Time zones

The Tech

2020-06-03 20:16

I can confirm this feature, but not a timeline when it will be implemented yet.

Aine - Star of County Down (deleted member)

2020-06-05 13:26

(In reply to this)

Hi Tech,
One more request and then I promise to stop thinking (which is not difficult for me!). For fights with rounds, we are always trying to count the number of turns, with either 10 or 15 turns per fighter constituting a round. I find I hate having to keep track of turns, its better to focus on fighting. So would it be possible to have a command......!set yt 10.....which would set the number of turns you get to 10 or 15 or whatever is agreed. THe number of turns then appears at the top under the hit points bar. Then at the end of your turn, you do the command....!yt and the system deducts one turn from your turns. Everyone can then see the turns left in a round at the top of the page. Thanks for considering this.

Aine - Star of County Down (deleted member)

2020-06-03 20:31

(In reply to this)

Thank you so much, I think it will be a useful feature!

BoxingBob (deleted member)

2020-06-03 07:55

This is a good idea and very useful.

Aine - Star of County Down (deleted member)

2020-06-01 15:30

Hi Tech,
I am constantly asking people what time zone they are on so we can arrange times for fights. The Boxing Mafia on discord facilitate this by using eastern time in the USA as a reference, so if you are on eastern time, the code is ET. If you are in London, it is ET+5 (5 hours ahead), or on USA central time, it is ET-1 (1 hour earlier). You could actually use GMT time as the reference, so eastern time in uSA would be GMT-5, while the time in France is GMT+1 etc. No matter, what the reference zone is.
It would be so nice to have this so we would all know what time we are on. You could have a drop down menu of zones, and then this could appear on each fighters page, like their age, height etc.....
Thanks for considering this request.