Taylor McIntyre

25-year-old Human female

Jobber Trainee Squeezetoy


  • Arms5
  • Chest5
  • Abs3
  • Legs6
  • Ass6


  • Height5'7"
  • Biceps10"
  • Chest31"
  • Waist30"
  • Thigh20"

A perky and enthusiastic wrestler!

Weight: 141 lbs
Body type: Slim
Gear: A vinyl one-piece, boots and elbow pads


Although born, raised and trained in America, Taylor was scouted by a pro-wrestling league in Japan. She has done fairly well for herself here, though hasn’t won any titles. Despite having a lot of experience and techniques as a result of learning from two different countries, she lacks the strength or endurance needed to be able to go against the more formidable opponents that hold the titles

Last login: 2024-07-08
Start of membership: 2024-06-03

This character's local time is 03:44
Time zone: [UTC+1]

