All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
0 photos
0 files

Rookie v Rookie


20:25 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I make my way to the ring wearing my black Adidas briefs with the blue three stripes down the side as I climb through the ropes and take a corner stretching out as I await my opponent to come to the ring I am 5'11 190 pounds and 28 years old I had recently tried pro wrestling after seeing it on tv through my middle and high school days and a promoter said he had the perfect opponent for me

20:29 Hiro_1: Heading to the ring at 5’10 155 in a light blue poser brown skin glistening under the lights. Anxious for my first match jump in the ring. Look you over in your black speedo you definitely have the size advantage go to shake your hand. “ nice to meet you and good luck I’m Hiro “ yt

20:31 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you come to the ring you are about the same height as me and definitely look way younger you have your toned skin that already seems to glow under the ring light and clearly have more toned muscles as I see your pecs, and, and arms flex when you climb in the ring you approach and offer to shake my hand I take it and reply "Good luck to you too I am Ryan" the referee then signals for the bell DING DING DING yt

20:33 Hiro_1: Ref rings the bell. Take a deep breath feel my speedo tent up with excitement as I come to center and put my arms up yt
20:35 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: As the bell finishes ringing I come to the center of the ring my left foot slightly forward bent at the waist and hands in front going to see if you are going to lock up or try something different as I circle cautiously seeing your tented speedo it seems you are eager for this match yt

20:37 Hiro_1: As you approach I get nervous realizing I won’t win a lock up and I reach up for your arm and attempt to send my foot into your gut yt

20:39 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you reach forward like you are going to meet hands for a lock up but it was a clever deception as I feel your foot slam into my belly that is not near as trained as yours your foot hits about where my belly button is and drives in deep with a smack I let out a OMPH and bend over early in hand hands covering the area where your foot hit and breath deeply yt

20:41 Hiro_1: My kick connects and you bend over rubbing your gut. I I grab your head and go for a knee lift to your chest yt

20:43 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel the ring shake as you quickly close the distance I feel your hands pushing down on my head as I see your toned legs and blue tented speedo enter my vision as your knee drives right into my chest SMACK as I am forced up and my back hits the ropes my arms go over the top rope as my belly and chest pulse with pain I see your toned fit form in front of me yt

20:46 Hiro_1: My knee hits effect better than I hoped. Looking at your bigger body trapped in the ropes my blue speedos fully tented now I bring my arm back to deliver big chop to your chest yt

20:47 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: SMACK your hand drives into the same spot that your knee hit as I flop hard into the ropes they shake and bend as they take my weight and I let out a OUGH in pain as I was not expecting you to be able to hit this hard yt

20:49 Hiro_1: I see you in pain and and I extend my leg high to press my foot in your throat yt

20:52 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you bring your foot up as it presses into my throat I know that you are not using the ropes for leverage because I am pushing them away from you with my weight and I do not hear the referee counting your soft foot presses into my throat but not hard enough to choke me much as I can lean into the ropes I grab your foot and try to sweep out your other leg to knock you to the mat yt

20:54 Hiro_1: I hear the ref counting but want to choke you until the max but you grab my foot and I become unsteady and crash to the mat as you sweep my leg out from under me. Rub my back and try to roll away from you yt

20:55 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you crash to the mat and I lean on the ropes and try a half power atomic leg drop trying to see if I can catch you before you roll out of the way as I jump in the air and extend my leg yt

20:56 Hiro_1: I look up and your thick leg crashes down on my chest shocking me I groan out and cough my smaller body stunned yt

20:59 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel my leg hit your smooth chest as I hear you groan and cough as I like the feeling of landing something back as I go to grab your head by your hair to stand you up and prepare to Irish whip you to a ring corner yt

21:00 Hiro_1: You pull me up by my thick black hair still dazed from the big leg drop and whipped hard to the corner groan as my back hits and I almost fall forward but grab the top ropes abs sink into the corner. Yt

21:02 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I grab your left arm and put my right arm on your back feeling your smooth skin as I whip you into the corner as your hit the turnbuckle and hang on the ropes and I go to the corner across and charged you trying to slam my larger body into yours yt

21:04 Hiro_1: I am feeling pain in body and see you coming at me know I can’t let this happen and quickly move out of the corner before you splash me yt

21:06 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: As I charge across the ring I see you move out of the way at the last second and smash the turnbuckle hard as I could not stop THUD I hit the turnbuckle with my face jarring my face and body with the middle turnbuckle as I fall backwards onto the mat with a THUD looking up at the ring lights dazed from the impact yt

21:07 Hiro_1: I look over watching you crash into the corner and fall back flat on your back. I quickly clump to the top rope leap off for a big frog splash yt

21:10 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I reel in pain from the poor decision to smash you as I see you climb and the ring shake from you climbing to the top rope suddenly I see your tanned body take flight and come down hard into my belly and chest with a hard SMACK I feel your smooth skin rubbing against me and your muscles that are defined and hard transfer the energy as I jackknife up and the air is beat out of me my speedo is tented too as I feel your body smack into mine yt

21:12 Hiro_1: My body crashes onto you as you jacknive up I grab your leg and hook it can feel your tented speedo bulge against my arm mskjng mine tent more feeling my speedo get wet as I start to anticipate a victory. The ref counts 1.. yt

21:14 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel you hook my leg as your slick smooth skin presses and rubs into me your left pec and nipple pinning mine as you pin me and I can see your face looking down at me as I hear the mat pounded BANG 1 BANG 2 as I summon my strength and kick out and try to raise my shoulder although my chest burns from the hard assault yt

21:15 Hiro_1: The ref counts 2 his hand comes down for 3 when your shoulder comes up. I feel frustrated and slap the mat. Get to my feet argue with ref he count too slow yt

21:18 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel your smooth skin leave mine as I see you arguing with the referee and I slowly make my way to my feet as quietly as I can and wrap my arms around your waist area from behind I feel your wet speedo bump my arms and your lower abs of your six pack contrast your slick skin as I grab on hard and lean back attempting a suplex yt

21:20 Hiro_1: Feel your bigger arms wrap around my waist can feel your tented speedo bulge against my bubble ass. Trying to resist but can’t overcome your bigger size as you suplex me hard back arch up rubbing it as I groan and fall flat dazed yt

21:21 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I keep my grip across your waist as I hold the duplex position with your shoulders down and try for a quick pin BANG 1 yt

21:23 Hiro_1: You hold me down. I struggle panicking yt

21:25 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel your body struggling as you twist and I struggle to keep your shoulders down as I hear BANG 2 but my grip is slipping as your slick body wiggles yt

21:27 Hiro_1: I buck up hard and twist slipping free just before the 3 thankful we are sweaty or might have lost. Roll away rubbing my back. Body hurting yt

21:28 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel you roll away as I slowly get up as well looking for you to see where you have rolled off to and hope you were not really fast to get back to your feet before me yt

21:30 Hiro_1: Get to my knees and look up see you in your feet and try to lunge at you shoulder first aiming for your abs yt

21:32 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: As I turn I see you are already lunging at me shoulder down in a spear motion I don't move out of the way in time SMACK our sweaty bodies meet your part bony and muscled shoulder slams deep into my belly and I fold in half over your back as it feels like your shoulder is going to touch my spine I feel the air knocked out of me as we land on the mat in the center of the ring me under you set up perfectly for your finishing move yt

21:35 Hiro_1: My spear connects and drives you to the mat. You look stunned snd I climb the ropes again. This time I do a summersault off the top going for a big splash once again yt

21:39 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you climb the top ropes as it seems like time is in slow motion as I see you turn your back to me and leap you stretch backwards as I see your flexed back muscles pecs and abs as you fall towards me my mind screams to move my body does not as your hard abs meet my soft belly SMACK I have to fight spitting up as I gasp hard for air my lungs burning and my belly throbs and turns with pain yt

21:40 Hiro_1: I land the splash thinking this stud must be finished Kay across you hooking your big leg ref counts 1

21:44 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel your sweaty body slide across mine like a snake as your chest and abs rub against me and even your relatively light weight is enough to keep me pinned I enjoy the feeling of your smooth skin and muscles rubbing against me your eyes locking with mine and a big grin on your face as you sense victory BANG 2 BANG 3 "PINFALL" DING DING DING the bell rings as my speedo throws seeing you in the pin position and victorious yt

21:47 Hiro_1: Pressing my body hard against yours can feel your bulge throbbing against my arm yiu are not offering any resistance as my somersault splash takes out my bigger opponent stand up over you flexing as the ref declares the young rookie Hiro victorious yt

21:49 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I hear the bell as you let me go and plant your foot on my chest your speedo like a tent from victory your body shines as your biceps peak your pecs press out and your abs are on full show as the referee raises your arm over me I can't help but enjoy the view of you posing over me it off sets the throbbing pain I feel all over yt

21:52 Hiro_1: I lean down and offer my hand to help you up “ good match man. You are very tough “ yt

21:53 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you offer out your hand as I take it " are too" I say as you help me to my feet its a bit of a slow process given how much my body throbs in pain from the hard match yt

21:54 Hiro_1: You slowly get to your feet and I put my arm around you and the crowd cheers for the hard fought match and show of sportsmanship yt

21:56 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel your toned bicep slide around me and your body on mine as the small crowd cheers and I raise your arm and hold the ropes open for you as we go back stage

Published: 2021-12-19, viewed 93 times.



GUTT BUSTER (deleted member)

2021-12-20 12:57

A good fast action match both of you but witth Hiro taking the match out from Ryan on thos fight. He worked Ryans softer belly taking the wind out of hin with various attacks.
Congratulations Hiro on a well earn win and also to Ryan on fighting back and taking so much punishment. would love to ve match with your both.
Cheers from
Gutt Buster