All-Asian Association (AAA)

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Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
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The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
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Hiro and Damian meet in the Tokyo Dojo… AGAIN


04:00 Hiro_1: It’s fight night in Tokyo at the underground Dojo where the crowd is assembled to watch their champion Hiro to take on the handsome Aussie Damian Slater as he returns to Tokyo. I change into my gold Trunks and put my white belt over my shoulder and I hear my music start to play You are not logged in.
04:01 Hiro_1: The lights come up. Fighter pilots on the Jumbotron as I make my way down the aisle. “ Your champion at 5’9 165 pounds Hiro 1. The 1 for Number one champ of the Tokyo Undergound. My music blaring. I climb in the ring and up to the top rope. Wearing my gold square cuts matching boots and pads. My white belt. I’m holding it in the air as the crowd cheers. Waiting on your entrance yt
04:03 Damian_Slater:
04:04 Damian_Slater: i come out wearing my red and black trunks with matching bootsYou are not logged in. You are not logged in. ,i get into the ring and stare at you "ready to lose bitch?" i flex taunting you yt
04:07 Hiro_1: Watch as you enter with your fancy new entrance. I smirk at you. “At least your entrance is impressive Aussie” watch you flex “Nice muscles Damian but you know it’s not enough to take down the champ of the Tokyo underground” I flex back as I pop my pecs and bump my chest into yours. Yt
04:08 Damian_Slater: watches you flex "i guess your muscles aren't bad chump" smirks cockily then goes to my corner waiting for the bell yt
04:09 Hiro_1: “It is Champ to you punk “ I glare back at you as you stand in your corner. The bell rings and and I raise up my hands. “ come on let’s see whose are stronger “ yt
04:11 Damian_Slater: i raise my hands to yours but as im about to grab your hands i ram my knee hard into your abs "take that bitch!" i laugh oozing with cockiness and arrogance yt
04:14 Hiro_1: I reach up for your hands and am ready to put you in your place. When you ram your knee into my abs and I wasn’t ready yet. I drop to one knee and I cough rubbing my guts. Oh God that hurt “You cocky bastard I was not ready “ my fans boo you and I try to drive my fist into your abs yt
04:15 Damian_Slater: "thats the point dumbass" i then groan stumbling backwards, rubbing my abs "you'll pay for that" yt
04:17 Hiro_1: As you stumble back I get to my feet and I extend my leg and give a quick kick to your abs and follow it with a second
04:17 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
04:17 Hiro_1: Yt
04:19 Damian_Slater: i groan from the first kick to my abs then then second kick makes me fall to my knees yt
04:21 Hiro_1: I pull you up by your head and wrap my arm around it pulling you into a side headlock “ So you like gut shots ? How did those feel? “ I flex my bicep and crank the headlock
04:21 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
04:21 Hiro_1: Yt
04:22 Damian_Slater: i grunt and groan in pain from the headlock "they hurt!" i shout then attempt to wriggle free yt
04:26 Hiro_1: As you try to struggle free I flex tighter and get in front of you. Drive my knee into your abs and reach for your trunks and I try to lift you vertical going for a big vertical suplex
04:26 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
04:26 Hiro_1: Yt
04:27 Damian_Slater: as you lift me up i panic "no no no no!!!! dont!!!!" i beg yt
04:29 Hiro_1: I hold you up and let the blood rush to your head “Damian this side of you. It is not very attractive. Maybe you should not have given me a cheap shot. Now you pay “ and I fall back delivering a textbook suplex yt
04:30 Damian_Slater: i scream loudly in pain as my back hits the mat,i arch my aching back yt
04:32 Hiro_1: I Kip up to my feet and look down at you. The crowd is cheering HIRO HIRO HIRO !!! “Oh that looked painful handsome. “ I jump up lifting my leg going for a rag drop to your throat yt
04:35 Damian_Slater: i scream loudly in agony "arrrrrrrrh! fuck!!!!" i roll around holding my throat coughing a lot yt
04:37 Hiro_1: As you roll around. I grab your head and sit on the mat. I pull your head between my thighs and flex my quads. I put my hands on the back of your head and force your head deep into my thighs. “ time for you to settle down now Damian. How is your breathing ? I think I am getting a little sweaty “ yt
04:39 Damian_Slater: i struggle to breathe and i moan "g-get off me you little shit!" yt
04:42 Hiro_1: I hear you moan and I notice that I start to get a tent in my trunks. I feel embarassed. “ is that anyway to ask Damian ?” I lean back and I start to do sit ups and I flex my quads more with each rep. “ I needed a workout today. Thank you “ yt
04:43 Damian_Slater: i groan and moan feeling you do the sit ups "arrrrrrrh!!!! this hurts!" i see the ropes and attempt to reach them yt
04:45 Hiro_1: I see you get close to the ropes. “ yes Damian San. That is the point.” As you reach the ropes I open my legs and slam them closed on the side of your head then release you and roll up to my feet. Stand back “ had enough muscle boy “ yt
04:47 Damian_Slater: i scream loudly in agony holding my head i then slowly crawl towards the corner "no way!" yt
04:48 Hiro_1: “No? Okay have it your way then “ I rush towards you and raise my knee aiming for the back of your head yt
04:49 Damian_Slater: im just about to get to my feet when your knee hits the back of my head, i fall forward, my face hits the turmbuckle and i scream in agony, my face lays on the turnbuckle yt
04:52 Hiro_1: I squat down and I wrap my arms around your waist. “ this is no time to rest we are wrestling “ I whisper in your ear. I roll you over on your back and I lift you up again going for a belly to back suplex
04:52 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
04:52 Hiro_1: Yt
04:53 Damian_Slater: "arrrrrrrrrh!!!! fuck!!!!!" i groan loudly hitting the mat again "shit!!!" my cockiness and arrogance from earlier has faded yt
04:59 Hiro_1: I get up to my feet. I can feel you are all but finished. I lean down and wrap your arms under my pits and I fit you up your arms and your upper body facing up hanging under me “ Damian you should feel special you get to try my latest move. It is called. BRAIN DAMAGE “ and I jump up slamming your back and back of your head to the mat. My ass landing on your chest as I slide back hooking your legs under my arms my butt on your face as the ref counts 1… 2…
04:59 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
19:56 Damian_Slater: as my back and back of my head hits the mat hard, i scream in sheer agony, i then lay there stunned unable to move, i hear the ref count yt
19:59 Hiro_1: The ref counts 3… and I lower your legs. Stand up and get my hand raised in victory. Crowd cheering HIRO HIRO HIRO !!! I lean down to help you to your feet. And I hold your arm up with mine. The crowd cheers us both for an amazing match yt
20:01 Damian_Slater: i groan and moan still in agony, i whisper in your ear "lets go back to the locker room eh champ?" yt
20:03 Hiro_1: I hear you whisper in my ear that you want to go back to the locker room. “Good idea handsome let’s get cleaned up and head out for a nice Sushi and Teriyaki dinner. My treat. I’ll have my driver get my Lincoln ready “

Published: 2022-11-11, viewed 37 times.



Jay Jones

2022-11-19 19:58

I think Damian was in shock after this match but I am sure he enjoyed the pin with Hiro’s ass on his face.
Jay J

Damian Slater

2022-11-19 19:59

(In reply to this)

hahaha yeah your not wrong, i did enjoy that pin with his ass on my face

Rob Hunter

2022-11-12 21:58

Poor Damian got rocked. This Hiro boy is impressive. He might need some humbling ass kicking soon.

Hiro 1

2022-11-12 22:12

(In reply to this)

I am glad you recognize my amazing skill Rob and I thank you for the comment. Who do you propose will try to defeat Hiro1 Champ of the Tokyo Underground?


Apollo Dante

2022-11-12 22:09

(In reply to this)

You might just be the stud to do it Rob..go for it …but just remember Hiro is undefeated in the HOTSHOTS fed so far!

Hiro 1

2022-11-12 22:13

(In reply to this)

As much as I hate to say this I must correct you Apollo. I have lost 3 bouts however I won 18.

power pup

2022-11-12 22:19

(In reply to this)

Kick his ass Rob…long been an admirer of yours ..and while you are at it Damian Slaters too

Damian Slater

2022-11-12 22:14

(In reply to this)

*smirks* ah so your not a undefeated champ as you claim
good to know

Hiro 1

2022-11-12 22:16

(In reply to this)

Hmm. I never say undefeated champ handsome Damian. I said Number 1 champ ;)

Damian Slater

2022-11-12 22:17

(In reply to this)

number 1 champ your not
more like number 1 chump

Rob Hunter

2022-11-12 22:10

(In reply to this)

Oh is that so? Even better 😈

Apollo Dante

2022-11-12 04:04

Hiro the talented Japanese HOTSHOTS stud has a great record since he was recruited to the federation ..and he is getting lots of action. His latest bout saw him taking on the Aussie stud Damian Slater who has been so busy this month.

Hiro again showed us why he is doing so well as a HOTSHOTS wrestler and with a convincing victory we see that the Aussie pro wrestler is now recognised as a HOT fed jobber. Great action and this was a HOT read!