Android Fighters Market
Established: 2021-08-05
Chat room: #Android_Market
- Fantasy
- Male / Male
- Male / Female
- Female / Female
Come see the latest innovations in robotics and take one of the android for a fight!
11:38 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Do you identify as "human" or as "product"? *smiles*
11:39 <leilafw> at my self a cyber people
19:52 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Atamov Industries Limited is proud to announce it success in having established business with the Richter Arena. Enjoy some entertainment, read about the first bout including one of our refurbished models [Although my opponent does not have a Robo/Android profile, he is very much into it. I recommend him]
20:58 <Twinblade> Uh? What is that one?
23:07 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> "That" is a chat-log. A summary of the fight. IF one likes to read it @Twinblade
09:05 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Good morning @Twinblade
09:07 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> I notice the German word "Maschine" within in your English profile text. A style choice or something coming from your background? :) I am curious
09:08 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> (quote) "... into the Game, to creates an maschine that wins the tournamend without any Trouble. "
09:09 <Twinblade> yes, some parts of this one are build in germany
18:13 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Greetings, Twinblade
18:14 <Twinblade> hello
14:04 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Greetings. Friends of android vs android combat that enjoy dice-fights as well will find a wide rage of possible opponents in the show room of Atamov Industries. If the show rooms pieces to not meet your expectations, customer orders can be arranged for if agreements can be achieved
17:30 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Hello folks :) I would like to learn if "the Android Market" is visited by other people than Twinblade and myself. If you peek in, please leave a "hello" to let me know. Thank you for your cooperation :)
12:59 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Greetings, Andrew and Emma. I am happy to meet the founders of this place. It is a pleasure
13:06 <Quatrona_Battle_Droid> this founders are weak founders
13:06 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Well, some of us do not meter the required amount of politeness on the perceived amount of strength
17:00 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Greetings
17:01 <Quatrona_Battle_Droid> oh, the polite one
17:01 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> Yes :)
17:02 <Atamov_Industries_LTD> The place does not seem to see to many traffic, does it?
17:03 <Quatrona_Battle_Droid> no
04:26 <P51_The_Crimson_Bruiser> Huh... kinda sucks to see none of my fellow androids pass through here =3=
15:20 <P51_the_combat_bot> Dang- went through several repairs and there's still no traffic here XD
14:38 <DEMI_the_Android> If any other androids see this, hit me up for a fight
21:40 <Rin_okumuraXX> * a portal opens entirely made of small blue flames, it opens slowly and I enter the chat smiling * Good evening! 👀
21:42 <Rin_okumuraXX> Well...... it seems like there is no one..... I came in here happy and nothing 🥲
21:34 <Rin_okumuraXX> I'd be looking for an android, I've never faced one so I'm curious 👀
18:42 <Rin_okumuraXX> Mm someone alive here? 😅
18:59 <Twinblade> this one is always alive * nods*
19:18 <Rin_okumuraXX> Really? I don't think so 😂