All-Asian Association (AAA)

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Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
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Will Jay-3 Respect Hiro “Champ of the Tokyo Underground “


05:58 Hiro_1: It’s fight night in Tokyo at the underground Dojo where the crowd is assembled to watch their champion Hiro to take on the bigger muscles Jay-3. I change into my gold Trunks and put my white belt over my shoulder You are not logged in. and I hear my music start to play
05:59 Hiro_1: The lights come up. Fighter pilots on the Jumbotron as I make my way down the aisle. “ Your champion at 5’9 165 pounds Hiro 1. The 1 for Number one champ of the Tokyo Undergound. My music blaring. “Kamikaze by PJ Harvey “
05:59 Hiro_1: I climb in the ring and up to the top rope. Wearing my gold square cuts matching boots and pads. My white belt. I’m holding it in the air as the crowd cheers. Waiting on your entrance yt
06:02 Jay-3: I wait for the lights to hit as the announcer shouts out my stats. "And his challenger, standing at 5'11 and weighing in at 214lbs, JAY-3!" I feel the spray of smoke and mist as I step out onto stage, the water from the mist trickling down my flexing pecs and six pack abs. I slick back my dirty blond hair. I hear a couple of fuckers booing me, but I flip them off as I strut down the lane. My muscles tight, my bright red speedo and matching wrestling boots hugging my body tight. I slide under the bottom rope and stand tall, rolling my shoulders. This guy is built, but he's going down. I give him a thumbs down as I bounce my pecs in him, eager to rip that belt right out of his hands after I pin him for the one-two-three.
06:02 Jay-3: yt
06:07 Hiro_1: I watch very close as you make your entrance. Surprised you enter my Dojo with this flashy entrance. After all I am the champ. You have many muscles and you bounce your big pecs at me. Give me a thumbs down. The audacity of you. The crowd boos your gesture. I just smirk at you. I hold up my belt the crowd cheers HIRO HIRO HIRO and I hand it to the ref. I give a double bicep flex. The ref check is over. He says it is a one fall winner by pinfall match. I nod to agree. I put out my hand to shake before the bell “ Good luck to you Jay San “ yt
06:09 Jay-3: I stare at you as you flex, all cocky. Someone needs to take this guy down a notch. I look down at your hand, pull my hand forward, and slap yours away. I stomp forward and shove my chest into you, hard. I hear the booing, but it just pumps me up more. "I didn't come into your ring tonight to ask for your luck." I shove off of you and hunch over, waiting for the bell to ring so I can start the beatdown!
06:09 Jay-3: yt
06:12 Hiro_1: You slap my hand away. The crowd jeers you so loud I can barely hear what you say. You shove your big chest into mine. Trying to show off your size advantage. I go to shove you back but the ref pushes me back. I see you hunch over. The bell rings. And I rush toward you like I’m going to lock up but instead I rise up and look to drive my forearm into the side of your head yt
06:15 Jay-3: I reach forward for a lockup as the bell rings. As I move in, a forearm nails the side of my head. I stagger back, shaking my head for a moment. "So, we're going to be like that, huh." I juke forward and raise both hands in a boxing stance aiming to land a solid uppercut into your gut as I step into your space, trying to explode forward on my flexed, powerful legs.
06:15 Jay-3: yt
06:21 Hiro_1: You stagger back and I grin. “You disrespected Hiro now you pay for it “ I see you move forward your arms up like a boxer. I mimic your stance ready to defend any strikes. I see your punch going toward my gut. I move back to avoid the full impact but it hits and I let out a grunt playing it up and I bring my right leg up high and to the side looking to strike you in the head with a big enzuigiri kick You are not logged in. yt
06:23 Jay-3: I don't make any impact with the punch and expect a counterattack. What's surprising is how quick your attack is. I barely have time to bring my arm up to mostly soften the blow of the enzuigiri. The blow still knocks me back and I stagger, hitting the ropes. I quickly use the momentum as I hit the ropes to grab on and use the momentum to launch myself forward, raising a muscular arm to take your head off in a hard running clothesline!
06:23 Jay-3: yt
06:28 Hiro_1: I manage to connect with the kick but unfortunately I hit your arm and not your head. It still forces you back as you stagger. I ready myself for the next move as you fall back to the ropes and bounce off. Your arm outstretched telegraphing your clothesline and I duck underneath and try to drive my shoulder into your abs your momentum also forcing you into my shoulder and if it connects flip you over my back for a back body drop yt
06:29 Jay-3: I grunt as a hard shoulder sinks into my flexed six pack abs. I groan and flip over, hitting my back on the mat. My back arches, boots kicking as I grip at my back, teeth gritted. I slowly roll to my side and feel my momentum slip away as I slowly get to one knee, trying to stand up, one arm still pressed to my aching gut.
06:29 Jay-3: yt
06:32 Hiro_1: I am stalking you as you roll to your side and get to a knee. I stand over you and I attempt to stomp your upper back hard with my boot and again yt
06:33 Jay-3: I yell out as a hard boot connects with my lower back. I gingerly stand to my feet and turn around. "You'll never have my respect." I reach forward and grab for you, attempting to spin around and wrap my arms around your waist, pressing myself to you and preparing to muscle you into a german suplex position!
06:33 Jay-3: yt
06:37 Hiro_1: I feel confident as you yell out from my stomps. The crowd is cheering. You get to your feet. Disrespecting me more. I am surprised as you grab me. You are strong and you wrap your arms around my waist. I plant my feet. And I reach back to try to grab your head if I do I pull it over my shoulder and drop to my butt to give you a big jawbreaker You are not logged in. yt
06:39 Jay-3: As I pull back, you pull forward. I slam downward and nail the mat with my face. I yell, cursing as I roll onto my back, my one hand covering my mouth. My chest pumps as sweat begins to glisten along my muscles, my face a wince of pain as I try to shake the sense back into me.
06:39 Jay-3: yt
06:41 Hiro_1: I am very thankful that counter was a success. You are very strong and if I let you get the upper hand it could be trouble. I get to my feet fast. I know I have to keep up the pace. Use my speed. I leap up high extend both legs out and I try to drive them both onto your abs You are not logged in. yt
06:43 Jay-3: Two legs come down onto my flexed abs. The blow sinks deep. My body lurches as I curl around your legs, my boots kicking up into the air. Sweat flies from me as I groan. I fall onto my back, my muscled arms wrapped around my aching gut, pecs pumping up and down as I breathe heavy. I writhe, limply resting prone on the ground.
06:43 Jay-3: yt
06:45 Hiro_1: I feel satisfaction as my blow lands. You look very much in pain. Breathing heavy. Not moving much. I am up quick again. I need to keep this up. Standing over you. I raise up my knee to drop it on to your forehead. As I look to daze you more yt
06:46 Jay-3: I need to get off the floor fast. Looking up, I summon all my strength to roll away before your knee comes down on my head. I roll backwards, aching, and flex hard to throw my body forward, aiming to launch into your abs with a hard shoulder spear to take you down to the mat!
06:46 Jay-3: yt
06:49 Hiro_1: I grunt as you somehow manage to roll away. I rub my knee as I get to my feet as it landed hard. When BAAM you drive your shoulder into my abs HARD and I hit the mat hard in my back. I cough and gasp for air. The wind knocked out of me yt
06:50 Jay-3: I grunt, hitting the mat with you. I roar, ignoring the pain as much as I can, angry as fuck, which helps to get me to my feet. "Get up, fucker!" I grab for your hair and try to haul you to your feet, trying to pull your head in between my legs and pull your arms up for a pedigree straight into the mat.
06:50 Jay-3: yt
06:53 Hiro_1: You tell me to get up. Grabbing for my hair. It’s going to take more than one blow to put me down. As you pull me up. I gave one hand on my gut and with the other I go for a big uppercut to your jaw hoping to stop you from setting me up for the big move yt
06:55 Jay-3: A hard uppercut rocks my jaw. My eyes go glassy. I stagger, groggy as my arms hang at my sides, my head rolling back slightly as I stare out, my big chest heaving and abs flexing tight. My shoulders droop as I stand in the center ring looking out of it, the blow catching me off guard and has me seeing stars.
06:55 Jay-3: yt
06:57 Hiro_1: I get you off guard with that blow. I see you standing but you look dazed. I sneak up behind you jump up grab your shoulders to pull you back down hard back first on to my knees for a big back stabber You are not logged in. yt
07:00 Jay-3: I fall back down on you, your knees spearing into my back. It's shooting pain up my spine. I hit the ground and fall onto my back, struggling to keep up. I groan, my body growing more fatigued from the constant abuse. I attempt to sit up, but fall back prone onto the mat, chest heaving as I try to recover.
07:00 Jay-3: yt
07:03 Hiro_1: I can see you are hurting now. The crowd is on their feet. They watch as you try to sit up but fall back again. They start to chant loudly. HIRO DRIVER HIRO DRIVER. They know it is coming. I pull you up by your head. This time to put it between my thighs. I wrap my arms around your waist. You are heavy but I can do this. I lift band try to flip you up vertical. If I get you up it is a quick motion and I drop you on your head for the big HIRO DRIVER
07:03 Hiro_1: [IMAGE:]
07:03 Hiro_1: Yt
07:06 Jay-3: You pull me up. I groan, sweat pouring off of me as I stagger to my feet. I'm swaying, eyes drooped. My head goes down and I'm muscled up, hanging upside down as my arms hang above my head, my sweat-drenched pits on display and bare torso dripping. A drop and my head hits the mat. I gurgle out a bark of pain and shock as my body goes limp. I flop down onto my back, arms spread above my head, my boots hitting the canvas. My soaked pecs pump up and down, nipples bobbing as I breathe weakly, spread eagle in the middle of the ring.
07:06 Jay-3: yt
07:09 Hiro_1: The HIRO DRIVER hits and your muscled body spread eagled and limp on the mat. Soaked in sweat. I sit on your chest and I pull your big legs up toward your head with both arms. And the ref begins his count. The crowd of roaring on their feet 1… yt
07:14 Jay-3: I feel myself folded up, my head tilted back, my face blank. I'm dazed and out of it. My arms are pinned above my head as the ref's hand hits the mat. One. Two...
07:14 Jay-3: yt
07:16 Hiro_1: There is still no movement. As the refs hand comes down and he shouts 3…. I get to my feet. My hand raised. “ You’re winner. The number 1 champ of the Tokyo Undergound Hiro “ I bend down to offer my hand once more. Still showing I am a champ with honor. I wonder if you still have no respect yt
07:17 Jay-3: I groan as the ref counts three. The bell rings, and I limply writhe on the ground. Slowly I make my way to my feet, gripping the back of my head. I stare at you with spite, and slap your hand away again. I limp out of the ring, rolling under the ropes and making my way out of the arena, refusing to show the champ any respect, no matter what the outcome of the match.
07:17 Jay-3: yt
07:19 Hiro_1: The crowd boos you as you walk to the locker room. I stay in the ring to enjoy the victory with the fans. Standing on the top rope holding up my white belt

Published: 2022-09-22, viewed 59 times.



Pascal Persistance (deleted member)

2022-09-24 14:28

Hiro proving again how good a fighter he is. Good fight guys.

Hiro 1

2022-09-24 16:22

(In reply to this)

Thank you very much Pascal and I’m glad you enjoy the fight

Scorp (deleted member)

2022-09-23 22:21

I think Jay-3 is now going to respect Hiro! ;)

Hiro 1

2022-09-24 16:21

(In reply to this)

Thank you for comment Scorp. Jay 3 was fun opponent


2022-09-23 16:06

Good job guys! better luck next one Jay

And seems someone needs to prevent Hiro from landing the Hiro driver

Hiro 1

2022-09-23 18:48

(In reply to this)

Thank you Sparkie. That is not easy to do. You may try if you like to ;)


Jay Jones

2022-09-23 10:35

Hiro pulls off another win here and against my namesake who just like me suffered the devastating Hiro Driver, following which I have never seen anyone kick out of the pin.

Well done guys.

Jay J

Hiro 1

2022-09-24 17:20

(In reply to this)

Mr. Jay you forget what happened last time so soon ? Maybe the Hiro driver hurt your memory 😂

Jay Jones

2022-09-24 18:01

(In reply to this)

That Hiro Driver scares me and I will not let you do that to me again but you will feel my Tombstone next time

Hiro 1

2022-09-23 15:19

(In reply to this)

Thank you for the comment Mr. Jay Jones. Are you ready to take on Hiro 1 again ?

Jay Jones

2022-09-24 17:16

(In reply to this)

Yes you will not beat me a second time punk

Madison Jones

2022-09-22 19:27

Good Job Hiro! おめでとう!

Hiro 1

2022-09-23 00:15

(In reply to this)

Thank you Madison. Jay was fun to wrestle

Damian Fenrir

2022-09-22 19:00

Set in a Tokyo Underground ring we see Hiro1 taking on Jay3. Jay had a weight and height advantage here but Hiro shows us why he has a 13-3 record in the HOTSHOTS fed. Using brutal high flying tactics and his deadly HIRO DRIVER finisher he claimed another BIG scalp.HOT action here and other bout where a smaller stud defeats a big muscleboy. LOVED IT!

Hiro 1

2022-09-23 00:15

(In reply to this)

Thank you Damian for the kind comment :)