The Royalty Group

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Established: 2023-10-21
Chat room: #Royalty_Group

"Striving to provide a variety of federations to a diversity of member interests."
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Mrs Robinson


<Nathan_gingerbread> Its been a hot , humid day the gardens here are immaculate and its simple to keep on top of things. Stripped off to the waist as i push the lawn mower ... Feeling the sun beat down on me ...the robinsons certainly have nice stuff ,a big manor house with a swimming pool , out houses that are bigger than my whole home . I have not seen Tony ..Mr Robison for quite a while but Mrs Robinson is always here keeping busy ... There is a tennis coach , a yoga instructor , the massage guy .. shes very active but right now it seems she has decided to relax as i spy here sat by the pool reading a book from under a floppy hat and shades... Obviously working on her tan . .. i wipe the sweat from my brow and carry on knowing i am nearly done

<Mamajob> Tony isn't home, again. He isn't around much, but that's actually ok seeing how he's been treating me, like a piece of furniture or an occasional fuck doll. Speaking of fuck dolls, the new gardener has possibilities, young and handsome. I choose a rather skimpy sun dress and lounge in easy sight of where you're working, shirt off, oh my. I make sure to get up and sashay here and there when you're close. Just teasing for now.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I feel like i am being watched... But then i guess she can check i am working . She does look stunning but i try not to look , i need this job , and i am sure she wouldnt appreciate being looked at that way... Work done , i put the tools away and head up past her to the kitchen where i can wash up ... She is inspecting the flower pots getting close to the flowers i see her bend a little more sniffing them but quickly look away as her dress rides up .. stumbling slightly as i fix my view back to my destination

<Mamajob> Ok then. You've been a little diversion for my rather frustrated imagination up til now. I wanted a closer look at my garden Adonis so when you were getting ready to go wash up you passed right by me. Up close your tanned frame, damp with sweat and glistening takes my breath away. I actually blush when I catch your quick glance at my exposed thigh. I can feel my nipples crinkling. It's rash and risky, but I decide to test the waters. "Ummm excuse me? I'm sorry I don't know your name yet. Before you finish up could you get these seedlings in? I'll help." Gesturing to a flat which could have waited for tomorrow. "Over here, right?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> Turning on my heel i see what she means "of course mrs Robinson ". Nodding and getting to work ... She seems very keen i get them all standing close and as i stand and turn she is right there , and i get a waft of heavy rich perfume " ohh excuse me " but she makes no move and i stand awkwardly my hands full trying to keep from making eye contact with my hands full . She makes me feel nervous , have i forgotten something? " is that everything ?"

<Mamajob> I bend down to pat the seedlings in. ,"you're sure they're not too close?" My dress is gapped open showing some braless boob in sure.

<Nathan_gingerbread> "no maam , there not to close " i lick my lip and watch as she tends the seedings .i am surprised she is prepared to get her hands dirty... But that thought vanishes as i see her top is totally failing to do its job and i can see her full heavy hanging breasts and even the top of dark pink nipple ... A little panic sets in that she might catch me looking and i make sure to be busy as she straightens up leading the way to the potting shed.

<Mamajob> At 48, I have my insecurities well in place. My husband rarely fucks me and never makes love. Things aren't as tight and trim as they were 20 or 30 years ago. Did I even catch you looking? Really? I don't want to embarrass myself like some poor desperate old lady. We put things away in the shed. I'm so aware of you when your bare arm brushes mine. I feel like a teenager again, so unsure of myself around a hunky guy. Snap out of it Jan! Don't be a sorry bitch! I turn to go wash up, brushing a breast just enough on your upper arm

<Nathan_gingerbread> I watch her following behind as her hips roll and think how lucky her husband is he must bang her every chance he gets... Not that i know alot about such things but i have watched porn and had some fumbling encounters with girls ... And thats what they were girls not women they were as clueless as i was but when its not good its all the guys fault.. its a small space and she brushes past me leaving me with a good idea how much her breast weighs. i back up quickly making apology but my lewd thoughts have sent my mind down an intimidating path .... Catching her watching my face i plaster on a smile " will that be all mrs robinson ?"

<Mamajob> "sure. Let's wash up." I can tell you're flustered. How cute! I have a rush of mixed feelings though. Am I a cradle robber? And I'm his employer! Oh, and there's Tony, I guess, but only because he can be explosive. But God you're beautiful! And I think I could have you! Am I dreaming? All this is rushing through my brain as I lead us into the house. The inhibitions fall away as soon as I let myself picture you under me though. My hips sway just a bit more as we enter the house. I want to move this along but not be some desperate old slut. "You're all sweaty. Let me get a wet cloth and wipe off your back." I grab a washcloth and wipe the sweat off your back, and sides."you don't get muscles like these just gardening . You must work out. I say as I do ish with your back

<Nathan_gingerbread> "I err" words suddenly leaving me. ... The cold cloth making me flinch and i rally quickly " yes , since we moved here i joined a gym and do some classes " i dont say becouse i have no friends i dont want her to think i am just a looser....she seems so casual but alarm bells are starting to ring in my head.

<Nathan_gingerbread> " thank you" , moving forward i feel a little like i have missed somthing .. working to wipe myself down then move to the doorway looking for my t-shirt...

<Mamajob> I know the cougar in these situations is supposed to be in control, the one who knows what she wants and takes it, but I'm terrified of misreading something, or being rejected with a sneer, or ....and when you turn to leave I panic.. I grab your arm and take a leap, leaning in so my breasts surround it. "Thanks so much for staying to do that. I really appreciate it." For good measure, I give those gorgeous biceps a squeeze while I look directly into your eyes

<Nathan_gingerbread> Ok... Now the bell is really loud ... But it dawns on me ... She may be a little bored and decided to mess with me ... Or maybe she is just really tactile ... I can feel a panic rising but i cant let her fluster me " your very welcome ," i scan for somthing witty but have nothing her eyes really direct making it hard for me to think... Again her breasts press to me but i need to rally and not look a stammering fool .. " you can always ask me mrs robinson your very kind. "

<Mamajob> I quickly dismiss the thought you may be gay. You're way too nervous. I'm pretty sure a gay guy would be fast with a snappy or witty response too, and you're not. Then I realize you haven't jerked your arm free either. He likes it! He really likes it! I give a little shrug, squeezing your arm a little tighter. "Oh thank you! It means so much to me that you feel comfortable here!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> Her big smile puts me at ease and i decide she is just being kind to the help... I relax a little enjoying sinfully how close she is .. " thank you mrs robinson , i like it here ", i wonder what happened to my t-shirt . Then realise i am blocking the door , foolishly ... Stepping back out of her way but i swear she holds on a moment. " I just need to water the plants inside then i will be out of the way ,and you can enjoy the sun in peace " giving a little nodding bow

<Mamajob> "oh you're not on the way at all dear." I lay a "reassuring" hand on your upper arm and give it a squeeze. "Wow! You must know what you're doing in that gym. I should work out. I'm getting so soft . What do you do to get those muscles?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> As we walk i talk forgetting for a moment caught up in my enthusiasm for gym talking more animatedly about what i do and why and how as we get near the house i address the comment of wanting to work out " well i assume you swim " looking at the pool " and you play tennis " no doubt thats what works for you " holding my hand out palm up to indicate your body , realising that may be a little personal i hurry on " but some resistance training could help. " For strength and endurance.

<Mamajob> What's come over me? I got such a thrill from you paying attention to me, and then looking at me with approval! I'm a silly woman, but I'm loving it. Putting on my best coy face I ask "what's resistance training? Can you show me?" (You're going for it Jan. Make it ok for him to want you)

<Nathan_gingerbread> " you know , weights and exercises .. " i thought you must know " we enter the house and i fill a watering can at the tap ready to do the house plants ...she seems genuinely intrested engaging ... Certainly mr robinsons a lucky guy though he treats the staff badly he obviously has somthing going for him to attract such a woman . ... One day i promise myself i will have money and a car and a big house and a sexy woman to call my own... But self censor kicks in as i realise i have been looking at her far to long .. i really need this job if she gets a whiff of anything inappropriate that would be me jobless and soon homeless

<Mamajob> There are times when it's so annoying to have a guy get his eyes glued to my tits, but this isn't one of them. I catch you, and I'm not sure, but my nips may have betrayed me before you got that deer in the headlights look at being caught. How cute! "Don't be embarrassed dear. I know guys look at breasts. I'm used to it. And I'll bet you get looks too with a body like yours. I run my eyes up and down your tanned, nicely muscled body. My tone has changed subtly, a little lower, softer.

<Nathan_gingerbread> My mouth opens, then closes ... Her hands run over me and i suddenly have a realisation that she has far more in mind .. " mrs robinson... Are trying to seduce me? "

<Mamajob> You don't flinch under my frankly lascivious gaze. In fact, your question seems to be delivered to my breasts. "Yes I am. You are beautiful. I can't help my reaction to you,vans I get so little attention from Tony anymore. But I don't even know your name yet! I hope I didn't offend you." This said leaning in to you wearing my pouty, wide eyed face. I know you aren't offended. Surprised for sure, but you're already tenting your shorts

<Nathan_gingerbread> My lips and mouth are suddenly dry ..i thought she would see the joke, the reference to the film ... But suddenly everything shifts.. " umm .mrs Robinson , you are beautiful woman. I ... You dont understand ... You say i am beautiful.. i was always the skinny kid , the dorky kid .. since we moved i have changed got in shape.. but well girls... Women .. i dont know what i am doing. I am sorry .. my face colouring ..

<Mamajob> "do you want to? You really are so gorgeous. Let me show you what women want. And you still haven't told me your name. I'm Janet, but it's best you don't call me that in public." I edge closer to you as I say this until we're almost touching.

<Nathan_gingerbread> There is no response i can make to that ... Except to nod eyes wide and blurt " nathan" your so close my head filled with flying thoughts .. but i want it , i so want it .. so many years wanting to be the object of someone's desire , for it to be this so sophisticated and attractive.

<Mamajob> Closer. Touching now. My thigh brushes your cock. My nipples poke through the thin fabric of my dress into your chest. Strangely delicate, our lips meet in a gentle kiss, not yet hugging. Tantalising each other. I unbutton the front of my sin dress, uncovering my breasts

<Nathan_gingerbread> My brain is in over drive .. scraps of images from films from porn from what i gave seen couples behind the bleachers do... My hands moving on there own to her hips some fear ahe will suddenly retreat making me want to secure her .... I look down to see her big full breasts pressing to me and her full hard nipples telling me she is truly wanting this.

<Mamajob> Today is Tony's club day, one of them, so I know he'll be gone all day and eat there before the poker game. Your cock is tenting so hard, it pokes into my mound as your hands draw us closer. "Come with me." I take your hand and lead you to the master bedroom. Standing beside the queen bed, I let my dress slip down to the floor. I put your hands on my hips again. I slip your fingers under my panties. "Would you please?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> Would i please ... Would i please ... Would i please ...i sit on the bed kissing you belly in worship as my hands draw down and the panties glide down as i take in the soft skin , the warm glow and that perfume .. rational thought seems really hard .. but i pull the belt out of my jeans


<Mamajob> My fingers lay lightly on your head. Your kisses on my belly make me moan. I want to stuff your face between my legs right now but I control myself. I pull, guiding you back to your feet so I can return the favor. My fingers drag your shorts and underwear down as I sink to my knees. Your shaft springs free and it's everything I had dreamed! It pokes upward, twitching. I grasp with both hands, marvelling at the size, the beauty. I can't stop myself from taking a fast mouthful of your cock before I rise to give you the full passionate kiss I really want as we embrace. Your hard , toned body against my soft, womanly flesh makes me shiver.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I dont mean to but a sound leaves my mouth as you put my stiff cock in your mouth and even as i am still registering that you rise ans press me back kissing deeply .. i need more hands two is not enough to hold and touch and feel all i want ... I am super sensitive every hair touching me every breath on my skin registers .. i have fear and excitement rolling over in my belly .. all i know is i want more , more of this .. .my arm looping your waist and pulling to me as run the flat of hand up your belly knowing i want to hold and feel one of those breasts . I am spinning and instinct makes me want control but how can i without her f guidance. " Teach me "

<Mamajob> Those words thrill me. A man who wants me to tell him what to do! A fantasy! My mind whirls for a bit with competing thoughts, desires. When we finally come up for air again I gasp."oh my dear yes." Before further "instruction"however, I ask. "Am I your first?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> My eyes slide away ," no ... Well but "... A deep breath " no but ...well. Yes in a way its not like i thought it would be ..and the girls they just lay there like i am supposed to just know ... And well the one time it went well and she liked it the cops came and we had to drive away...

<Nathan_gingerbread> I grit my teeth and wait deliberatly picking a spot on the wall not wanting to see your face incase it carries a look that adds to embarrassment.

<Mamajob> "well dear, let me take you in hand, so to speak." With that, my hand encircles your turgid cock. "Have you had difficulty ummmm controlling yourself? It takes time to please a woman." I stroke your length and sink to my knees again. I lick your twitching shaft, sensing how close you are. "Let me help with that to take some of the pressure off. You young studs have more than one arrow in your quiver." My mouth slides over you, closing and pulling back, working you. It won't take long for your first load.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am struggling almost immediatly not only is the feeling setting off so much chemistry but the view ... Breasts hanging down as you take me in your mouth head bobbing slowly drawing from me with each stoke .. i reach out touching your hair subconsciously willing more and trying to breath normally though i can feel my heart pounding ...

<Mamajob> "it's alright dear. Let it go. We're only just starting." My fingers tighten around your girth, sliding up and down as my mouth follows. I feel your balls and legs tighten and pop you out of my mouth to finish you with both hands. "That's it baby! Cum for me! I want it.!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I cant do anything but powerless in your hands , tou easily take me beyond control ever touch and every word hitting the spot , giving permission to just cum .. my hips jerk forward as i feel my balls tighten and feel a surge my abs tightening hard almost cramping as a geyser of cum shoot out in small fountains as you draw your grip up milking it out spurt after spurt while i grip the bed sheet with my fist and try to breath in .

<Mamajob> I milk you, marvelling at the geyser as I stroke you through your orgasm. You are a sight to behold, your body rigid, pumping as you gasp and moan through it until you subside, flopped flat on your back and breathing hard. Now we can begin. I crawl up your body, letting my soft breasts and belly slide over you. Hour cock is trapped between our bellies. I can feel already that it's not going to sleep. Young men! Our lips meet in a soft kiss.

<Nathan_gingerbread> A wave of release washes over me ,everything relaxing , everything uncurling and i feel i can hardy move .. already your crawling up my body with a hungry look in your eye i start to try and mumble words of thanks am cut off in a gentle kiss .. all my skin is alive as our nipples touch and feel you press your belly down trapping my cock between us .. weakly i lift my arm and put it abound your waist .. as after shocks still ravage me

<Mamajob> I raise my head and move to let my breasts slide over your face. I feed a nipple to your lips.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I look in your eyes as i open my mouth slowly regaining motor skills putting my lips to your nipple suckling for a moment then deeper taking in more my tongue pressing to your nipple clumsily .. my other hand coming in to lay on your back fingers spread and pressing.

<Mamajob> You're like an eager puppy once latched onto my breast. I switch breasts for you to have a full meal. Mmmm that feels good! After a bit of that and our bodies generally rubbing in wonderful ways. I roll to my back and take your hand, placing it on my lower belly. I guide your fingers to my waiting pussy. It's so fucking wet! Your fingers slip in and my hips grind. I moan. "Yes! Like that! Gentle now. Ooooh yeah. Right up there. Fuck! Oh baby more! More!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I try and listen ,and hear more so more of my fingers go in and i try to go faster . Watching your hips rise up i am mesmerised buy the folds and how i can feel muscles moving against my fingers . Growing in confidence as i see your toes curl

<Mamajob> "curl your finger in me. Feel me baby! Mmmmm yeah yeah!" I spread my legs and arch my hips into your eager hand. The sensations, the excitement, the need all come together quickly. I lay back and pull your mouth to my breast as my body rolls in waves . "Yes! More! Oooooh God! You're gonna make me cum! Yesssss!" I was so ready. So much tension released in a rocking orgasm. I clasp your hand, fucking myself with your fingers as it rolls through my spasming body.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am fascinated and every tiny move,flinch and judder is stencilled into my brain as you take charge of my hand pushing it where you need it , i try and follow this lead going with it . My mouth again pressed to a nipple that is now a firm pyramid and i suck and lick with enthusiasm trying to find what might get a stronger reaction.

<Mamajob> I finally finish. Reluctantly removing your fingers, I roll to you and take your face in my hands to kiss you tenderly. I begin kissing your neck, then slide down trailing kisses to your nipples. I flick them with my tongue before moving on down your belly toward an already hard cock. I look up at you, hovering over your twitching staff."has a girl used her mouth yet?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am so busy taking in sensation and wild thoughts it takes a long moment to register and another to formulate a reply " yes .. i liked it but she gagged a bit then didnt want to anymore .... "

<Mamajob> "you poor dear!" I begin by licking you up and down, tickling the tip, moving over it with my mouth nibbling as if on corn. Finally I reward you with what I know you want and engulf you, taking you as deep as I can, bobbing up and down but stopping before you give it all up. I confess I don't care to swallow. Besides, there are better places for that shaft. I release you and straddle you, hovering. "Are you ready for the main event my young stud?"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I Spread my thighs and put my hands behind my head supporting my head so i can see better .. my abs crunching as you tease me back into twitching rigidity then i gasp as you sink on it taking so much and i try really hard not to push up but before i am overwelmed you move up my body straddling me and tease a little .. i sont trust my voice not to crack and just nod taking in your naked body and hair now somehow both in disarray and looking like a movie seen halo.

<Mamajob> I pause to take in the beautiful young man who is about to fuck me. How did this happen? My God! I lower myself onto you,taking you in my hand and guiding you in. A little, the up, then more, the more, then I sink down all the way. My eyes are closed as I revel in the sensations. You feel so good, so different from my fat,slow but fast husband. "Ooooh mmmm yes! Fuck me!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I try and stay still as you find the right spot sinking on me all in one and i blink expecting you to ease it in a bit at a time but your eyes are closed and i can see your relishing it .. " fuck me " like magic words a compulsion .. but i am unsure and start rocking feeling my pubic bone press to soft skin . Reaching out my hands to those big swinging orbs so inviting

<Mamajob> I fuck you slowly , rising and falling to feel each inch. You relax your excited thrusts to match my rythmn as I stare into your eyes, mouth open. Your large hands close on my swinging breasts and squeeze so deliciously

<Nathan_gingerbread> I adjust slowing down , tempering my enthusiasm ... breathless and a little like a dear in the headlights , just pushing up as she comes down brain busy with all the sensation .

<Mamajob> "mmmmm that's it. Slooow. Mmm yeah. You can be rough with my breasts." I control our rythmn and arch my chest into your strong hands encouragingly. It's been so long since they were squeezed in passion. Tony just ruts on me and rolls over.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am not sure what that means except she wants more .. spreading my strong fingers and capturing more squeezing harder gently pulling toward me wanting more myself

<Mamajob> We rock, still controlled as I enjoy the feelings of warmth, fullness, friction. Your fingers squeeze, but still gently as you pull. I put my hands over yours, pushing them up and into my soft, malleable tits. "Harder! Go ahead! Make me feel it!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> And i do these hands work hard everyday and then get me through gym workouts as i start ramping up the pressure giving a slight twist expecting any moment you will say is too much ... But it seems you like it more and more .

<Mamajob> "yes! Yes! " I gasp as I feel the pressure of my breasts being squeezed and mauled right up to that line, almost pain but not. More. Our tempo increases. It has to as the passion transmits through us. You may have cum just minutes ago but that's the magic of youth. Now, we can ride a long trip up the roller coaster together. "Ooooh yeah that's just....oh fuck! .....right. oh God so good!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> There is nothing to add just leave alone letting the tension rise at its own rate ...the urge to go faster is there the thirst for more ...but like a posh restaurant where you know the food is good ...but you just have to wait. Mesmerised by her faces of pleasure .

<Mamajob> I lay down on your chest to kiss you. Our motion changes as we undulate together. I'm crouching over you, sliding up and down your body, breasts and belly in intimate contact with your firm fine young body. I raise my head from our kiss. I can see in your eyes you're ready. "Roll me over baby. Fuck me hard. I know you want to let it all go and fuck the shit out of me. I want it too!"

<Nathan_gingerbread> I swallow its the stuff you hear in porn films and the guy confidently does . God knows i want to my belly tense as i eagerly roll us perhaps too hard and fast coming out as i do but some instinct makes me put a hand to her belly like she might escape and lean back in pressing my hips trying to find the right angle almost feverish in my fumbling then suddenly things align and i feel a parting as her waiting body accepts me.

<Mamajob> And with encouraging words, you find your rythmn, literally and figuratively. Your hand on my belly instantly conveys the new confidence and an innate knowledge of what comes next. My legs are spread open for you. Your twitching cock is quickly on its place, sliding smoothly into me. I feel your eagerness as my legs wrap around your waist. You pound me hard into the mattress. Fast. Then faster. I lay back and take it. My fingers run over your chest and shoulders, stopping to tweak your nipples. I'm moaning, in ecstasy

<Nathan_gingerbread> I was worried getting harder she seems so genteel but each time i increase it gets more approval with fingernails urging me on and thighs gripping and making it clear .her bands explore and i suddenly gasp as she tweaks my nipples my eyes flying open i like this ...i do .. i slow for a moment and see a smile as o fall on to the job using my body as it was intended felling a roaring surge gripping me i realise i am rapidly loosing control

<Mamajob> The nipples do it for you. You pause only a second before switching gears to fuck me fast and furiously. I can tell you're going to cum, that you need to, and it's absolutely thrilling as I join you. "Yeah baby! Do it! Fuck me! Cum in me! Oooooh God I'm gonna cum!.........ooooh yessssss! Yessss!" I cling to you, shuddering as the waves crash and you pound me, filling me with your cum. We meld together in an orgasmic, shaking , beast with two backs.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I tried to hang on but just cant and she makes it twice as hard showing her own pleasure and calls for me to cum . Snatching my control as every muscle fires and i feel i deep rooted release that shoots though my body ...I never expected this feeling how it makes everything else a poor shadow .. still it rails through me in sweeping hot waves as i deliver a second and third shoot with a final gutteral cry before i bury my face in her neck holding her tight

<Mamajob> You explode in me, load after load filling me up. When we're finally both drained and you bury your face deliciously in my neck I wrap you tightly in arms and legs. I hug you for a long time, feeling every bit of you against me, keeping you inside me, wanting this glow to last and last. It's been so long since I was properly fucked. So long.

<Nathan_gingerbread> I am overwhelmed, physically utterly spent but mentally too things are in a warm haze as i need to kiss her neck and even though we are tightly pressed i seek more a hand going over the round of her hip as the other moves up to touch her face , the evidence is all before me but still i feel compelled to ask " did you enjoy?"whispered in her ear .

<Mamajob> First I purr, then I chuckle. "Mmmm dear. I think you know the answer to that." I kiss you deeply and gently, still holding you close.

<Published> 2024-05-23, viewed 67 times.



Suki Sweet wife of Dei

2024-05-24 17:23

It did get warm in here, very warm.

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-24 20:56

(In reply to this)

Janet is a hot momma


2024-05-24 13:44

Now that was a damn good story! Definitely felt the passion. Mrs. Robinson do you need a pool boy?

Nathan gingerbread

2024-05-24 20:57

(In reply to this)

Yes please there is algae and the tiles need scrubbing :)