The Wild Southwest
Established: 2022-09-01
Chat room: #CowboyDeath
- No holds barred
- Muscle worship
- Extreme violence
- Death
A Place where studs of the southwest go to become real men, even if it means death
Caleb the Ginger adonis Cowboy vs young future Chieftain Julian
Calab - 30yold 5’11” 150lbs 6inch cock uncut
Julian- 18 yold160lbs 5’11’’ 7inch cock cut
It's a hot summer's day under the Texan sun Calab a thirty year old cowboy looks around trying to find traces of the Indians who attacked his home. Calab is a handsome ginger 5’9” he is of a lean muscular build. He wears tight jeans that highlight his lean legs, tight bubble butt and large bulge. The man is always sporting a semi, saying its cause of all his manly testosterone. He looks at some footprints playing with his goatee. He hears the sound of twigs breaking and he turns seeing a young indian boy of 19 years standing ready to fight. Calab reaches for his holster and pulls his pistol, “hands in the air savage!” The indian boy throw sand and kicks the gun out. “ I guess we doing this the hard way”. Calab gets Julian and they start to wrestle. Going for the legs Calab manages to scoop the indian off his feet tossing him into the sand. Pinning him down he rest on his chest flexing his big biceps shoving the boys face into his bulge. The boy struggles but isn't able to escape.” You like that savage. These are the muscles of man! When I'm done with you boy you will know what a real man feels like!”. Flexing and feeling confident that this would be a quick fight, Calab is caught off guard by the indian boy. Acting quick the boy brings his leg up kneeing the back of the cowboys head. Rolling off both men try to recover.Calab gripping his head says “you dirty fucker”. Julian tries to choke Calab but wanks him off having linked his legs under Julians arms and pulling back then scissoring his abs. Adding pressure Calab does sideways push ups. “This is my land savage. You get that ! You trespass, attack and disrespect me and no one does that. Now I gotta kill you and send a message to your fellow savage!” The boy moans and tries punching Caleb's abs only for Calab to take the hits and tighten his abs.” Say you submit and I won't snap you in two!” Out of desperation the boy punches Calab in the balls. Calab screams FUCK! Gripping his balls rolling in the sand he calls the boy a dirty fighter. Slowly Calab climbs to his feet…
The boy moves in quick kneeing Calab on the left side of his head. his head swings back with force and he tumbles on the ground. The boy approaches his prey but is surprised with a boot to the balls. A loud scream escapes the boys mouth, his balls making a swishing sound. Falling holding his own balls Calab grabs the boy by the hair and gets him into standing headscissors applying the pressure. His jeans scratch at Julians neck adding to the discomfort. Grabbing a hold of the boys brown leather loincloth, he pulls hard and it rips off easily revealing a leather camo themed jockstrap. “SUBMIT SAVAGE AND I WON'T KILL YOU YET!” The boy weakly hits and claws Calabs legs but to no avail.The boys vison starting to turn dark his arms falling down. Calab spanks Julians ass raw leaving red hand marks and his checks turn an angry red. Moving aside the backstrap of the boys jockstrap he sees the boys virgin hole. Calab shoves a finger in earning a scream from Julian. His thick hard worn finger penate to the first knuckle , “You like the feeling of these working hands savage” The boy screams never having had his hole touch. The cowboy continues to finger him never going past the first knuckle. “Boy you better submit or i shove the whole thing in.” Julian whimpering in pain submits. The ginger cowboy pulls his finger out, its wet with juice and blood.Calab release him to moan on the sand, “Damn we got us a virgin gonna enjoy breaking you in boy!”
Planting a boot on his abs Calab flexes. his wife beater wet with sweat, nearly transparent he does a most muscular pose his veins popping out sweat dripping down on the boy below. The cowboys jeans bulge the ginger getting hard. Wiping the sweat off he tosses it at Julian. Rubbing it into the young man's muscles slicking him up. Looking at his fallen opponent he sees that the boy cock is hard at least two inches of his cock stick right out the top of his jock. Calab is pissed. Thinking to himself how could this savage have a cock bigger than his own?! He plants his boot on the boy’s cock head and twists. Julian barely awake screams in pain feeling that his cock head was gonna twist and rip off his eyes roll back and he is knocked out from the pain. Pulling a rope from his belt he proceeds to tie the Indian up. Carrying him they proceed on horse back to the cowboys home.
Calab enters calling for his sons. “Family I found this vermin on our property and I want you boys to see how us men take care of things.” Two young men come downstairs one 19 and the other 17 both handsome boys, they are beloved and fawned over by the town. Calab unties the boy. “What is your name boy?” Calab asks, his boys taking a seat nearby. The Indian boy rising gingerly to his feet puffs out his chest and says ” I am future chieftain of my tribe, Julian, and I am the one who will kill you invader!” The cowboy unimpressed flexes his biceps asking “Are You ready boy to see a real man defend his land, you ready to die?”
Both men get in wrestling stances sizing each other up. Calab sticks his hand out for a test of strength and as both men interlock their hands Calab lets go of and using his right hand quickly grabs Julians legs taking him down to the floor and pinning him. Mounting his chest Calab screams “ Worship my muscles boy feel them.” The bulge in Calab’s jeans is at full mast. A Wet stain grows with precum. Bouncing his pecs Calab feels on top of the world. Looks at his sons, they cheer him on.Both boys jeans showing large bulges it seems they are enjoying the show. Julian rolls knocking the cowboy down. Now their roles are revised. Julians rips at the collar of the cowboys wife beater revealing wet white muscles . Trying to bridge up Calab says “ FUCK” several times panick in his voice his face red with rage and embaressement. Julian wraps his bicep around the ginger neck squeezing hard all the while switching into a grapevine stretching Calab’s crotch wide. His jeans starting to rip. Calab taps out. Julian flexes his young muscle proclaiming “ you're my bitch now!” Pissed Calab spits on Julians face earning him several punches to his own face. Flexing Julian forces the cowboy to kiss his bicep the two man’ s bulges grinding together. Julian is getting hard and says “ Damn for a white man I thought you would get bigger.” Pressing down on the gingers bulge with his own Julians cock bets his in both length and girth. Out of desperation, Calab grabs the indians balls and squeezes, earning a scream from Julian. “ You wanna play dirty I’ll play dirty.” Calab socks the boy across the face pushing him over and stripping him of his jock tossing it to the side.” Look at you! You no man let alone a future chieftain! Only boys end up nude so quick.” Calab grabs the boy and suplexes him into the floor. His head landing first a loud crack is heard and Julian lies motionless. Leaving to his sons,they admire their father Calab and touch his pumped up muscles. The cowboy feels on top of the world and forgets about his broken prey.
Distracted by his sons, Julian climbs back up to his feet, Calab completely unaware. Julian moves fast applying a rear naked choke hold. The cowboy struggles trying to peel the boys arms off but to no avail. Julian swings him around the room keeping the cowboy unbalanced his arms now laying limply in the air his face turning purple, eyes starting to loose focus. Julian bends the cowboy over a nearby table, losening his belt he strips the cowboy of his jeans he whispers into the cowboys ear. “ Imma fuck you hard white man, you gonna be my boy and then Im going to break you in front of your sons showing them what us Indian men, true men , are capable of..” Forcing his head to turn to the right the defeated father is forced to watch his sons watch him get fucked. Julian shoves his cock into the cowboys virgin hole. He screams out in pain having a thick 7 inches invade his ass. Knocked out from the pain the cowboy is fucked raw. The boy now man fucks him fast and hard his fat balls smacking hard against the cowboys cheeks. He cums hard face thrown back in ecstasy. In his tribe he was known for his waterfalls of cum, so much cum it looked more like he was pissing. Thick streams of cum squirt out the cowboys ass and fall to the floor with a loud wet drops, the two sons look on in horror. Julian tosses the cowboy to the floor letting him recover for the final round.
Waking up on the floor the cowboy reaches towards his burning hole. Pulling his finger back reveals blood and cum. His anal wall torn the floor near his ass is a mixture of blood and still leaking cum. His insides on fire he struggles to rise. The indian punches the cowboy on the temple sending him flying towards the wall. Seeing stars he slides down. “FUCK! This can't be happening” says the cowboy. The fear is clear in his voice never has he lost a match and now he was afraid that he would die.Grabbed by his hair Julian puts the cowboy into a torture rack. Carried around the room and put on display his now limp 2 inch cock slowly hardens back up.The Indian pulls hard bending him in half over his shoulders. The cowboy screams “I GIVE I GIVE” tapping the back of the boys back.. The Indian ignores the submission only applying more pressure. his intention on breaking the ginger cowboys back.Several pops are heard. The pain makes the cowboy piss. A long stream goes flying raining down on his sons. Both boys are soaked with their farther urine. Having had enough Julian slams the destroyed cowboy on his knee.A loud snap is heard blood flying out the cowboys mouth. Crying he says “I can't move I CAN'T MOVE! Tears running down his face the cowboy cant believe this is happening. “This can’t be real I am the town’s adonis no one can beat me no one.” A second stream of urine erupts from his throbbing hard cock. The urine goes straight up and rains back down covering the paralyzed cowboy. Julian watches amused at the show. The cowboys cock still hard and red twitchs madly up and down slapping his lower abs precum oozing out. The indian approach face emotionless. He mounts the cowboy chest. The cowboy still trying to convince himself says “This is a dream. A DREAM A MUSCLE GOD LIKE ME CAN'T LOSE!” Having had enough and wanting to go home Julian grabs the cowboys neck and chokes him. The cowboy struggles body twitching wildly but unmoving.His eyes glaze over and he dies bubbles of bloody foam coming out of his mouth. Seconds later the back of the Indian is coated in a thick layer of cum. Calab was a heavy shooter which is why all the woman in the town loved him. The cowboys cock now empty. Twitching still in its own death throws.The Indian flexes and the two boys cry now seeing their dad killed. The Indian loosens his grip and flexes. Using the cum and blood of his dead opponent he paints his pecs and abs with it. Flexing on the dead ginger his two biceps glisten with sweat.
The Indian says “ your dad was no man he was a shitty fighter. He was a pussy and as such he doesn’t deceive this.” Flicking the still hard twitching cowboys cock. The Indian stands and heads to the kitchen. The boys sit stone still staring at their dads destroyed body his lifeless eyes staring back in return. Returning the Indian shows them a knife. Julian grabs the cowboys balls and cock and cuts them off. The cowboys body twitches wildly then goes still. Cock and balls in hand the cowboys hard cock goes soft as it spills its contents on the floor. Content with his victory Julian tosses the now soft cock and balls at the boys feet and leaves. The boys scream that they will avenge their father. Julian walks off into the sunset a grin on his face chest puffed up in pride, thinking to himself I look forward to that day.
Chapter 1.B Calab wins
(picks up when Julian applying a rear chokehold)...
Feeling the arms of the warnable man wrapping around his neck Calab bucked forward flinging the boy onto the floor. Julian flies in the air precum leaking out his hard throbbing cock, he lands with a loud crash back arching up he crutches his bruised back and lets out a moan. The ginger cowboy stomps on his abs hard. Each stomp aimed at a different section, top, middle, and bottom. Grabbing the boy Calab socked him over and over. Julians head rolled around, tears streaming down his face. Calab bear hugged the humilated boy “ FUCK YOUR A PUSSY! THOSE WERE JUST LOVE TAPS. LOOK AT YOU CRYING LIKE A LITTLE CHILD.” With his strong arms Calab squeezes with all his might Julian back start to pop. “ PLEASE SIR I GIVE” cries Julian. “ I dont wanna die… I dont wanna die.” Julian cries shame filling him. He was supposed to be the future chief and here he was defeated so easily. Calab squeezes harder, his veins popping out sweat dripping off him like a waterfall, and with one mighty squeeze Julian back, head, arms and legs arch back and with a loud POP, his back snapes. Blood squirts out his mouth his eyes rolling back tears spilling out . The would be Chief Julian twitches uncontrollably in his death throws in the cowboy's arms. The boys uncut cock erupts releasing cum all over the ginger cowboys abs. The ginger cowboy smiles shaking the boys limp body sending the boys cum to land on the floor.
Tossing the dead boy on the wood floor Calab unzips and pulls out his 6 inch fat cock. His boys cheer for him, their dad won! He jerks his meat and pinches his nipple moaning. Julian cock still hard continued to leak cum out. Julians abs and naval fill with the dead boys cum and his cock seems to not want to stop. Calab lets out a loud moan and shoots his massive load painting the boys face completely white. Coming back down from cloud nine Calab sees the boys still leaking cock and pulls out his knife getting on his knees he stabs the dead chiefs ass, blood and shit squirt out “Hmm not a virgin anymore huh boy. Grabbing the boys balls he tugs them out the skin straining and with a quick cut removes them from Julians body. The boys cock goes soft. The ginger cowboy victorious his boys scream in joy.
<Published> 2022-11-12, viewed 46 times.
2022-11-13 07:46WOW - HOT AS HELL!
This story is great and I like it very much!
I hope there will be another story soon!
The Sun City Warrior
2022-11-20 06:24(In reply to this)
Keep checking out the federation stories being posted regularly!