Weapon Wars

Public Open

Established: 2023-05-26
Chat room: #Weapons_war

  • Weapons
  • Extreme violence
  • Blood
  • Broken bones
  • Death
A place for humans to fight humans with melee weapons.
64 members
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Gladiators Blood on the Sands - Darent vs Karla [DICE]


08:48 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !set Guard 10/25
@Karla_and_her_Gladiators's GUARD is set to 10 / 25

08:48 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !set HP 25
@Karla_and_her_Gladiators's HP is set to 25 / 25

08:50 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !set Guard 10/25
@Darent_the_Gladiator's GUARD is set to 10 / 25

08:50 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !set HP 25
@Darent_the_Gladiator's HP is set to 25 / 25

08:52 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> *announcers hail fanfares while the arena is prepared: a circle formed by numerous wooden stakes rammed into the ground so that they are facing inward.*
09:01 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I enter first into the arena, wielding my strong and sharp spear in one hand. I was wearing a small black cape, leather loincloth and leather boots with metallic spiked ends on the tip of the toes. I walk towards the middle and extend my arms to the sides as the crowd cheers in excitement. Then I go to my spot and wait for my opponent to show up, eager for this battle to the death yt
09:06 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> My grip tightens around the handle of my shield and short sword as I see my opponent strut into the arena and pose for the crowd. A -bull- of a man, powerful, muscular.. I spit out to my left after he finished his show and wiggle my way in between the wooden spikes as it is my turn. Once my sandaled feet touch the sand strewn over the ground I raise both sword and shield and shout wild "YAAAAA!! YAAAAA!" to excite the crowd and spike myself up for the upcoming battle. Aside from sword and shield I only wear sandales strapped to my lower legs and a gladiatrix skirt made from leather straps, weightend with brass at the ends. The leather strips and metal bracelets around my arms are just decoration. I turn and glare at my opponent, saluting out of a manners with a raised sword.. while waiting for the signal to start
09:06 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:09 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I lick my lips and watch you as you enter the arena, grinning and getting on guard, holding my weapon with both hands now. I slowly circle you around as we salute each other with a weapons rise. "Let the best gladiator win~" I say as the crowd keeps on cheering then a massive gong gets hit, making a loud sound that echoes all over the place and the fight starts!
09:09 <Darent_the_Gladiator> (heads or tails?)
09:10 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> (heads)
09:10 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !flip
Flip the coin.... tails!

09:12 <Darent_the_Gladiator> As the fight starts, I take a quick step forward to initiate the attack and go for a horizontal wipe with my spear, looking to unbalance your stance and slowly make an opening for some more vicious attacks
09:12 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚅ 6 + ⚃ 4 = 10 damage. GUARD down to 0.

09:14 <Darent_the_Gladiator> My spear strikes your shield, making you stumble sideways some, and that gives me the perfect opportunity to press the attack and with another swing of my spear, I go for a slashing attack aimed at your chest, looking to slice one of your tits right on the nipple~!
09:14 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack hp
My attack succeeds and does ⚃ 4 + ⚁ 2 = 6 damage. HP down to 19.

09:14 <Darent_the_Gladiator> yt
09:14 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> (they were on display right at the start, I wear only a skirt and sandales :P)
09:15 <Darent_the_Gladiator> (oh, let me edit then~)
09:18 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> As the gong is sounded you come at me quickly. Wielding the spear with both hands you swipe my shield aside before thrusting forwards with it while swinging it back the other way. I try to jump back to get out of the way, but I am not quick enough. The slashing opens skin and flesh beneath and sends little droplets of blood away that spray down on the sand and some even reach your arms. The wound bleeds, but is luckily not enough to hamper my movements... yet *mtc*
09:19 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> Turning sideways ways I bring my shield between us and give a smaller target for an attack
09:19 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !recover guard 1d8
You recover ☒ 3 damage. GUARD up to 3.

09:20 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> before stepping into you, shoving the shield forward and upward while swinging my sword from left to right under its edge.. hoping to get to close for your comfort and weapons use while using the blade to keep you from just ramming into me
09:20 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚂ 3 + ⚃ 4 = 7 damage. GUARD down to 3.

09:20 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:20 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:22 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I grin as I draw first blood and back away some, watching you get back into cover, then pay attention to your moves and as you step in, I do my best to hold my stance, using my spear in a vertical position to crash it into your shield, then as you swing your sword, you make me jump backwards, almost making an opening for your attacks, so I quickly get back into a more stable position, holding my weapon firmly before I go for a spear thrust attack, aiming at your chest with full force, knowing that you might block it but it'll make you stagger backwards as well "HYAAA!!"
09:22 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚀ 1 + ⚃ 4 = 5 damage. GUARD down to -2.

09:23 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !set Guard 0/25
@Karla_and_her_Gladiators's GUARD is set to 0 / 25

09:24 <Darent_the_Gladiator> Then as my attack succeeded, I follow you up and instead of going for another spear attack, I swing my right foot upwards really fast to try kick your gut, using the metallic point of my boot to both scramble your insides and maybe even pierce your skin some!
09:24 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack hp
My attack succeeds and does ⚅ 6 + ⚅ 6 = 12 damage. HP down to 7.

09:24 <Darent_the_Gladiator> yt
09:26 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> My shield parries your thrust and I move it upward and tilt it a little to the side to have the tip glance of rather then sending me stumbling.. but I misjudge your footwear for just being fancy. Being tall, towering above me a head or more, your legs have REACH and force. As you swing it up the sharp metal implement on its tip gets me low on the belly, just above the naval.. and guts its way up as the momentum carries your foot higher *mtc*
09:29 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> the kick alone would have been enough to have me stumble as the boot catches me under the start of my rip cage, but before it does the blade slices me up, cutting deep and have me gasp as the pain of my parting flesh sets in. As blood flows down as a small stream the metal tip hits the bone HARD. I can feel my whole rip cage as I stumble backward.. nearly gutted. Pure luck that you haven´t opened me up like a pig hanging head down at the butchery. I stumble while my blood now leads a small trail the way I recede from you *mtc*
09:29 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> I stumble away further, only trying to get shield and sword up. Only at the last moment I realize that there are stakes pointing at my back now.
09:29 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !recover guard 1d8
You recover ☒ 6 damage. GUARD up to 6.

09:30 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> ..and I try to step sideways.. wary of your next attack. My breath grows low, sweat perls on my forehead... I begin to fear that this might be my last fight...
09:30 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !recover guard 1d8
You recover ☒ 1 damage. GUARD up to 7.

09:30 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:32 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I grin as I watch you badly wounded, though I know that you're still as deadly as the moment you entered the arena, if not more, so I thread carefully and follow you with my spear on guard "Well well, there's nowhere to run~" I say as the crowd is cheering super hard. Everyone is just yelling "kill! kill! kill!" over and over as I get closer and closer, then as you're moving sideways, I try to close the gap between us and trap you between the wooden stakes and the tip of my spear with yet another thrusting attack, forcing you to deflect the impact and possibly make an opening
09:32 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack missed.

09:32 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack missed.

09:32 <Darent_the_Gladiator> (unlucky~)
09:32 <Darent_the_Gladiator> yt
09:35 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> You come at me again as the crowd shouts for you to take my life! Every step that takes you closer makes you seem larger.. more imposing.. more dangerous. I grip shield and sword tighter while my blood steadily trickles down to the ground, running over my body. I pant.. cannot take deep breath anymore. The you come at me.. but I use my sword instead of my shield, sending the spear tip away. Risky.. but the only way with the stakes in my back! You come at me again and again, and after I deflected another I throw my shield forward, edge towards you, in hope of hitting you against the chest or even upwards under the chin
09:35 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚄ 5 + ⚅ 6 = 11 damage. GUARD down to -8.

09:35 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !set guard 0/25
@Darent_the_Gladiator's GUARD is set to 0 / 25

09:36 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> only to open up your guard and give me a chance to escape the bad position. I slip away side ways, away from the stakes in my back.. but not without slashing for your side... the sands had enough of my blood, they shall have yours, too!
09:36 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !attack hp
My attack succeeds and does ⚄ 5 + ⚅ 6 = 11 damage. HP down to 14.

09:36 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:37 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I was getting confident and suddenly I was on the defensive now, getting a face full of shield that makes me back away a lot "Argh!" I shake my face from side to side, but that bash is enough for you to find an opening and as I try to follow you, I feel your steel on my body, making me growl in pain "NNGHHH!!" I back away even more and now it's me how's against the stakes. Our blood now mixing on the battle arena as we stare at each other with rage *mtc*
09:38 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I press the ground firmly and get back on guard as much as I can, looking at us while the crowd goes wild, this battle could end at any moment now!
09:38 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !recover guard 1d8
You recover ☒ 4 damage. GUARD up to 4.

09:39 <Darent_the_Gladiator> Then I go for a quick strike with my spear in diagonal from above to try trick you into covering up while I swing yet another nasty kick at your knee to try bring you down!
09:40 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚃ 4 + ⚀ 1 = 5 damage. GUARD down to 2.

09:40 <Darent_the_Gladiator> yt
09:43 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> Under the cacophony of the now roaring shouts of the excited crowd we continue our deadly dance, a little more even now as I took the lead from you and giving you my sword´s scarlet kiss, too. Never the less, you want to end what you started... but the same trick is not fooling me twice. As the spear makes me raise my shield to deflect it I step back quickly, now h aving the space for it.. even as it makes me giving up to you. And the choice was wise. Your vicious boot blade, still covered in my blood, comes up again. But it only hits thin air now. I get back to fighting stance...
09:43 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !recover guard 1d8
You recover ☒ 7 damage. GUARD up to 9.

09:44 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> before I lower the shield enough to thrust over it with my sword, like the soldiers of the Roman Legions due when fighting in formation... a thrust not mend to wound but to drive you BACK! Back towards the stakes. Back into a place where I can control you. Back to take control of the fight.. and become your slaughter instead of being slaughtered by you
09:44 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚃ 4 + ⚄ 5 = 9 damage. GUARD down to -5.

09:44 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:45 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !set guard 0/25
@Darent_the_Gladiator's GUARD is set to 0 / 25

09:47 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I grunt as I miss my mark and get back onto a defensive stance, only to wide open my eyes as you suddenly charge at me. I do my best to hold my ground but the combination of rage and adrenaline gives you the extra power to push me towards the edge of the arena as your shield and sword clash onto my spear with a loud CLANG!, my back almost reaching the wooden stakes "Ngh~!" I grunt as I feel death closer now but I quickly push with both hands forward back at you, trying to get some space to defend
09:47 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !recover guard 1d8
You recover ☒ 3 damage. GUARD up to 3.

09:48 <Darent_the_Gladiator> Then I go for another swing of my spear, this time going low, sweeping it at your ankles to either make you back away even more or trip you to the ground! "HYA!"
09:49 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack missed.

09:49 <Darent_the_Gladiator> yt
09:52 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> You shove me back, have me nearly jump as you use all your strength. The crowd ROARS up again as they witness your might. But I do not stumble and fall, despite my wounds yet I have to grit teeth hard as the forced movement tears at the edges of the wide slice you gave me. You see an opening and sickle for for ankles with the spear, but I pull the shield down hard and fast. The edge hits the shaft and the spear tip hits the sands in front of my feet instead. Instead of hitting you with the edge again, I turn to shove with the full side of the shield into you, putting my shoulder behind to add force, crying out loud as the pain cuts through the front of my body again and a little more blood is forced from me I grimace in pain and rage
09:52 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !attack guard
My attack missed.

09:53 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> ..only to achieve NOTHING! You stand strong, unimpressed by my smaller frame and what little power my wounded body can muster. I stab around the shield to get you, to make you move. My breath goes quick.. I am to close for comfort now.. to close with a BULL like you
09:53 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !attack guard
My attack missed.

09:53 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> yt
09:55 <Darent_the_Gladiator> Our bodies now clash against each other, both of us growling and screaming as the fight gets more and more vicious and intense, the crowd is loving this! We end up on a stalemate, none of us able to overpower each other just yet and we end up looking into each other's eyes very close as our weapons parry "GRRRRR!" Then I finally go for another kick at your body, mostly to force you to back away so I can deliver a killing strike
09:55 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack guard
My attack succeeds and does ⚄ 5 + ⚄ 5 = 10 damage. GUARD down to -1.

09:55 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> !set Guard 0/25
@Karla_and_her_Gladiators's GUARD is set to 0 / 25

09:56 <Darent_the_Gladiator> Then after the kick with the sole of my boot to your stomach, I lower my stance and charge at you with my spear in front, holding it as hard as I can with both hands, aiming for a heartseeker thrust. The blade cutting the air as it tries to find it's way to your chest!
09:56 <Darent_the_Gladiator> !attack hp
My attack succeeds and does ⚅ 6 + ⚄ 5 = 11 damage. HP down to -4.

09:56 <Darent_the_Gladiator> yt
10:01 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> I stab at you, but the shaft of your spear catches my thrust and sends the blade upward. What follows is quick.. and brutal. You push and make space between us, enough space for you to pull a knee up and kick with the heel at me. Even if I would have gotten my shield between us this powerful kick would have send me reeling. But you get me before I can move it between us, kick me right in the stomach and thereby against the long cut you gave me before. Blood sprays as the air leaves my lunges and pain seems to split me up again. Eyes wide, I do REEL backwards, guard wide open. I know, on an instinct level, that it was it even before you send the spear forward. The thrust is powerful, both hands at the shaft. The tip pushes into me and nearly through me! As the cold metal makes way between my rips it brushes them with the ends of the forward facing treeangle, sending pain through the bones before the muscle is pierced. The muscle that is my heart *mtc*
10:03 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> I glare at open eyes, the mouth a wide "O". I don´t look at your face, I don´t look down at my impaled chest. They are fixed somewhere over your upper arms and your chest.. but I do not realize what I see. The sudden stop of my heart, the pain in my chest, the weakness of my knees.. that is the last things I realize. Death comes in an instant and claims me gracefully quickly. As my knees give and my head begins to sink forward before lolling to the side as I fall, I am already dead. yt
10:05 <Darent_the_Gladiator> I keep my weapon like that for a moment as the crowd goes wild, cheering and throwing stuff into the arena, then I finally pull out and spin my weapon to clean the blood and small pieces of meat out of it. I watch your now lifeless body and give a respectful bow "Nice fight" Then I turn and leave the arena, one hand on my side as now the pain catches up to my brain and makes me grunt.
10:06 <Karla_and_her_Gladiators> -fin-

<Published> 2023-07-16, viewed 80 times.
