All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Singapore vs Japan: Champ vs Champ


04:58 Asian_Terror: Back in Asia for a little while and have lined up some matches while over here. Excited to be taking on a big star from Japan in my original pro fed in Singapore. Management has made it the main event of the night and the crowd has been worked up by the earlier matches...announcers voice booms “Now it’s time for the main event of the evening! This is a 60 minute time limit match where the winner is determined by pin or ko!” Crowd cheers “introducing first hailing from Japan standing 5’9 173lbs its Yuki Uenooooo!!” Yt
05:04 Yuki_Ueno: It's been a while since I have been to Singapore for work or play, so I was very excited to have a match booked here against such a big Singaporean star. I grin and wave to the audience after my name is announced and I walk down to the ring. I climb inside and stretch my arms side to side, a little bit nervous in a new arena. However, I know that tonight will be my victory, I can feel it in my bones. yt You are not logged in.
05:08 Asian_Terror: So excited to take on the Japanese star. Announcers voice booms “the young Singapore Tiger is back and he stands 6’1 206lbs of Singapore beef...its Asian Terrrrrrror”. Lights go dim then a spot light at the entrance where I’m standing wearing a tight pair of Singapore 🇸🇬 flag squares, shiny red boots and white knee pads with wrist tape. My big torso glistening with oil and dance my pecs for a second before I dash down to the ring hi5 my fans on the way down. Climb inside and admire your build head to toe and smirk as I mouth “you’re going down!” Yt
05:14 Yuki_Ueno: I clap my hands at your bright entrance and notice how well the audience responds to you. You must be very skilled, or at least very charismatic to earn that much praise. Once you climb into the ring I walk towards the center with hands on my hips so we can face-off. The crowd is thrilled with the energy as I shake my head to your taunt. "I hope you have that much cheer when I beat you at your home turd" I taunt back at you. I nod to the ref that I am ready and spread my legs into a ready stance with arms in the air yt"
05:16 Asian_Terror: Laugh as you talk smack and ref signals for the bell! I charge forward and slam into you with a big collar elbow lockup and try to leverage my size advantage to push you back into the ropes! Yt
05:19 Yuki_Ueno: The bell rings and you jump into action immediately. I grit my teeth as your arms latch on and you start bullying me backwards towards the ropes. I dig my boots into the canvas but you caught me by surprise and I can't get solid footing, so my feet start to slip as you run me back into the ropes. Once my back hits the ropes I give up on the grapple and sweep my arms upwards to try and break the lock-up and counter you with a knee strike into your obliques yt
05:21 Asian_Terror: Get you back into the ropes and arch you over them and ref calls for the break so I raise arms up off you and step back. Let out a grunt as your knee strikes my obliques and I grunt as i scowl at you. Yt
05:23 Yuki_Ueno: Once the ref forces you to break off, I bounce myself backwards into the ropes to add some speed. I launch forward and perform a quick dropkick, launching my boots into your lower abs trying to blast you back and create some more room between us yt
05:24 Asian_Terror: stumble back a bit and start to stand tall as your boots hammer into my lower abs and spit flies as I stumble backwards more and double up. Yt
05:27 Yuki_Ueno: I pick myself up from the canvas as your fans shout to cheer you and your recovery. I run full speed towards you while you are doubled over. I leap into the air and grab your head, aiming to crash down and spike your face into the mat with a running DDT yt
05:29 Asian_Terror: Start to slowly get up and head gets caught and jerked forward and slammed into the canvas! Body bounces and flop over onto my back as a hand grabs my forehead and fans gasp as I take the big hit from the flying ddt! Yt
05:32 Yuki_Ueno: I pop up to my knees as you roll onto your back in pain. I flash a grin to the crowd as I get to my feet and move over to you. "Get up, we're not done playing" I tell you as I grab your hair and drag you up to your knees in front of me. I get into another ready stance and then quickly spin around as I launch a roundhouse kick aimed across your big pecs to knock you back down yt
05:36 Asian_Terror: Pulled upto my knees by my hair and chest heaving as I try to regroup after big ddt. See you squat then quickly move and the smacking sound of your boot hitting my big pecs echoes in the arena and fans gasp as they see me fly backwards and drop to the canvas back first and both hands grabbing at my reddening pecs!! I roll over a few times and slip outside the ring needing a minute to recover as I pace. Yt
05:38 Yuki_Ueno: I brush off my arms a bit cockily as you fly backwards and roll around in pain. There are still plenty of cheers for the big hometown hero, but there also some people out there chanting 'Yuki! Yuki! Yuki!' as I earn some respect. You start to roll outside the ring and I shake my head, I wont let you get away so easily. I run straight towards you and drop into a baseball slide to slip under the bottom ropes and let my boots hit you in the back on the way down to the ground yt
05:42 Asian_Terror: As I pace I see you in the corner of my eye and step back so your feet simply keep air vs me. I roar as you slide under the ropes and grab your head and slam your pretty face into the metal crowd barricade! Yt
05:44 Yuki_Ueno: You step out of the way in time to avoid my slide attack, but that's no problem. I quickly pick myself up from the ground but you intercept me and send me running headfirst into the metal barricade with a loud bang. I groan and drop down onto my ass as I rub my head at being dazed from the attack yt
05:48 Asian_Terror: The Singapore crowd roars as I finally get a shot in. Grab your hair and pull you up and slip hands between your legs and hoist up high then body slam you hard to the mat covered concrete floor!! “How’s that feel fucker?!?!” I snarl as I adjust my squares and grin. Yt
05:50 Yuki_Ueno: You pull me up by my hair and then lift me sideways so you can get me in the air. I start to kick and try to break free of your grip, but then you slam me hard onto the concrete floor. I moan in pain as I roll onto my side, grabbing at my aching back and hissing in pain. I grab the barricade as I try to fight through the pain and recover enough to my knees so I can fight back again yt
05:51 Asian_Terror: Watch you use the barricade to get back up and strut to you and grab your hair and help you get all the way up and drag you to the ring and slam your handsome face onto the ring apron. Needing to get you dazed and slow you down!! Yt
05:55 Yuki_Ueno: You grab my hair and start rushing me towards the ring apron. But before you can ram my head, my hands slam down into the sides and I stop myself. I shove upwards and jump, then twist in the air so my ass lands on the side of the ring. My arms grab the ropes as I try to kick my legs up around your head and trap you between my thighs into a headscissors. yt
05:57 Asian_Terror: Crowd watches the action and politely applauds your big counter as you hold the ropes and wrap your legs around my neck. I roar out in frustration and fists slam at your quads as I try to break free from your legs!! Yt
05:58 Yuki_Ueno: I grunt as your fists slam into my legs and you try to break me. My arms flex on the ropes as I pull myself up so I can shake you back and forth. I try to weaken you as much as possible by draining your stamina with this submission hold yt
06:00 Asian_Terror: Your legs scissoring my neck and my fists slapping as face starts to turn red. Ref barks to bring the match back into the ring and starts the 10 count as I continue to suffer...1..2..3.. yt
06:03 Yuki_Ueno: 4...5...6....7...! I keep the torment going to make your face red like a tomato until I'm almost out of time. I release your head finally and pull myself backwards through the ropes so that I get up in time for the count. I grab my waistband and fix my trunks as I grin at you. "Get in here, we're not done!" I shout at you yt
06:07 Asian_Terror: Coughing and sputtering a bit as you keep scissoring my head and finally let go and I just lean against the ring frame for a moment chest heaving as I try to recover...ref yelling 8...9! Yt
06:10 Yuki_Ueno: You seem weakened as you remain outside the ring almost till the count out. this is not the way I want to beat you, so I quickly reach down to grab your hair and bicep and drag you into the ring on your chest so the match can continue. I drop down and straddle your back with my knees in your armpits. my fingers slide under your chin and I start to yank backwards to perform a seated clutch on your chin. The win will be determined by pin or KO, but I can still break down your body first to make it easier. "Wish you could submit now, huh?" yt
06:14 Asian_Terror: Feel u grab my hair and arm and jerk me back into the ring...eyes wide as you pull me in. Rolled onto my chest and feel you drop down onto my back and start to crank on a clutch working my neck and back more!! I growl between my teeth as my big arms are hooked over your knees and trapped. Hear u talk shit about submitting and I just snarl and kick my boot back and hook it over the bottom rope. Ref checking to make sure you’re not doing an illegal choke and not seeing my boot until fans start screaming!! He walks around and taps your shoulder calling for a break. Yt
06:18 Yuki_Ueno: I keep pulling hard on your chin to work your neck over so it will be mega-sore. You try to kick and fight back, but you are trapped in my hold. The ref taps my shoulder calling for a break so I have to give in. I shove you forward off my knees so you land on your chest, then stand up. I reach down to grab your hair and start pulling you up to your knees. I make sure you are forced to look into my eyes as I swing my knee forward and try to uppercut your chin with it yt
06:23 Asian_Terror: Dropped and slammed chest first to the canvas with a thud. Let out soft moan and feel you grab my hair and jerk me upto my knees my muscles glistening with sweat and squares bulging out. Feel you jerk my head back more so I have to look at you then I hiss “you’re gonna pay” when your knee strikes my jaw and eyes go wide in shock and head snaps back and I drop to amy ass in a seated position over my knees and away a bit as eyes try to focus. Crowd sighs as they see my sweat fly and gear the loud smack of the knee connecting. Yt
06:28 Yuki_Ueno: You are looking clearly dazed so I grab your hair and drag you up to your feet next to me. I stand next to you and put my arm over the back of your neck and then grab and pull your arm out. I extend my leg forward then suddenly swing it back into the back of your leg, flipping us around and slamming your head into the mat. Any of my fans in the audience will recognize it as one of my finishers, the WR. I quickly roll you onto your back and slide over your chest with my sweaty abs pressed into your face. I lock one arm between my thighs and hold your other arm out to the side to make sure you are fully pinned. ONE....! yt
06:28 Yuki_Ueno: Here is a link to the move for reference )
06:34 Asian_Terror: Hauled up to my feet and our bodies moved tightly together and and your snap us to the canvas and my head slams onto the canvas before rolling flat and feel u pull one arm between your legs as your sweaty torso presses across mine and ref slaps ONE. Squirming a bit under you altho brain pretty rocked. Fans going insane in the stands shouting my name! Yt
06:38 Yuki_Ueno: Feeling the blood pumping as the ref slaps the first count and you remain pinned under me. Sweat making my body shine and my hair cling to my face as I get closer to victory over the bigger wrestler. I adjust my grip more tightly as the ref's hand slaps the mat for TWO and I keep holding on yt
06:42 Asian_Terror: Feel your hard muscles body pushing on mine as my abs heave and I suck air inside. Ref slaps TWO and instinct kicks in as I kick my boot to the side and it hooks onto the bottom rope. Fans go wild as ref calls for break again point into the ropes. Brain still rattled and this was pure ring instinct. Yt
06:45 Yuki_Ueno: I scowl as the ref says that your foot makes it up onto the rope in time. I am annoyed as I am forced to get up off you, and I will make sure you pay for interrupting my win. I grab your foot and drag you away from the rope towards the center of the ring, then make you sit up in front of me. I take a few steps back then run forward and slam my knee into the back of your head to make sure you're plenty dizzy yt
06:55 Asian_Terror: (Sorry had call back now)
06:58 Asian_Terror: get dragged to the ring center and forced to sit up in front of you big muscles glistening with sweat. Crowd watches you step back several steps and then your knee strikes the a knot my head and my butt comes up off the canvas a bit as entire torso jerks forward and then snaps back and I drop flat to the ring canvas with a thud. Yt
07:04 Yuki_Ueno: I am pretty sure that last hit did the finishing touches to you, but I want to make sure. I get to my feet again and wipe my brow, then grab your arm and hair so I can drag you up to your feet where you can barely stand. I whip you around in a circle then plant my foot and deliver a superkick to the underside of your jaw. Once you go down on your back again, I quickly slide my back over your chest and hook my arm under one of your knees. ONE! yt
07:09 Asian_Terror: Pulled up to my feet with a suoer rattled brain and visibly wobbling to the fans. I feel you jerk me forward and I go flying and come back and your boot nails my jaw. Head snaps back and arms spin for a moment as torso arches backwards and stay standing on my feet. Crowd goes wild as they think I’m resisting and a moment later collapse back to the canvas with a thud and just lay there spread eagles with gear bulging and eyes all glassy and unfocused. Yt
07:12 Yuki_Ueno: I glance down and see the totally rocked expression on your face. I lean even harder into the pin, not wanting a repeat of last time which is why we're stuck in the center of the ring. You might even be knocked out but I'm going for the pin anyway as the ref slams the mat again. TWO! yt
07:13 Asian_Terror: Fell my one legged pulled up as I just stare blankly at the ceiling and lights...eyes not able to focus and blinking as bulge twitches in squares. Yt
07:15 Yuki_Ueno: THREE! The bell rings and I release your leg back to flop to the mat with a wave of relief. Some fans can't believe the Asian Terror got defeated, others are chanting my name as I move to stand and the ref holds my arm into the air. All the pains of the match fade away as I soak in the victory and plant my foot on your chest yt
07:18 Asian_Terror: Lay on canvas in shame and defeat as I feel your boot push onto my hard pecs and look up at your perfect muscles n sweaty bod. Shocked the match ended this way and just lay there with pecs and abs heaving up and down. Still rattled and hand grabs at my head now as I suffer still. Yt
07:20 Yuki_Ueno: "You fought well, but I'm just better" I tell you as I move my boot off you. I turn and go to exit the ring, leaving the ref to check on you and your humiliating loss in your home turf as I leave the arena. yt. End?
07:22 Asian_Terror: “I will get even in Japan” I hiss as ref fusses over me and I roll to my side and grab ring ropes to help myself get up and stagger then slowly head back to the locker area. Realizing that definitely didn’t go as planned. Sit on the bench and replay the match in my head.

Published: 2021-05-05, viewed 146 times.
