CAnnot create a story from a room transcript

Mai M

2023-10-11 16:50

Same issue using mobile or pc or creat new story and choosing room


2023-10-11 04:38

The same issue, using a PC to create it but does not load anything later than a day from the room.

Zack Davis

2023-10-11 00:09

Same, can't load a transcript for editing. Nothing. Nada. Stories will begin eroding due to the 30 day limit, and still they sit.

Spanked Angie

2023-10-10 09:19

I have same issue.
I can't load chat log when I try to publish a story.

Helen The Redhead Redmann

2023-10-09 12:22

Story Logs will not load from a transcript. Can't create a story from the room.