Android Fighters Market
Established: 2021-08-05
Chat room: #Android_Market
- Fantasy
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Come see the latest innovations in robotics and take one of the android for a fight!
The best purchase ever
20:42 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Having his parents away for most of the year could be very stressfull, being alone almost 90% of the time, Ardyn asked his parents to allow him to buy one of those new androids that were announced on TV, he knew that with his parents's work that amount of money was nothing, more considering the lived on a 15 room mantion with pool, gym and a huge garage. He knew which model he wanted. Andrew, so he bought it on internet and a couple of days later, his package arrived. When he saw the andoid, he was amazed, took a look to the instructions and turned him on "Andrew? Can you hear me?" Ardyn asked. Yt
20:46 <Andrew_and_Emma> It took only a few seconds for the android's program to initialise, opening his eyes and scanning his surroundings to get an idea of where he was, before staring down on the teenager in front of him, immediately recognising him as his current owner, and simply nodding at the question, before silently waiting for orders. He was built for combat practice and sparring, and his well-built synthetic abs and muscles left little to no doubts about his capabilities. Yt
20:48 <Ardyn_Amicitia> "Amazing..." Ardyn said to himself and got closer to the android, touching his skin, it was like touching a real human "Can you feel real pain?" Ardyn asked as he inspected every inch of the android's body, his pecs, abs, his back muscles "Or you won't make any kind of noise if you get hitted?" He asked. Yt
20:55 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew didn't seem to react as his owner was touching his skin and muscles, which definitely felt human-like. The android could very easily pass for a normal human being, unless put under intense scrutiny. "I can feel and express simulated pain", he explained, "but I don't break easily", saying the last part almost as a challenge to Ardyn. Yt
20:57 <Ardyn_Amicitia> "I see~ " Ardyn smiled as he listened to the answer and nodded, before stepping back a bit and stared at the android, before throwing a quick, roundhouse kick into his abs, Ardyn wanted to test how the android reacted to that simulated pain, he stared at Adnrew and smiled in an innocent and gentle way. Yt
21:01 <Andrew_and_Emma> The android's fighting protocols immediately kicked in, tensing his abs and bracing a bit to take the kick, letting out a small grunt as Ardyn's feet impacted against his abs, before getting back in his regular position, the kick only leaving a faint bruise on his body. Yt
21:02 <Ardyn_Amicitia> "Amazing!" Ardyn said with excitement before lifting his arms "Ok, Andrew, take my shirt, shoes and socks off, then we are heading to the backyard, ok?" The boy asked as he wanted to see if the andorid would obey to that kind of commands too. Yt
21:06 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew didn't react to this command, he was a combat android, with integrated sparring protocols, not a servant android. However, he immediately began heading towards the backyard, ready to start sparring against the young brawler, a part of his program was curious to see how the teenager would keep up against an android in an actual fight. Yt
21:09 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn chuckled, he had lots of things to learn with this android, from his protocols to his fighting skills. Ardyn took his shirt, shoes and socks off, threw them into the laundry room and headed towards the backyard, where he stared at Andrew and smiled "Ok, we'll have a no holds barred fight, no rules, no matter how much blood you draw out of me, of course, as long as it isn't lethal, don't stop until you K.O me or until I K.O you" Ardyn said and bounced on his toes
21:09 <Ardyn_Amicitia> yt
21:13 <Andrew_and_Emma> The android nodded, noticing how eager Ardyn seemed to be, already bouncing on his toes. He raised his fists and crouched slightly, keeping his eyes on his owner and opponent, waiting for him to move first, while an almost imperceptible smile adorned his face. Time to see how tough this kid was. Yt
21:15 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn trained several martial arts styles, so he was pretty skilled for his age, he loved fighting and had no fear of having his ass kicked. The blond smiled and rushed towards the android, trying a right hook which was only a faint to throw a roundhouse kick into Andrew's ribs. Yt
21:20 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew's combat protocol were kicking in, and this time not restricted to simply taking a kick, but for an actual brawl. The android rushed towards him as well, not willing to get cornered anytime soon, and lowered his right hand to block the punch, falling for the trap and grunting a bit as a kick connected against his ribs, but instead of backing off, he stood his ground and replied with a swift right jab to his opponent's face, right before slamming his left knee into his abs. Yt
21:22 <Ardyn_Amicitia> A forearm was ready to protect his face, though that knee caught him, barely on time to flex his abs, he stepped back and smiled, immediately bouncing towards Andrew with a roundhouse kick to his cheek. Ardyn's legs were his deadliest weapon, however, he immediately noticed that the android packed some real punch, so he had to be careful, after throwing that roundhouse, he then pivoted on his foot and threw a heel kick on the android's abs. Yt
21:29 <Andrew_and_Emma> This time, Andrew managed to block the kick aimed at his face, raising his arm up just in time as Ardyn's kick was only inches away from his cheek. It still left a bruise on his forearm, the teenager clearly had a lot of power in his legs. The android went for a right hook to his jaw, only to be pushed back as another kick landed right into his abs, which were thankfully still tensed, but this kick still made stumble back a bit. The kid clearly loved using kicks, so why not play into his game? He raised his leg and went for a fast front kick aimed straight at Ardyn's face, just to test his reaction. Yt
21:31 <Ardyn_Amicitia> The blond smiled, feeling his bare foot connecting on Andrew's abs, he smiled and without too much of a moment to think about his next move, he slightly stepped to a side, avoiding a front kick to his face, he reacted on instinct and caught Andrew's leg, pulling from it and throwing a kick that seemed to go for the abs, but lowered it's target a bit on the last minute and landed on the crotch. Yt
21:38 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew was surprised to see how fast Ardyn acted, grabbing his leg and pulling it, and only had enough time to tense his abs as he saw the teenager raise his legs, expecting a kick to his abs or face. However, the kick landed right on his crotch, making him wince very audibly in pain, and if he wasn't grabbed by one leg, he would definitely have fallen on one knee. All he could do for now was cover his crotch with one hand and try to shake his leg to force Ardyn to let his leg go. Yt
21:41 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn chuckled and threw a sweep kick on Andrew's supporting leg, to make him fall, then, the boy jumped towards the android, landing both of his feet on Andrew's gut, before stomping hard on the andorid's nose. He was fighting for real, he wanted to test the android's skills, know it's limits and even know if Andrew was able to bleed, he started bouncing on his toes again, staring at Andrew. yt
21:46 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew landed on his back as his supporting leg was swept over, grunting a bit, but quickly managed to roll aside in time to dodge Ardyn's jump and start getting back up, slamming an uppercut right into the teenager's crotch while doing so. The kid got him by surprise with his low blow, but he was more than capable of taking low blows and keep fighting. Ardyn wouldn't go easy on him, but neither would he. Yt
21:48 <Ardyn_Amicitia> He moaned and stumbled back a bit as he took that uppercut to his crotch, feeling the pain growing into his gut, as he stumbled back, he stared at the android. He was more than satisfied, finally a perfect sparring and fighting parter. However, at that moment, Ardyn was stunned and trying to not fall on his knees. Yt
21:52 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew wasn't going to let a perfect opponent to do some real damage on the kid go to waste, he was stunned and still standing, making him a perfect punching bag until he'd eventually recover. The android took a step back, putting just enough distance between him and Ardyn to raise his leg a d go for a roundhouse kick to his cheek, then following it up with a heel kickbrightbto his gut, and finally stepping in to slam a right uppercut into his chin as hard as he could. Yt
21:56 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn was about to recover when that first kick landed, sending him to reel on his side while spitting out a bit, then that heel kick into his gut, forcing the air out of his lungs, he hugged his gut and next thing he felt, an uppercut landing on his jaw, making some spit fly off his mouth. Ardyn growled, however and rushed towards Andrew, with a front straight punch into his abs, which was only a faint, so he could slide behind Andrew, hugging him from behind and throwing the android into a suplex. Yt
22:02 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew was pretty happy with the brutal little combo he laid on Ardyn, but he was confident the teenager would still be able to fight despite that. And as if to prove him right, Ardyn lunged at him, visibly going for a gut punch. Instead of gryito block it, Andrew tried to punch him in the face before he could get any closer, but to his surprise, his opponent slipped right under his punch, got behind him, wrapped him arms around his waist, and the next thing he saw was the sky before his head hit the hard ground, stunning him. His combat protocols were mainly striking-oriented. He had some knowledge of wrestling, of course, but that wasn't something he had expected in a brawl. Yt
22:04 <Ardyn_Amicitia> "Did you liked that?" Ardyn asked before rolling away from Andrew, throwing then a kick into the android's head, stomping then on his chest and bouncing backwards, to allow the machine to get up "Guess I caught you off guard" Ardyn smiled and teased on Andrew, testing his reactions to some trash talking, Yt
22:11 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew was still lying down, the kick impacting hard against his face, letting a trickle of synthetic blood flow from his mouth and nose. Just as he was trying to get back up, Ardyn's stomp on his chest pinned him down again, making him gasp in pain, but surprisingly the kid didn't go any further. For a 16 year-old brawler, Ardyn was surprisingly skilled and vicious opponent. He got back up, coughing a bit, and replied "Not bad for an amateur, but next time? Go for the kill" before raising his fists back, and immediately going for a right cross to Ardyn's mouth. Yt
22:14 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn smiled and stared at the android as it got back on his feet, he deliveratedly let that punch connect on his mouth, busting his lip open, and then stared at the android with some wild eyes, catching it's fist and ramming a knee into his gut "Where would the fun be if I finish the fight before I bleed?" He asked, with a bit of a creepy voice. Ardyn was quite obssessed with fighting and liked brutal brawls, being that the reason he doen't like pro fights, considering them too "Soft" in terms of violence. Yt
22:23 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew was a bit surprised that Ardyn would deliberately let the punch connect, but he wasn't one to complain. If the teebager wanted a brutal brawl, he'd have a brutal brawl. He fainted a left hook to his eye, trying to get Ardyn distracted just long enough to get right next to him and get him into a headlock with, wrapping his right arm around his neck and dragging him down, and swiftly punching his cheek and face with his left fist. "Don't worry, I'll make you bleed a lot more before putting you down" replied the android between two punches. Yt
22:25 <Ardyn_Amicitia> The boy growled and blocked the hook, too late he found out it was just a feint, he growled and felt Andrew catch him into that headlock, however, Ardyn did not fell on his back, he managed to staand on his feet, taking the punches on his cheek and rammed several elbows on Andrew's ribs, before rushing backwards and slam the android against a wall, before punishing his ribs with more and more elbows. Yt
22:30 <Andrew_and_Emma> Ardyn managed to stay on his two feet despite the android's best efforts, and even rammed him against a wall while the two were trading punches and elbows in an intense give-and take. Andrew kept slamming punches after punches into the kid's face, but each elbows made him grunt or wince, his ribs quickly getting covered in bruises and gashes. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to keep trading blows like that forever, he tried to turn around while still holding Ardyn in a headlock, and ram the teenager's face against the wall as hard as he could, hoping that'd be enough to stun him. Yt
22:32 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn tried his best to ressist and not let Andrew manhandle him, he growled and kept the elbows going, until suddenly, he felt Andrew trying to turn him around, using that moment of transition to ram a headbutt into the android's nose, along with a rea kick towards his nuts. Ardyn turned around and grabbed Andrew from his hair, smashing the android's face on the wall as hard as he could. Yt
22:36 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew's plans to slam his opponent's head into the wall quickly backfired. The rear headbutt smashed into his nose, making an audible crack upon impact, and blood began to pour from the broken nose, stunning the android. The mule kick landed swiftly against his crotch, making the android gasp and fall on both knees, before his head smashed against the wall, injuring his broken nose even further and completely stunning him. Yt
22:39 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn did not lose time, he smiled and kicked the back of Andrew's head, smashing his face even harder against the wall, before forcing the android to his feet and start ramming punches towards his body, a hook to his navel, then an uppercut on his gut, then a straight to the solar plexus and finally a hook to the andoid's liver "Eat this!" Ardyn said. Yt
22:43 <Andrew_and_Emma> The android let out a loud grunt as the kick pressed his head against the wall even more, right before being forced back on his two feet, still stunned, and have his guts used as a punching bag by the teenager. He managed to tense his abs to take the two first lunches, although still moaning with each blow, but the punch to his solar plexus cut his breath short, a d the hook to his liver hurt enough to make him double over. The android was in a pretty bad shape after having his face smashed against the wall twice, and was panting heavily, but he wasn't going to give up and tried to raise his fists to get back into a fighting stance. Yt
22:46 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn smiled, some ob the blood from his lip dripping slightly on his chest, he seemed to enjoy that kind of violence and just as Andrew was getting back on his fighting stance, the boy threw a heelkick into his nose, follwed then by a roundhouse kick into his ribs and then a powerful knee into Andrew's liver "It is really like punching a realhuman!" Ardyn chuckled as he kept hsi attack. Yt
22:54 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew kept his fists high to protect his head, managing to block the heel-kick aimed at his nose, and remembering the start of this brawl, he quickly grabbed the leg and kicked at Ardyn's supporting leg to sweep him over, before stomping on his nuts, even grinding his heel against them to make it hurt even more, before stepping back a bit, just enough to be able to jump and land on his face with his two feet. Yt
22:58 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn growled as he felt his foot being caught like that, he knew it was the exact same trick he used on Andrew at the beginning of the fight, he fell on his back and gasped in pain as he felt his nuts being crushed by the andorid's foot, rubbing his crotch and moaning in pain, his eyes shutted due to the pain, oppenning them only to see the android's bare feet crashing on his face, his nose starting bleed as his whole body jerked in pain. Yt
23:02 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew quickly hopped off his face, , grabbed his right arm and immediately went to work to get him in an arm bar, putting one feet against his cheek, the other against his ribs, and pulled the arm back as hard as he could, not even giving him any chance to submit before trying to break his arm. He did ask for a no-rules brawl that would only end with one of them knocked out, after all. Yt
23:07 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn growled and slightly blushed as he felt Andrew's foot on his face, but then , he screamed in agony, feeling his arm being otustretched like that, he kicked his feet randomly and tried to set his arm free, however, the pressure was extremely hight on those joints, he moaned in pain and stared at the android, Ardyn's body covered in sweat and a bit of blood, he growled an and despite the pain, tried to get on his feet, ftrying to flex his arm too. Yt
23:13 <Andrew_and_Emma> Ardyn had a lot more fight in him than Andrew expected, fighting back as hard as he could to avoid having his arm broken. Seeing how he was trying to get back up and flex his arm, Andrew knew he wouldn't be able to break his arm, but he was still in a position to hurt him like hell. Using the feet he placed on his cheek, he began to kick him pretty hard in the face and head, while still pulling his arm back, trying to get it very close to its breaking point. Of course, Ardyn would eventually manage to get out of the armbar, but the android could put him in a world of hurt before he did. "Tap out and I'll just knock you out nice and clean" the android offered, although not expecting his opponent to take him up on the offer. Yt
23:18 <Ardyn_Amicitia> The kicks drawing more blood out from the boy, as his nose was now like a faucet and his cheek was bruised and a bit swollen, however, those words triggered something on Ardyn "Tapping out?!" He growled and finally managed to break free from the lock, rolling on his side and getting back on his feet, holding his arm "Do you think I'm one of those pussy-ass fighters on TV?" He asked and threw a double tap kick, using the firs tap aimed to Andrew's gut to faint him and throw a strong heelkick into his nose, followed by a knee into the android's nuts Yt
23:26 <Andrew_and_Emma> The android smiled when seeing Ardyn holding his arm, he clear did a number on the teenager with a simple armbar. But since he got back up, he was clearly thirsty for more. Besides, his little comment about tapping out clearly got on his nerves, and as a response, the android simply waved at him to come and fight. He lowered his arms to block the kick to his gut, only to see the teenager's feet changing direction and slamming right into his nose, drawing even more blood, and just as he raised his fists back, Ardyn's knee slammed into his balls, making him fall on both knees again, grunting and covering his crocth with both hands. Yt
23:29 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn did not missed the chance and grabbed Andrew by his hair, willing to finish things once and for all, he rammed a knee into the android's face, before grabbing him from his hair and his shorts's waistline and spinned around, throwing the android face first against the wall, only to then throw a flying kick onto the back of Andrew's head. That comment really pissed him off, more than putting him on his nerves. yt
23:35 <Andrew_and_Emma> Andrew barely got the time to understand what was happening that Ardyn's knee smashed into his face, getting some blood from the android on it, and before he could even try to get back up, he felt the teenager grab his waist, spin him around, and smash his head against the wall, earning a cry of pain from Andrew, cut short by the kick landing in the back of his head, and the android fell limp, his face against the dirt. Yt
23:38 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn stared at the android, this time going for the kill, he raised his foot and landed a powerful axe kick on Andrew's face, panting a bit and smiling, staring at the android under his foot "The best... Purhcase ever" He chuckled. Yt
23:41 <Andrew_and_Emma> The android was already knocked out, his body still shakes as the kick lands on his face, but he doesn't get back up or react beyond that. Yt
23:42 <Ardyn_Amicitia> Ardyn then sighed and lifted the android on his arms, like a princess and took him to his room, where he plugged it to charge as the owner manual's said after a K.O.
<Published> 2021-10-24, viewed 173 times.
Dynamite Kid (deleted member)
2021-10-25 04:04Android action ..ughhhhh