
25-year-old Human male

Fighter Puncher


  • Arms20
  • Chest20
  • Abs20
  • Legs20
  • Ass15
  • Cock20


  • Height6'2"
  • Biceps31"
  • Chest71"
  • Waist55"
  • Thigh39"
  • Cock9"

A guy who's impossible to beat once he enters the zone.

Weight: 192 lbs
Body type: Normal
Gear: Some boxing shorts , gloves and a headband (for style).


He's definitely not someone to mess around with. He is really friendly and nice at first but as soon as he enters the battlefield , he turns into a total savage. A beast who cannot be stopped no matter what you put forth against him.

Last login: 2023-01-17
Start of membership: 2022-08-14

This character's local time is 05:54
Time zone: [UTC+6:30]
