
30-year-old Human male

Fighter Heel Face


  • Arms20
  • Chest20
  • Abs20
  • Legs19
  • Ass19
  • Cock19


  • Height6'0"
  • Biceps31"
  • Chest66"
  • Waist51"
  • Thigh36"
  • Cock7"

The Colossal

56% straight
64% top
66% dominant


Hey there everyone. A pleasure to meet you and be part of this site. I bet it is a lot of fun and got many things someone can learn here. Treat me with respect and you will be treated with respect as well that is what matter here to enjoy our time here and have fun. Roleplayed a lot so not my first time doing story or fighting at all.

Match style: I have done pretty much all styles so feel free to ask me about style you wanna do togrther.

Story/Plot style: I can do both modern one or fantasy ones. Slice of life or medieval scenes. Just ask me and we can see what we will do.

Last login: yesterday
Start of membership: 2023-08-26

This character's local time is 07:18
Time zone: [UTC+2]



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