Established: 2022-09-21
- No holds barred
- Boxing
- Kick-boxing
- Gutpunching
- Catfight
13:01 <Aspenkicksass> I stride out towards you and your black BMW which you seem to be soooo proud of.. Within seconds, I am standing in front of you, hands on my hips and blonde hair waving in the wind. “So.. you really have the nerve to scream all of those wild accusations at me? How does it feel to be standing face to face now bitch?”
13:07 <Lara_Black_Cat> I stand in front of you and look into your eyes. "It's a great feeling, I'm looking forward to smashing your pretty little face, blondie." I raise my fists higher.
14:17 <Aspenkicksass> My cheekbones raise as my lips form an arrogant smile. “Oh sweetheart..” my foot comes up and smashes one of the taillights on your BMW.. “oops!” I say in a mocking tone..
14:21 <Lara_Black_Cat> "Damn Whore!!! You will pay for this, you stupid cunt!" This makes me furious and I immediately attack you. I grab your blonde hair with both hands and pull hard to the side, trying to throw you to the ground.
14:26 <Aspenkicksass> My smile creeps into a grin as you blow up with anger. As you attack, my hands reach out and grab your dirty hair at the same time you grab hold of mine. I grunt as my sexy, blonde hair is yanked to one side. I plant a foot to maintain my balance before trying to rip you in the complete opposite direction, attempting to throw you off balance and send you towards the ground.
14:34 <Lara_Black_Cat> "Fucking slut... Ahhh, don't touch my hair!" I feel you pull my hair and scream in pain. When you pull my hair the other way, I lose my balance and fall. But fortunately, my BMW is behind me and I fall with my ass on the hood. Sitting on the hood, I pull your head a little towards me by the hair and hit your jaw with my right fist. "Eat it, bitch!"
09:38 <Aspenkicksass> I successfully rip you towards your car. I can head a thud when your ass plants against the hood of the car. I wince as my blonde waves are yanked towards you, forcing me to stumble in your direction. My thigh bounced in response to an attempt at slowing my momentum. I stuck my foot in the ground, wanting to cancel out that forward momentum, but your fist suddenly clocked me right in the jaw. Upon impact, my legs buckled, and my knees slammed into the hard asphalt. My body pressed up against the car, and my hands gripped any part hood that they could to keep me upright. I moaned in pain, stunned by the attack.
07:55 <Lara_Black_Cat> Get my ass off the hood and get behind you. "You stupid blondie, I said don't touch my car, bitch!" Standing behind you, my left hand grabs your hair, tilting your head back a little and my right hand wraps around your neck, I try to choke you.
10:02 <Aspenkicksass> My jaw ached furiously. I could feel pain signals scrambling all around my mouth as I sat on my heels in the asphalt. Moments later, my perfect, silky hair was held tight and used to snap my head back, exposing my neck. I felt all 10 inches of your bicep bulge into my neck, immediately cutting off my air supply. Both of my hands grabbed your arm and tugged downwards, trying hard to pull it away from my neck. At the same time, I started to work my way to my feet.
10:11 <Lara_Black_Cat> You pull my hand down with both hands at once and it's hard for me to hold your neck tightly and my grip is not so strong anymore. I understand that sooner or later you will free yourself from the trap and change the tactics of the fight. Holding your neck with my right hand, I let go of your hair with my left hand and beat your cheek with my left fist. "Your pretty face will look like garbage bitch!" I hiss at you
10:15 <Aspenkicksass> I realized how effective my tugging was when I could gulp down several mouthfuls of fresh air. I continued to pull, not really suffering too much until a sharp pain exploded through my left cheek. My cheekbone felt like it suffered nerve damage, stinging consistently while the rest of my face just throbbed in anguish. I groaned loudly, stumbling around in your grip and desperately trying to rip myself out of it! I gave your arm one last hard tug, and twirled my body, trying to unravel myself from your arm.
10:24 <Lara_Black_Cat> You're freeing yourself from the trap and it makes me angry. I hate it when bitches break out of my trap. As you turn around to face me, I throw a quick straight punch into your nose. "Grrr, I'll fuck your face, you fucking glamor whore!"
10:29 <Aspenkicksass> As soon as I managed to break free from your chokehold, I spun around and immediately met your fist once more. It smashed into the bridge of my nose, and a crack could be felt and heard on impact. I screamed loudly, holding my nose with both hands and falling backwards. My feet stayed on the ground, but my back collapsed onto the hood of your bmw. I blinked tears out of my eyes, and they chased the blood that seeped from my nose and covered my lips..
10:41 <Lara_Black_Cat> "God... What's with your bitch face, it looks broken", I taunt you. I love to see your pretty face turned into bloody trash.
"Now I'm going to work on your boobs, whore" I kick with my heavy boots with thick soles in your tits.
13:45 <Aspenkicksass> “Fuck you!! Ugh!! … Bitch!!” Blood was splattered all over my mouth and chin. It dripped onto my palms, spilling out of my hands and onto my neck and small chest. I was still laid out on the hood when your thick boot came up and squashed my already small chest! I moaned in pain, grabbing at your boot and trying to rip it off. “Get your nasty boots off of me!!” I screamed, enraged.
14:03 <Lara_Black_Cat> I'm surprised you still don't beg me for mercy after such a beating. Well, I still have to work on it. "Who are you calling a bitch, you stupid cunt? I'll shut your fucking mouth, whore". I remove the boot from your bruised boobs, grab your feet and drag you off the hood to the ground. "I hope you didn't crush the hood with your fat ass bitch
14:07 <Aspenkicksass> Thankfully, you removed your thick boot from my petite chest, making it a little easier to breathe, even with hot blood threatening to suffocate me. My palms dragged along your hood, making a high pitched squeaking sound as I was pulled off the hood. I grunted loudly as my back smashed into the asphalt, leaving me coughing and groaning as little pieces of gravel dug into my back. I kicked my legs around, trying to get you to release them while my hands held my chest firmly.
14:11 <Lara_Black_Cat> I have to let go of your legs, but before that I kick between your legs. "Say goodbye to sex for the next week after this.
After that, I try to kneel in your stomach and sit on top of you. "Don't resist bitch, I'll kick your fat ass anyway."
14:33 <Aspenkicksass> My legs kicked free from your grip, but immediately squirmed when your boot came down between them. I moaned in serious discomfort, rolling side to side, only to be pinned down under your lower body. With a bloody face, beaten badly, I stared up at you, my mascara dripping down my cheeks. I whimpered and irrationally threw punches at you with no goal in mind other than to bust up your stupid! Bitch face!! My arms swung without control.
05:17 <Lara_Black_Cat> I sit on top of you, squeezing your sides with my thighs. "What happened, blondie? Are you not such a bold and arrogant bitch anymore?" I punch your face and your boobs. Feel how my fists press your small tits into the ribs and how blood squirts from your broken face. But you chaotically hit my body with your fists. A few punches to my stomach make me stop beating your face and boobs and roll off you to the side. I press one hand to my stomach and get to my feet.
09:17 <Aspenkicksass> After hitting my head and back on the pavement, I was in no position to fight back. The world spun around me as you mounted my body, and your taunts only mixed into the confusion going on in my head. Suddenly my face was fisted to the side. I groaned as my small breasts were smashed between your fist and my hard ribs. My lucky punches caught you one after the next! And slowly I recovered from the painful fall. I tried to press my advantage, pulling myself to my feet using your car. As soon as I was up, I spit out blood and gasped in fresh air. I was quite exhausted, but I was not going to let this bitch own me! I took a big step forward and sent my shoe flying upwards in the direction of your jaw.
09:36 <Lara_Black_Cat> The moment I stood up, your boot hits my jaw. My head jerks to the side and blood squirts from my mouth. I fall to the ground on my back. "Oh fuck... my face." I feel a throbbing pain in my jaw after the kick and i'm dizzy.
This change in the course of the fight frightens and angers me. "Stupid biblo blonde, you're going to pay for this," I hiss at you and crawl to the side and try to get up.
10:01 <Aspenkicksass> My kick smashed your face hard. Hard enough that I was rewarded with the delightful view of blood spilling out of your mouth. As soon as you hit the ground, I advanced. “Aww! Yeah!! That’s right bitch! It’s about time you had a taste of your own medicine!” I ran forwards after you, seeing red. I sent another kick towards your face, angling it horizontally at your nose while you were attempting to get to your feet.
10:59 <Lara_Black_Cat> I push off asphalt with my hands, get up on one knee to get up, but I don’t have time to do it. At this moment, your shoe breaks my nose. The kick knocks me back to the ground. I'm lying on my back, bleeding from a broken nose onto my cheeks, and I'm dizzy and very disoriented. "Ahhh... oh fuck, oh no."
10:09 <Aspenkicksass> Crack! My foot plastered your nose with a hard kick. I exacted my revenge upon you now! We were two bruised ladies with broken noses at the moment. The only difference was the blood on my mouth was dried up at this point. As soon as you fell to the ground, clearly looking out of it, I went to pounce on your body, immediately trying to pin your arms under my knees.
10:16 <Lara_Black_Cat> I can feel your knees pressing my feet into the ground and that brings me to my senses a little. Trying to free my hands, on your knees hold my hands firmly to the ground. "Grrr whore, let me go!!" I need to do something urgently, otherwise this blondie will finish me. I lift my right leg and knee you in the back. "I said get off me, you dirty whore!"
10:21 <Aspenkicksass> I smiled down at you, pressing my crotch against your neck while you bled heavily from your nose. My hands sat on my hips as I looked at you with arrogance. “Awww.. oh how the tables have turned bitch” when I finished my sentence, your knee struck my back, sending my upper body forwards. My stomach fell onto your face and I caught myself with my hands. “Ugh! Stubborn bitch!”
10:26 <Lara_Black_Cat> At this moment, I release my hands. "Hell yes, I have a chance to win again, this bitch won't kick my ass!" I think to myself. I slam my right fist into the side of your stomach, grab your top with my left hand and yank you to the side, trying to throw you off to the side.
10:32 <Aspenkicksass> Your arms squirmed free from under my knees, and I quickly tried to sit back down on your chest. I took a shot to the body, grunting loudly before having my black top ripped one way. I started to fall, but lifted my leg and tried to use it to pin the arm pulling me down, as well as to regain my balance.
10:39 <Lara_Black_Cat> My left hand is pressed to the ground again. "Ohhh, you fucking whore." I stop hitting you in the side of your stomach, put my right hand from below under your top and my sharp nails dig into your left boob. "Bitch, I'll fucking destroy your boobs"
10:42 <Aspenkicksass> I managed to trap your arm again, now only having to worry about your other hand which immediately slid under my top and attacked my small sensitive breasts. “Ow! OW! You fucking Bitch!!” I shouted grabbing your arm with one hand and trying to pull it free while my other hand balled into a fist and started pounding your cheekbone with punches. “Let go bitch!!”
10:49 <Lara_Black_Cat> I got too carried away destroying your boobs and missed a punch to my head.
Your fist hits hard on my cheekbone. The skin on my cheekbone is cut open and the blood splatters again on my face. It destroys my face even more. "Ahhhh!!! Fuck!!!" . I'm dizzy and disoriented again after that punch. My right hand releases your boob.
10:53 <Aspenkicksass> Once I felt the tension on my petite breast let up, I snatched your forearm and thrusted it into the asphalt, fully extending it right next to your ear. My battered stomach flexed as I stretched to pin both of your arms down. I sent two fists down into the same cheek as before with my dominant hand. Then I spat on your whorish face. “You are so fucking dead! Your car is mine bitch. Get ready to start a new life.”
11:03 <Lara_Black_Cat> My arms are completely blocked, I try to jerk my whole body to get free, but I get punched in the face again. It almost ends me, I'm still conscious, but in my eyes are cloudy, I'm too beaten up to resist. I lie under you almost motionless, only my legs in leather leggings twitch a little on the ground. "Ohhh... no..."
11:14 <Aspenkicksass> I could see by the look in your hazy eyes that this fight was over. I slapped you in the face, not hard enough to put you out of your misery, but just enough to spite you. I then crawled backwards, tearing open your clothing and forcing it off until you were left in your bra. I slapped your tits once before turning my body around and tangling up your poor neck in my strong thighs. I didn’t squeeze, instead just sitting my soft ass down right on your broken face.
11:23 <Lara_Black_Cat> I feel you slap my face painfully. "Ah Ah...." When you rip off the top of my clothes, leaving me in a bra and leather leggings. I can't resist it, I can only moan. My big boobs shake when you spank. The right boob falls out of the bra a little from this. "Aaahhh... no, stop! I'm giving up!" When your ass sits on my face, I feel total humiliation and helplessness.
00:41 <Aspenkicksass> I rubbed my ass in your face, swirling my hips in circles to give you the full experience of what it’s like to be under my perfect ass. “God.. why did YOU get blessed with big tits.” I groaned, slapping your tits again. “They’re so fucking fat!” I said, rolling my eyes before squeezing one aggressively in my hand.
01:27 <Lara_Black_Cat> I feel your ass rubbing against my face, it's extremely humiliating for me. Trying to turn my head a little to the side so I can breathe easier under your ass.
There are fresh bruises on my boobs from your spanking.
When you squeeze my boob, I moan in pain. "Aaaahhh... damn.... my boobs!! Don't touch my boobs bitch.. Oh no!!"
07:52 <Aspenkicksass> After grinding on your face for a few more seconds, rubbing my ass back and forth, I snapped my legs around your neck once more, forcing you into a reverse headscissors. My thighs bulged around your neck, and you received the perfect view of the body everybody wished they had. My soft, curvaceous cheeks flexed along with my thighs as I held myself up using my hands. I reached back with one hand, yanking your hair to stuff your face into my ass before using it for balance once more. “You’re fucking done bitch. I’ve had enough of you”
11:35 <Lara_Black_Cat> Your thighs are squeezing my neck and I can't breathe. "Aggghh... fuck..." I try to gasp for air, but it's not enough. Lights are slowly fading in my eyes. I make one last gasp through my shattered lips and the light in my eyes goes out. My body stops twitching, I'm knocked out.
12:23 <Aspenkicksass> Your squirms and desperate gasps made this fight soooo worth it. The dominant woman was owning the little black haired bitch. I smiled and squeezed harder, just showing you how powerful I can be. “Come on.. stay awake. Are you really that fucking pathetic? Are you going to sleep? I’ll fucking kill you” I threatened just as you passed out between my smooth legs. After you passed out, I tore off your bra, leaving your topless. I placed it on your eyes, giving you a pair of sunglasses to block out the sun beaming in your face, as well as to leave you with a silly tan line.
“You’re a fucking whore..” I taunted, spitting on your unconscious cheek. Then I went through your stuff, stealing your purse and keys. I hopped into your car and backed over your hand on the way out. “Good luck getting to the hospital bitch.” I taunted before zooming off.
12:56 <Lara_Black_Cat> After the fight, I remain unconscious for a long time on the dusty asphalt.
My face looks terrible. I have a broken nose, a black eye under my right eye, and blood on my lips and cheeks. My bare boobs are bruised.
An hour later, I wake up and the first thing I feel is pain in my face and boobs.
"Uhhh, fuck... What happened to me?"I am still disoriented and do not immediately understand what happened. But then I remember the fight against the blonde and I realize she kicked my ass. It's a shame for me.
Then I see that my car is missing. "Ohhh, this is complete fucked up ..." I hardly get up, put a bra on my bruised boobs and walk on cotton legs in the direction of my house. !
<Published> 2023-06-22, viewed 169 times.
2023-07-23 10:31Wow---really brutal. Nice writing by both girls!
2023-07-23 10:33(In reply to this)
Thank you!
Damon Dragoon
2023-06-23 18:25Great and brutal writing you two! Loved the story!
2023-06-23 22:16(In reply to this)
Thanks Dimitri 😋
Tempest (deleted member)
2023-06-22 19:25The only reason she has a BMW is because she can spell it. A good fight though
2023-06-22 19:29(In reply to this)
Lmao.. she better pay for the damage she did to my new car >:(
MeganFrost (deleted member)
2023-06-22 19:55(In reply to this)
She did pay- with her face :)
Loki sub of Foxy
2023-06-22 19:28(In reply to this)
LOL !!!!! Good one!!!
MeganFrost (deleted member)
2023-06-22 19:04Good match both of you, But Aspen, keep in mind that good ol friend karma hits back hard 🙂
2023-06-22 19:30(In reply to this)
Well so do I. Maybe I am Karma 💅🏻
2023-06-22 16:50Great match you two! Very well written.
2023-06-22 19:31(In reply to this)
Lara is an awesome rp partner!
Loki sub of Foxy
2023-06-22 11:24Well Lara will need her dark sunglasses, Aspen really whoop Lara, the ground is filled with a mix of blonde and black hair from vicious hairpulling. Congratulations Aspen.
2023-06-22 19:31(In reply to this)
Thank you. That bitch deserved it 🙄
Princess Kitty (deleted member)
2023-06-22 07:19omg Aspen really is tough !
2023-06-22 09:55(In reply to this)
😌💪 Darn right
Princess Kitty (deleted member)
2023-06-22 10:08(In reply to this)
looks at aspen in fear as i move back slowly then run away