Simplified MMA Rules

Aine - Star of County Down (deleted member)

2020-06-05 15:51

Many people have contributed to these rules, I have re-written and simplified and inlclude new commands:
!set hp
OFFENSIVE COMMANDS: !punch, !kick, !attack (any type of attack), !hold (for submission holds and ground & pound mounts), !damage
!recover = recovers hit points
HIT POINTS - A fighter starts a bout with hit points.
ENDING - A fighter with zero hit points or less is KO or submitted.
ATTACKS - Two attacks/actions per turn.
POSITION – Each fighter is either on the canvas, standing or moving between the two in each turn. A fighter can move automatically from the canvas to standing each turn, unless they are in a submission hold or trapped in a ground and pound attack. A fighter moving from the canvas to standing (or vice versa) cannot attack in that turn. A fighter who is on the canvas cannot attack a fighter who is standing.
FUMBLE – If you miss all of your attacks in a turn you have FUMBLED. Fighters who have fumbled may receive a 3 punch/kick/attack combination from their opponent.
CRITICAL HITS – A score of 11 or 12 from !punch or !kick or !attack is a critical hit which causes additional damage (!damage). Any attack using any of the 3 attack commands can cause a critical hit, and the attacker can use !damage (x1). Damage resulting from a THROW can cause a CRITICAL HIT but is not a potential KO as with a !punch or !kick. With !punch and !kick a CRITICAL HIT knocks the opponent to the canvass and must use !escape to get up (three chances allowed). A fighter does not get to attack on the same turn that they take a critical hit.
DOUBLE CRITICAL HIT - A double 12 on the same turn is automatic KO.
THROWS – Use the !attack command to throw/trip your opponent to the canvass. You may choose to follow them to the canvass or stay standing.
A fighter may try for a SUBMISSION HOLD or GROUND & POUND attack after placing their opponent on the canvass (provided they don’t exceed two offensive moves) using !hold command. The defending fighter must escape their predicament using !escape command. If they fail to escape, the attacker can do !punch (x3) for ground and pound attacks or !damage (x2) for submission holds until the defender escapes.
ESCAPING - Escaping a SUBMISSION HOLD or GROUND & POUND requires !escape command.
CLINCHING - A fighter can opt to CLINCH in a round instead of attack whether standing or on the canvas. A CLINCH succeeds automatically in any turn unless a fighter is caught in a SUBMISSION HOLD or GROUND & POUND. A fighter initiating a CLINCH recovers hit points for each turn the CLINCH continues using !recover (x1). The fighter receiving the CLINCH must break free using !escape.
ROUNDS (optional) - Rounds are typically 15 turns each. At the end of a round each fighter recovers hit points using !recover (x2).
DISPUTES - Any disputes on the correct application of the rules are settled by a coin toss.
JUDGES DECISION – In the event an organized fight ends without a KO or submission, then the winner will be fighter with highest score.