Trigger warning
- Arms7
- Chest7
- Abs5
- Legs12
- Ass15
- Height5'3"
- Biceps10"
- Chest31"
- Waist30"
- Thigh17"
A role playing erotic fighter with something for everyone.
Body type: Normal
Gear: Starting in whatever the scene needs but ending naked!
Hey y'all! It's me Haley Hawk.. also known as Historical Haley! They call me that because of my penchant for playing versions of myself that could have appeared at different times and places in history.. or the future, or in fantasy.
You wanna tussle with a pirate queen? I can do that! Need to grapple with a Gladiatrix? I've been one... Police officer- yup. Criminal- of course. Pro wrestler? Boxer? Intergalactic bounty hunter? Check, check and check. And if you don't see one of my ancestors that plays that role you're lookin' for, give me a minute and I'll find her! And then, there's the other roles- I can be a mistress, I bitchy coworker, a neighborhood bully, etc. I love these roles as well (That said, I'm not gonna play specific people like Mrs. Wallace your neighbor four doors down, married to Peter and mother of 4, etc.).
***So, I have decided that I will be adding the weight, age or anything else that is quite a bit different than my regular stat to the pic of that "personality". This should make it easier for you to find a character that is closer to a size/age/whatever that you are looking for. Also, I usually have multiple versions of most of these characters saved. Like if you like Policewoman Haley, but she is the wrong size/age/etc., I probably have one saved that might fit what you're looking for. Hopefully this is helpful. ***
The first thing you need to know about me and all of the other historical Haleys is that we have the same personality. Just chat with me for a bit and you'll figure out if we are your kind of people. They will all have a different flavor, but will all definitely still be me.. and whatever mood I happen to be in.
The second thing is that I am almost exclusively a "post whenever you get the chance" cyber fighter. Most likely I'll never get through a whole match in one sitting. If you're cool with that, we can probably have some fun.
Third, all of my fights are gonna be erotic- catfights that get very sexual and will result in one or more orgasms are my thing. Sexfights and other styles resulting in orgasms are also in the table. Overly rough and violent styles that have death or serious injuries are a "NO", as are overly technical styles.
The fourth of the fun facts about Haley that you need to know is that I really LOVE men... fighting for them, having them fight for me, watching them, refereeing for them, having them watch me, etc. That said, I don't under any circumstances physically fight men. I am pondering ways that I can play with you but I haven't quite worked it out yet.
And the last thing you need to know is that I am, first and foremost, a role player. I'm not gonna be the girl that wants to play in some kind of competitive chatfighters chess match championship, no ma'am. I'm the girl you call when you want to have a fun story. I enjoy winning and losing equally... as long as it's consensual. By that, I mean I do "open ended" posts and expect you do the same. If you're gonna cyber with things like "I hit you in the face." The. I'm gonna ghost your ass.
And if you've made it through all of that, feel free to chat me up, DM me, send a carrier pigeon, use smoke signals, telepathy, or whatever. Unless I'm too busy being awesome in real life or something, I will try to answer eventually. And while you're here, feel free to peruse my gallery and check out some of my ancestors/alternate personalities or whatever we want to call them.
And for a quick reference guide to all things Haley:
Fight styles:
Erotic Catfights-
My favorite almost always up for this. We give into our primal, feral instincts We are driven by our hate, jealousy or need to prove ourselves against the other... but we can't deny our sexual urges and know that there's no more feminine way to establish our dominance over the other woman than proving we are both the physical as well as the sexual alpha.
Pretty much always up for this as well. I want these to be raging, hate filled, emotion driven fights until one of us begs for mercy or has to admit that the other is superior.
Probably always gonna be a yes with this, just understand that for me, this doesn't mean cyber sex. I don't want any affection involved. I want us to battle for sexual supremacy until one of us has to blissfully or hatefully admit the other woman is better.
Boxing/MMA/Pro wrestling-
Usually too technical for my taste, but if I'm in the mood, I might do it. Plus, I am not a fan of being punched in the face.
Favorite finishes-
I love verbal submissions or forcing the loser to admit her inferiority or the superiority of the winner. These can also include forced admissions of anything "stakes" related or story related as well.
Pins/knockouts/sleepers/ submissions from pain moves- I like them, just not as much.
Submissions via joint locks, etc.-
Not a fan.
I'm sure I'll think of more and add it later.
Last login: 2024-08-20
Start of membership: 2024-03-27
Time zone: [UTC-5]