Ashley J

19-year-old Human female

Fighter Punchee


  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs4
  • Ass3


  • Height5'7"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh17"

18, loves to fist fight anyone. Has a short temper, but isn’t the best fighter. Gets humiliated easy. Ticklish.

Weight: 141 lbs
Body type: Slim
Gear: Normal clothing, rip and strip to see less


18, hot headed, weak, and ticklish. A bad combo right? I’ll give you a run for your money.
Weakness- touching me in my.. you know; ticklish; humiliated easy.

Last login: 2024-08-18
Start of membership: 2021-04-13

This character's local time is 20:38
Time zone: [UTC-5]
