Mary Clarison

19-year-old Human female

Fighter Trainee


  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs4
  • Ass3


  • Height5'5"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh17"

yeah.. i also wrestle

Weight: 118 lbs
Body type: Slim
Gear: Blue one piece with "herth" windows clevage


When i was younger i had low self-esteem and was bleakly pessimistic. I actively avoided most people as I feared that my presence bring them misfortune...

But this time hads past and now i'm here to kick some ass ! Thanks to wrestling i'm now confident and determinated.. And i want to prove it ! So bring it !

Last login: 2022-01-22
Start of membership: 2022-01-11

This character's local time is 11:18
Time zone: [UTC+2]
