All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
0 photos
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23:48 AndyasRiley: I have worked hard to get to this point 98 wins I am proud of my record. One of my recent losses was to my little brother Tua. I have had to call him big bro since the loss so it’s time to put him in his place. I stand in the locker room pull up my black tights make sure they look just right give myself a look in the full body flex and listen as the announcer Calls me. Here is your first participant in tonight’s hot shots match he’s the never pale alpha male weighing in at 195 pounds and standing 6 foot tall and going for win number 99 it’s Riley Nova! I take a breath and jog to the ring giving a few high fives and fist bumps along the way. I slide under the bottom rope and head to my corner pulling up the front of my tights
23:48 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in. You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
23:49 AndyasRiley: Yt
23:50 fury2014: Andy looking good as he makes his way to the ring
23:53 AndyasRiley: Flex for fury You are not logged in.
23:54 fury2014: Applaud for ANDY
23:55 Maui_Kid: The big night has arrived. I have been riding high for the past few weeks after obtaining one of the biggest wins of my career over my bro Riley. It has been fun hearing him call me big bro and I hope to beat him again tonight so it continues. I know he will be ready and will fight hard as he’s 2 wins away from 100. I hear the announcer. “ Making his way to the ring at 5’5 125 the high flying Maui Kid. My music starts up “ Army of Me” by Bjork and I rush down the aisle in my red speedo and barefoot. Jump in the ring and I do some backflips to fire up the crowd full of friends tonight and I step up to look at my big bro “Looking good little bro. Let’s make this a good fight “ I reach out my hand for you to shake
23:55 Maui_Kid: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
23:55 Maui_Kid: Yt
23:56 fury2014: Maui kid hot as always
23:56 Zay_Rycerz: Let's go Tua! Good luck you two!
23:56 Jay_Jones: Both my bro's look great and I know this is going to be hard for me to watch
23:57 Rob_Hunter: *quietly takes a seat and watches the action closely* Good luck guys!
23:58 fury2014: take a seat next to Rob to watch the action
23:59 AndyasRiley: I am impressed by Tuas entrance and love that he calls me little bro more motivation for me to take my place as the big bro I smile at you and shake you hand and pull you in for a bro hug I whisper in your ear “after this hug I am no longer yiur friend til the bell rings”. I let you go and turn my back on you for a minute as I walk to my corner I see my girl in the crowd and flex for her and then turn back To face tua as the bell sounds
00:00 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in.
00:00 The_Traveler: *takes a seat on the far side, observing intently* "good luck you two!" I shout
00:01 AndyasRiley: Thanks for watching all of you guys!
00:04 Maui_Kid: You shake my hand and pull me close to you. Whispering that that after this we are no longer friends until the match ends. I feel a bit of a shiver down my spine as you release my hand. You turn to face the crowd flexing and I think. What a rookie mistake. He should know better than to turn his back on me. I move closer to you and wait for you to turn around as I crouch low. When you turn I charge at you head first with my HARD HEAD at your belly like a battery ram YT
00:04 fury2014: Maui starting out with a head butt to the belly
00:05 Wrestlestar: Nice surprise heel move lol
00:07 AndyasRiley: As I turn to face you before I can even put my hands up for a lock up Oooooooooooooooooooooo god my belly explodes in pain the breath knocked out of me as I stagger backwards towards the ropes and corner holding my gut shocked by this move and reeling in pain
00:07 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
00:08 Jay_Jones: WOW
00:11 Maui_Kid: I straighten up watching as you back up against the ropes. I can see you are hurting but know just how much it takes to keep you down. I come right after you and I grab your head with both hands. “Belly hurt little bro? Try this one !” And I bring my HARD Islander head back to ram it into your forehead for a big Islander headbutt
00:11 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
00:11 Maui_Kid: Yt
00:11 fury2014: Maui using his head in this bout thus far
00:13 The_Traveler: "damn, already Tua?" I think to myself. I clap out and shout "way to go Tua!!"
00:14 AndyasRiley: As I stand holding the ropes as I try to get my wind yiu walk up to me taunt me about my belly hurting and as I reach my hand on your shoulder to attempt to control you Boom!!!! Ahhhhhhh my head explodes in pain as you use that hard head and head butt me I immediately drop to the mat in front of you holding my head in pain now my stomach and my head hurt and I’m embarrassed by the start of the match
00:14 AndyasRiley: Yt
00:16 Zay_Rycerz: "Yikes! Tua's taking the fight to Riley" i think to myself then yell out "stay strong you two!"
00:17 Maui_Kid: Watch as you fall to your knees and I knock on my head with my fist. “Huh didn’t hurt me” shrug my shoulders and take a few steps back and rush forward and lift my knee to drive it into your chest You are not logged in. yt
00:19 AndyasRiley: As I sit on the mat nursing my head my breath starting to come back I look to the audience seeing concern on my fans faces then boom - aghhhhhhhhhhhh my chest and my chin receive a hug knee ahhhhhh god I hold my midsection as I roll on the mat in pain I grab the bottom rope to start to pull myself up
00:20 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in.
00:20 AndyasRiley: Yt
00:22 Maui_Kid: As you try to reach the bottom rope I am right over you. I grab the top rope with both hands and use them to help me jump up high bring in my knees and extend my legs to slam my feet into your back yt
00:25 AndyasRiley: As I try to get up suddenly ahhhhhhhhhhhh geez my back I arch it in pain as I roll around on the mat unbelievable how bad this is going for me I don’t even realize it but I am close to the edge and roll of the ring and onto the floor I hit the concrete floor hard and stare up at the lights. The cold concrete on my back I look over and see a fan who says “get up you weak flabby pussy” I am hurting and embarrassed as I lay on the floor
00:25 AndyasRiley: Yt
00:26 A-rod_the_destroyer: Guess he will be staying at 98
00:27 Wrestlestar: Heel power....
00:28 The_Traveler: My eyes find Zay and Rob, and I only think "I have my work cut out for me." I continue applauding and cheering.
00:31 Maui_Kid: See you down outside the ring. I cringe as your big body hits the concrete with a THUD. and I move backwards as I flip over the top rope looking for a Moonsault splash across your downed body
00:31 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
00:31 Maui_Kid: Yt
00:33 AndyasRiley: As I lay on the floor trying to recover I get to my feet and stagger around for a second not paying attention to you and I I look up I see you flying at me booommmmm!!! Ahhhh god I hit the floor hard as you slam your body into mine I am hurting all over as I lay on the floor staring up at you
00:33 AndyasRiley: Yt
00:35 Maui_Kid: I hit the flying Moonsault cushioned by your body as it absorbs the impact and I roll up to my feet. I pump my fist in the air and ROAR at the crowd. Look down at you standing right over you. I jump up bring in my knees looking to drive them into your hurt belly HARD with all my weight yt
00:37 Zay_Rycerz: I yell out "Tua's all fired up! Stay strong Riley your still in this!"
00:40 AndyasRiley: As I lay on the floor hiring all over you jump up and land both knees into my exposed belly ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh geezzz my stomach and rubs in immense pain as I sit up hold my midsection
00:40 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in.
00:47 Maui_Kid: Watch as you sit up and you look to be hurting really bad now. “Up already LITTLE bro. Here let me help you” I grab your arm and head to pull you up “here let me help you in the ring “ but instead I aim you for the corner post and try to whip you into it shoulder first
00:47 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
00:47 Maui_Kid: Yt
00:48 fury2014: WOW
00:51 Wrestlestar: Great move if you catch it right...
00:51 AndyasRiley: As I sit on the floor my belly hurting my whole body in pain you come over to me mockingly asking me if I need help getting up you pull me up by my arm next thing I know I’m being tossed into the corner post ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god my shoulder and ribs hit hard and fall hard to the floor again my entire body hurting some in the crowd start taunting me “Riley sucks riley sucks” I hear and then I watch you roll into the ring and the ref steps to the edge and starts counting I don’t know it I can make it back in before the 10 count
00:54 Maui_Kid: You got the corner post so HARD. I hear some of the fans booing you while others cheer me. Honestly I do not like to hear them boo my bro but the cheers sound great to my ears. I roll in the ring. Step back as the ref counts and I’m thinking I might have this match won yt
00:56 AndyasRiley: 4 5 6 I hear and I almost Decide to give up and just lay on the outside but I have too much pride in myself and my abilities so as hard as it is with everything inside of me I grab the top of the ring apron get to a kneeling position using what strength I have left in my body I finally get to a standing position the ref hits eight my legs are wobbly and I almost crashed back down to the floor
00:59 AndyasRiley: But with a burst of strength I roll my self under the bottom rope as the ref hits nine nearly 10 I’m laying on the mat now staring up at you little to no energy left in my body but I beat the 10 count
01:00 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:02 Maui_Kid: As you crawl back into the ring barely beating the 10 count you you just lay flat looking up at me I reach down to grab your boots and lift your legs up. Raise my foot and try to send a stomp to your gut “ should’ve stayed out of the ring bro “ yt
01:04 AndyasRiley: Defenseless and nearly beaten I lay on the mat you give me no time to rest as I lay there you come over grab my legs taunt me and then stomp my belly ooooooooo god I’m humiliated and then I roll over and grab the ropes near the corner and start to pull myself up
01:05 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in.
01:05 Maui_Kid: As you start to pull yourself up I grab your arm from the ropes and pull you up. Put my other hand on your shoulders and grunt as I try to whip you into the corner back first yt
01:05 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:06 Maui_Kid: Yt
01:10 AndyasRiley: I get to a standing position hurting all over and then then I feel you grab my arm I can offer little resistance and you whip me my back hits hard on the opposite corner I slump over the ropes barely able to keep myself standing
01:10 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:11 Zay_Rycerz: I yell out "Hang in there Riley!"
01:11 Maui_Kid: As you hit the corner I come in grabbing the ropes on either side of you and start to slam my shoulder into your belly. And again and again yt
01:15 AndyasRiley: Slumped in the corner you approach me I try I weak punch with no effect then ooooooo ahhhhhhh god over and over shoulder blocks to my weakened belly I almost tap out just because the pain is so bad in my midsection
01:15 AndyasRiley: You are not logged in.
01:15 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:16 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Wow this is awesome guys!
01:18 Maui_Kid: I feel your punches but they are surprisingly weak. I grab your head and your arm and I say “don’t worry little bro. It’s almost over “ and I whip you to the opposite corner yt
01:18 Jay_Jones: Jesus Tua is all over Riley I know how that feels
01:20 AndyasRiley: My body completely racked with pain my stomach my ribs my head everything hurting he whips me into the opposite corner my back hits hard something inside of me switches my determination no longer to survive but to fight even though my body hurts all over I know this may be my opportunity if I can catch you being overconfident as you come into the corner after me
01:21 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:23 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: OMG Tua is going to destroy Andy ouch
01:23 Maui_Kid: I am bouncing up and down and wave my hand up to pump up the crowd and let out an ISLANDER ROAR and rush towards you full speed stretching out my arm going for a wicked corner clothesline in the corner setting you up for the finish
01:23 Maui_Kid: [IMAGE:]
01:23 Maui_Kid: Yt
01:25 AndyasRiley: Spite my body hurting all over this is my opportunity you come running in at me arm out the clothesline my chest as you get close I pull up both knees into my chest and extend my long legs into your chest crashing both boots into your ribs the first time I’ve had any offense this match at all
01:28 Maui_Kid: Full of adrenaline and knowing you have taken so much punishment I am rushing in full speed when BAAAM your boots SLAM into my skinny chest. I drop flat on my back rubbing my chest as I roll back and forth coughing and gasping for air. On instinct I try to crawl to the other side of the ring to the ropes hoping it takes you longer to recover yt
01:30 AndyasRiley: As my boots find their mark on your skinny chest I drop to the mat on my butt and look over you laying on the mat holding yourself I crawl over to you barely able to move only fighting by instinct survival I Manage to crawl on top of you my butt on your waist and I just begin throwing punches writes and less into your face giving you what little bit of strength I have left I feel the ref coming over grabbing my side trying to force me off of you as he counts
01:31 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:35 Maui_Kid: I’m about to rise up when you slam your butt on my waist. Thinking God you’re heavy bro when you start slamming punches into my pretty boy face. The first couple land and I cry out in pain stunned. I try to get my arms up to defend my face as I bring my knees up to your back when the ref drags you off me. I immediately check my face hoping there is no blood and I grab the ropes and start to get to my feet. Glaring back at you. “You are going to regret that bro “ I shout as I start to stomp my foot on the mat angry yt
01:38 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Wow it's not over!
01:40 AndyasRiley: I am now energized but in pain. I use the pain to motivate me. I see you stomping your foot trying to intimidate me but I’m passed that and now I am ready to show you what I can do I walk right over to you and scream bring it on bro and I throw a big European upper cut into your face
01:40 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:44 Maui_Kid: You don’t back down as you come right at me. Screaming at me to bring it on. “You sure you want that !” I bring my arm back ready to throw a chop when you bring your fist up and slam a huge European uppercut to my face. Spit flying out of my mouth as it lifts me off my feet and I fall into the ropes. My head spinning as I reach with one hand to rub my face and start to moan in pain. Yt
01:46 AndyasRiley: I land the the upper cut and then follow up with a kick you abs as you bed over I’m tempted to give you a ddt but remember how hard your head it so I give you a swinging neck breaker instead. After I I land the move I sit on the mat still hurting
01:46 AndyasRiley: Yt
01:49 Maui_Kid: Occupied by the pain in my face you send a big kick to my abs. I double over coughing as I rub my abs “ Damn bro that hurt “ I groan I feel you grab my head and and arm not sure what you are doing trying to through a punch to your side when I feel you start to swing my head around and you drop me with a big neck breaker. I scream out in pain as I flop around on the mat. Rubbing my neck. My barefeet kicking the mat. Yt
01:53 AndyasRiley: Finally getting some momentum I stand up and then begin dropping elbows into yiut chest one two three times each time making sure all of my 195 pounds is behind the elbows after the third one I reach up and grab the back of your head so little bro now it’s time to feel the pain you caused me and I drive a forearm to your chin
01:58 Maui_Kid: I look up and see you coming down at me. Your elbow and all your 195 pounds slamming into my skinny chest and 125 pound body. My body jacknives as I gasp for air. I can’t even scream but you don’t stop and drop 2 more elbows. I cough uncontrollably as you give me no respite and pull me up by the back of my neck calling me little bro. You tell me it’s time to feel the pain I caused you all I can think is I think I just have when your forearm slams into my chin dropping me to my back. I start to panic and know I need a break or I’m finished. I try to roll to the apron and out of the ring yt
02:03 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: I sit forward in my seat waiting for th e next moves
02:16 AndyasRiley: I grab you by the back your speedo to keep you from leaving the ring and walk you over to the corner by the back of the neck as we come to the corner I wrap yiur arms around the top rope and then give you three shoulder blocks into your abs remember how you did this to me bro and after the third I give you a viscous upper cut to your jaw
02:16 AndyasRiley: Yt
02:23 Maui_Kid: I can feel you grab the back of my speedo probably giving the audience a peek at my smooth bubble butt and stop me from leaving the ring. You pull me up and again drag me by the back of my neck treating me like an annoying little brother as you place me in the corner and wrap my arms over the top ropes. I look at you with wide eyes as you lower your shoulder and flex my abs when you drive your shoulder and all your weight into my abs over and over and over. I start to fold over as I cough and groan the wind driven out of me as you taunt me asking if I remember doing that to you. I can’t answer you and see your arm coming up “ NO BRO” I shout when BAAAM you land a huge uppercut to my jaw and I fall forward against you trying to grab the back of your head as I do my abs burning and my jaw aching and try to pull you down so your jaw hits the top of my head yt
02:29 The_Traveler: *sees Tua fall forward* "C'MON TUA! YOU CAN RECOVER!!"
02:32 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Tua you know you can turn this even now
02:33 Wrestlestar: C'mon heel!!!
02:34 fury2014: Great action !!!!
02:37 Zay_Rycerz: "Hang in there Tua!"
02:38 Jay_Jones: I think the clock has run down to a draw
02:39 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: You may be right Jay
02:42 AndyasRiley: I feel you grab my head and try to force my chin but I wrap my arms around your midsection and start to squeeze I have you in a bear hug and bring you to the center of the ring squeezing you. I start to talk to you while I put pressure on your thin body. “Little bro you have given me a hell of a beatdown but you went too far now you have to pay.” I squeeze harder
02:42 AndyasRiley: Yt
02:44 AndyasRiley: How does the feel Tua are your ribs cracking yet I turn to make you face your fans
02:44 AndyasRiley: Yt
02:44 Zay_Rycerz: "Tua!"
02:48 Maui_Kid: As I try to to force your head down you use your big power advantage to stop me wrapping your big arms around my waist and you squeeze HARD making me scream. You taunt me telling me I went too far and I have to pay. Asking me how it feels. And yes my ribs are getting tortured after being damaged with your elbow drops and shoulder blocks and now you are squeezing me with all your strength. I look out at my friends and my fans. “Little bro. You aren’t going to humiliate me “ I mutter in between coughs. I look into your eyes and I give you a devilish grin as I bring my HARD head back and swing it forward in total desperation going for another Islander Headbutt terrified if I don’t get free my ribs will crack yt
02:49 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: That'a stud Tua
02:54 Jay_Jones: I hate Tua’s headbutts
02:56 AndyasRiley: As I hold you I should have anticipated your next move and then wham ahhhhhhhh god I see stars I keep the hold on but loosen my grip I know another one is coming so I let go of you but as I do I give you a spine buster as drop you to the mat holding my head from the painful head hurt
02:56 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:00 Maui_Kid: My headbutt connects and hard too. I feel your grip loosen and I try to slip free but you don’t release me. I bring my head back for another and feel you start to release me when you suddenly drop me HARD on my back with a spine buster. I lay flat on my back spread out the big power move knocking the wind out of me my back aching now I try to sit up and fall back groaning looking at you as you hold your hold clearly in pain too “Grrr. When I get up you’re getting another one Bro “ yt
03:04 AndyasRiley: I stagger over to you and stomp yiur chest one t two three times then reaching down grab your pull you up to me my arm hooked berween your legs yiur chest against my belly being careful not to allow your head near mine I pull my other arm wrapped under your arm pit taking a couple of steps in an almost jog I powerslam you to the mat boom
03:04 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:05 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: OUCH!
03:05 Jay_Jones: SHIT
03:07 Maui_Kid: You stand over me. Stomping my aching chest over and over. I cough and moan. I can barely breathe my ribs damaged and you pull me up scooping me across your chest I feel you start to pick up a pace. “ No bro. Wait what are you “ and BAAAM you power slam me to the mat. You’re 195 pounds crashing down on me. I feel like my heart stops a minute my body in shock trying to breathe yt
03:12 AndyasRiley: I scoop your leg for a pin knowing this should be it as I pinned scooper with the same move last night the ref slides in I hold your shoulders to the mat one two then
03:12 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:13 The_Traveler: "TUA!!!" I yell out. "YOU STILL GOT SOME FIGHT LEFT IN YOU, I KNOW YOU DO!!!"
03:14 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: TUA just think of something man
03:15 Zay_Rycerz: "Jackson's right!" I yell out
03:15 Maui_Kid: I feel you hook my leg I hear the ref count and then hear the crowd and my friends cheering for me and when he counts 2 there cheers give me a burst of energy and I buck up hard lifting my shoulder off the mat yt
03:16 The_Traveler: "YEAHHHH THERE WE GO TUA!!!"
03:17 Zay_Rycerz: "Let's go Tua!"
03:18 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Keep gping Tua
03:21 AndyasRiley: I slap the mat in anger that you kick out and look at you with a little pride in my heart you are tough little bro but you won’t survive this. I pick you up your 125 pounds of muscle I lift you straight up your head between my knees and your legs up in the air your midsection against mine I say”say good night bro” and drop you into a tombstone pile driver boom
03:21 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:22 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Oh fuck!
03:26 Maui_Kid: I manage to survive the pin but you are right on me as you pick me up and lift me easily my head between your knees my legs straight in the air. I weakly kick my legs as I panic. I hear you say good night little bro. Then BAAAM my head is drilled into the canvas with a brutal tombstone piledriver. All I see is black as I flop on my back. Only semi conscious. I try to move and my leg twitches uncontrollably realizing I can’t move yt
03:26 Jay_Jones: OH HELL
03:27 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: OH Tua !!!!
03:27 AndyasRiley: I scoop your legs pin your shoulders and watch the ref slide in he counts one then two then
03:27 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:29 fury2014: That was a brutal tombstone
03:31 Maui_Kid: I am only slightly aware as the I hear the ref count. I know I can’t kick out. I think at the last moment. Maybe I’m near the ropes and I manage to get my leg up and drop my foot and it just barely falls on the bottom rope yt
03:32 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Do it Tua
03:32 The_Traveler: "TUA!!! THERE WE GO!!! USE YOUR SURROUNDINGS!!" I shout in prideful astonishment.
03:33 Zay_Rycerz: "He's still in this!?!?! Let's go Tua! That's my bro right there!!!" I shout out with Jackson
03:35 AndyasRiley: The ref stops at two and I look at him and say what and he motions to your leg on the ropes I hit the mat hard and drop a vicious elbow on yiur chest. I pick you up and slam you down and force you into a sitting position you escaped the power slam and the tombstone but no one gets out of my sleeper. I wrap my arms around your neck and head and squeeze tight
03:35 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:36 The_Traveler: "oh... Fuck...." I say quietly and grit my teeth watching this happen.
03:36 Jay_Jones: He put me out in this once
03:37 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Tua even now think it through you can do it resist the sleeper
03:37 Zay_Rycerz: "Cmon Tua just a little bit more fight left in you" i say to myself and then yell it out
03:40 Maui_Kid: I hear you talking to the ref as I rub my head and try to start to sit up when you slam your elbow down on my chest. Now I’m starting to regret kicking out as you scoop me up again and body slam me HARD to the mat. I arch my back and now just whimper as my body is in utter agony. You pull me to a sitting position. I’m drenched in sweat and breathing hard as you wrap your big muscled arms around my head and neck. Taunting me about nobody escaping your sleeper. I pull and claw at your arms desperately as I struggle to breathe. Still running my mouth until the last moment. “ Yeah. First. Time. For. Everything bro” I mutter between gasps for air. My face turning red yt
03:41 Zay_Rycerz: "Cmon Tua please break this hold" i say to myself praying you'll break it
03:51 AndyasRiley: I start talking to you “tua litttle bro you are on tough man. You gave me more than I could handle there for a while”. I tighten my grip flexing my bicep in your face” there’s no way you are getting out of this. I know once this over we will look back at this and remember this being the match of our lives. I love you little bro now go to sleep.” The ref comes in and picks up your arm once twice then
03:52 AndyasRiley: Yt
03:53 Maui_Kid: You are taking to me as you try to put my lights out. Telling me I gave you more than you could handle for a while but I’m not getting out of this. All the while you are flexing your bicep and cutting off my air supply. I hear you say you love me and it’s time to go to sleep as you fully flex your big bicep and it smothers my face. I can’t answer you and my eyes start to flutter my arms dropping to my sides. I let out one last moan as my body spasms. I do not even feel the ref lifting my arm yt
04:03 AndyasRiley: The ref lifts your arm a third time and I feel your body collapses under my arm and he motions for the bell. I let go of you completely exhausted and still hurting all over from the beat down you gave me earlier in the match. I fall to the mat exhausted and then feel the ref grabbing my wrist helping me to a standing position. I raise my arm in victory and then quickly drop to my knees beside you and put your head on my knee raising you up I invite zay Jackson and scoop in the ring to help me
04:03 AndyasRiley: Yt
04:05 The_Traveler: I pace down to the ring from my seat, hopping over the wall and roll into the ring. "Congrats Riley," I say but shift my focus to Tua. I slap Tua's face lightly to wake him up. "Tua, time to wake up bro"
04:06 AndyasRiley: I see jackson enter and then then zay coming I’m stroking Tuas hair hoping he will wake up
04:06 Maui_Kid: My eyes start to slowly open as I start to cough and gasp for air
04:07 The_Traveler: I put my hand on Tua's back and gently pat and rub his back. "There we go Tua, that's it."
04:08 Zay_Rycerz: I follow behind Jackson and roll into the ring "you both were phenomenal" as i rub Riley's back lightly and then check up on Tua who's waking up
04:08 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Tua you did real well
04:08 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: Andy man respect too!
04:09 Maui_Kid: I hear Jackson’s voice and see Riley and Zay. Starting to breathe normally. Thanks guys. Good job BIG Bro. I think I need to get a shower and pain killers and sleep. This match has wiped me out.
04:09 The_Traveler: "let's get both of you champs outta here," I say to both of you
04:13 AndyasRiley: I breath a sigh of relief as you wake up. I get Jackson to help you to for feet and once you are up I grab you by the shoulder and pull you in gently hugging you and I whisper in your ear “you may be small but you are the toughest guy I ever fought” I get zay and Jackson to help you to the locker room as I am still in a lot of pain. I ask Ed to help me to the locker room and then stop at my girl give her a kiss and punch the asshole who called me a flabby wuss as I walk out knocking him to the floor then head to the locker room to join my boys
04:13 AndyasRiley: Yt
04:14 fury2014: Stand and applaud the great match !!!
04:14 SweatAlpha_aka_AlphaEd: I see that Tua is being looked afterf so offers Andy some help You oik man?
04:15 Maui_Kid: I do smile as you tell me I’m the toughest guy you ever fought. “Thank you bro “ I hug you and let Jackson and Zay help me to the locker room. I raise my arm up to the crowd as we walk down the aisle to let the fans know I am okay

Published: 2022-11-28, viewed 67 times.



Apollo Dante

2022-11-28 23:09

This was billed as a HOTSHOTS MAIN EVENT……. and it turned out more than be such an apt title ..but when Riley and Tua are involved this was no big surprise. It truly was an amazing bout from start to finish with both of them giving it their all.

These 2 fed boys are ranked 1 and 2 and showed us exactly why by their actions here there had to be a winner but I will try to remain unbiased here by saying it was a pity one ..namely Tua ..did lose. But an amazing read!

Jay Jones

2022-11-28 14:21

What a match you two put on, I am so proud of you both.
Jay J


2022-11-28 13:18

Great back and forth action.

The Traveler

2022-11-28 10:10

This was an amazing match all the way through, and I'm glad I was able to witness it live. You two were on fire, and it was so amazing to see. Thanks for bringing this to us!

SweatAlpha aka AlphaEd

2022-11-28 04:48

This was beyond amazing beyond words guys. Awesome

Maui Kid

2022-11-28 04:50

(In reply to this)

Thank you so much Ed and I’m so happy you were there to watch it too :)


2022-11-28 04:48

(In reply to this)

Thanks Ed thanks for watching it