All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
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Hiro VS Ryan Fighting Noob


03:39 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I am in the locker room for this underground pro wrestling venue in Tokyo I am in the exchange student program and met a classmate Hiro earlier in the day he expressed to me that he was a part of this pro wrestling league and since I had never had a wrestling match before he would like to be my first opponent I put on these briefs that I am told all the guy wrestlers wear and head out to the ring its a small ish venue kind of like a speak easy from days gone by as I climb into the ring and take a car near hearing the small crowds muttering and such I am older at 28 5'11 and 190 pounds but have never much been the athletic type as I await Hiro's entrance You are not logged in. You are not logged in. yt
03:46 Hiro_1: I met this guy Ryan from America in my classes. He never wrestle before. Could you believe it ? Well I am a champ of an underground wrestling fed here in Tokyo so I told Ryan he must come and wrestle me in the ring. The night arrive. I come down the aisle. My fans slap my hands. And I come to ring. Ref takes my belt and I turn to you. I’m at 5’9 165 and in my white and blue pro trunks with matching boots and pads. I extend my hand “Konnichiwa Ryan best luck tonight “ yt
03:49 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I watch Hiro come into the ring as he is leaner and toned now that I see him out of his street clothes as his muscles flex when he climbs into the ring and he wishes me luck as I nervously shake his hand as the referee signals for the bell DING DING DING it goes off as I take the best wrestling stance like I watched on tv I bend slightly at the waist hands in front of me as I watch what Hiro does yt
03:53 Hiro_1: I watch as you get in the stance of a wrestler. Bell rings CLANG and I rush in. Reach for your right arm and twist it behind your back quick now behind you. I say in your ear. “ this Ryan is an arm bar “ yt
03:55 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you move really quickly as you capture my arm and bend it behind me as I bend and contort as I gasp out and try to get you to let me go as I hear you whisper what you are putting me in as I try to twist and move away to use my size to break free yt
03:58 Hiro_1: You try to twist and break free. You are a big guy so I grunt as I try to control you. I pull your arm out straight to your side and I raise it up higher and pull and yank it down hard. Putting pressure on your shoulder yt
04:00 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel like I am managing to get out but Hiro skillfully manipulates my arm so my shoulder feels that pressure like if I move the wrong way it might pop as I try to bend in the direction that makes it feel less painful I am surprised at his skill as he controls me despite being way smaller as the crowd cheers along enjoying the start of the match yt
04:01 Hiro_1: I suddenly pull your arm back other hand on your back as I send you for a ride into the ropes. Watching as you come back and I put out my arm to go for a clothesline yt
04:04 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel Hiro put all his strength into flinging me at the ropes I always thought this looked weird on TV like how can a guy just run at the ropes but now that I am in the ring I understand how hard it is to resist that as I turn the ropes bending as my large form bounces on the ropes as its like a sling shot as I contemplate why its happening I run into Hiro's muscular arm SMACK as I feel the pain on my chest and am whipped back first on the mat with a THUD as I look up rubbing my chest, seeing the ring lights and hearing the cheers of the crowd yt
04:07 Hiro_1: The crowd CHEERS as the clothesline connects and the ring shakes as you drop to your back. I look down at you. You look in shock and I show off my acrobatic skill as I jump up high and summersault in the air to try to splash my muscles body onto yours yt
04:08 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you parading around as the crowd feeds off of your energy I see you stand facing away from me your muscled back flexes as all your muscles print on your skin suddenly I see you arched around like a dolphin out of water and SMACK your skin meets mine as I feel the air forced out of my lungs and feel the hard muscles and smooth skin as you land on me yt
04:10 Hiro_1: I crash down on your body. I feel you bounce up under me and I reach down to hook your leg up high. I go for an early pin as the ref counts 1… yt
04:11 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel your smooth skin as you lay across my chest I feel my leg lifted up I blush red as I am shown off to the crowd in a way as I hear the mat pounded BANG 1 BANG 2 and I throw my shoulders up to kick out of the pin as I don't want to loose that quickly yt
04:15 Hiro_1: I hear the 2 count and think it’s over when your shoulders rise up breaking the pin I get to my knees and look at you. “ so you want to experience some more pro action do you Ryan ?” I grab your head to pull you up as I do slide my arm between your legs. You can feel my arm brush the bulge in your wrestling brief as my hand grips your butt. My other arm goes over your shoulder. I let out a loud grunt as I scoop you up across my chest. I step forward. Extending my knee and slam your back onto it with a back breaker yt
04:19 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I am not a small guy as I feel you pick me up and turn me I am shocked as I am driven on your knee SMACK I feel th pain in my lower back as I look up at you as you keep me in the back breaker position as you are at home in the ring and it shows yt
04:21 Hiro_1: I look down at you as I press down on your chest with one hand and your thigh with the other. “How is the pro experience Ryan ? Your back okay? In the ring if you have had enough you just say the words I submit. Okay ? “ yt
04:24 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel your hands press on me taken aback by how soft they feel in contrast to the pain in my back as I am bent like a bow I moan and groan as I hear you giving me the survey I shake my head no to the referee who is asking if I want to give up I desperately kick my legs up hoping to score a lucky hit with one of them to try and get out of this back breaking bend that I am trapped in yt
04:26 Hiro_1: You refuse to submit. You are struggling. Your leg comes up and I have to release you to avoid it. Get to my feet. I get in the fight stance arms up. I give you a moment. “ come on Ryan. Show me what you got. A test of strength “ yt
04:29 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel you release the hold as I roll to my stomach on the mat and rub my lower back as I see you looking at me ready for me to stand your lean muscular form in contrast with your wrestling tight shorts as I make my way up you dare me to match a test of strength with you hoping that you wasted a lot of energy lifting me I lock hands with you trying to go on my toes for more leverage to bend your arms around and down to put pressure on your wrists yt
04:33 Hiro_1: You do get to your feet and lock up. You do have strength as I feel you try to bend my arms and feel pressure on my wrists. Maybe I made a mistake here. But maybe not. I let out a groan. “ ahh Ryan you are tough guy “ groan some more and then I lower my head and SLAM it hard right into your sternum yt
04:38 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I am not expecting the headbutt as I see your bowl type haircut slam into my chest you keep my hands locked so I can't rub it and I back up driven closer to the corner of the ring as the crowd is loving the dominant display yt
04:39 Hiro_1: As I get you to the corner. I lift my knee to drive it into your abs and again then release your hands. Yt
04:41 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see your abs flex as your knee rockets up SMACK SMACK it meets my belly twice as I lean forward my butt hits the turnbuckle and I am trapped in the corner the belly blows really knock the wind out of me and make me feel weaker as I am getting quite the lesson the crowd enjoying the show yt
04:43 Hiro_1: As you bend over rubbing your gut. I grab your head under my arm. And walk you out of the corner. “ time for a ride Ryan “ and I run forward with you and jump up landing on my ass trying to drive your head to the mat with a skull crusher bulldog yt
04:46 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you turn as I feel your muscular bicep wrap around my neck it applies enough pressure to keep me there as I am pulled into your pec feeling your toned chest muscle and even your nipple poke at my cheek my shoulder feels your soft skin and my hand feels the toned brick like abs of your six pack suddenly you run and jump all I see is the mat SMACK as my vision goes blurry and clear and I feel the headache pulse through my head as I lay face down on the mat stunned from the hard bulldog yt
04:48 Hiro_1: The bulldog hits and you are clearly stunned. The crowd knows this is a set up for my finisher. Chants of HIRO DRIVER HIRO DRVER fill the arena. I grab your head and pull you up. Place it between my muscled thighs. I wrap my arms around your waist. “ Ryan this may hurt “ and I use my strength to lift your muscular body. Flipping you vertical and drop straight down driving your head to the mat in one swift motion
04:52 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
04:52 Hiro_1: Yt
04:57 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I feel you pull my head up as your smooth thighs go around my head I feel your smooth fabric of your tights and your package on my neck as your smooth arms wrap around my waist and lift me I am tuned our as your smooth muscles rub on my back the arena is upside down you promise pain and it is so as you drop me on the mat SMACK my vision goes in and out and my head throbs as I lay face down on the mat on the edge of consciousness that pile driver nearly knocked me out yt
05:01 Hiro_1: I just pull off the HIRO DRIVER and your head hits hard. I flip you to your back. Lay across you. Hook your leg high as I press down on your shoulder. The ref counts 1…2… the crowd roaring on their feet yt
05:03 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: My world is in and out of clarity as I see you roll me over I feel the pressure and velvet like skin rub on me as I feel hour pecs match up with mine and some of your abs you lift my leg high I am kind of aware what's happening but there is no way I am going to kick out of it BANG 1 BANG 2 BANG 3 DING DING DING I hear the bell knowing that the match is over as I just take in the enjoyable sensation of seeing you look down at me and pinning me yt
05:06 Hiro_1: The ref counts three as I score the victory over my school mate. I run my hand through your hair. “ you did good for the first time Ryan. What do you say we go get cleaned up and changed and go get some sushi my treat “ I reach down to help you up to your feet. Raising your arm up and the crowd cheers us both yt
05:09 Ryan_Fighting_Noob: I see you looking down at me I enjoy the feeling of your body pressed into mine and the soft yet sincere facial expression you have as you run your fingers through my hair I nod a yes and say "Thanks Hiro that was fun and you are really good at it and sure can use a cold beer to go with it" I say as you pull me up and raise my arm I follow you out of the ring and backstage

Published: 2022-07-07, viewed 53 times.



Apollo Dante

2022-07-07 23:29

Hiro you were impressive here again. Another BIG win and love that finisher of yours too certainly showing everybody what a tuff stud you are. Keep it going!

Apollo Dante

2022-07-07 23:29

Hiro you were impressive here again. Another BIG win and love that finisher of yours too certainly showing everybody what a tuff stud you are. Keep it going!

Will Power

2022-07-07 09:35

After pnly not long ago fighting Ryan I am glad to see him back in the ring again this time against Hiro who I am a fan of too. I agree with my freind Scorp and Hiro I have to say Ryan is great to work with as well as work over. It was my first published match and we have wall over 100 readers. That shows for sure just how many people love reading Ryan's matches and add Hiro to that and you know you have a great match to read, Can't wait to face Ryan again and hope to meet Hiro in the ring oon as well if he would like.
Will Power :)

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-07-07 07:07

Hiro is quite the fighter when it comes down to being aggressive and taking charge. Ryan as usual great reactions and good writing man!…Great fight you two thanks for sharing.


Hiro 1

2022-07-07 07:11

(In reply to this)

I thank you for the nice compliment Scorp. Ryan is so great to work with and yes a great writer