The Toppat clan

Public Restricted

Established: 2022-11-30

  • Fantasy
  • Long-term roleplay
  • Supervillain
  • Extreme violence
  • Death
Worldwide criminal gang, ripe for new members to join up!
5 members
2 stories
0 photos
0 files

Capture or kill: Talon

Henry Stickmin (deleted member)
Predator (deleted member)
Scout (deleted member)

19:46 Henry_Stickmin: Ah, hello Talon...we meet at last
19:48 Darth_Talon: I assume you're the boss of the 2 you sent a while back?
19:49 Henry_Stickmin: Indeed I am. And I assume you remember Scout?
19:49 Scout: *I glare her down, gripping my shotgun*
19:50 Darth_Talon: Course I do. I remember wiping the floor with him and his friend
19:50 Scout: Wouldn't call being trapped in a flaming building a win for you!
19:52 Darth_Talon: So what's all this about, then? I count 4 of your lackeys here
19:53 Henry_Stickmin: We're done with you meddling about in our business. You either come with us, or die. Your choice.
19:54 Darth_Talon: *I give a smirk* Cute. Real cute. But i've got actual opponents to face now, so i'll see myself out
19:54 Darth_Talon: *I turn to the exit of the warehouse*
19:54 Henry_Stickmin: *I sigh, and snap my fingers*
19:55 Predator: *I uncloak right in your way, and aim to slam my fist right into your face!*
19:56 Darth_Talon: *My senses kick in, and I barely avoid it, flipping back and onto my feet. I ignite my dark red lightsaber, staring you down*
19:56 Scout: *I flank around to one side of her, aiming down*
19:56 Emily_Dawnson: *I circle her from the other, holding nothing but a energy knife*
19:56 Emily_Anderson: *I stand by Henry, observing how this plays out*
19:57 Darth_Talon: *I realise i'm surrounded, staring at each of you carefully...before suddenly lunging towards Henry!*
19:58 Predator: *I aim down sights, and fire off a shoulder cannon right in your direction, the energy ball approaching rapidly*
19:59 Darth_Talon: *I hear it coming, and try to dodge, but my shoulder gets slightly caught in it. I cry out in pain, falling to the floor*
20:00 Henry_Stickmin: *I indicate to Dawnson and Scout to move in*
20:00 Scout: *I nod at you, then Dawnson, aiming down my shotgun as we slowly approach*
20:00 Emily_Dawnson: *I raise my energy knife, ready to kill if she tries anything*
20:02 Darth_Talon: *I cry out, outstretching my arms, unleashing a force wave around me, sending everyone flying back!*
20:03 Scout: *I yelp out, crashing into a few barrels*
20:03 Emily_Dawnson: *I fly back, though use my knife to slow myself by digging it into the floor*
20:04 Predator: *Using my strength, I only move a meter or 2, though still slightly in awe of the power shown*
20:05 Emily_Anderson: *I crash down, catching Henry to stop him taking too much damage*
20:05 Henry_Stickmin: *I catch my breath, before shouting out* Get her!
20:06 Darth_Talon: *I groan out, before force jumping right up into the darkness of the ceiling*
20:06 Scout: *Clutching my head, I raise my gun* Argh...where'd she go?!
20:07 Emily_Dawnson: *I stare up at the ceiling, though can't see anything as it's pitch black. I press my back onto Scout's so she can't sneak up on us*
20:07 Emily_Anderson: *I stand next to Henry, determined to stop Talon*
20:08 Predator: *I wait a few seconds, before activating thermal, scanning for her*
20:08 Darth_Talon: *Stalking from the shadows, I spot Predator with his little mask. Using the force, I flip off the lights, turning the warehouse completely dark*
20:09 Scout: *Starting to get a little fearful, I can't see as I try to stay against Dawnson* Hey, uh Preddie, you see anything?
20:10 Predator: *I growl, which my mask translates to 'No'. Carefully looking everywhere, I extend my gauntlet's wristblades*
20:12 Darth_Talon: *Stealthily, I sneak behind Anderson, and kick the back of her leg in, causing her to faulter*
20:12 Emily_Anderson: *I cry out, falling to one knee. Though it alerts everyone of your position* Ah! She's here!
20:13 Emily_Dawnson: *I turn to where the noise came from, keeping my knife aimed there. although it's no torch, it's got some glow to it*
20:13 Predator: *I spin around, and I lock onto Talon. Firing another blast, aiming right for her skull*
20:14 Darth_Talon: *I duck down, using my speed to flank around back into the darkness*
20:14 Predator: *I growl out in frustration, trying to follow her movements*
20:15 Scout: *I glance over to the other side of the warehouse. I ponder for a moment, before deciding to take the risk. I dash for it, using my inhumane speed to try and reach the light switch*
20:16 Darth_Talon: *Using this chance, I lunge in, elbowing him right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. Once he falls to the floor, I stand over him, reigniting my saber, the red glow lighting up my body*
20:18 Scout: *I groan out, laying there under her as my fear factor shoots through the roof*
20:18 Emily_Dawnson: *Waisting no time, I throw the knife right over towards you in an attempt to end it all now*
20:18 Darth_Talon: *Raising my hand, I block it, before force pushing it right back at you!*
20:19 Emily_Dawnson: *My eyes widen, and before I know it the glowing knife stabs right into my side*
20:19 Emily_Anderson: *Gritting my teeth, I side glance at the figure of Henry*
20:20 Henry_Stickmin: *I stare over at Dawnson, then Talon, before calling out* Scout! do it!
20:21 Scout: *One hand holding my stomach, the other reaches down, pulling something out...* Uh...huh...THINK FAST....CHUCKLENUTS! *I release the pin, and the flashbang goes off!*
20:21 Darth_Talon: *Never seeing it coming, I cry out, rubbing my eyes with my spare hand as I stumble back*
20:22 Predator: *Using the chance, I fire off the alien net, almost unbreakable at Talon, trying to contain her. But believe me, at this point I want her dead*
20:22 Darth_Talon: *It wraps around me, and I fall to the floor. I start to try and cut through. It's extremely resistant, but it's slowly starting to work*
20:23 Emily_Anderson: *I rush forward, grabbing Scout as I pull him back away from her in a hurry*
20:23 Scout: *Groaning, I drop my head down as I get pulled back to you guys*
20:24 Predator: *I growl out, before moving forward once more, taking out a long, extended spear*
20:26 Darth_Talon: *Bit by bit, the net starts to snap. I glance up at the huge, dark figure approaching. My saber has almost got me free...*
20:27 Predator: *Leaning down, I grab you by the neck through the open part of the hole you cut, and pull you out. Lifting you into the air via your neck, my other hand snatches your saber!*
20:28 Darth_Talon: *Choking out, I desperately try to free myself, before calming myself down. Taking a deep breath, I place my hand on your neck, and reach out through the force*
20:30 Predator: *I wonder what you're doing,'s tightening. Little by little, I feel my neck tighten, though you aren't the one doing it. Not only am I confused, but i'm the closest i've ever been to scared*
20:31 Emily_Dawnson: *After being out for a while, I pull out the energy blade from my side with a groan. Panting, I struggle to my feel, aiming down the knife*
20:32 Darth_Talon: *I continue to choke you out through the force, not showing any mercy or games anymore. I close my eyes for more concentration, at the brink of snapping this fellow alien's neck*
20:34 Emily_Dawnson: *The glowing saber in Predator's hand gives me some idea of where Talon is. Steadying my aim and fighting through the pain, I take the chance, throwing the energy knife to where I think Talon is*
20:35 Darth_Talon: *The blade wizzes towards us...before stabbing me right in the chest. I cry out, my connection severed and I shake in pain*
20:35 Predator: *I take a deep gasp, dropping her as I stumble back a few steps, eternally grateful for Dawnson saving my life*
20:36 Emily_Dawnson: *I give a small grin, before collapsing onto the floor*
20:37 Emily_Anderson: *Conflicted, I decide to rush over to Talon* Henry! Get Dawnson!
20:37 Henry_Stickmin: *I nod, and dash over to her, getting on my knees, and pulling out from my endless wormhole pocket items to stop the bleeding*
20:39 Emily_Anderson: *Leaning down, I reach into my pocket, and pull out a pair of cuffs, the same ones from the Predator's net material, and cuff Talon, restraining her powers...we got her*
20:40 Darth_Talon: *I'm too focused on the pain, groaning and crying out as I writhe around on the floor, too busy to even notice the cuffs*
20:41 Predator: *Panting, I fire off a small disk right at the light system, causing sparks to come from it, leading to the lights coming back on*
20:42 Henry_Stickmin: *Blood, gear and all are laying around the place. And as I tend to an unconscious Dawnson, I gaze over at Talon. 'Finally...she's ours' I think*
20:42 Scout: *Groaning, my eyes still flashbanged, I lean up, gazing around the seemingly bright white area* Ugh....does it look like heaven to anyone else?
20:43 Emily_Anderson: *I sigh, flopping onto my ass to sit down* You'll be fine, you big sissy
20:43 Scout: *I grumble* Alright then...hero of the day, but no 'thank you Scout's' over here...jeez
20:44 Predator: *Staring down at Talon, i'm deep in thought and mixed emotions, not sure if I should feel pleased, slightly fearful, tired, or something else*
20:45 Darth_Talon: *I slowly fade unconscious, half of my feeling the pain of the gods, and the other feeling the disappointment of letting myself be caught, and fearing what's to come...*
20:46 Henry_Stickmin: Come on...let's get her back to the Orbital station...

Published: 2023-01-08, viewed 71 times.



Nathan gingerbread

2023-01-09 14:13

Great news and a big leap for the clan , can't wait to hear stage 2 of the plan


2023-01-09 00:40

Very creative and interesting scene! Well played by all!