Post dissapeared

The Tech

2023-11-21 16:34

We apologize for the issues. Please let us know if this happens again.

Zack Davis

2023-11-22 10:09

(In reply to this)

Can the posts be retrieved??

Bobby Boy (deleted member)

2023-11-21 20:16

(In reply to this)

Does this mean the posts are gone permanently?

Luna the fiery boxer

2023-11-21 16:37

(In reply to this)

no way to fix this ?


2023-11-21 12:32

same issue for me too

Ava scissors

2023-11-21 07:20

Hello .. same issue for me too.. in multiple chats and rooms...


2023-11-21 00:02

Hello, a lot of posts from today and a few days before just dissapeared in a private room #The_double_trial, other people are saying it happened to them in private rooms and private messages too. Is there any way this could be fixed and we could get back our messages?

Thanks in advance