
35-year-old Human female

Fighter Jobber Squeezer Squeezetoy


  • Arms8
  • Chest7
  • Abs5
  • Legs8
  • Ass6


  • Height5'9"
  • Biceps15"
  • Chest39"
  • Waist35"
  • Thigh19"

Come on, don’t be shy!

100% gay
80% top
80% dominant


Why, hello there newest stranger to my little corner, make yourself comfortable while you can- because sooner or later, you’re gonna find some utter discomfort when my arms are continuously coiling even tighter and tighter around your body, and your breaths get shorter and eyes start feeling heavy- all the while I enjoy the sight of your ragdolling body.

It sounds like a grand old time, right? The two of us putting our bodies, skills, and wits to combat ourselves in finding who is the better amongst the two of us. Let’s step between the ropes, locking ourselves in one of apartments/bedrooms, poolsides, beaches, private rooms of a club, let’s get out in the world and brawl until one of us wins.

I have no problem doing any sort of predetermined matches, me kicking your jobber ass, you kicking my ass, me just picking you up right into a nice and tight squeezeful hug. So, wanna create, well, creative scenes with those type of presets, let’s do it!

Of course, just because I adore the bearhug more than most, I have plenty of other ways to hurt ya in a fight, be it punches, kicks, slams, scissors, sleeperholds, kneebars, ankle locks, you get the pattern- so don’t underestimate me thinking I’m one dimensional!

I am a sexual woman by nature, so I’m going to take my spoils when I win, so if you don’t like that being the ending, and only like the sport side of this little shindig, tell me, I don’t wanna hurt any boundaries!

Guys, I'm open to fighting some of you because quite frankly, some of you are hot! But if we do, I'd prefer one of us being turned into goo in the other's bearhug. So if you're ever feeling extra submissive or extra dominant, do hit met up!

I guess this is all for now, I’ll surely add more the more I explore and interact around here, hope to squeeze you soon!

Last login: 2025-03-07
Start of membership: 2021-04-11

This character's local time is 21:30
Time zone: [UTC-4]



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