't know what will happen to me if I give you my buyer, but I can't worry about that if you're threatening fucking win..what info do you want you sons of bitches..." looking determined but no offense being shown right now
04:29 Agents_of_Murmur: I see little micromovements first. A twitching finger. The slight movement of the head. A change in your breathing pattern. You're waking up. I don't notify the agent at the hospital yet. I want to see what condition you're in, and I think I can twist me letting him know to my advantage. You look around, and I'm pleased to see the red back in your eyes, rather than the blue. You also seem...confused, though that only lasts for a moment. Then the resignation sets in. It seems we finally have you. I let you take in your surroundings and make your pleas. Tears drip onto the floor. After you admit your stupidity and your defeat, I put my finger to my ear one more time. "He's back. Stay alert. If you don't hear from me in 3 minutes, kill her." I assume that will get your attention.
04:33 Agents_of_Murmur: I approach, keeping a couple meters between us though, just in case. "Greedy, and stupid," I say bluntly. "The good news is, it doesn't have to be permanent. Don't worry about yourself now. Worry about Virginia. You can save her, but the clock is ticking. You have..." I check my watch. "Two and a half minutes. Tell me everything you know about the buyer. A name, an organization, a description, where you were supposed to meet and how the handoff was supposed to go. Tell me everything, and she lives. I haven't once lied to you, and now is no exception."
04:42 Nick_CKO: I'm just barely back into being conscious, and I know the situtaion Im' in, I'm finally resigned to what I have to do, breathing out slowly and nodding a long with your words, I don't have a lot of the information you're asking me for. I will give you whatever I have though, but I need a minute "I need a minute to gather my thoughts, I trust you'll do what you say, I'm not going to try and escape or do anything stupid, I've lost and I know it.." Normally I wouldn't be this passive, but with Virginia's life being on the line I can't risk it no matter what, I have to make sure she's ok, and I know the clock is ticking..."I know the organization is Prysm, I was asked by someone names Knitemare, I can't tell you if that's their real name or not" My breathing is picking up speed just a bit again, realizing what I'm doing, what will happen to me if they find out, but right now? I'll take on the fucking world for Virginia and nothing will stop me.
04:45 Nick_CKO: "I didn't see his face, he wears green and carries a bat, that's about all I know, I wasn't allowed to face him , but he walked past me when he was leaving, there was an odd aura surrounding him and it made me want to leave fast.." Remembering how almost terrifying he was sends a shudder over my body shaking just a bit "Sorry, he really creeped me out...I was supposed to meat him about 3 miles East of where I picked up the piece, It was an abandoned parking garage closed for being unsafe near the edge of the water...That's all I know about who I was selling to, besides the fact they offered me double and I just said instead of 5grand, I'd have made 10..." Hanging my head in shame still not believing this is reality right now..processing everything I just told you trying to think of anymore details incase you ask. .
04:56 Agents_of_Murmur: I listen, and your story confirms what I had already come to expect. Prysm. Unsurprising, but not good news for my organization. They have been a problem for us for quite some time. I detect no lies or untruths from you, and I believe you've told us all you can remember. I don't sense any deception and I don't believe you'd risk it, either. I contact the agent at the hospital. "We got the information. Stand by until you get confirmation the drop-off has been made, then stand down." I let you hear that again because I want you to understand that, though you've told us what we want to know, we still hold her life over you for a little while longer. Then I turn to you. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to leave those shackles on your hands but remove the ones from your feet. It's for my own safety. You aren't going to attack me are you? Because if you do - she dies, whether I live or not. Then I'm going to take you to my boss. After that, I don't know."
04:56 Agents_of_Murmur: I'm once again telling you the truth. I have no reason to lie now, and I feel it would be poor form to upset the delicate...maybe not trust, but understanding I've built with you. I don't know if you'll survive whatever happens next, but why take chances?
05:08 Nick_CKO: I'm just hoping whatever I knew was enough for you I don't know anymore than what I told you and I'm already resigning myself a bit to the fate of Virginia, mentally saying my goodbyes and planning what to do next, I don't know what is going to happen and I can't make the choice, I'm a prisoner at this point, I've given up hope of breaking free and I'm not even trying, the light gone out besides just being more of a shell right now, emotions still bouncing everywhere, but the drain on my body and mind is real, moving my legs hurts, the hand with my nails lifted up is still dripping a little bit of blood and my head is bruised from that knot. My head slowly lfiting when I hear your words, nodding along after I hear you tell him not to do anything to Virginia..I just sigh and for the first time this whole time, I'm calm I think about even thanking you, but there's no point it won't matter to you, you're just doing a I sit there and wait for you to undo the shackles on my legs
05:08 Nick_CKO: I'm not going anywhere and I'm going to take whatever comes to me after this, having no idea what to expect, I feel like I could pass out from the torture and roller coaster I've just went on, but I stay awake for the moment..
05:15 Agents_of_Murmur: Feeling you won't be a problem for the time being - not with the hold we have over you - I press a hidden button on the table which releases the shackles from your legs. Then I press a different button, and your arm shackles release from the chair but stay attached to your wrist. I make a motion with my hand for you to clasp them together to form a pair of handcuffs for yourself, and then nod. "This way," I say, and lead you to a van with a fake company painted on the side. I usher you into the back - there are no windows, so you can't see where we're going. "Just a little bit longer, and then she'll be safe. You have my word. I don't know what's going to happen to you after this, but if I can bring you proof of her life, I will." The small kindness costs me little, and if we should happen to meet again someday, perhaps it will be returned in kind. Even if we don't, maybe you talk and others hear that I kept my word. Or maybe you die.
05:17 Agents_of_Murmur: Whatever the case, it costs me almost nothing. Then I get into the driver's seat and begin the journey to my boss. Murmur already has the information you gave, of course, so what the plans are for you I truly don't know. Whatever it is, I'm sure it's not going to be pleasant.
05:21 Nick_CKO: I don't know where or what is going to happen, right now all I know is I was defeated and someone ...the ONLY someone I care about was leveraged against me, maybe it's time I do cut ties, never let something happen like this again, thankfully the other person isn't still alive or else that would have been even worse..I shouldn't be rationalizing any of this right now, I should be thinking of a way to escape..get something. Those thoughts at this point are just exhausting, leaning my head back in submission as my eyes close, you unhook me and wave me forward with my arms in front of me, breathing out slowly the red gaze that's normally so bright, so full of life, right now is empty and has nothing behind it, led into a van, sitting down and looking at the floor, I don't say or show any reaction to your words this time, I've done enough and taken enough, I don't want to talk, I don't want to listen, I want to sit here and see what punishment awaits me. It's all I can do
05:23 Nick_CKO: at this point, my body won't fight, my mind is broken, I've never let anyone get to me like that and this time I did, I'm a weak person and hate myself for letting it happen but right now there's nothing I can do but sit here contemplating, the silence is so loud when your mind races it's almost unbearable, but I won't let you see that, keeping the small shred of my resolve I have left I just sigh and lean back looking forward wondering where we're going.
05:30 Agents_of_Murmur: I pull into the base's hidden entrance, then let the automated systems take the van where it needs to go. Not even I know where in the base we're being taken. After a few minutes the van lurches to a stop. I get out and look around. Standard protocol is to have armed guards surrounding the transport when a powered or dangerous prisoner is in tow, but there only appears to be my boss, Murmur, and something unlike I've ever seen before. Oh, so you are FUCKED fucked. I sigh - no sense prolonging things. Moving to the back I open the doors and usher you out, then put my finger to my ear one final time. "It's done. Stand down." I bring you in front of Murmur and the being, for lack of a better term, and then take a few steps to the side. I have no idea if it plans to zap you right where you stand or not, but I have no desire to be near you if it does.
05:34 Nick_CKO: The van stops and we get out, I'm resigned to my fate for now, whatever happens next? Well fuck it, I did what I did and I'm not going to live with any regrets or die with any either, I can feel the ominous sense of whatever is out there, and it terrifies me again "What in the hell is going on?!?! I don't remember being told about this.." but my words fall on deaf ears...right when I'm taken out of the van my eyes go wide, I see what or who that is, and I just KNOW nothing good comes from it, looking at you while you tug me along , the armed guards even shaking a bit, I know what Murmur looks like because of Prysm but I try to say something ..anything "I--I--" But my sentence is choked up in my throat, it won't come out! say it, say it FUCK say it! Looking right at Murmur "I--I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it, I couldn't pas sup the money, I needed it!" But it looks like those words fall on deaf earsa s well, my eyes divert back to that being standing there, not even moving
05:35 Nick_CKO: a dead dark space under the hood, looking almost like it'll swallow me if I get sucked in "You can't be ok with this!?!? Who the hell are you!" Expecting some sort of answer, reaction or something but nothing happens, that thing just stares at me and doesn't say a word...
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05:48 Nebulos: -Looming in front of the van next to Murmur there's nothing but silence, absolutely no words spoken not even a glance, this small being brought in front of me. It almost feels like a screeching sound coming from this..disgusting mortal. These foolish beings have no idea what is going on or what is planned, I'm here for one thing and one thing only, punishment, the only thing that can be seen through my hood is a show of teeth and a long wide smile, one that isn't human, before raising a hand to take the bag and make sure what I need is inside, nodding at Murmur before looking back at this foolish, pathetic insect in front of me- ⊬⍜⎍ ⌿⍜⍜⍀ ⋔⍜⍀⏁⏃⌰, ⊬⍜⎍'⎐⟒ ⏃⏁⏁⟒⋔⌿⏁⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ⍙⍀⍜⋏☌ ⏁⊑⟒ ⟟⋏☊⍜⍀⍀⟒☊⏁ ⏚⟒⟟⋏☌. -The sound that leaves my hood isn't like one anyone here would have ever heard, it's not high pitched but it sounds like each different letter has it's own volume and tone, towards the end of it adding emphasis, following what I said I raise my right arm up creating a black square of dark energy
05:49 Nebulos: moving it forward towards my new found toy, making it encase him and trap him, the square shrinking down to nothing more than the size of a square toy. Calling the energy back into my hand before dissappearing into the darkness leaving everyone wondering what is going to happen next...-
There is no calamity greater than lavish desires There is no greater guilt than discontentment And there is no greater disaster than greed. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. - Lao-tzu
(Tune in for Part 2)
Published: 2023-09-05, viewed 68 times.
Supergirl Elle
2023-09-10 20:58Nice story and cliffhanger since i doubt this os the last of Powerbomb
Nick CKO
2023-09-10 20:59(In reply to this)
Thanks Elle, glad you enjoyed!
KittyCrush (deleted member)
2023-09-06 05:26Excellent role play!! Kudos to you both!!
Agents of Murmur (deleted member)
2023-09-06 16:30(In reply to this)
Thank you Kitty!!
Nick CKO
2023-09-06 07:12(In reply to this)
Thanks Kitty 😀 glad ypu enjoyed it!