Yasmin And Valentin And Kittys Home
Established: 2023-10-05
Chat room: #Our_Backyard
- No holds barred
- Boxing
- Bareknuckle/fistfight
- Female / Female
- Catfight
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14:53 <Princess_Kitty> I have created the public room #Clara_Vs_My_Wifey_Babygirl_Yas.
14:54 <ClearlyClara> Hello there my little one
14:54 <ClearlyClara> And other little one ;P
14:55 <Princess_Kitty> hi baby
14:55 <Princess_Kitty> hi clara
14:55 <Babygirl_Yasmin> heyyy
14:55 <Princess_Kitty> Clara thinks she is stronger then you
14:56 <Princess_Kitty> i told her you are baby
14:56 <ClearlyClara> Correction, Clara knows she is.
14:56 <Princess_Kitty> well thats what we are here to find out
14:56 <ClearlyClara> 

14:56 <Princess_Kitty> i rub yasi's strong arm
14:56 <Babygirl_Yasmin>
14:57 <ClearlyClara> Bring it on little weakling ;)
14:57 <Babygirl_Yasmin> bitch you're the little one
14:57 <Princess_Kitty> Purrr strong body
14:57 <ClearlyClara> thats not what the kitty thinks ;)
14:58 <Princess_Kitty> Purrr my baby is sexy and strong
14:58 <ClearlyClara> And nothing compared to me ;)
14:59 <Princess_Kitty> my heart races as i check out both of your sexy strong bodies eager to see who is the strongest
15:00 <Princess_Kitty> i give yasicat a passionate deep tongue kiss then slap her ass for good luck
15:00 <Babygirl_Yasmin> mmmm
15:01 <Princess_Kitty> then give clara a kiss on her lips and a slap on her ass for good luck
15:01 <Babygirl_Yasmin> kisses as my booty jiggles side to side
15:01 <Princess_Kitty> and i move back watching in excitement
15:01 <Princess_Kitty> OKAY FIGHT UNTIL KNOCKOUT
15:01 <ClearlyClara> I give kitty a wink and slap her ass back as I crack my neck and wink at Yasmin "I'm taking you down little one" I say purring
15:01 <Babygirl_Yasmin> growls at kitty as she kisses clara making me jealous.......
15:01 <Princess_Kitty> THE BEST ONE LEFT STANDING
15:02 <Babygirl_Yasmin> .....I'm knocking you out bitch!!!!
15:02 <ClearlyClara> I giggle "Awww thats cute, maybe you can dream about that while you're drooling on the mat" I say sticking my tongue out and seductively licking my fingers
15:03 <Princess_Kitty> purrrrrrrrrrr
15:03 <Princess_Kitty> purrrrr
15:03 <Babygirl_Yasmin> as you stick your tongue out... my face red with anger as i run forward full speed with my fist out as i try to hit you right in the jaw with a right cross punch
15:04 <ClearlyClara> I smirk seeing your face red with anger as you run at me full speed and I bide my time to side step your righ corss, narrowly avoiding it as I try send send a super kick to your jaw while you whizz past me
15:05 <Princess_Kitty> GET HER BABY
15:05 <Princess_Kitty> WATCH OUT BABY
15:06 <Babygirl_Yasmin> as i whozz past you and i miss i snarl in rage as i get hit in the jaw with a kick and spin a full circle as i stumble on wobbly legs backwards into kitty my ass jiggling against her as i hold my jaw
15:07 <Princess_Kitty> WOWWW Clara you got her good ! i give Yasi a kiss and say COME ON BABY GET UP AND FIGHT as i push her up on her feet
15:07 <ClearlyClara> I smirk seeing you whizzz past and my kick rattles your jaw as you stumble toward kitty and are held up against her, with a snicker I lunge forward and snap my left foot forward in a viscous snap kick aimed right between your legs as Kittypushes you up
15:08 <Babygirl_Yasmin> i get pushed up dazed as you hit me with a cheap shot as i squeal and fall down to my knees holding my self between the legs
15:08 <Princess_Kitty> OMGG CLARA YOUR VICIOUS
15:09 <ClearlyClara> I laugh and wink at Kitty as I hear Yas squeal out and I dig my nails into her scalp and pull her head forward as I try to slam my knee right into the center of your face
15:09 <Princess_Kitty> i feel myself getting very moist between my thighs as i watch
15:10 <Babygirl_Yasmin> you slam your knee into my face as i fall back on my ass screaming out as i hold my nose as eyes get watery from getting hit in the nose
15:11 <ClearlyClara> I giggle hearing you scream out and seeing the tears in your eyes as your hands are at your nose I lift my foot up and stomp down right onto your pussy, grinding my heel in bbefore I lift my foot up to stomp yoru face viscously
15:13 <Babygirl_Yasmin> screams as you throw ANOTHER cheap shot then my face gets stomped as my body jiggles around as i roll to my side holding my face
15:14 <ClearlyClara> I kick you while you're on your side to force you on your back as I staraddle your chest, pinning your arms beneath my knees "Wow your'e such a weak bitch" I say with an evil smile as I start to rain down punch after punch to your face
15:16 <Babygirl_Yasmin> as you pin my arms down "CHEAP SHOT BITCH!!!" as you punch my face as it goes side to side my hair flopping around over my face each hit as i get dazed again
15:17 <Princess_Kitty> COME ON BABY FIGHT
15:17 <Princess_Kitty> OMGGGG NOOOOOOO
15:18 <Princess_Kitty> OMGGG BABY
15:18 <ClearlyClara> I just laugh and purr at Kitty "This is what you brought me?" I say giggling as I lean down and give Yas a light kiss before I start to jackhammer fist after fist into her face showing no mercy
15:19 <Babygirl_Yasmin> you kiss me as you bash my face around as my legs keep bouncing up and falling down as my eyes start rolling in my head barely to tell whats happening
15:19 <Princess_Kitty> NOOOO NOT HER PRETTY FACE !
15:20 <ClearlyClara> I give Kitty a wink hearing her please and I lean in to kiss Yas lips light and going back up I start smashing my elbows down on her temple and face again and again purring and laughing all the while
15:21 <Princess_Kitty> i watch as my baby is getting knocked out without mercy by by her strong rival
15:22 <Princess_Kitty> i feel cum running down my thighs as i watch
15:22 <Babygirl_Yasmin> getting smacked around as blood drips from my nose as i scream out "STOP STOP!!!" as i lightly squirm under you my face thrashing around
15:23 <ClearlyClara> I smirk hearing you scream out and I grab your throat with both hands, squeezing and choking as hard as I can as I lean dwon and lick some of your blood "Night night lil bitch"
15:24 <Babygirl_Yasmin> you grab my throat as my mouth opens with a silent scream as i kick my legs on the ground shaking my head grabbing your wrist
15:24 <Princess_Kitty> my heart beating fast as i watch in awe
15:24 <ClearlyClara> I dig my nails in with your mouth open and I spit into your mouth, squeezing harder as I just laugh and cackle "Weakk lil sluttt"
15:26 <Babygirl_Yasmin> as you squeeze my throat more my eyes roll back white as i pass out my limp hands fall to my sides as my kicking legs go limp
15:26 <ClearlyClara> I feel you go limp in my clutches and I look at kitty and purr, still squeezing and not letting up "You brought me that? I could kill her right now if I wanted" I say cackling out loud and still squeezing
15:28 <Princess_Kitty> i come to the fight as i pry your hands loose off my babys throat seeing her blue face and her sexy tongue stick out as she is out cold
15:29 <ClearlyClara> I keep holding on as Kitty pries my hand loose and i bregudingly let go and spit at little Yasmins face while laugh and stomping on her breasts
15:30 <Babygirl_Yasmin> my body jiggles around as i get kicked my tit pops out of my top as this bitches nasty spit is on my face
15:30 <Princess_Kitty> as clara moves back i give her mouth to mouth as i tongue kiss her deeply trying to revive my baby as i rub her between her thighs with my left hand
15:32 <Babygirl_Yasmin> limp with my tongue out as i get kissed deeply... no sign of life as your lips massage against mine as my body slightly twitches around as you touch my thigh
15:32 <Babygirl_Yasmin>
15:32 <ClearlyClara> "Now now Kitty I think I won" I say as I grab kittys hair to lift her to her feet and I stomp between Yasmins twitching thigh
15:33 <Princess_Kitty> i rub your warm clit as i continue kissing you
15:34 <Princess_Kitty> heyyyy you lift me up by my hair as you stomp between my babys thigh
15:35 <Babygirl_Yasmin> you get pulled off me as out saliva swapped falls on ym lips and chest
15:35 <Princess_Kitty> as i face you giving you my innocent kitty eyes look as i rub your strong arms dont hurt me you are the winner
15:35 <Princess_Kitty> i kiss your lips softly
15:36 <ClearlyClara> "Mmm goood girll" I say purring asd you rub my arms and kiss my lips and I stand over Yasmins stomach while I kiss you back
15:37 <Princess_Kitty> please let me care of her you proved your the strongest you are way too much for her
15:38 <ClearlyClara> I titl my head to the side and giggle walking over her tits and kitty and coming down to yo "Why would I do that? She's a loser little one"
15:39 <Princess_Kitty> she is my wifey and i love her regardless
15:41 <Princess_Kitty> i give clara a admiring look as i look her down from head to toe as im on my knees getting ready to revive yasi
15:42 <Princess_Kitty> i shake her gently WAKE UP BABY WAKE UPP
15:42 <ClearlyClara> I huff "if you insist little one" I grab her ankles and lift yasi legs up as I stomp on her kitty again and again to wake her up
15:42 <Princess_Kitty> then i again passionately and deeply kiss her as i rub her between her thighs
15:43 <Princess_Kitty> MOVE BACK NOW CLARA
15:43 <Babygirl_Yasmin> you shake me around as my boobs jiggle and you kiss me as i lightly groan out my eyeslids flickering... then im stomped again as i scream out into your mouth
15:43 <ClearlyClara> I giggle " see I helped out little one"
15:44 <Princess_Kitty> SORRY BABY i pull down your shorts and kitty lick you between your thighs to relieve the pain
15:45 <ClearlyClara> "Thats enough little one she's back awake -.-"
15:45 <Princess_Kitty> i know but if you did not stomp on her i would not have to relieve her pain
15:46 <Princess_Kitty> i try to help yasi to get up
15:47 <Princess_Kitty> as i then try lifting her struggling but manage to hold her over my arm as i take her from the backyard into our house and put her to bed
15:48 <Princess_Kitty> giving her another kiss on her lips and a body massage
<Published> 2023-10-11, viewed 57 times.
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