The Asian Dungeon

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-11-23

  • Stakes
  • Face Sitting
  • Wrestle for top
  • CBT
  • S&M
Dungeon started by Asian Women that is open to ALL...where men and women slaves fight for position
198 members
84 stories
44 photos
1 files

Fighting for the top slaves position


19:59 Angie_the_asian: Stepping through the ropes in a pair of dark royal blue leggings with a grey trim thick linned waistband covering my plump round bubbly asian ass. Standing at a short 5"4 a weight of 125 lb my small perky little b cup chest hidden in a tight little sports bra. Long vietnamese jet black hair trailing in a ponytail while I bound on my feet " w.e the surgeon rules are sure!" Not sure what they where but wanting my title back! Yt
19:59 terriwrestles36: maybe i miss typed that,,,i am licking my wounds afterall,,,hard to multitask,,,

20:00 A_Taste_of_Chase: Oh no I think he's upset you're not supporting him 😜

20:01 Angie_the_asian: Nathan loser is beaten while chained ok.
20:03 Canakyo: does angie want to claim nathan
20:03 Canakyo: that would be hot

20:03 Nathan_gingerbread: Ok ... Getting ready warming up ...looks up ... you realise. in 12 months i have never been chained up ... and it aint about to change to tonight
20:06 Nathan_gingerbread: Taking my corner ready taking off my gi and in nothing but my black shorts , fresh battle scars on my back and bruising on my chest ... bouncing foot to foot You are not logged in. you want this come get it

20:07 DaFoxyOne: *watches intently*

20:07 Angie_the_asian: I look at younas you warm up, I begin to neatly fold my jacket I had left laying on the ring ropes while finally stepping towards you. "A present to wipe your drool up after I'm done kicking your ass! As I aproach you I place my arms out towards you trying to toss the jacket into your face. In a dirty attempt to blind you! In the mean time I'm stepping forward trying to bury a soccer kick straight up between your legs trying to cave your balls into mush.

20:07 Nathan_gingerbread: Mistress enjoys camping

20:13 Nathan_gingerbread: I walk forward i know angie all to o well and keep my guard low and present a narrow target but i had not expected the coat and i cant help flinching back and one hand shoots out to block what i see as a threat ...the kick comes in ruthlessly hard and my other hand is in the way but only slows it down a bit before it crashes into my balls levelling me quickly as my knees give out and i drop to the floor gasping and thrashing clutching at myself

20:16 Angie_the_asian: I look down at you while you kneel before me not used yo.having people hete in front of me I so not yame through time to gloat. Moving forward towards you my left hand reaches quickly for the top of your hair pulling my right fist back while attempting to yank your head back look up at me better protect your eyes nathan! Suddenly I drive my right fist down but not aiming st your eyes hoping you fell for.another trick while I violently try to slam a fownward roght straight into the center od your windpipe. "Gag for me bitch boy!"yt

20:23 Nathan_gingerbread: I am far to busy to listen to anything your saying trying to manage my pain but you grab my hair and i see a fist aimed at my face and i have the sense to try and duck my head even if that means loosing some hair .. your forearm? Instead then. Slams into my ducking face and i fall back one hand still clutching my balls while the other covers up my head like a one armed boxer.. i pull up my knees still reeling from this assault. The taste of blood in my mouth.
20:25 Nathan_gingerbread: Yt

20:26 A_Taste_of_Chase: Get up Nathan!

20:28 Angie_the_asian: I look down at you and I smirk evily looking where you belong down before me your hand on your junk the other hand covering your face. I leap up into the air and heels to my ass exposing both my knee caps towards you while I grip my Akins aiming to drive knee straight down into your abdomen as you cover your upper and lower body leaving a opening I am doing the best I can to take. Noticing my stiffening tits in my little bra forming from actually so far taking this fight to you! But I had not noticed you raise your knees up into your chest until it is to late. Still aiming for your belly but not sure if I will land on your legs but to late to try to stop!

20:29 Angie_the_asian: Sry edited.

20:31 Nathan_gingerbread: The pain starts to recede in my balls or maybe its just the pain in my face distracting me from it but i draw in a ragged breath and start to unscramble my brain long enough to start getting angry; angry at myself for being a suckered angry with angie for the dirty tra
20:32 Nathan_gingerbread: Trick ... but more ...angry i am loosing and in front of mistress . Mtc
20:33 Nathan_gingerbread: So angry i cant type
20:33 Crippler_Copping: lol
20:35 terriwrestles36: nathan you typing with your hands or something else,,,,,hehe
20:36 Nathan_gingerbread: I see angie air born and both knees heading to my stomach -- bitch i dont care you want to take a chunk out of me ... ok but i will make you pay as i flick my foot up hoping to meet her chest or face as i brace myself to take another heavy blow yt

20:39 Angie_the_asian: I am baring my knees at you and I am looking down at you staring and staring when a blur comes up and rockets into my chin snapping my head back my body weight nearly suspended by my neck against your foot striking my chin. I am nearly held in place my knees don't make contact with your body as I black out momentarily and roll off of your foot onto my back laying on you or on the floor. Spitting out my front tooth having my teeth clattered together that hard as I just lay there turning my head to the side while I spit out blood. To stunned to even move drooling blood from the corner of my mouth.
20:39 Angie_the_asian: Yt

20:43 Nathan_gingerbread: I had been bracing and tense but i feel a satisfying impact on my foot and the blow never lands .. sucking in air and rolling clear i get to my feet looking at angie not quite sure how much damage i have done but happy to have a moment to recover . Seeing little movment i start to walk to her but with a level of caution yt

20:46 Angie_the_asian: My head tilted to the side one tooth spewed out on the floor, all my front teeth chipped. I slowly roll over to my side coughing in pain! Spitting out a back molar and more blood. Laying there, finally getting to my stomach I try to get up placing my hands down. I manage to get to all fours but slip back down to my belly, and tits. Ughhh groaning like a zombie, I roll back over onto my back. Blindly looking up still dazed and rocked hard. Coughing briefly choking on my drool tilting my head to let the slobber dribble from the corner of my mouth.
20:47 Angie_the_asian: Yt

20:50 Nathan_gingerbread: In particular i feel i owe angie somthing reaching down and grabbing her feet parting them like the red sea as i take a moment to summon my balance and really focus ... raising my foot high holding it wanting her to see whats coming . Yt

20:50 DaFoxyOne: OOhh this is gonna be ugly

20:54 Angie_the_asian: I lay there groaning in pure anguish and agony. You easily reach for my legs, gripping them with fucking vengeance . Tugging them up and apart "your going to tear my groin stop!" Feeling my tendons stretch out and my taught hammers. The waistband of my legging dropping a but as I'm folded over slightly a fuschia thong appears like a whale tail from my leggings over the top. My pussy lips clearly visible, thong wedged up my cunt slicing into my pussy. Plump luscious vaginally lips drawn so fucking taught against the material of my leggings as I gaze up. Covering my face protecting it waiting for a stomp thinking you will try to knocked the sense out of me ! Yt

20:57 Nathan_gingerbread: A shame j wanted to look you in the eye but i am not going to hesitate now as i curb stomp down putting my full weight through my heel... keeping my foot there to grind and twist . Yt

20:58 DaFoxyOne: *applauds*

21:01 Angie_the_asian: Your foot smashes down plastering my clit into my pubic bone! The stomp so hard feeling my tailbone slammed into the ring floor! My hands fall from my face to Try to tend to my brutalized, and pulverized womanhood but you continue to grind and twist on it. Feeling as if my clit was a cigarette and your trying to put it out. My tits clearly bullet hard in my sports bra, I can't tell if I'm wet or this is from something else but I shake my head with the unimaginable pain that radiates from my currently crushed vagina! My hands still trying to grab my mound but all I can do is reach for your ankle. "Ahhhhhh fucky my cunt!!!!!!! Yt

21:06 Nathan_gingerbread: You want this fingering my collar you will have to take it from my cold body. I throw both your legs to one side pulling away my foot as i see you reach for it ... oh we are far from done .. as i step around grabbing your hair and pulling back on your head my knee stopping you from turning back as i jam my thumb in the gap behind your ear lobe and push in with all my strength .." how does that feel angie ? " yt

21:09 Angie_the_asian: You unceremoniously toss my legs to the side rolling over with the momentum. My legs glued shut a wet spot visible as juices or piss drip from my pussy down my ass. You grip my hair jamming your knee into my body pinning me there I'm nit even kneeling you just tugg me up as I'm half sitting half laying. Suddenly a shooting pain stabs into the back of my ear as I howl in agony "MIstress help!!!!" Feeling a numbing feeling in half my face. My left hand reaches behind me blindly trying to rake my hand over your face not sure if I can even get there! Yt

21:10 DaFoxyOne: *hearing the screams of Angie for help and I reach
out...slowly...and gets a peanut from a close by snack bowl and eats it after shelling it...watching on*

21:10 A_Taste_of_Chase: Ice cold

21:16 Nathan_gingerbread: Screwing my hand enjoying the paralysing agony i can hear and hearing her call to mistress i stupidly look over just as Angie's claws rake my face and feel that hot burning pain travel down from my brow and into my cheek luckily missing anything more than a poke in the eye but my instinct and the pain make me beake off falling back and wheeling on the palm of one hand to get to all fours already calculating my next attack . Yt

21:20 Angie_the_asian: My nails find your face or anything I am released my body falls flat down. I try to get yp slide a bit on the floor, my left boob pops out of my now overly stretched sports bra. Cupping my boob tightly keeping it sitting closer to my chin. I finally get my hands and knees underneath me ass facing you. Bare tit dangling exposed. Leggings stretched, and thong ridding high on my hips/ tailbone wanting no needing escape I try to crawl away but my arms buckle nose diving my face and tits into the floor arching my back up with my ass raised yt

21:21 Angie_the_asian: Fighting for the number one spot of my mistresses heart, but how she reacted to my plea for help has shattered all moral I had left!
21:26 Nathan_gingerbread: Seeing angie propped up ass in air and obviously in trouble i waste no time moving in for the kill as she tries to escape i grab her feet lifting them up like we are going to do a wheelbarrow race .. " where you going angie ... were not done "
21:30 Angie_the_asian: My hands are not even underneath me you grip my legs and haul them up my face grinds and berries itself into the floor my sports bra torn in the front both tits grinding into the floor. My back painfully arched and I'm terrified of what you are going to do as my.legs tremble and I can control my fear. Beginning to shake in fear and terror. My head s rapping the floor as I chant " nono no no no" breaking my chant "MIstress foxy help!please make it stop I beg you!" Visibly crying so afraid I begin to urinate in my leggings as the urine dribbles down my belly and tits. Pooling under my face as I lay in a slowly growing puddle face first in it crying of embarrassment! Yt

21:31 A_Taste_of_Chase: 😲

21:33 DaFoxyOne: *watching Angie pathetically wet herself and snorts in a dismisive gesture and rises* I have no time for those that portray such a sickening lack of control. Also, you have soiled the hallowed grounds of the dungeon. Do with her what you will Nathan. *turns her back and goes to her office*

21:34 Angie_the_asian: I'm to ashamed to even speak as I look up piss running down my face to see her walking away.

21:38 Nathan_gingerbread: Ignoring you , knowing you would have been happy to steal my spot " its easy angie ...just one thing .". my foot lashes out in a vicious shin kick to your already bruised pussy holding your feet fast " i am number 1 " another kick smashes in with a wet squelch as i drop you feet and take up a position stood astride your back one hand rubbing my sore balls . Yt

21:40 Angie_the_asian: You bury your foot with authority into my swollen pedals my mouth opens no sound comes out as my body lurches from the second blow in quick sucession. Released I crumple to the ground laying there gripping my pusdy as you straddle my writhing agonized body yt.

21:45 Nathan_gingerbread: Your too dangerous to be allowed to stay conscious and while i bend my knees grabbing the back of your head sinking my fingers into your hair i lock eyes with @terriwrestles36 and lift your head up smashing it down into canvas again and again and again until i feel you finally go limp
21:45 Nathan_gingerbread: Yt

21:45 A_Taste_of_Chase: Yooooo

21:48 Angie_the_asian: My face hauled up! My body arched painfully hammered into the floor breaking my nose bleeding everywhere smash after smash my lip split open bleeding. You continue to hammer my face into the floor. More teeth chipping and breaking a fee more breaking loose. My face completely rearranged in a puddle of blood piss and slobber and teeth. Looking like a goblin or zombie my face coated in blood and my face completely rrarangef as my legs stop flailing and I black out from thr brutality of my face mercilessly used as a battering ram against the floor.
21:49 Angie_the_asian: Yt

22:00 Nathan_gingerbread: "And this ... this is what happens if you fail i will not be giving up this collar to any of you, ANY OF YOU! You want it ? Come try take it. Lifting angie' s leg and using it to flop her over onto her back a feral look on my face... nice nathan has left the building ... dropping to my knee between her legs leaning my other hand on her oiss wet stomach .. i launch a series of fast hard jackhammering uppercuts to her pussy hard and fast blow out with each one getting faster and faster all my rage burning up as i exhaust myself destroying her wanting her to wake never wanting to challange me again. .... and then...then there is the small matter of being chained up and abused.. oh i intend to enjoy that. Savour it even. Yt

22:02 Angie_the_asian: Body twitching as I'm just beaten farther into unconsciousness.
22:02 Angie_the_asian: The end
22:03 Nathan_gingerbread: Tired bloody and sore i stagger from the ring heading to the showers .
22:03 Nathan_gingerbread: .......
22:04 Angie_the_asian: Ttyl g2g ty for the scene
22:04 Angie_the_asian: Giggles told you I could take u and Terri on lol.night wvrryone.
22:05 Nathan_gingerbread: Grrrr stay unconscious 🙄
22:06 Angie_the_asian: Everyone. Lol
22:06 Angie_the_asian: Falls asleep zzźzzzzzzzzzzz
22:31 terriwrestles36: what a fight,,,,take some beating that match
22:32 A_Taste_of_Chase: Yeah that was brutal.

Published: 2023-09-12, viewed 50 times.
