All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Prince Ahmed Al-Fasad vs Evan Steel


23:39 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I stride to the ring in my princely robes accompanied by my bodyguard. I scoff at the peasants as I pass by and climb in the ring. I disrobe down to light fitting white pants and barefoot and await your entrance. Yt
23:44 Evan_Steel: I climb into the ring next in my silver boots and trunks, muscles looking shredded as ever. I grin and flex for the crowd and then come to the center of the ring. I bring my arms up to signal i'm ready to begin yt
23:45 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I come to the center of the ring and raise my arms, but kick your abs instead. Yt
23:45 Evan_Steel: urgg your leg kicks into my abs instead of a lock up. I grunt and bend over slightly, then swing my forearm back at you to chop at your chest yt
23:47 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Ah! I step back holding my chest but push myself and kick the side of your head. Yt
23:49 Evan_Steel: ughhh your kick hits the side of my head and I stumble back in the ropes dazed yt
23:51 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I follow you to the ropes and grab your arm, hurl you across the ring and drop kick your chest as you bounce back. Yt
23:52 Evan_Steel: you fling me across the ring and I hit the ropes, bouncing back towards you. I get my arms ready to swing a hook for your chest when your feet suddenly slam into my pecs. I get knocked down hard on my back with a groan of pain as the ring shakes yt
23:53 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I jump up and drop an elbow on your chest. Yt
23:54 Evan_Steel: you jump and drop an elbow for my chest, but I roll out of the way. I aim a kick back at your chin for payback yt
23:56 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Er!! Elbow hurting now, then a kick to the chin pisses me off. I roll away from you and push myself up. Yt
23:57 Evan_Steel: I push up to my feet and rub my sore chest. I come in close and try to lock up with you again and use my muscle to push you back into the corner yt
23:58 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Er! Can't hold my ground and now trapped in the corner. I lay a kick to your groin. Yt
00:00 Evan_Steel: I slam my knee into your abs a couple times for payback and you respond with a kick to the balls. I drop to my knees and clutch my balls as I moan in huge pain yt
00:01 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I rub my abs for a second, then pull you up by your hair and slam your face in the turnbuckle. Yt
00:02 Evan_Steel: you grab my hair and slam me into the corner several times. when you let go I fall back onto my ass dazed and confused yt
00:03 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I spin kick your head sending you down on your back. Yt
00:04 Evan_Steel: your spin kick knocks me down on my back. I moan and clutch my aching head and try to reach for the ropes yt
00:05 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I grab your legs and pull you away from the ropes, then twist into a Boston crab. Yt
00:06 Evan_Steel: you pull me away from the ropes and twist me over onto my chest. you then bring my legs up into a crab. I"aghhhh!" i shout in pain, trying to kick my legs out of your hold yt
00:07 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Er!! Can't hold you in place for long and throw your legs down. Upset I stomp on your back over and over. Yt
00:08 Evan_Steel: I break out of your hold and try to crawl away, but you start stomping on my back. I moan and roll out from under your foot. I grab your ankle and pull hard to trip you onto your back yt
00:09 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Whoa! I fall to the mat before I can react. Quickly roll over and get back to my feet. Yt
00:12 Evan_Steel: before you can roll over I jump onto your back and slip my arms under your pits and behind your neck to trap you in a full nelson. I roll us over onto my back and lock my legs on your waist to work you over yt
00:13 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Err!! Shocked at your quickness! I try to pull my arms free. Yt
00:13 Evan_Steel: I grunt and flex hard on you working my muscle to keep you trapped. "wanna tap out?" I taunt you yt
00:15 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: "Never, peasant!" I try to push up with my legs. Yt
00:17 Evan_Steel: you start to bridge up so I let go of the nelson....and then trap you instead in a sleeperhold. "want to go to sleep, prince?" I taunt in your ear yt
00:18 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: Oh no!! I try to roll us over as my bodyguard climbs in the ring then kicks the back of your head. Yt
00:19 Evan_Steel: urghhh I'm struggling to keep you choked nice and tight when suddenly I'm kicked in the back of the head and you escape. I groan and blink in confusion as I rub the back of my head in a daze yt
00:21 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I breathe heavily as I get up to my feet. My bodyguard hands me an iron chain, and I whip your side. Yt
00:22 Evan_Steel: AGHHH I shout as you whip my side with the chain. I try to roll away from you and get to the ropes yt
00:23 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I follow you and whip your back. "Get up peasant!" Yt
00:25 Evan_Steel: aghhh I shout again as I grab the ropes and drag myself to my feet yt
00:27 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I hand the chain to my bodyguard as he exits, wrap my arms around you and squeeze you in a reverse bear hug. Yt
00:29 Evan_Steel: urghh feel your arms wrap around my chest and start squeezing in a bear hug. I cough as I grab at your arms and try to slip free yt
00:30 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: "Oh no you don't!" I suplex you down to the mat. Yt
00:33 Evan_Steel: I start to pry your arms apart when you lift me up and swing me backwards, crashing me into the mat with a suplex. I groan and lay panting and sweating in pain yt
00:36 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I get up and pull you up by your hair to your knees and stick your head between my legs. Wrap my arms around your waist and lift you up. "You're pathetic, peasant!" Pile drive you on the mat. Yt
00:38 Evan_Steel: you pull me up and then immediately slam me back down with the piledriver, I collapse onto my chest in pain and lay there moaning yt
00:39 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I sit on your back, grab your face, and lock on a camel clutch. "Submit to me peasant!" Yt
00:40 Evan_Steel: you trap me in a camel clutch and I kick my legs and moan in pain. "grrr never!" I groan as I try to fight you off but getting weaker yt
00:41 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I pull back further and put pressure on your back. "You WILL submit to me!" Yt
00:43 Evan_Steel: aghhh you pull harder and keep arching my back up painfully. I tap my hand against the front of your shin yt
00:44 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I keep the hold. "Not good enough! Beg! Say I give your highness!" Yt
00:46 Evan_Steel: aghh aghh I tap out again on your shin. "okay okay I give I give, let me go!" yt
00:47 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I bend a little more. "Call me your highness!" Yt
00:48 Evan_Steel: I moan in agony as you keep pulling harder and harder. "I give up your highness!' yt
00:50 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: I let go and slam your face in the mat. I get up and flex in front of you then kick your face. "Now kiss my foot like a good peasant!" Yt
00:50 Evan_Steel: I moan in defeat as you get up and flex over me. you shove your foot into my face and make me kiss in humiliation yt
00:52 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: My bodyguard slides the chain over to me. I wrap it around your neck and pull you up, dragging you out of the ring like a dog. "Now, my new servant, I have some tasks for you..."
00:52 Prince_Ahmed_Al-Fasad: END

Published: 2020-01-24, viewed 94 times.



GlennK (deleted member)

2020-12-12 17:43

Prince Ahmed Al-Fasad gives bearhug suplex and camel takes Evan down fast