Aria S

23-year-old Human female



  • Arms17
  • Chest17
  • Abs18
  • Legs18
  • Ass17


  • Height5'9"
  • Biceps13"
  • Chest37"
  • Waist28"
  • Thigh17"

Domination is the goal ;) but if you earn it I don't mind being on the losing end


- Note: This is not me in real life.

Let's start off with an intro, shall we? My name is Aria! I'm originally from Venezuela but I live in the City of Angels in the USA today. I have African and Latin ancestry, mixed with a little bit of Polynesian.

My favorite match type has to be erotic submission wrestling but I'm open to all other wrestling styles, and maaaaybe sometimes striking styles, but rarely.

As for what I look for in a match, it's domination. Sure, I might not crush everybody all the time, and I'm sure as hell not gonna be crushed all the time, but at the end of the match it should be clear that one of the fighters is superior to the other, whether sexually, physically, or both. That doesn't mean I'm not okay with losing- and fun is always the first priority- but this is how I like my matches to end.

If that sounds fun to you, then hmu!

Last login: 2023-04-10
Start of membership: 2023-03-15

This character's local time is 19:02
Time zone: [UTC-7]
