The KO'd Chronicles (Book)
- 2024-09-24
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Honeybee
- 19
- 19
- 206
- 15843
- Story of Week 39, 2024
Maria invites and challenges Suzume to a match at The Crimson Lounge. What ensues is a bloody, brutal battle with an unexpected ending. Read more...
- 2024-09-05
A letter of love and longing
- 0
- 0
- 5
- 928
- 2024-06-21
Second Date and a Big Secret Exposed
- 2
- 1
- 66
- 484
The third story in my small series. Maria looks for Rylka to talk about another date, but finds out something huge about Rylka who, for all her bad assery, shows some vulnerability Read more...
- 2024-06-21
First Date...A Success??
- 3
- 2
- 61
- 569
The second story in my small series
- 2024-06-21
The White Wolf Meets a Mighty Mouse
- 4
- 5
- 62
- 1381
A small series of stories from my head, simply intended to give readers something to enjoy Read more...
- 2024-06-04
- 2
- 1
- 160
- 3158
Maso Boxer Maria
Maxine Williams
Stacy S
Some people took issue with Maxine's suddenly hot fiery win streak hitting six. Maria steps up to end it. She can, right? Read more...
- 2024-05-26
A Date at starBOX!! [Part 2]
- 5
- 11
- 115
- 11479
Maso Boxer Maria
Violet Wilson
Vi finally works up the courage or order the StarBox special and face her favorite barista, her crush inside of the ring...How will the story of these two unfold? Read more...
- 2024-05-26
A Date at starBOX!! [Part 1]
- 5
- 3
- 96
- 16936
Maso Boxer Maria
Violet Wilson
Vi finally works up the courage or order the StarBox special and face her favorite barista, her crush inside of the ring...How will the story of these two unfold? Read more...
- 2024-05-03
- 9
- 11
- 216
- 10350
- Story of Week 18, 2024
Jessica Blackheart
Maso Boxer Maria
Maria decides to welcome the new girl by introducing her to her gloves in the ring. What happens next is a brutal, fiery introduction to each other as well as a budding rivalry and friendship. Read more...
- 2024-04-27
Roxy Vs Maria rematch
- 10
- 6
- 194
- 15201
- Story of Week 17, 2024
Anastasia the Dominant
Maso Boxer Maria
10 rounds max to a ko finish
- 2024-04-26
Stories of the Blackrock Prison: Maria's Battle for Freedom!
- 12
- 5
- 144
- 5654
Alicia Warlock
Maso Boxer Maria
Maria is forced to face off against Blackrock prison's notorious reaper, so she may fight to earn her freedom! Will she succeed or will she die trying? Read more...
- 2024-04-09
Edelgard versus Maria - An Empress versus a Mere Commoner
- 4
- 9
- 115
- 10011
Edelgard von Hresvelg
Maso Boxer Maria
Conflicting beliefs lead The Empress to clash with a lowborn in a private ring within the Imperial Palace. Should Edelgard lose, she will spend a week within a town inside The Empire and a week in a town outside the borders, doing the jobs they do, eating the food they do, and even sleeping where they do. If Maria loses, she'll be forced into slavery - a fate that many who go against The Empire suffer. Read more...
- 2024-02-11
A Dark Reflection of The Soul
- 12
- 15
- 112
- 1239
In a dark alley, Maria is confronted by a mysterious woman who seems to know her better than she knows herself Read more...
- 2024-02-04
The Fight Box - First Round Matchup - Maria vs Helen
- 7
- 10
- 130
- 7896
Helen The Redhead Redmann
Maso Boxer Maria
In the prelims of the First Fight Box Tournament, it's Maria, The KOdboxer Babe vs. Helen, The Redhead, Redmann Read more...
- 2024-01-26
Tammy-nated in the Boxing Ring!!!
- 1
- 1
- 109
- 4535
Tammy Fay
Maso Boxer Maria
Maria and Tammy square off in the boxing ring to see which is best. Lots of woman to woman boxing action with a KO finish. Who takes the nap? Read more...
- 2024-01-11
A Test of True (G) Love
- 3
- 0
- 124
- 8601
Married bliss has it's moments, but when these two lovers are forced to box with the world title in the balance, the friction caused, creates one hell of a back and forth see saw match. Read more...
- 2023-03-10
Boxing match 2
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1308
- 2023-02-25
Honeymoon boxing
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 1359
- 2022-10-30
A Shy Boy's Fantasy: First Time in the Ring
- 2
- 2
- 295
- 4586
A young man stumbles across a woman's boxing club, only to witness someone he recognizes from down the street in a brutal erotic match. After gathering the courage to ask her about it, he learns that she's far more outgoing than he could have imagined. Read more...
- 2022-06-20
Lilla and the KOdboxerbabe
- 3
- 4
- 212
- 4695
A back-and-forth boxing match that ends in a devastating knockout. Who was knocked out and who did the 'knockin'? read and see Read more...
- 2022-04-16
The spectator sport
- 5
- 2
- 163
- 3872
watching on from the front rows how will the match unfold to delight the crowds Read more...
- 2022-03-19
hiring a maid... a sexy boxing match
- 4
- 4
- 177
- 4443
Louise Heaven
Maso Boxer Maria
the prestigious mansion of Maria is quite big for the madam... so she want to hire a new maid, and Louise seems to be perfect for the job... But Maria want a special test to the busty maid, a test who need a ring and boxing gloves Read more...
- 2022-03-02
Hawaiianpunchprincessa vs koedboxerbabe
- 1
- 0
- 142
- 1087
- 2022-02-28
KO'd the KOd Babe
- 5
- 3
- 236
- 1502