All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
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Glenn Hardin vs Hiro 1

Gatlin Thean (deleted member)

21:46 Hiro_1: It is fight night at the TOKYO UNDERGROUND DOJO and I came to the ring. Still undefeated. Number 1 in Japan they say. The fans cheer me HIRO HIRO HIRO as I come down the aisle. Jump in the ring. I raise my belt. And hand it to the ref. I wear my blue square cuts with gold stitching and matching boots and pads. Oh I do look like a champ. I wait for this new wrestler to enter my ring. As I stretch yt
21:46 Hiro_1: You are not logged in.
21:49 Glenn_Hardin: It was my debut, my first time to wrestle in front of a crowd. I am still a trainee in one of these Tokyo Underground training centre. And those damn promoters are putting me against the current Undefeated champion. I come out to the sound of silence, maybe polite clap from the crowd as they have no clue who I am. I am walking all nervous and stiff, making my way into the ring with my tight blue squarecut with yellow stripes on the side. I stand awkwardly on the opposite end of the ring. yt
21:52 Hiro_1: Watch close as you enter. Smaller than Hiro. You look nervous and little fanfare. I walk up to you. Extend my hand.” I am Hiro. You in the right place ?” Yt
21:55 Glenn_Hardin: You extend your hands and I extend mine just to show respect to the wrestler I am fighting with at the moment. Though I didn't answer your question at all and then pull my hands away quickly. And quickly get into the corner until the bell rings. yt
21:58 Hiro_1: You shake my hand. You do not answer. Not knowing who my opponent is or anything about you except you appear a rookie. You go to your corner. I go to mine. Ref says it is one fall match. Winner by pin or submission. The bell rings. I come out my arms up in fighting stance. I motion you to come toward me yt
22:00 Glenn_Hardin: As soon as the bell rings, I want to impress the people at the back and especially the champion standing across me. You walk up with your arms in a fighting stance. But all I did was just run as fast as I could, I lift both my feet into the air to do a jump kick forward, aiming to hit you right on your abs with a shotgun dropkick. yt
22:03 Hiro_1: The bell rings and you shoot out of the corner. I see you lift your feet into the air. I think you go for dropkick to my chest. I move my arms down to block but am shocked as you kick lower with force. A shotgun dropkick to my champion abs. I fly back against the ropes and fold over. Rub my abs as I cough. And glare at you. “ lucky shot rookie “ yt
22:06 Glenn_Hardin: As soon as you hit the ropes and fold over, I run opposite off you again towards the ropes, my back hits the ropes and then I flung my way back towards you to repeat another shotgun dropkick on your abs whilst you are close or against the ropes. yt
22:10 Hiro_1: That kick hurt my abs. And you are a fast one. Give me no time for rest. But I am not champ for no reason. And am not going to fall for the same move twice. I move to the side and let you fly through the ropes giving me a moment to recover my breath yt
22:13 Glenn_Hardin: My shotgun drop kick missed the second time as you side stepped with ease. This caused me to fly through the ropes and crashed to the outside, right on my back, hurting myself in the process. I regret doing the move as I roll outside the ring trying to heal my back. After a few seconds, whilst you are still recovering I slowly attempt to get back up and roll into the ring, but laying down. yt
22:17 Hiro_1: I look down as you crash on to your back outside the ring. The crowd let’s out a groan. I recover my breath. Standing by the apron as you try to crawl in. I reach over the ropes and pull your head up under my arm. My other hand grip your square cuts “ Here let me help you back in “ and I yank on your waistband to pull you up vertical. Easy. You are light and fall back with a big vertical suplex yt
22:21 Glenn_Hardin: I was only half way in when you decided to 'help' me. You have me in that front facelock and my arms draped over your shoulder. You lift me up with ease as I am hanging upside down and then slammed my back into the middle of the ring. I arched my back and have one hand placed on my lower back, screaming in pain. yt
22:24 Hiro_1: I Kip up to my feet. See you arching up your back. Screaming in Pain. I do not let up as I jump up extend both legs out to drop them on your abs. A double leg drop yt
22:26 Glenn_Hardin: You didn't give me any room to breathe. Well you are about to when you hopped into the air to extend both your legs. Both crashed all over my midsection as I let out a huge groan "OOUUGHHH" and air coming out. My body buckles as I hug my stomach in pain. My first match is not going so well and this is my first time feeling true pain in a pro wrestling match. yt
22:28 Hiro_1: I can feel your abs go in as my legs hit hard. And you let out a huge groan. Payback for attacking my abs early. You hug your stomach. Hurting. And I reach down to pull you up to your feet again. I wrap my arms around your core and lift you up into a bear hug. Squeezing hard to work that aching back and core some more. “how does it feel to be in Hiro’s Tokyo Dojo ?” Yt
22:34 Glenn_Hardin: You pull me back up which continued to aggravate the pain on my back and gut. You then wrapped your hands around me for a bearhug and lift me up. Your muscular arms crushing my skinny frame, which you can feel my ribs on your biceps. You start taunting me as champions do and all I can do is scream in pain from this bear hug. I attempt to escape this by crashing both my arms on your ears and crush your head between them. yt
22:36 Hiro_1: I hear you scream in pain. I like to be in charge. I am used to it. I squeeze harder. Can feel your lean frame getting squeezed. I start to shake you up and down. “ You want to give “ when I am caught off guard with a pain in my ears. As you slam your arms into them hard. I drop you. Instinct. And stumble back to rub my head and ears and groan yt
22:42 Glenn_Hardin: My clap actually connected and you let me go, dropping me on my feet. I fall on one knees first, having a tough time handling these moves I am taking. As you still stumble backwards, I hopped back up and charge towards you. As I have my body positioned on your side, I then raise my legs upward so I end up on your shoulder. I then spin around your head and grab you in a front facelock to deliver a Satellite DDT, dropping your head on the mat. yt
22:46 Hiro_1: Still trying to regain my senses. I feel your legs up on my shoulder not sure what is going on when you wrap my head in a front face lock. I try to throw you off but it happens so fast as you level the champ with an inventive satellite DDT my head smashes to the canvas. Dizzy and dazed as I hold my head and my boots kick the mat. How could this have happened ? The crowd has gone quiet yt
22:47 Glenn_Hardin: The champion is actually down at the hands of this rookie. I push you down and hook your leg, thinking this could be it. Is this how it ends for the undefeated champion? 1... yt
22:49 Hiro_1: I feel you cover me. Hooking my leg. My head spinning. I can not go out like this. I hear the 2 count and I buck up to lift my shoulder yr
22:51 Glenn_Hardin: You managed to lift your shoulder and break the pin at 2. Which is mighty impressive for this rookie to go this far. I was taking my time as I look at the referee and ask him if it really was a 2. Which it obviously was. As you are still on the floor. I stand beside you. I jumped into the air and do performa a backflip, attempting to hit you with a standing moonsault across the torso of the champion. yt
22:55 Hiro_1: I kick out. The champ will not go out easy. You make rookie error of argue with ref. As I regain my senses. I play up the pain more. You jump up over me for a Moonsault. I raise my knees as you a flipping hoping to greet you with a shock to your core yt
22:56 Glenn_Hardin: I was already mid air and I saw the knees going up but could not change directions anymore. My weak belly falls onto your knees "OUUGHHH" feeling it impaled my body bounces off you and I land on the mat, hugging my stomach once again, kicking the mat. yt
23:00 Hiro_1: Thankful my plan worked. And you fall off my knees Moaning hugging your stomach. I decide to roll over and pull you toward me. Wrap my strong legs around your core and my arms around your head. It is a combo sleeper body scissor. “Let’s see you fly now little guy “ and I flex my thighs and my bicep around your neck. My other arm over the top of your head my hand hooking my other bicep to increase the pressure Yt
23:03 Glenn_Hardin: You pulled me over to you, as you wrapped your arms around my head and legs around my body. You start squeezing my skinny body with your bigger muscular body. You put so much pressure on them as I struggle to scream and could only wiggle around. It didn't take long until I feel like I am about to pass out. I had no choice but to tap your arm as you forced me to submit immediately. yt
23:05 Hiro_1: It does not take long. I feel you get weak fast. Not my usual finish but can not risk letting this pesky rookie back on his feet. I feel you tap my arm. The ref signals for the bell. I let go immediately. And get to my feet. My arm raised in victory. Your winner and still undefeated champ HIRO YT
23:07 Glenn_Hardin: I am left on the ground on my back, one of my arms used to cover my eyes as I try to remove this dizziness from the rear naked choke earlier. Feeling rather disappointed as I was so close to possibly beat the champion but didn't get the job done in the end. yt
23:09 Hiro_1: I lean down to help you up. Hiro is a good sportsman. Put my arm around you. Raise your hand. Lift my other arm. Telling crowd to cheer. I turn to look at you. “ You put up quite a fight little guy. Some more practice you will go far “ yt
23:10 Glenn_Hardin: You got me back up and raised my hand as the crowd did cheer for me. You turn back to me to give me a very nice compliment as I show a smile... Only for me to uppercut you right between the legs. yt
23:12 Hiro_1: I see you smile as I compliment you when. “ Ahhhh no. “ I drop to my knees and to my side. Rubbing my crotch as I moan. This rookie low blowing the champ. Feel sick in my stomach. Wonders why this seems to always happen to me yt
23:15 Glenn_Hardin: I then stepped on you as I make my way to the ropes, exit the ring to the sound of boos from the crowds. They were clearly unhappy with the way I disrespected their champion! yt
23:19 Hiro_1: Feel you just step on me. Totally disrespecting the champion. I hear the crowd boo you as I slowly get to my knees and then feet. Still rubbing my bulge as I grab my belt. I grab the mic from the ref “ GLEN YOU COWARD. YOU BETTER BELIEVE YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT. CONSIDER TODAY A PREVIEW OF ALLTHE PAIN YOU WILL ENDURE NEXT TIME” I drop the mic and slide out of the ring.

Published: 2022-07-13, viewed 90 times.



Steve Clarke

2022-07-13 17:22

Both of you look like good opponents for me and I would love a belt around my waist.

Hiro 1

2022-07-13 18:47

(In reply to this)

You want a crack at the champ? Hit Hiro up ;)

Jay Jones

2022-07-13 17:17

Nice match and another win for Hiro but this was as near as I have seen to him losing.
I so hope to see that loss very soon. Jay J

Hiro 1

2022-07-13 18:44

(In reply to this)

Thank you Jay Jones. If you want to see me lose better find someone else to try ;)

Apollo Dante

2022-07-13 18:18

(In reply to this)

Hiro gets another impressive victory against Glenn. I agree this was a pretty bout for him but he keeps his win streak in tact. If you want to end it as you seem to want to do why don’t you challenge him and see if you can!

Glenn’s dirty tactics at the end did stun Hiro but he might have to pay for that sooner than he thinks!

Hiro 1

2022-07-13 18:46

(In reply to this)

Thank you Apollo and yes. Glen will pay for that cheap shot to the champ ;)

Guild (deleted member)

2022-07-13 11:57

Hiro was pretty in control of the match though that Satellite DDT comeback from Glenn was impressive even if it was a short lived advantage, Good match Guys

Hiro 1

2022-07-13 18:46

(In reply to this)

Thank you :)


2022-07-13 08:29

Very nice fight, with a lot of various technics. Payback Time will come soon.

Hiro 1

2022-07-13 18:45

(In reply to this)

Thank you Jige. Very nice for you to take time to comment.

Will Power

2022-07-13 07:31

Hiro won that match well and was a great match ri read but my hero Hiro took another low blow at the end of his win. I am sure Glen will pay for it big time and I look forward to wrestling Both soon.
Will :)

Hiro 1

2022-07-13 18:45

(In reply to this)

Thank you Wiil. Very nice of you to say. Was a very fun and tough match. Glen is a good fighter.