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Established: 2022-09-21

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Kitty Vs Lilly In Bikini Beach Fight Over Iris

Princess Kitty (deleted member)

14:54 <weakkittyfights> I have created the public room #Kitty_Vs_Lilly_In_Beach_Fight.
14:55 <Lil_Lilly> Here I am
14:56 <weakkittyfights> ok
14:57 <weakkittyfights> the fight takes place on the beach when i come back from getting drinks for me and Iris and i see you kissing her and hugging her while making passes at her
14:58 <weakkittyfights> and i throw both of the drinks at you hitting your back
14:59 <weakkittyfights> as i yell WTF WHO ARE YOU SLUT ? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING ?
14:59 <weakkittyfights> im wearing >You are not logged in.
15:00 <weakkittyfights> 5 ft 5 118lbs
15:00 <weakkittyfights> yt
15:03 <Lil_Lilly> You are not logged in. I saw this sexy girl all along on the beach, and start flirting with her...hard! But just as things start to get interesting, some crazy bitch comes at me, tossing drinks at my back! "Who the hell are you supposed to be!?' I walk up to you and glare at you, 4'11" 90 lbs of pissed off beach bunny! yt
15:06 <weakkittyfights> i put my hands on my waist as i stand face to face with you as i look down into your eyes in a rage , I AM HER GIRLFRIEND AND SHE IS MINE WHORE ! TAKE YOUR SLUTTY BODY ELSEWHERE NOW !!!!! i reach out my hands to push you back on your shoulders yt
15:08 <Lil_Lilly> You are much bigger, and you try to bully me with your hard shove! I snarl in anger after staggering back and falling onto my ass in the sand. I rise up, and push at your chest hard, stepping into you to try and shove you right back..'Maybe she is tired of a nasty bitch like you, and wants someone fun!" yt
15:12 <weakkittyfights> you push me and i step back slightly as i stand my ground reaching out with both my hands grabbing your blonde hair as i roughly jerk your head around while my gf watches in excitement YOU BITCH SHE WOULD NEVER WANT A MIDGET LIKE YOU ! yt
15:14 <Lil_Lilly> OOHHH!! you jerk my head all around by the hair, making me look foolish in front of Iris! I gasp, and send a hair right closed fist punch aimed between your little tits, trying to make you stop pulling my hair like a catty bitch! 'Fuck you!!!!' yt
15:19 <weakkittyfights> AGGGH YOU BITCHHHH ! the sound of your fist is loud as it goes into my chest burning as i let go of your hair as i hold my chest with my left hand and send my right fist toward the left side of your head as i yell back FUCK YOU WHORE ! yt
15:21 <Lil_Lilly> I smirk and duck under that wild punch aimed at the side of my head, and I LEAP into a hard uppercut with my tight little right fist aimed under your chin!! "You are just a big bully that needs a lesson!" I try to use my speed against the bigger, stronger, out of control jealous slut!! yt
15:25 <weakkittyfights> my fist flies over your head as your fist moves fast going into my chin as my head tilts back and spit flies out of my mouth as i fly to the ground dazed on my back with blood dripping from the left side of my mouth as i hold my hurting chin looking up in a daze trying to get focused surprized by your fast strong punch as i breath hard and fast yt
15:27 <Lil_Lilly> You are too big and strong for me to go easy on you. I try to pounce on you as soon as you splay out on the sand. My bikini butt aimed at your belly to try and take some of your air, while my fists rain down toward your face and head--- left--right---left--right Wild punches come down as my butt bounces up and down on your upper belly and I can feel the eyes of your girl on me , exciting me more yt
15:31 <weakkittyfights> i panick and scream as you pounce on me and your fist coming down fast in my face as i turn my head left and right blood flying from my nose and mouth as i cover my face to prevent from getting knocked out as i feel very weary by your hard fast punches . My body twitches and squirms underneath yours as my feet kick up and down wildly as i move my hips around trying to get you off me as i scream GETTT OFF MEEE BITCHH GETTT OFFFFF yt
15:34 <Lil_Lilly> I ride your big body like you were a bucking bronco. My knees press against your sides to ride your thrashing, as I send a right fist at your throat...NNNN! then a left clubbing punch toward your mouth " You better be more careful who you pick a fight with, slut!" I want to shut you up as I know your girl is aroused seeing the fight,as I hear a little moan coming from her direction yt
15:39 <weakkittyfights> my eyes open wide as your fist goes in my throat and my arms uncover my face as i hold my throat coughing and gagging then feel your fist in my mouth asa i then turn my head to my right side as my mouth bleeds and i stick out my tongue coughing out blood as i hold my throat and my gf all excited watching intensely as my body trembles and shakes yt
15:42 <Lil_Lilly> I grab a hand full of sand as you choke and cough ,and I toss it right at your mouth to try and make you choke on it!! 'Fuck YOU!!' I say before standing up. I swing my right leg back, then forward, to try and use your head like a soccer ball with my bare footed kick yt
15:47 <weakkittyfights> the sand goes in my mouth as i cough trying to spit it out as your foot goes brutally across my head making my head turn to the right as blood flies from my face and i let out one sighful breath before my eyes roll back as the last thing i see is my gf in a blurr before it goes dark and i pass out cold and cum starts to flow from my bikini bottoms as my body lays spread out motionless yt
15:51 <Lil_Lilly> You are knocked out cold. I dig a nice, deep hole in the sand, and push your limp body into it. You are buried up to your neck tight in the sand, before I hold hands with your girl and we walk off the beach for a little fun back at your hotel room. You just got beat up, knocked out, and buried up to your neck on the beach by a girl half your size. AND your girl is going to pleasure the winner . ME! Rough day at the beach as the little beach bunny tops the beach kitty!!!
15:52 <weakkittyfights> You are not logged in.

<Published> 2023-07-18, viewed 69 times.
