Yasmin And Valentin And Kittys Home
Established: 2023-10-05
Chat room: #Our_Backyard
- No holds barred
- Boxing
- Bareknuckle/fistfight
- Female / Female
- Catfight
26 members
5 stories
12 photos
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23:09 <Princess_Kitty> I have created the public room #2_Vs_2_fight.
23:10 <Sofia18> Hi
23:10 <Princess_Kitty> hello everybody
23:11 <Princess_Kitty> getting a 2 vs 2 fight is pretty hard to do
23:11 <Princess_Kitty> anyway meet my wifey Yasmin
23:11 <Babygirl_Yasmin> heyyy
23:11 <Princess_Kitty> Yasmin meet sofia and amber
23:11 <Amber_Devine> Hi ladies
23:11 <Sofia18> Hey all
23:12 <Princess_Kitty> me and yasmin are going to fight you and amber in a nhb fight
23:12 <Princess_Kitty> everything goes
23:12 <Sofia18> This is Kitty and Yasmin's mistake)
23:12 <Princess_Kitty> the last one standing wins it for the couple
23:13 <Babygirl_Yasmin> easy!
23:13 <Amber_Devine> You two are going to get hurt😈
23:13 <Princess_Kitty> I will mess you up this time Sofia
23:13 <Sofia18> Shut up, Kitty
23:13 <Princess_Kitty> and Yasmin will beat down Amber
23:14 <Amber_Devine> No problem honey
23:14 <Princess_Kitty> Yeah problem for you Amber lol
23:14 <Amber_Devine> Ha bring it on you little bitch
23:15 <Princess_Kitty> okay amber and yasmin want to start first ?
23:15 <Sofia18> Amber alone can beat you)
23:16 <Babygirl_Yasmin> walks out with my hands tapes up as i
23:16 <Babygirl_Yasmin> have my arms in front of me as i look over at amber "ready to get ko'd bitch???"
23:16 <Princess_Kitty> yasmin moves first then amber then me then sofia
23:16 <Princess_Kitty> sounds ok?
23:16 <Sofia18> Okay
23:17 <Babygirl_Yasmin>
23:17 <Princess_Kitty> yasi you can go first i kiss yasi on her lips KICK HER ASS BABY
23:17 <Sofia18> 

23:18 <Princess_Kitty> 5 ft 5 115 lbs 32b-24-34 23 yrs

23:18 <Babygirl_Yasmin> mmm
23:19 <Amber_Devine> I strike a confident pose, hands on hips, unimpressed with this little brat in front of me," youre
getting wrecked honey!"

23:21 <Princess_Kitty> okay baby start us off
23:21 <Princess_Kitty> everybody remember type yt when your finished
23:23 <Babygirl_Yasmin> walks with my hands taped up starting to get close to ambers face "you're going to sleep SOON!!" as i look over at Kitty making a kissy face with my lips
23:23 <Babygirl_Yasmin> yt
23:24 <Princess_Kitty> i think sofia has left i had a feeling that was going to happen but continue
23:24 <Princess_Kitty> oh she is back
23:24 <Princess_Kitty> carry on
23:24 <Sofia18> (Yes)
23:24 <Princess_Kitty> try to keep the fight moving
23:25 <Sofia18> Amber, I hope for you! Put that girl down.
23:26 <Amber_Devine> I look down at you, towering over you and flexing my biceps, hands taped up ready for war! "Ring the bell bitch!"
23:27 <Princess_Kitty> DINGGGG bell has been rung
23:27 <Babygirl_Yasmin> as the bell rings i rush forward throwing my right fist out as i try to snap it right into Amber's big mouth!
23:27 <Babygirl_Yasmin> yt
23:28 <Princess_Kitty> YEAH GET HER
23:29 <Amber_Devine> Not today hon, I block it easily and throw a left hand at your cheek with force in return yt
23:31 <Princess_Kitty> i raise up my taped fists looking down at sofia as i come close arching out my chest circling her then pretend to swing my left fist toward the right side of her head but then swing my right fist toward the left side of her head TAKE IT BITCHH
23:31 <Princess_Kitty> yt
23:32 <Princess_Kitty> sofia yt
23:32 <Sofia18> I see Kitty walking around me. I remember how I beat her and that success intoxicates me. I dodge his left-handed punch, but her right-handed punch throws my head the other way.
23:33 <Babygirl_Yasmin> my first gets blocked and i get hit in the cheek as i stumble backwards holding my hand up to my face as i shake my head around yt
23:34 <Princess_Kitty> omgg baby
23:34 <Amber_Devine> Not wasting anytime I move in, shoot a right hook at Yasmins chin yt
23:34 <Princess_Kitty> FIGHT BABY
23:35 <Sofia18> I was very angry that Kitty ruined my face. I run up and with all my strength I put an uppercut in the jaw with my right hand.
23:37 <Princess_Kitty> it was actually my move but its okay > i see her running up as i block her uppercut with my left arm taking it painfully as i then swing back toward your chin with my right fist yt
23:38 <Sofia18> (Sorry, I thought you used to go with your little message.)
23:38 <Babygirl_Yasmin> as you move in to shoot a hook at my chin i lean my head back and send a uppercut aimed at your jaw trying to crack it
23:38 <Babygirl_Yasmin> yt
23:38 <Princess_Kitty> no problem
23:39 <Princess_Kitty> YESSS GOOD MOVE BABY
23:39 <Amber_Devine> Owww a sharp punch rocks my jaw, staggering me back a step, grabbing my aching chin yt
23:39 <Princess_Kitty> YEAHH
23:40 <Princess_Kitty> FUCK HER UP BABY
23:40 <Princess_Kitty> you can go sofia since you moved last time
23:40 <Princess_Kitty> yt
23:40 <Sofia18> (My move?)
23:41 <Princess_Kitty> yes
23:42 <Sofia18> You block my uppercut and your punch lands on my chin. My head recoils and my chin crunches. I'm scared to look at you, whom I used to beat. I conduct a deceptive tactic and apply a light jab with my left hand, but a strong uppercut with my right.
23:45 <Princess_Kitty> i try to block your left with my right arm but your right fist makes a loud noise as it goes in my chin as saliva flies out my mouth as i fly to the ground dazed on my back yt
23:46 <Babygirl_Yasmin> I rush forward and try to throw a big uppercut aimed at your belly as i hear somebody fall and look back "BABY!!!!! ARE YOU OK???" as i scream out worried
23:46 <Babygirl_Yasmin> yt
23:47 <Sofia18> Yasmin, now it's time to break Kitty.
23:48 <Amber_Devine> I take advantage of your distraction Yasmin, dodgong that attack wrapping my arm around your neck in a sleeper hold when I rush you turn your back... yt
23:48 <Sofia18> "Well, Kitty? Good start, huh?" I take you by the armpit with one hand and lead you to the corner of the ring, and with the other hand I hit you in the nose.
23:51 <Princess_Kitty> i get dragged to the corner as your fist goes into my nose burning in pain as blood flows from my nose i cover my nose with my right hand as i yell yt
23:51 <Sofia18> Shut up, Kitty.
23:52 <Babygirl_Yasmin> my mouth opens wide as you sleeperhold me from the back as i grip your arms around my neck and fall back into you gasping for air
23:52 <Babygirl_Yasmin> yt
23:53 <Amber_Devine> I have the hold locked in tight, pulling you up off thr ground as I squeeze your neck cut off your air supply, whipping your helpless body about yt
23:54 <Sofia18> I'm attaching your body to the corner of the ring. Then, with quick and strong blows, I begin to break your face, hitting your nose, chin and temples.
00:00 <Princess_Kitty> i cant recover as you force me in my corner attached against the rail as your fists brutally goes into my face as my arms are holding me up on the ropes while you brutally attack me as my head tilts back with your fist in my bloody burning nose making bood fly all over and in my chin as my head is tilt back moments before passing out as you then hit me in my temple as my eyes roll back and cum flows down my thighs as i go limp in my corner yt
00:01 <Babygirl_Yasmin> your choke gets tighter as you thrash my body from side to side i fall to my ass as my head leans back on your chest with my tongue out my mouth as i start to twitch with some drool coming from my lips
00:01 <Sofia18> Kitty's lying down to rest, girls.
00:01 <Babygirl_Yasmin>
00:03 <Amber_Devine> Night night cunt, I casually toss you aside and plant my foot on your chest as you lie there, taunting what a weak bunch of mouthy bitches yt
00:04 <Princess_Kitty> my limp body hangs up on the ropes as im out cold yt
00:04 <Sofia18> "Sorry Kitty, you couldn't get revenge again this time." I kick you in the chest again with my foot and leave you lying in this state.
00:05 <Princess_Kitty> your kick makes my hanging body fall off the ropes and i land face down
00:05 <Princess_Kitty> yt
00:05 <Sofia18> "Well, Amber, this is our victory!"
00:06 <Amber_Devine> Not much of a challenge, but we should definitely hook up again, taking out jobber trash with you is fun
<Published> 2023-10-19, viewed 0 times.
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