Amber and Amanda's Streaming House

Public Restricted

Established: 2023-08-11

  • No holds barred
  • Boxing
  • Romantic
  • Long-term roleplay
Who wants to collab, ya know the kind where you hurt and humiliate
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Welcome to the streamers house

About Amber and Amanda's Streaming House

What happens when you get a bunch of streamers living together? My sister and I want to find out. Call it, a social experiment for engaging audiences.

Each floor of the house has a different Theme with decal and even props and of course cameras in every room.

Let's see what chaos we bring.

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19:35 Mini_Meghan: I reach down and grab your legs, try to lift and knock you back onto the floor...
19:50 Amber_and_Amanda: "What The, he!-: I'm cut off as you suddenly grab my legs out from under me and I end up on my back in front of you
19:51 Mini_Meghan: I land on top of you, try to grab both your wrists and slam them to the floor above your head, straddling your hips...
19:52 Amber_and_Amanda: You land on my trying to grab my wrists, I grasp onto yours and twist my hips throwing us into a roll
19:54 Mini_Meghan: Whoaa... before I can get settled on top of you, you roll, throwing me off... i roll onto my back with you on top of me now and try to keep rolling...
19:55 Amber_and_Amanda: Trying to pull myself up to get my boobs in your face as I roll on top of you again
19:56 Mini_Meghan: You spread your legs to stop us rolling and end up straddlign me high, your chest right in my face... I struggle to get my wrists free, kick up with a leg, not sure whether I can reach you or not...
19:56 Mini_Meghan: (what are you wearing?)
19:57 Amber_and_Amanda: (Tshirt and shorts)
19:58 Amber_and_Amanda: You pull your wrists free, trying to kick up, your knee hitting my ass bumping me further up your body
20:00 Mini_Meghan: Your tits are in my face, I can feel your ass on my belly and your legs at my sides... I get my wrists free and make fists, punching you in your sides "Get off me!"
20:02 Amber_and_Amanda: Grunting as you punch my sides I close my legs trying to trap your ribs "you asked for this!"
20:04 Mini_Meghan: Your legs close around my ribs and I shove at you, pushing at your chest, then trying to grab your hair and pull...
20:05 Amber_and_Amanda: "Aahhh, get off my hair you bitch, I'm gonna break that stupid stereo!"
20:08 Mini_Meghan: I can't get you off me... I keep one hand in your hair, and start punching you in the side with the other... " me..." punching you with each word.
20:11 Amber_and_Amanda: Biting my lip as you punch my side I start punching the side of your head by your temple
20:12 Mini_Meghan: You rear up a little and I think I may be hurting you, but then... Hhnnnn! your fist nails me in the temple and I see stars... I try to cover my face up with my arms...
18:55 dirtydiana78: Hello what for a room is free i am a catfighter You are not logged in. You are not logged in.
10:16 dirtydiana78: Hello
12:59 dirtydiana78: Hello

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