The Wild Southwest
Established: 2022-09-01
Chat room: #CowboyDeath
- No holds barred
- Muscle worship
- Extreme violence
- Death
A Place where studs of the southwest go to become real men, even if it means death
Jacob - 20 yr old 5’10” 190 lbs 10 inch uncut cock
Matthew- 25 yr old 5’11” 210 ilbs 8 inch uncut cock tight foreskin
It's another early morning on the Garcia ranch, 25 yold Matthew looks over the fields at the rising sunset. He wears a too tight white wife beater, his nipples stand up due to the morning chill. He has a white cowboy hat and light washed tight jeans with a brown belt. The jeans hug his large legs tightly and in some places small tears form as the jeans struggle to contain his large leg muscles. Matthew leans on the railing, his large ass being outlined prominently in those tight jeans, he can't help but flex it, and reflects on the past week's events…..
…… Matthew was relatively new in town, only being there for a month and was getting a lot of attention. Some in the town said he rivaled the local cowboy Jacob in looks. Jacob taking notice challenged Matthew to a pose off, Jacob won but by the skin of his teeth with many saying Matthew's ass was bigger and of a more mature beauty. This pissed off the cowboy to no end and as such he challenged the rancher to a match, the loser died.
Matthew looked forward to today's match having thought Jacob was too cocky for his own good, he looked forward to putting the younger cowboy down once and for all. Hearing the crutching of leaves behind him Matthew turned his head to see Jacob approaching from the left. Jacob was pumped having gymed before. Jacob wore tight dark blue jeans, a black belt and a black wife beater with a matching hat. As always Jacob bulged in all the right places.Still with his blondish orange peach fuzz Jacob looked like a grown mature cowboy.Leaning his back against the railing Jacob said “nice ranch you got here. Good place to die.”His biceps bulged the veins underneath, easily visible pumping his young blood. Turning his head to look Matthew in the eye, Jacob grins, Matthew responds “ glad you like it, cause this is where they are gonna bury your ass.” The two men butt their chest together sizing each other up. Jacobs chest is more defined and plump but Matthews is wider. Jacob grinds his bulge against Matthews “ You feel that, that's a man's cock.” Reaching down Jacob grabs Matthews balls and squeezes, Matthew lets out a yelp, his 4 inch soft cock and large balls being squished in Jacob's hands. Matthew tries to pry off Jacob's hands but can't the pain overcome his strength Jacob leads them to the barn.
Letting Matthew go ,he falls to the mats. Jacob kicks him several times intil he is on his back.Pressing his boot on Matthew bulge the cowboy poses “ fuck I thought you were gonna be a challange. If I didn't know any better I would say you enjoy your balls being destroyed.” It was true Matthew did enjoy it. This was evident by the growing wet stain on his jeans. Grabbing Matthew by his head Jacob elbowed him several times, Matthews eyes rolling in their sockets. The cowboy mounted his chest and flexed doing a most muscular pose, sticking his tongue out. Slapping Matthew awake the cowboy grabs Matthew and then lifts him into a torture rack, despite the size differences Jacob was able to lift him like nothing, one hand on the ranchers neck the other finding his bulge and crushing it. Matthew struggles to scream as his throat and balls are crushed. He thrashes around trying to escape. Jacob tosses him onto the mat. Looking at his hand he sees that it's covered in cum that soaked right through Matthews jeans!
Kicking Matthew on his stomach Jacob sees that Matthew decided to go commando the tops of his massive cheeks exposed What exposed excites the cowboy, Matthews ass seems to be baby smooth and is already soaked with sweat, perfect lube for his fucking. Grabbing Matthew from behind Jacob applies a rear naked choke hold and drags Matthew to his feet. Using his other hand he unzips Matthew zipper and pulls his erect 8 inch cock out. Matthews foreskin is tight, just the tip of his cock head is able to poke out. Jacob grabs Matthews cock and jerks him fast and hard. Matthew moans in pleasure but the pleasure soon turns to pain. Jacob grips on hard and pulls harder with each stroke, freeing Matthews cock head out from the foreskin. His head emerges with a ripping sound having torn its way out of its foreskin confinement. His cock fully hard rubs against the zipper only adding to the pain. Matthew screams in pain but then erupts with a long 5 foot stream of cum. With each harsh stroke Matthew releases another stream of cum, 6 streams in total. Jacob bounces Matthew on his back, little pops could be heard. Having had his full Jacob drops Matthew on his knee in an over the knee backbreaker. Bending him in half Jacob uses his left hand to choke Matthew. Jacob tightens his hold and knocks out Matthew.
Dropping Matthew off his knee and onto the mat Jacob begins stripping Matthew of his clothes and boots. Jacob tosse them to the side and got the moaning Matthew into an over the knee backbreaker again. Grabbing his cock again Jacob jerks the rancher off to another orgasm, Matthew screaming “ FUCK NO NO NO NOT AGAIN! FAG LET ME GO ! OOO FUCK IMMA CUM IMMA CUM.” before releasing geysers of cum. The cum falls back down and coats the naked rancher Jacob tosses him off his knee. “Get it together I want a fight!” says Jacob smacking Matthew’s head. Matthew climbs back to his feet. Both men walk to opposite sides and stare each other down, before rushing together for the classic test of strength.
On opposite sides of the mat the two stare each other down in anger on both young men's faces. Matt's cock still hard drips pre cum in long strings, Jacob licks his lips knowing he has his bubble butt foe already defeated. Jacob grabs his large bulge and squeezes it his had barely able to hold his jean encased sack, “Don’t worry man your ass will be mines.” Jacob says with a grin.
Ending 1: Jacob wins (Canon)
Hands locked Jacob pushes with all his might. Matthew falls to one knee. Think ahead Jacob sees Matthew next move, a low blow, and beats him to it kneeing Matthew in the face. Grabbing the rancher Jacob suplexes him into the mats. Matthew moans, grabbing his lower back. Jacob grabs his midsection turning him upside down. “ Ready to go six feet under poser?” says Jacob Matthew responds “Fuck no, dude stop you win I'm sorry I give. You're the real Adonis.” Jacob hosts him up and tombstones the bubble Butt rancher into the mat. Matthew jiggles as his head makes hard contact with the floor, his body at first goes tense before going limp. The rancher is KO. A loud fart erupts out of the ranches bubble butt, his ass visible shakes with the force of the escaping gas.
Letting go Matthew falls to the floor. His cock still hard, it continues to leak precum, before erupting in another, this time hands free cumshot. Jacob wakes Matthew up with a stomp to the abs. Matthew moans clutching his cum covered stomach.” Damn, I was hoping for a challenge dude. I'm getting tired, gotta go eat some breakfast, maybe some scrambled eggs.’’ Jacob says with a wicked grin before stepping with the heel of his boot on Matthew balls. Matthew screams, his left nut being dislocated, his cock hard again leaks blood and precum. “OOO FUCK YOU BUSTED MY BALLS.” Matthew sobs. “ Don't worry big guy you won't be needing them where you're going. THE DEAD DONT FUCK..” Jacob pulls a knife from his boot and grabs Matthews hard junk.
Matthew begs “ Please dude, please don't cut off my baby maker, I'll do anything.” Jacob smiles and laughs, “ Nah, I'm doing you a favor, this cock and balls don't belong. what you need is a pussy.” Jacob stabs Matthew left sack and twists popping it. Blood squirts out from the wound and Matthew's cock. Tons of jizz join the geyser. Jacob repeats this with the right. Matthew twitches uncontrollably going into shock, he foams at the mouth. Matthews balls deflate as they empty their contents on the mat. Jacob unzips his jeans and pulls down his jock yacking out his now hard balls and cock he wakes up Matthew who screams in pain as he is penetrated with the cowboys 10 incher.” Damn boy you're a tight one. Good to know that your ass was good for something other than just looks.” says Jacob. Matthews dying moments are of getting the best fuck in his life. He can’t help but moan in pleasure as Jacob plows his virgin ass, but his moans fade away as the light slowly fades from his eyes. Jacob's abs and legs are splattered with blood as Matthews body empties out via the now deflated ranchers ball sack. Matthew foams at the mouth again and twitches, dying just as Jacob orgasms, the cowboys cumshot make the dead rancher body shake with the force of each cumshot. Jacob pulls out and pisses on the dead rancher. Matthews eye remains open a smile on his face, having had his cherry popped.
Grabbing the dead rancher Jacob lifts the body placing it over his shoulder, the ranchers ass leaking the cowboys cum, he takes it to the front of the barn. There awaited the rancher dogs hungry and ready for today's meal. Seeing fresh meat and having no loyalty, the dogs smell their dead owner. Jacob tosses it on the dirt and watches as the dogs begin to eat. Paying particular attention to the rancher bubble butt and new pussy, they slowly eat the rancher up. His body lets out a loud fart as shit and blood erupts out his ass , the dogs continue to feed. The rancher's muscles relax and soften, his eyes stare upward face forever painted with orgasmic pain.
Leaving the ranch, Jacob wears a smile on his face.That was a good tight fuck.Jacob getting on his white horse rides off into the sunset his cock still hard pokes its massive head out the top of his jeans precum glistening in the rising morning sun.
Jacob dies, animals attack! (Non-Canon)
Jacob rips out his fat cock and jerks it to the sight of the dogs consuming the bubble butt ranchers body. Closing his eyes he pinches his nipple and jerks his cock fast and hard, moaning out loud. Unfortunately for our cocky adonis he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings for he was being surrounded by more dogs. The dogs lept and attacked pushing him down 4 dogs bitting into his four limbs. Screaming and crying in pain the cowboy struggled, his massive muscles straining to escape but this only encouraged the dogs to bit harded.The canines ripped into the cowboys smooth white flesh painting it red as the skin broken and the hard worked muscles gave away to vicious animals maws, his muscles bulge with strength but with more dogs joining the fray, it was all for not.
The dogs pull back and forth the cowboy screaming in pain tears running down his face his body drained he struggles to break free. A wet sound fills the otherwise silent morning. Pulling away the cowboy limbs were torn away from his granite hard torso,with a sick tearing sound the dogs struggled to tear away the thick muscles from their sockets, but eventually they snapped off, blood spewing out in wild jets. The cowboy was a masochist deep down, and the pain had his cock still hard. As the cowboys body spasmed in shock his fat cock swung each which way eventually releasing a torrent of cum which shoot straight up only to fall earthwards and paint the cowboy a creamy white.The cum shots continued as the dogs begain to attack the stomps of his limbs, as the cum fell down it pooled in the services of his abs making little pools. One dog saw his bull sized balls and bit into them yanking them off slowly. His large sack collapsed and as the dog pulled away the string that had his giant jewels snapped.With no more testicles to supply the eruptions of cum, they were instead replaced with blood and piss, our dying cowboy going into shock. The dogs, having feasted on his large thighs and arms, left their meal half done. The sun shone on the torso of the cowboy, his muscles soaked in his cum. They glistened with drying cum, his face left in an expression of pain. The cum dries, caking his abs and large still tight pecs with a white crust. The adonis is gone.
Matthews younger brother arrives at the ranch to gory sight.
Ending 2:Matthew wins (Non-Canon)
Matthew lifts his knee up and fast clipping Jacobs balls and wanking his abs, bending Jacob over. Placing the cowboys head in his armpit and warping his leg around Matthew jumps and slams them both down on the mat. Jacob sees stars, Matthew mounts his back and cracks on a camel crutch. Jacobs' face winches in pain. “ I submit ,” Jacob screams and slaps the mat frantically. Matthew releases the hold and strips Jacob down. Taking his time Matthew slowly rips at Jacobs black wife beater, revealing his large pecs and granite hard abs. Jacob can't help but involuntary flex and bounce them, pissing the rancher off. Matthew grabs a hold of the cowboys now hard nipples and twists them with all his might. Jacob screams out loud, bridging to escape the pain. Matthew punched Jacob on the temple causing the cowboy to cease his struggles. Turning around and resting his bubble butt on the cowboys chest, Matthew undoes the belt of the cowboy and peels away his jeans. Taking a moment to admire the cowboy's abs , Matthews eyes wandered down Jacob's new but thick happy trail of blond hair that bush out to some wild pubes. Once he loses his jeans, Jacob is left just in a classic white jockstrap and his boots.. The pouch struggles to hold his goods. The roots of his balls are visible, as Jacob had worn his old jock from when he was 15 years old , a size way too small for this match. A size too small, the top of Jacob's bush is visible, Jacob having not shaved since Matthews' defeat.
Grabbing the cowboy by his brown blond bush, Matthew drags the cowboy back up. Letting Matthew roundhouse kick the cowboy, his head turning spit and blood flying Jacob falls to the mat knocked out once more. Spanking his ass Matthew says “ I see why everyone loves that Big cake of yours but mine is bigger” he smacks his own ass so it jiggles, his cock hard again and leaking precum onto jacobs ass. Jacob still knocked out Matthew and decided it's about time to drill a new watering hole. Spreading the cowboys cheeks he shoves his fat 8 inches into the cowboys virgin hole. The cowboy moans and then awakens to a scream feeling his inside on fire he realizes he has lost and is now being fucked. Jacob head is yanked back by his hair, matthew speeds up his fuck to full force. Jacob screams fill the barn, tears start leaking down his face. “FUCK DUDE STOP ILL DO ANYTHING, I FEEL LIKE IM SPLITTING IN TWO!” “ You say something? I want you to say Matthew is the hottest and only adonis.” “ MATTHEW IS THE HOTTEST AND ONLY ADONIS THIS TOWN NEEDS” screams Jacob his sobs filling the barn. “ Glad you agree” says Matthew thrusting even harder he cums inside Jacob. Pulling out of the cowboys hole Matthews cock is covered in his jizz and blood from the cowboy rearranged insides. Getting up Matthew flexes above the cowboy his barefoot planted on Jacobs ass.
Turning Jacob on his back, Matthew sees that Jacob is soft. “While cant have none of that can we. Grabbing Jacob by the strap of his Jock he drags the cowboy to a post and lifts him tying his arms and legs behind him. Matthew gives Jacob a couple punches to his big meaty pecs, the cowboys pecs jiggle and turn an angry red with every punch, and then a final heart punch.Jacob releases a gasp as his eyes roll back and show their whites. The cowboy knocked out again and several minutes later a rope around his balls and still soft cock. Matthew on his knees sucks the cowboy off. Jacob moans in pleasure throwing his head back. “ FUCK THAT FEELS SO GOOD! IMMA CUM FUCK IMMA CUM!!!” Matthew grabs the rope and gives a slight tug. While Jacob was knocked out Matthew found the cowboy's horse, having found it he tied the two together. The horse being spooked by the tug goes off running. The rope pulls hard and Jacob lets out a blood chilling scream his cock and ball having been ripped off! He squirts blood out of his new hole. Screaming and crying the cowboy watches his cock twitch like mad on the floor finally erupting a huge jet of cum.His cock turns soft and lies limp. Blood gushes out of his fresh new pussy hole, Matthew watches jerking his own meat. Matthew approaches the dying cowboy and shoves his hard cock into the cowboys new hole. Jacob throws back his head screaming “ FUCK GET OUT OF ME YOU QUEER!” Matthew responds “ how is this queer when you got a new tight pussy huh?” Pumping his cock in the cowboy he finally cums and pisses inside the cowboys wound. The adonis cowboy body twitches and spasms foam fills his mouth as he dies from shock. Pulling out his cock Matthew steps back to allow a torrent of blood and other viscora to erupt out the cowboy's pussy.
The cowboys' bodies continue to twitch untying him. He falls to the ground ass up in the air.Thinking of an opportunity the rancher gets his prize pig. Like a child seeing his favorite cake, the pig begins to devour the cowboys bubble butt. The morning light shines into the barn. The cowboy's muscles glisten with his sweat, his body is wildly tossed to and foe by the feeding hug, the blond hairs of his ass glisten. The rancher looks on with a smile on his face.
Animal attacks! Matthew dies! (Non-Canon)
Smiling at the sight of the dead cowboy Matthew can help but start to jerk his hardening meat. What he didn't know was that his other prized pig had snuck in and saw some very tasty buns for the taking.
Lunging at the rancher, Matthew on his stomach ass in the air. The hog had a quick advantage shoving its long warty snout into the rancher's ass. Biting down hard the hog pulled and with it the rancher's anus was being yanked and slurped up. The rancher screamed his body in shock. The hog continued to eat him out, and our victorious rancher now turned loser and dinner couldn't help but get extra hard, his cock shooting cum onto the wooden flooring of the barn.
Unfortunately for the bubble butt rancher the piglets mistake the cum for milk and came to investigate. 6 little piggies arrived, each biting down on the rancher's cock. Cumming over and over the ranchers cock was torn apart. His body spasmed as he went into the shock. All the pigs gathered and ate the ranchers ass out, once filled they left our ranchers' ass blood stained with his intestines halfway out.
<Published> 2022-11-14, viewed 51 times.
2022-11-23 20:11ON A POODLE OF CUM!