The Survivor

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Established: 2024-10-15

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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The hottest and wildest survival game!
15 members
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The Survivor - Micro's Tryout


14:39 Sheila_Showrunner:
14:41 Sheila_Showrunner: Please take a seat and cheer for our first contender... Micro!
14:43 Sheila_Showrunner: *I stand on the pro wrestling ring with a mic in my hand, inviting micro to come over* Come on Mr. Micro, are you ready?
14:45 Micro: *The lights on the catwalk turn on and the music starts playing. The camera flashes don't stop throughout the show. I appear covered by a red silk robe until I reach the middle of the catwalk. Then I take off the robe and throw it to the audience to reveal myself in my fighting uniform. I walk towards the ring, shaking my hips from side to side with each step I take. I separate the ropes of the ring and climb onto the mat to begin posing in front of the audience*
14:47 Sheila_Showrunner: *I come close to the little guy, towering over him on my high stiletto heels.* So are you ready Mr. micro? You could be the first contender in this long awaited show, or you could be squashed by the huntress... Can you handle it?
14:49 Micro: *I walk up to the microphone* These two results sound pretty good to me, but my goal will be to participate in the show no matter what. I will not give up and I will fight any opponent!
14:56 Sheila_Showrunner: *I look down at him with a grin, the turn towards the crowd* You won't be facing "any" opponent today, you will face one of my strong and sexy ladies... Standing 5'9" and weighing 187 pounds... Please welcome the latina bombshell, the sexy and powerful... Gabriela Miracle!!!
15:03 Gabriela_Miracle: *Making my way from the backstage area into the dimly lit arena with a prowrestling ring placed in its middle, I wave to the small audience and the cameras. Donning a dark red silk robe with only red thongs, black wrestling pads and wrestling shoes underneath, I flick my long black hair to a camera before getting inside the ring where the show's manager and my opponent, a young prospect looking to enter the show, were waiting me.*
15:05 Gabriela_Miracle: *I remove the robe revealing my topless figure to the cheering audience, the cameras, manager and opponent.*
15:07 Gabriela_Miracle: *My gaze falls upon the small young wrestler pitted on the ring against me. 'Oh so this little guy here is the one trying to enter the show?` I let out an audible, candid laugh. 'I think you're way over your head, sweetie. Don't worry though, I will make this quick and painless - for me, at least".*
15:09 Sheila_Showrunner: *I admire Gabriela entering the TV studios and I see everyone turning their eyes on her, just as I expect. She's pure sexiness tonight and I'm sure this tryout will be a success. Gabriela takes her corner and the lights focus on me, even if many of the spectators are completely hypnotized by Gabriela's body.* Ladies and gentlemen! Now Mr. Micro will have a taste of what happens in our show. Once the bell rings, he will be at Gabriela's mercy. If he runs out of the ring, he's disqualified! He taps out, game over! He gets pinned? Same! He begs for mercy?* I look in micro's eyes* well... Beg me in that case Mr. Micro. I'm the only one that can tell her to stop! Let the show begin!!! *When I say that, the bell rings immediately DING DING and I get out of the ring *
15:09 Sheila_Showrunner: (one turn each please. Don't bother me unless I decide to interrupt)
15:14 Micro: *My eyes widen at the sight of my opponent. Her large figure towers over me by more than 20 centimeters. Her curves and exposed breasts make my mind wander for a moment. However, I won't let that keep me from my goal. Hearing the bell, my concentration returns, my eyes fixate on my opponent and I approach her with my guard up. I'm going to have to move a lot to take down this giant. I circle around Gabriela, measuring our distances until I find my opportunity. Once I'm ready, I shoot my body at full speed towards her and release a right hook straight to her abdomen* I'm going to make you beg!
15:19 Gabriela_Miracle: *The bell rings and the fight starts. Filled with youthful eagerness my opponent charges at me with an open attack right off the bat. Even though I'm not a striker such an evident and candid punch is blocked without much trouble, although his surprising speed and power made me groan a bit, but I immediatly regain my confident smirk. 'Beg? Oh cutie, you`ll sure make me beg... for a proper opponent after this!` I hiss and attempt to grab his punching arm, pulling his small skinny body towards me to make his abs meet with my kneepad firing off a rough knee strike right at the boy`s shirtless torso.
15:25 Micro: Ough!! *I grunt in pain as I hunch over Gabriela's thigh. My body is lifted off the ground for a second and I fall to my feet on the spot. I take a deep, quick breath as possible to fill my lungs again. I frown in anger and take advantage of the journey from my height to her breasts to attack again with two uppercuts straight to her big tits*
15:32 Gabriela_Miracle: *The boy wiped the victorious smirk off my lips as I expected him to drop down after the knee strike, but apparently he was tougher than he looked! 'Ughghh!!' caught by surprise I feel pain shooking from my struck breasts as I stumble back, groaning from the uppercuts against my topless bust.
15:39 Micro: *It's no surprise to me that I have to take advantage of my form to play dirty. I manage to make the giant stagger backwards and I take advantage of this moment to go around her. My guard is down so I can move more quickly to her back. I stand right behind her and fire a kick right behind her knee to force my opponent to fall* The bigger they are...
15:43 Gabriela_Miracle: *Impressing me with his speed, I am almost caught off guard again by the upstart... word "almost". As he got behind my back with his guard down, I react by throwing a nasty elbow strike right against his face! 'Take this, you brat!'
15:46 Sheila_Showrunner: *I chuckle when Micro's words are fired back into his mouth by Gabriela's elbow*
15:51 Micro: *I thought I had this down but that was a mistake. Just before my foot connects with the back of her knee, Gabriela's elbow hits my face completely and sends me back a few steps against the ropes* Aaaghh!! *I let out a groan of pain. My upper gum and nose are smeared in pain and I cover part of my face in annoyance* Mmmnghh... *My moans of affliction are contained by my hand. But that only lasts a few seconds before I focus on my target again. I take advantage of the momentum of the ropes and shoot against Gabriela's back. I jump and try to connect a double kick directly to the back of her neck*
15:57 Gabriela_Miracle: *Turning around to continue my counter attack I attempt a follow up with a clothesline as you were knocked against the ropes, but to my surprise you used the momentum to get flung back against me. I raise my arms to block but you aim on the back of my head. 'UUUGHGH!' I let out a loud moan as the blow knocks me down, my body stumbling against the ropes as I groan dazed, kneeling on the floor grabbing the top ropes trying to get back to my feet.
16:02 Micro: *I'm not going to underestimate Gabriela this time. I carefully approach her from behind to wrap my arm around her neck and try to choke her while I grab her other arm to prevent further counterattacks. Also known as a crossface chickenwing move* Don't try anything funny this time mamita Gabriela... *I whisper in her ear while holding her in front of the entire audience*
16:06 Gabriela_Miracle: *Dazed, I'm left vulnerable as you wrap your skinny and muscular arm around my neck and bend my back painfully. I let out a surprised desperate moan as you apply pressure on my body, my bare breasts bouncing to the audience. 'Uuugghghhh...d..dios...' I gasp trying to pry your arm from my neck.
16:07 Sheila_Showrunner: "oh my..." I do a facepalm as my powerful huntress is captured by the small guy in a perfectly executed hold
16:09 Micro: *The strength of your arm is about to make the strength of mine give way, but I won't let go without first punishing its movement. I lift my leg and begin to repeatedly nail my knee against the side of its torso before my grip loosens* Take this!
16:18 Gabriela_Miracle: I gasp as I am knocked against the ropes and then bounce back on the ring floor. 'Aghh...' I groan as I roll to my knees, coughing and feeling the strain on my body. 'G..good move...but just beginner's luck...' I groan as I get back to my feet. 'But playtime is over'. Decided to get back at the survivor candidate, I raise my fists pretending I'd go for a few blows but instead drop low and aim for a shoulder tackle to spear the boy against the ring's cornerpost and knock the air off his smaller skinny body.
16:24 Micro: *Your charge takes me from one corner of the ring to the other until my back hits the corner post* Ooooofff!!! *I feel the air escaping from my lungs and my blood boiling inside me. This attack weakens me almost completely and I let myself go to try to catch my breath*
16:27 Gabriela_Miracle: *Well it seems he forced me to go serious. Maybe he's wrestler's material after all, and might make the cut into the show... but before he has some dues to pay! I grab the top rope for balance and keep pumping the air out of the boy's lungs now with a sequence of switch kicks aimed at his tummy, bruising my opponent up for the audience and the cameras.
16:30 Sheila_Showrunner: *I see the poor boy repeatedly kicked in his belly. Gabriela decided to go hard on him now. He had a great start tho, and as I sip a glass of wine in my front row leather armchair I think that maybe he could deserve a spot in the show. I take a look around and check the reaction of the audience*
16:31 Micro: *I contract my abs to resist each and every kick. I feel like this is going to be full of bruises tomorrow but it will be worth it to fight back. After a couple of kicks, I shoot my arms at her leg to hold it in the air* Now it's my turn darling! *I say between breaths before lifting my leg and landing a kick straight to your pussy covered by the thin red thong!*
16:35 Gabriela_Miracle: *I widen my eyes as you block my kick. ' Wh-aAAAaaAH!!' and then let out a loud gutural groan as your shin roughly crashes against my womanhood. My entire body quivers as I collapse staggered by the blow leaning on you with my bare breasts against your face, moaning in pain and panting trying to hold onto you and prevent more strikes.
16:42 Micro: *Gabriela's body throws itself against mine while I remain lying in the corner of the ring. Her enormous breasts devour my face with ease and keep me trapped* MMmmmmhhh!!! *My grunts are stifled on her breasts. And this motivates me to play dirtier and I bite Gabriela's nipple at the same time that I release a shower of jabs against her abdomen*
16:44 Gabriela_Miracle: 'Hufhh...huffhh...' I groan with the bite and the jabs knocking some air out of my lungs. Desperate I reach at your waist and set you iin place, attempting to squeeze it in a tight bearhug. 'Agghh..' I groan with the nipple bite and try to lift you off the mats.
16:49 Micro: *Her arms wrap around my waist and she presses me against her tits in a tight bear hug. My spine cracks slightly and my feet come off the mat. I squirm to try and free myself from Gabriela's grip* Nnnghhh L-let me go...! *My legs kick in the air and my arms try to push hers away*
16:51 Gabriela_Miracle: *Now fully embracing the boy in the tight bearhug I take the opportunity to cause as much damage to his slim muscular torso as I can. 'Give up or I'm breaking you in half!!' I hiss.
16:52 Sheila_Showrunner: *I nod with a devilish smile as Gabriela threatens to break the poor guy in two. He's finally getting what he deserves after that dirty shot*
16:55 Micro: I-I'm not going to give up! *The desire to participate in the show keeps me strong. I stop pushing her arms and start throwing right and left hooks against her face without stopping. And then I alternate blows towards her exposed tits trying to leave everything I have within my reach with bruises*
16:58 Gabriela_Miracle: 'Ughh..ughh..t..then I'll..ughhl...b..break you!'' After some more painful blows to my boobs who at this point were all swollen and bruised I had enough and roughly drop the boy crotchfirst against my knee in a brutal atomic drop.
17:02 Micro: Eeeeckk!!! *I let out a high-pitched moan of pain that echoes throughout the stadium as my balls are crushed against my pelvis by Gabriela's knee and wide thigh. I fall sideways onto the ground and try to crawl towards the ropes with one hand while holding my crotch with the other* I-I should have expected it... *I say between breaths*
17:30 Gabriela_Miracle: 'Oh no, come back here brat. I'm not done with you' I say as I reach and roughly grab you by the back of your head, tugging at your hair aiming to drape your small body over my shoulders and back and set you up for a devastating finisher move.
17:36 Micro: *My body rests on Gabriela's strong shoulder with my head lying on her back. My crotch feels very sore and my legs can barely react. But I can't let her squeeze me like this. I slide my hands down her back until I grab the waistband of the thin red thong and pull it up to give it a strong wedgie until I force her to let go of me!*
17:39 Gabriela_Miracle: *I was about to apply pressure on the boys already damaged torso when he roughly retaliated with a brutal, pussy-ripping wedgie. 'AAHHH!! GHAGHH!' I yelp as I quiver and let him roll off of my back and shoulders.
17:44 Micro: *I fall to the mat supporting myself on my hands and legs. I quickly stand up to be face to face with Gabriela again. I see her holding her sore pussy and I shoot an uppercut straight to her chin to try to take her down* What's wrong, honey? Did the fabric go in all the way? *I ask in a mocking tone before landing the blow*
17:48 Gabriela_Miracle: *Cupping my sore throbbing womanhood unfortunately left me all open for a rough uppercut, this time aimed at my chin. Sure, a strike from a boy several inches and lbs below me wouldnt be as impactful if I wasnt just a stationary defenseless target, so the blow came crashing in like a bomb. My head snapped back and saliva and blood shot off my groaning mouth forming a spray, my body arching up and then collapsing against the ropes. If not for my arms hanging on the top ones I would be down for the count, as I was still standing but dazed and staggered. 'Ahhg..gha..'
17:50 Micro: *I walk towards Gabriela while she remains lying on the ropes almost surrendered. I take both of her legs and pull them to leave her back against the ground* Ready for the grand finale dear Gabriela?
17:55 Gabriela_Miracle: *With my legs pulled from underneath, my large body crashes onto the mats, the back of my head hitting the canvas getting me even more dazed. I lay spread eagled on the ring floor, my face contorted in an expression of stupor and pain, mouth open panting and drooling, my matted and sweaty hair covering my face and eyes closed shut. A brutal contrast from the overconfident flair I exhibited before the match, now laying bruised and hurting at the young talent's feet.
17:59 Micro: *I walk around Gabriela until I place my feet on either side of her head. At that moment I drop down to slam my round ass covered with my tight black fight shorts into her face! As I smother her with my ass, I reach up to grab her thong again and stretch it until it rips off but not before splitting her pussy with the fabric with a wedgie* You don't mind me borrowing this do you?
18:01 Gabriela_Miracle: *A muffled scream of pain is uttered as you smother me with your small round butt, my hips buckling as I bridge my body up both from the pain of the brutal pussy-ripping wedgie and in a desperate attempt to buckle you off me but to little avail as you roughly rip and tear my dark-red bikini thong against my pussy, bruising it even more and leaving me naked and exposed on the ring.
18:05 Micro: *Your efforts to break free are in vain. I take a moment to pull your hair with one hand and adjust your face deeper into my ass. I now use the same thong to tie a makeshift knot around your tits and squeeze them. This gives me full access to begin mercilessly pounding your tits and abs until the air is knocked out of you and you pass out against my ass* Time to sleep!
18:19 Sheila_Showrunner: *I stand up and slide into the ring under the bottom rope. I get up and adjust my elegant dress. I have the feeling my huntress is going to give up in the most shameful of ways, but I least I found a tiny surprise for my roster. I drape my arms on the ropes and wait for the match to end*
18:22 Gabriela_Miracle: 'AAGHH!! AGGHHH!!! AGGGHH!!" more brutal muffled moans escape my smothered lips as you brutally beat up my exposed tied up breasts, making them even more bruised and swollen. My struggling stop as my body is incapacitated with the pain, I weakly try to pry away your speedos-clad butt from my face but to no avail, as your little smaller body seemed to weight a ton due to my smothered, beaten and exhausted state. Then the punch to my diaphragm not only added to the pain but also knocked off the remainder of my breath. My larger body's movements became more erratic until I was practically trashing underneath the newcomer.
18:26 Micro: *I get up from Gabriela's face to look at her at her limit. Her face is finished and she can barely lift a muscle. I walk to the corner post and climb on it to prepare my final blow. I pose for the audience and stand on the ropes. I put my hands together and raise them at the same time as I jump into the air. The camera flashes capture the best angles to tell this story in the future. I bend my knees to sharpen them as much as possible and I fall with my knees straight into Gabriela's abdomen to sink it and force her to bend her body and raise her head. But in that instant, my hands together come down at full speed to hit her face and knock her out instantly!*
18:39 Gabriela_Miracle: *At this point a pin would most likely seal my fate and net you the victory, but you had more brutal plans, aiming to debut in The Survival with a bang and send a warning to the other participants and Huntresses at my expense. Laid on the floor, thinking the worse has passed I slowly opened my eyes to see you flying like a hawk from the top turnbuckle in my blurry vision. I gasp and let out a desperate, gutural and husky "No!!" that was shut by you brutally crashing down against my bruised abs, folding my larger body in half and then a double punch knocking my face back on the mats.
18:40 Gabriela_Miracle: The referee leans down at my quivering, writhing naked form, body covered in bruises. The impact on my stomach making me vomit the pre-workout drink I took before the match, the double punch having busted my lower lip making me bleed on the ring floor.
18:41 Gabriela_Miracle: My back was arching and my eyes were rolling to the back of my head, with my body involuntarily breaking down in spasms on the mats.
18:43 Sheila_Showrunner: "enough! The match is over!" I shout in the mic as I walk to the center of the ring, seeing my huntress knocked out cold on the canvas. This was way more violent than I expected to be. "Take her out!" A couple of paramedics run on the ring and bring Gabriela to the locker room. I grab Micro's wrist and raise his fist to the ceiling "we have a winner! And Mr. Micro is now officially a contender for the first season of The Survivor!" I turn to him and whisper "If you did some serious damage to my girl you will deal with me, understood?" Then I wave to the crowd and leave the arena, heading towards my office
18:46 Micro: *Fear invades my mind when I hear those words but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the moment and I bow in front of the audience to thank them for watching* Thank you very much people! S-see you next time! I-if I'm still alive... *The last part being whispered. I get out of the ring and go to the locker room*

Published: 14 days ago, viewed 85 times.
