14:21 <Nathan_gingerbread_weaks> They seek him here they seek him there
14:21 <Nathan_gingerbread_weaks> But i can get in anywhere
10:20 <Nathan_gingerbread> You cant catch me i am the gingerbread man
01:12 <Nathan_gingerbread> Run after me as fast as you can
17:07 <Nathan_gingerbread> Along came a fox who Wanted a treat
17:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> The gingerbread man he wanted to meet.
23:23 <Nathan_gingerbread> Becouse he had heard that he was sweet
12:16 <Nathan_gingerbread> And in a race he thought he could beat
17:58 <Nathan_gingerbread> And as a snack was a tasty treat
12:30 <Nathan_gingerbread> But the gingerbread boy was always ready
11:40 <Nathan_gingerbread> He took off in a headlong dash.
22:07 <Nathan_gingerbread> The fox his teeth he started to nash.
00:17 <Nathan_gingerbread> He chased him over hill and dale
00:18 <Nathan_gingerbread> The gingerbread boy was just to fast
23:00 <Nathan_gingerbread> Faster and faster ran the gingerbread boy
12:08 <Nathan_gingerbread> The fox , he could not get any joy.
18:42 <Stacy_McCallister> Then wicked Stacy tripped the gingerbread boy
18:43 <Stacy_McCallister> The fox came trotting along and devoured the prime morsel bits
23:19 <Nathan_gingerbread> Nooooooooooooooooooo
09:59 <Lioness_Shaina> Hi
2022-03-22 22:37Hey guys I'm looking for a role play partner specifically a heel. Please contact me if interested.
See below for more info.
AgentJamesMason (deleted member)
2022-03-18 06:52Hey guys, really sorry it took so long to approve the new stories! There is a whole bunch of great new stories I just approved. I really wish admins got a message when a new story was submitted. If you ever want to publish a story, just sent me a message and I'll get right on it. And if anyone wants to volunteer to be an admin and help keep on top of accepting stories, give me a shout!
El Valiente (deleted member)
2022-03-18 05:51Brand new and looking for role-play with a thick pro-type story. Think fighting for the belts meets Telenovelas!
2022-02-21 06:24Many members came and deleted their profiles - I cleaned those out, nearly 60 or so. No live members were deleted
Doctor Kevin
2022-02-20 14:54Hello everyone. I would like to find someone to play the brother of me.
We both love and hate each other, wrestling and frotting and sex love.
Lloyd Morgan-Jackson (deleted member)
2022-01-12 03:41I'd like to get a long term coach-student roleplay going on, where I would play the role of the student. Preferably with an erotic component, but not a must. The specific martial art being taught, as well as other plot details, is/are negotiable. Hit me up if this sounds like something that might be up your alley.
2021-12-05 18:58Hey - Any villains/heels out there into getting into an ongoing, creative match or scene?
KrisKrusher (deleted member)
2021-09-02 02:04Hi everyone, I'm looking for a female opponent for a long form inter gender fight,over a few days or even a couple of weeks, as these days I just don't seem to have the time for a real time match. I'm also in the UK, and the time difference can also prevent me finishing matches in one go. I prefer pro style wrestling in an arena type setting, a huge crowd cheering us both on, with glitzy entrances and theme music, trash talking each other before and during the match, competitive back and forth, could go either way matches. I'm also open to other kinds of fights as well, so if any of you ladies are interested, or you have ideas of your own, feel free to get in touch and we can sort something out.
Pamibaby (deleted member)
2021-08-28 03:44Hi! First thanks for letting me join!! Ive always been interested in getting into a long term roleplay and think I could write really well with it! But Im kinda a goober and am not good at coming up with a story myself :P So if anyone has a favorite long term thing to play and wants to play it out with me, lemme know!! :3
Lloyd Morgan-Jackson (deleted member)
2021-08-24 19:07Hi everyone, I love long RPs where the characters' motivation is explored. Hit me up if you have something in mind. ;)
Madison Jones
2021-08-07 07:13I'm looking for a person to play the role of a detective in a story I am writing. Little to no combat in it, and a lot of investigation. Please contact me if interested.
Randy Cruise (deleted member)
2021-08-05 05:25Thank you @Agent James Mason
AgentJamesMason (deleted member)
2021-08-04 05:38Welcome Randy, glad to have you!! Hope you find some long-form to your taste here!
Randy Cruise (deleted member)
2021-08-03 18:07Hi everyone,
Randy here, getting tired of one off chat matches. Already a member of the fed as one of my other characters, thought I'd also join as myself, see what kind of long form role-play I could get into.
AgentDerekSteel (deleted member)
2021-07-08 11:57Greetings folks, another addition to the Agents Universe. This story follows the notorious protege of Derek Steel on his Rise to Power
This story takes place around the same time as SAVING KYLE
The Russian Hammer (deleted member)
2021-07-08 02:55Welcome man!!! Looking forward to seeing what you create!!
AlphaTeenFighter (deleted member)
2021-07-06 04:49Hey men, looking forward to writing some great stories with y'all!
AgentDerekSteel (deleted member)
2021-06-23 15:23Hey folks, a writing buddy of mine, PC Aaron Mitchell, recently returned after a long hiatus, and we were able to finish a story we'd started over a year ago. It was a gritty, rough tale.
It's set in the Agents Universe, and takes place just before THE TORONTO INCIDENT
Here's hoping to many more hot tales with this sexy, rough British cop!! Enjoy, Cops and Rangers
Volos (deleted member)
2021-06-20 04:13Holy Wolfscat, Steel! I have to catch up!
AgentDerekSteel (deleted member)
2021-06-18 13:34A new round of chapters incoming for Project Zeus The action is heating up... some massive fights and huge surprises coming! Stayed tuned folks!!