The Warrior Wives (Book)
The warrior wives follows various women as they fight in different styles and scenarios. The stories are told from the viewpoint of different characters.
- 2020-04-14
Warrior Wives, Episode 5: Maddie Versus The Other Mistress
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- 1413
Three infidelity prone individuals meet in a cabin after Maddie learns of another mistress that is entertaining her paramour. The two women battle it out in the nude for the rights to the married man. The winner gets the spoils and the loser must endure the spectacle before leaving the man forever. Read more...
- 2020-04-13
Warrior Wives, Episode 4: Jaime Battles the Bitch
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- 115
- 2547
Jaime takes on one of her most hated rivals- her sister in law, Jessica Corlett. The battle of the two big blondes in Jaime's bedroom ends with one woman conquered and watching the victor enjoy the spoils. Read more...
- 2020-04-13
Warrior Wives, Episode 3: Frenemies
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Kaya Randolph
Jamie Marshall
Jim Marshall
Jaime and Kaya square off for the first time against one another in the ring at the Cock and Kitty. Read more...
- 2020-04-13
The Wife Wars Episode 2: Selena and the Shadow
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- 1405
Jaime Marshall's best friend, Selena, steps into the ring at the Cock and Kitty for her first fight for money against an ebony warrior who is her physical equal. Read more...
- 2019-11-13
The Wife Wars: Episode 1: Jaime Marshall vs Bianca Vargas
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- 126
- 1963
Jaime and Bianca cross claws in a "No Tell" Motel in front of their husbands to see who the superior woman is. Read more...