All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Beach battle of the Asian Men


01:54 DantheMan: Walking on the beach in my red speedo after a good swim. Hot sun beating down on my smooth islander Asian, I see a guy in the distance looking fucking good. But...he's taking pictures of himself. yt
01:56 Evan_Steel: I'm relaxing on my towel after a quick swim, perfect time to get some pics of my muscled bod for insta. gotta get all the angles and all the flexes in, muscle looking tight and right with the water droplets and the bright sun. definitely gonna get plenty of likes and thirsty comments yt
01:59 DantheMan: As I walk in front of you, I can't help but check you out. Pretty hot other Asian guy. Don't see a lot of us around here. But wait, I recognize you..."Hey...didn't I see you at that wrestling singlet shoot last week? You're the asshole who tried to take my singlet to model." yt
02:02 Evan_Steel: I notice you come up but dont look up till you call me an asshole. "Huh? who the fuck are you?" I say as I look up at you. Your face is only vaguely familiar, wouldn't have guessed who you were unless you had said it. you've got a rocking hot body but so does everyone else in the industry. Roll my eyes and look back at my phone. "Get over it, you lived didnt you" I scoff as I get back to posting. yt
02:05 DantheMan: "Figures. You can wear a singlet, but you can't wrestle worth a damn, I bet. Nothing but an IG poser. Maybe your viewers would like to see you get some real action, inferior Asian boy." I kick some sand on your towel. yt
02:06 Evan_Steel: "the fuck you just say to me?" I growl as you kick sand to further insult. I drop my phone onto the towel and stand up to face you, bumping chests and getting in your face. "you wanna put your money where your mouth is punk? I'll take you on right now" I tell you as I chest bump you back yt
02:08 DantheMan: 5'9, 195 lbs of islander and Asian muscle, I take a step back as you bump your muscled pecs into mine. "Yeah? You wanna fucking go, Evan?" I bump my chest back into yours and hear the sound of our wet smooth pecs slapping into each other. I send a punch into your abs. yt
02:14 Evan_Steel: Wearing yellow swim trunks, 5'9, and 185 lbs, I'm not intimidated the slightest as you try and bump me back. I'm not backing down at all till you send a surprise punch to my abs. I take a step back in surprise, run my tongue along the inside of my cheek and then step back at you swinging. Send a right hook towards your jaw and then couple that with a hard jab with my left to your obliques yt
02:17 DantheMan: My head and body twist as your right fist connects with my jaw...then "ughh..." I groan at your jaw to my side. Growling a little, I twist my body back and send a punch to your solar plexus with my right fist, followed by a couple punches with my left to YOUR sides, and an uppercut to your jaw with my right, finishing off my combination. yt
02:19 Evan_Steel: your fist slams into my solar plexus making me wheeze as you start hammering with your left into my side. lucky I have enough sense to jerk my head back out of the way of your uppercut, now wobbling on my feet to catch my balance. I kick off and try to spear your gut with my shoulder to take you down into the sand yt
02:22 DantheMan: I grunt as my back thuds against the hot sand with you on top of me. I quickly reach up and grab you by your matching jet black hair, and wrench your head to the hot sand, face first, beside me. yt
02:23 Evan_Steel: I get up quick to my knees and shove your waist down, ready to get past your defense and mount you. As I lunge forward to pin you down by sitting on your abs, you yank my hair and keep my momentum moving forward, slamming my face into the hot sand. I cough and splutter as I spit sound out of my mouth and shove my face up for air yt
02:27 DantheMan: "Better get all that sand out of your mouth, you pussy. You'll be sucking my dick later," I taunt. I slide onto your tanned back, straddling you. I see my phone fell out of my pocket and is within reach and grab it. I pull you by your hair toward me, bending your back. "Say cheese, pussy." And I take a selfie of me, grinning as you have a look of anger and humiliation on your face. yt
02:28 Evan_Steel: I feel you slide onto my back, I growl as I throw my elbow back into your hard chest. you yank my hair and bend me back into painful position while you take a photo. "go fuck yourself bro" I shout as I swing my arm and make you drop your phone. I shove up on the sand and throw you off my back as I rise up to my feet, starting to get steaming angry yt
02:31 DantheMan: Your wild swing makes me drop my phone. Before I can grab it, I fall back and scramble to my feet as I see you do too. "We finished or you want some more?" I flex my double bis at you. yt
02:33 Evan_Steel: "we're just getting started punk!" I shout as I charge you and lock up for a grapple. I dig my feet into the sand as I push against you, my biceps working against yours as I try to force you backwards. Just a few steps and I can shove hard enough to throw you down thanks to the incline behind you where the waves come to shore yt
02:35 DantheMan: OOMPH....I get knocked on my ass by you. Feeling the blood rushing to my face as I feel a little humiliated to get outmuscled by another Asian guy, I rush at you, charging you with open arms as I wrap them around you, lift you up in my tackle and, slam you down on your back, me on top of you. "Fuck you, man!" yt
02:37 Evan_Steel: I laugh as you fall onto your ass in the sand, pointing as you go head over heels. You rush at me and tackle me back into the hot dry sand, I grunt as you get on top of me. "im gonna kick your ass bitch" I spit in your face as I slam my elbow up into your throat and then again a quick second time into your forehead to stun you yt"
02:39 DantheMan: Hearing your trash talk, I look down at you to reply, but hear you spit before feeling it on my face. Pissed and surprised, I pull my fist back to deck you, but your elbow hits my throat ... and again. Then my vision gets blurry after I feel a strong slam to my forehead and I fall off to the side. I shake my head, trying to regain my vision. yt
02:44 Evan_Steel: I quickly roll and get to my knees, "help" flip you over onto your chest. I slam my knees into your back and then plant my right knee between your shoulder blades. My hands come down and cup your chin, start pulling back hard as I try to arch your back while pushing with my knee. "You're gonna regret challenging me pussy" I taunt you as I bounce on your spine a little yt
02:46 DantheMan: My fists pound the sand as you bend my back. I reach up to your hands under my chin, and pry off individual fingers, grabbing your middle finger of each hand and bending them like wood chopsticks. My jaw free, but your knee still on my back, I start to bend your middle fingers in my fists..."I'll fucking break them if you don't get off me, Evan," I growl, fuming. yt
02:49 Evan_Steel: I grit my teeth as you fight back and start pulling at my fingers. You get them off your chin but my problems only starting as you start pulling them back hard af. "Ahhh ahhh ahhh let go fucker!" I hiss as you bend them back hard like you're gonna break them. I bring my knee up towards the base of your neck and push my weight forward to sink your chest into the sand. I rip my fingers out of your grip and stand up, but not before stomping on your back. "Know my name, eh? You're probably a super fan, jerk off to all my pics. I don't even know who you are bitch, you're that pathetic" I tell you as I start circling and wait for you to get up yt
02:54 DantheMan: Your knee pushing down on my neck, my face goes straight into the sand. I feel relief as your weight disappears and I push myself back up, spitting sand out of my mouth. I get back up to my feet as I see you circling me and circle you back. "Yeah? You knew my name when I took my singlet back at the shoot and took the center fold, didn't you, pussy? You still sore about that? Let's fucking see which one of us is the stronger fucking Asian, you fucker." I step forward and put up my hands to challenge you to a test of strength. yt
02:55 Evan_Steel: I flip you off but come forward anyway to meet your test of strength. I lock my hands with yours and start to shove, biceps welling up hard and feet digging into the sand as I try to outmuscle you and force you towards the waves yt
02:59 DantheMan: I grunt loudly feeling how strong you are. I thought you were all just glamour muscles, but you actually are pretty damn strong....but not stronger than me. I have some good weight on you...and I know more than you. We start off pretty evenly, but I gain some momentum and I bend your hands back. I can see you grimace and the pain shows on your face as I bend your hands as our bodies shake and grunt louder and you fall to your hands gripping onto yours like vices. "Who's the bitch now?" I spit in your face. yt
03:03 Evan_Steel: I grunt as we face off and fight each other's strength. You start overpowering me and I growl as I try to shove harder. you twist my hands back and I gasp in pain as you start forcing me onto my knees. "gahhh you're gonna fucking pay for that!" I shout as you spit in my face. I throw my head forward and headbutt you hard in the balls yt
03:05 DantheMan: I grab my balls in pain...."you fucking dirty...." my knees bent and my hands cupping my aching nuts. Pissed at your fucking dirty move, I grab your head and pull it to my knee as I send my knee to your face, connecting with your right cheek, you fall back. "That's gonna leave a mark. Might want to stay off instagram for bit, bitch." As you lay stunned, I reach down and pull off your yellow swim suit, revealing your surprisingly hard 6" Asian cock. yt
03:09 Evan_Steel: My headbutt doesnt bring you down like I expected and instead your knee rockets up into my chin. I go down hard on my back with a groan, dazed as I blink several times and groan. "h-hey, what the fuck!?" I shout when you start pulling my trunks off and pull my hard cock out. I shake my head out and kick at your knee trying to bring you down yt
03:11 DantheMan: Your kick connects with my knee and move it back, trying to absorb some of the blow, but lose my balance and fall forward on top of you. We struggle and roll around, the waves, barely reaching our smooth, hot, wet bodies. yt
03:14 Evan_Steel: I grunt as you fall on top of me and we start to struggle, rolling down the incline and into the water. I manage to stop our rolls with you on your back and I climb onto your chest, schoolboy pinning you in the wet sand. "Yeah, you like that cock in your face dont you?" I taunt you as I keep your biceps pinned under my knees. I grab my cock and slap your face with it while flexing the other arm. The waves come crashing in and wash over your face too to disorient you yt
03:18 DantheMan: I land on my back as we roll around and you land on top. Before I can do anything, you schoolboy pin me with your rival Asian cock in my face. I hear you taunt me and testosterone just fuels my anger. The waves come at us and I manage to use my legs, caught on your arms, to power you off of me. As I get up to my feet, I pull down and kick off my red speedos, kicking them onto the beach, away from the waves, revealing my 7" of hard islander Asian cock. I see you get to your feet, still hard. "C'mon boy, let's see what kind of pose you got?" I flex one bicep and grab my cock with my other hand, showing off for you and taunting you at the same time, eyeing your hot rival Asian body. yt
03:21 Evan_Steel: you flip me off of you into the water as you roll to recover. As I flip over to my chest and get up you're stripping off your speedo and showing off your larger cock. I glare at you as I stand and brush some sand away. "Boy? This boy's bout to fuck you up good bro" I yell as I charge you with my arm outstretched for a clothesline. This is just a feint though, I'm expecting you to duck out of the way so I can quickly step in behind you, get my arms up your side and behind your neck to lock you in a full nelson. I press my dick up against your muscled cheeks as I walk you around in the sand. "Let's hear it, say you're my bitch!" I taunt you yt
03:25 DantheMan: I see you ignore my pose off challenge and come running at me for a clothesline and I duck...but you get behind me instead and and pull me into a full nelson. I feel the heat from your smooth body against mine behind me and your dick pressed up against my ass as you walk me around like a jobber. Growling loudly, I reach down with my hands, feeling your fingers and I pry them apart, breaking your full nelson. "!!!" I elbow you once...twice...three times in the face, the same side as I bruised you before, before turning around, getting your head under my sweaty, hairier armpit and slamming you down in a DDT. yt
03:28 Evan_Steel: I grin as I parade you around like a little bitch, I know you can feel the humiliation sting your ego as you get manhandled. however you manage to break my hold by prying my fingers apart and then elbowing me quickly in the face three times, stunning me as I get dizzy. it sets you up perfectly as you stuff my face into your sweaty hairy pit and then DDT me into the sand, leaving me a groaning heap as I lay there wracked with pain yt
03:31 DantheMan: Seeing you look vulnerable, I roll on top of you, wrap my arm left arm around your neck, lock it with my right arm, and turn us over so I'm under you and behind you. My thick legs wrap around you and your torso as I tighten my rear naked choke, my bigger Asian dick on your back. "You're either going out or submitting to me, you pussy. Bet you wish you didn't accept my challenge now, do you?" yt
03:34 Evan_Steel: I'm still dizzy as you get onto my back and slip your thick bicep under my chin. you roll us over and pull me over your chest as you lock your legs on my torso and lock my escape. I wince as you start to work your choke and squeeze my neck. I cough as I kick my legs into the sand and bridge up panting hard. "fuck no, never!" I shout defiantly as I dig my fingers into your bicep and try to thrash to escape yt
03:37 DantheMan: I feel you bridging up and I tighten my legs around your torso, squeezing you hard. I feel your fingers digging into my bicep, but pissed off at how this rival muscle Asian has gotten to me today, I tighten my thick biceps around your neck even more, not letting you even get a finger in to pry me off. I whisper in your ear "'re a fucking pussy....and you're done. It's fucking over. Tap out or I'll make you pass out." I accent the point by shaking your head a little in my head, choking you further. yt
03:40 Evan_Steel: I moan as you just keep tightening the hold and cutting off my arm. My body slumps back down as my chest heaves and I gasp for air. I hear you in my ear taunting me and growl, raking my fingers across your bicep. vision starts to get blurry as I start to go out, strength draining by the second. "!" I moan as I refuse to tap to you yt
03:43 DantheMan: My arm getting fucked up as you scratch me like a little pussy bitch, I take the pain, wanting to beat you so fucking badly at this point. Remembering the way you tried to take my singlet at the shoot, the way threw me on the sand, your taunts, and your fucking hard cock on my ass. No, fuck this guy. And fuck this pain. "I'm the stronger Asian, you pussy. *I* am!" I continue choking you out, knowing you'll be out soon as I feel your body struggle less on top of mine, our bodies heaving. yt
03:45 Evan_Steel: I moan and start to struggle even harder as I feel how close to passing out I am. I thrash back and forth but your thick bicep remains locked like iron. "N-no....!" I groan as I start to fade out and my arms drop to my sides in the sand. I'm out cold a few moments later, defeated and at your mercy now yt
03:49 DantheMan: Hearing you moan, my dick starts jumping and leaking. I finally feel your body go limp, but I still feel you breathing. Good. I pick you up in a fireman's carry and take you back to your towel, where this all started. I see my phone and grab it before sitting on your chest, my hard cock above your face as I take a picture. I take a few more of me flexing above you, but without our cocks so I can post it on MY instagram. I post those before tossing my phone away while sitting on your chest. I slap you awake. "Wake up, bitch. Time to pay up." yt
03:52 Evan_Steel: I'm out cold when you pick me up and return to where it all started. you toss me down and start posing and snapping humiliating pics with my phone, and I'm helpless to stop you. you sit on my chest and start slapping my face to wake me. I groan as I start to wake up slowly, bringing my hand up to my face as I cough a few times. "...what the fuck..." I moan as I'm not immediately aware of what you're telling me yt
03:54 DantheMan: I see a water bottle beside us in your belongings. I grab it, open it, and pour a little on my face, before pouring the rest on top of me, splashing down on you. The water gets you back to your senses as you see me on top of you, pinning you down. My bigger, hard cock obstructing a lot of your view. I start to jack off my cock on top of you, slapping you a few times with it. yt
03:57 Evan_Steel: I wince as water starts to splash off your hot body and onto my face, starting to come to as I realize where we are. I growl and try to power you off me, but find myself pinned down by your weight. "fucking get off!" I growl as you taunt my with your big cock in my face. you start to jack off right in my face, your balls practically slapping my chin not to mention your dick. my face burns with humiliation as I realize I can't get you off me yt
03:58 DantheMan: "Who owns you, bitch? I want to fucking hear you SAY it." I flex with one arm and I continue jacking off with the other. My tight bull nuts rubbing against your chin at times. yt
03:59 Evan_Steel: I groan as you taunt me with my own words and start to flex over me as you continue the humiliation. "im the bitch" I mumble with gritted teeth as I jostle myself back and forth, still trying to get out of this before you blast a load in my face yt
04:03 DantheMan: I laugh as you struggle to get out of under me and snicker as I hear you admit that you're my bitch. You're fucking mine. Hearing that submission just gets me over the edge and my cock explodes. 1...2...3....ropers......then I shove my cock in your mouth....4......5.........6. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck....." I moan as my body shudders again and again, spraying my victory load all over your face and in your mouth. yt
04:06 Evan_Steel: "Mgmmggmmm!" my shout of protest is muffled when you blast all over my face and then shove your cock in my open mouth of surprise. hot cum dribbles out the corners of my mouth as you choke me with your rod and orgasm. you pull out and spray even more over my face and chest leaving me utterly drenched in your cum and completely humiliated beyond belief yt
04:09 DantheMan: "We're not done yet..." I get down to my knees, pull you up, and wrap my arms around you again, getting you in another sleeper. Getting myself on my back and you on top of me again, I start to choke you out for a second time. "You're going to blow that weaker Asian cock for me, boy," I command. I put my head on your shoulder and look down, seeing you touch your already hard cock and watch you start to jack it. My chest is heaving after blowing such a heavy load, feeling my hot body against your hot body in this sun, already has my cock wanting to get hard as it twitches. yt
04:12 Evan_Steel: you start to get off me and I think the torment is over, but oh no, you're just getting started. you grab my hair and pull me up in front of you, I feel your arms lock onto my neck again for another choke. my arms slap at your biceps as I try to escape but you lean back and trap me just like before. I hear you ordering me around in my ear with your hot breath and I'm starting to get dizzy from your choke already. I moan as I reach down and grab my hard cock, starting to jerk off as you commanded it under the hot sun above yt
04:14 DantheMan: Feeling strong and fucking dominant as I have this muscle boy exactly where I want him. I taunt you even more..."C'mon, Evan. Does that cock even work? That smaller Asian cock? Let's see if it actually does anything, or if it's all for show, just like the rest of you." My arms constrict around your neck like an anaconda as feel my hot breath on your hear, trash talking you...then you feel a sharp pain on your earlobe as I begin to nibble it, watching you jack off off still. yt
04:15 DantheMan: (Cum for daddy, Evan)
04:18 Evan_Steel: i moan as you trash talk me and then start to bite on my ear, making my cock twitch with the humiliation and domination. my cum-splattered chest rising and falling quickly as I gasp for air and keep jerking myself furiously. my eyes start to flutter as I start to go out and my cock explodes, erupting hot cum all over my abs and onto the sand yt
04:21 DantheMan: Feeling your body shake again and again, I know you've shot your load...then I see something fly past and hear it land in the sand. It takes me a second to realize that it's your cum from your cannon of a cock. I smirk. I push you off of me to my left, and I stand up. I walk over and grab my speedos...then see your yellow swim suit. I grab them, toss them on, and say to you "This is how it looks on a real man, Evan. See you around." I walk away, leaving you humiliated on the sand, covered in my cum and yours. yt (or end)
04:23 Evan_Steel: End

(If you enjoyed this match, like it and comment! Evan and I are always happy to hear feedback)

Published: 2020-01-03, viewed 190 times.




2020-11-16 00:02

Excellent what a fantastic match up


2020-11-16 03:20

(In reply to this)

Thanks, man. Take you on any time.


2020-04-04 04:13

Fucking epic absolutely epic


2020-11-16 03:22

(In reply to this)

Thanks, man! Love to fight you some day.