All-Asian Association (AAA)

Public Restricted

Established: 2021-12-18

  • No holds barred
  • Pro wrestling
  • Submission
  • Boxing
The Triple A League exists to gather Asian fighters from across the globe.
39 members
38 stories
0 photos
0 files

The Meet UP


02:14 Evan_Steel: I step up into the ring, shirtless, silver trunks and boots, standing at 5'9 and 185lbs. Finally got myself a match with the Prince, can't wait to make him worship his superior. Gonna be pro style, 3-count pin, submission or KO all work. I roll my neck around and stretch out my arms in the ring as I wait for you to arrive for your beatdown yt
02:19 prince91: I walk down he ramp, wearing black trunks and white boots. Standing 5’9 and 188lbs. Popping my pecs to the audience. I run down the ramp slide under the ropes and quickly charging you with a
02:21 Evan_Steel: I'm casually strutting around the ring while waiting for you to climb in. Not expecting a sneak attack, your shoulder hits my gut and we go down hard after your spear. I hit the mat with a thud and a groan. Instantly my hands pop to your shoulders, try to shove and throw my hip up to roll us and get you under me. Try to apply a double pec claw immediately to start fighting back yt
02:23 prince91: We fall to the mat. And I feel your arms grab my shoulders as you role me uber you. I claw my pecs. Ahhhhhh. I drive my knee into your abdomen in order to get you from off me. Yt
02:25 Evan_Steel: unghh your knee slams to my abs and I drop off to the side. I climb up to my feet quickly, shaking off that quick exchange. Ref warns about no more funny business and rings the bell so the match can officially start. I start circling you with arms raised yt
02:27 prince91: I see you get to your feet, and I quickly roll up to mine, I hear the ref’s warning. “That was for the previous attack at my home” I start circling you with my arms raised. Yt
02:28 Evan_Steel: I laugh as I shake my head. "Don't know what you're talking bout" I grin at you. I come forward and lock up with you, testing those biceps out. I grunt as I work my own arms to overpower you and push you back into the ropes yt
02:29 prince91: I see you grin. And then we lock up. We are pretty evenly match, but somehow you get my back into the ropes!!! Yt
02:33 Evan_Steel: "That's right boy, you weak" I laugh in your face as I start bending you over the ropes. I break one of my arms out of the lock up so I can land a hard chop across your pecs and make em bounce for the crowd yt
02:35 prince91: Ouufff. I feel your chop land across my chest “Bitch”. I return the favor with a chop of my own. Then grabbing your arm and whipping you into the ropes. Waiting for you to come back to me!
02:37 Evan_Steel: You land a hard chop right back, making me grunt on reflex. you grab my arm and fling me into the ropes. I go bouncing and come rocketing back towards you. I jerk my elbow out to try and slam into your mid-chest yt
02:39 prince91: I see you running back towards me with your elbow. I duke and turn as you hit the opposite rope. I turn and get my hands around your body and slam you to the mat with a scoop power slam!! Slamming you to the mat!! Yt
02:41 Evan_Steel: You duck under my elbow and pop up behind me and rip me off my feet. I swing through the air and then slam down hard on my back from your power slam. I shout in surprise and pain as I roll to my side, clutching my back yt
02:42 prince91: i see you roll to your side in pain. I start driving my boot into your side. Staying on the offense!! bam bam
02:46 Evan_Steel: ugh ugh ugh your boot slams into my side. I quickly roll away to avoid your boot anymore and pull up to my feet. I grab my sore side as I glare at you. I charge across the ring and aim to tackle you down yt
02:47 prince91: You avoid my last boot. I smile because I am slowly wearing you down. I see your glare and feel you crash into my body as you tackle me....Ahhhh. YT
02:50 Evan_Steel: after taking you to the ground, I push up and slam my elbow for a quick elbow drop into your pecs. I then roll to your side, grabbing for your left arm. I pull it up between my legs as I work you into an armbar yt
02:53 prince91: Ouufff, I feel your elbow drive into my pecs. I start to clinch them. Then you pull my armbar. AHHHHH I scream in pain. I attempt to roll towards you putting your shoulder on the mat, I quickly jab you with my free arm for you to break the hold. YT
02:55 Evan_Steel: I grin as you start howling in pain. I make sure to keep your arm locked down nice and tight. your jab hits me in the side and legs, but I refuse to let you go. "Give up fool, you're not gonna beat me" yt
02:57 prince91: Ahhhhh. you still have my arm. But I have created leverage. I get to my feet with you still trapping my arms. I place my free arm behind your back and start lifting you into the air. "Who is the weak one now" I then drop both of us to the mat, letting your back hit the canvas....YT
02:59 Evan_Steel: I keep you locked in the armbar and weakening you by the second. But then you start to lift up and even bring me up from the mat. you quickly drop and slam me down again, I shout in pain as I lose control of the hold yt
03:01 prince91: I finally get relief from your armbar. I hold my arm in pain, seeing that you have weakened it. I back into the corner to rest and just wait for you to start to get to your feet. YT
03:03 Evan_Steel: I roll over to my chest and push to my knees, catching my breath. I see you waiting in the corner and resting. I climb back up to my feet and put my hands on my hips. "You want a timeout? Looking tired there boy" I taunt you yt
03:06 prince91: I rest in the turnbuckle taking a breather, but I see you have dropped your guard with your hands on your hip as you taunt me. I smile, and before you can say anything else. I leap towards off the turnbuckle, nailing you with a super kick......WHAM!!. YT
03:07 Evan_Steel: oh shit, your superkick snaps up and nails me in the jaw. I stumble backwards in a daze, the crowd holds their breath to see if I'm going down. I wobble back and forth for a second, start to stumble towards you and then fall to my chest with a groan. chiseled back looking amazing with the sheen of sweat now on it yt
03:10 prince91: I see you stumble a bit and then you fall to the mat, your back is exposed, knowing that I have weakened it with my slams earlier. I bounce off the ropes near you and then come towards your body, dropping my knee into your back. YT
03:11 Evan_Steel: i'm panting trying to catch my breath and get my head back in the match after that devastating kick. your knee suddenly drops right into my back, I scream in pain as my body flops. I try to roll away from you and crawl to the ropes yt
03:12 prince91: "Don't run" I see you roll away, "come back pretty boy" You start crawling to the ropes I grin with a sadistic smile. I run towards you, punting you in the head with my shin.. YT
03:15 Evan_Steel: ughh shit, your shin hits me in the back of my head and I collapse back onto my chest. I moan as I grab the back of my aching head, keep crawling to the ropes yt
03:17 prince91: I see you starting to crawl again, I continue to drive my boot into your back. Bam bam. I bend down a lift you up, tucking your head under my arm, and grasping your tights with my free hand. I fall backwards plowing your head into the mat with a ddt......YT
03:21 Evan_Steel: my hand just starts to reach the rope when your boot slams into my back. I moan in pain as you then start to drag me up to my feet. my head goes under your arm as you lift me up into the air, sweat rolling off my chest and torso. you fall backwards and spike my head into the mat with a ddt. I lay there with my arms and legs spread out groaning in pain, eyes shut tight yt
03:23 prince91: I see your glistening body. I drag you to the center of the ring, I flip you over onto your chest. I stand over you grab your legs, lifting them up. Placing you in the wall of jericho, putting pressure on your injured back....AHHHH TAPPPPP..YT
03:26 Evan_Steel: i'm laying there prone as you grab and drag me into the middle of the ring. I'm still too out of it to resist you as you flip me to my chest. you grab my legs up and pull me into the hold, my eyes shoot open as I start shouting in pain. "Aghhh! Aghhh! never!" I shout back at you as you torture my back yt
03:28 prince91: I hear you say never and I start sitting more and more into the hold, arching your back. The announcers yell, "he's going to break his back" The ref approaches you and ask if you want to tap. As I continue to sit into the hold...YT
03:30 Evan_Steel: my back lighting up in pain as you keep pulling harder and harder. I can feel my spine bending to the limit. can barely hold on as I shake my head at the ref. I try and swing my fist back and hit you, last ditch effort yt
03:32 prince91: ouuffff I feel your arm hit me slightly, but I refuse to give up the hold......TAPPPP....YT
03:33 Evan_Steel: I try and reach for the ropes now, but theyre hopelessly out of reach. I start slamming my hand into the mat in surrender yt
03:34 prince91: I hear you slam your hand into the mats. I keep the hold in, I want to make you sufffer!!!! I start screaming......YT
03:34 Evan_Steel: even after tapping out you keep the hold on and prolong my torment. "Ahhh ahhh I give I give!" I shout in agony yt
03:35 prince91: "Who is your daddy" YT
03:35 Evan_Steel: I moan in pain as you taunt me. back is on fire and I cant escape, I'm forced to obey. "you're my daddy!" yt
03:38 prince91: I release the hold, as the ref orders me too. I stand over you in victory, ref raises my hands up... YT
03:39 Evan_Steel: my legs flop down to the mat when you finally let me go. I lay there panting and moaning in pain on my chest as you pose over me yt
03:41 prince91: I look at you, I want to continue the attack. I lift you up wrap my hands across you, your back facing me, my cock on your ass. I throw you over me with a
03:43 Evan_Steel: waiting for you to leave the ring I keep resting on my chest. I'm surprised when I feel you grab me and drag me up, your sweaty chest and bulge grinding over my back. "what the fuck?" I shout in surprise as you fling me up and over and slam me into the mat with a suplex. I lay there on my back dazed yt
03:44 prince91: I walk out of the ring.....END
03:45 Evan_Steel: damn man, good match

Published: 2019-11-16, viewed 112 times.



Piña Colada Boi

2019-12-03 05:20

Nice one prince! You're the man! That little bitch didn't stand a chance!